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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1936, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
611383 No.611383 [Reply] [Original]

How'd you do at garage sales/flea markets today /vr/?

Spent 26 total today on the stuff pictured. Got the 64 expansion packs for 2 each from a guy with a ton of 64's (usually when I ask for just the expansion pack they never go for it).

Not pictured is a nes I got for 10, a 64 w/ mario 64 and shitty off brand controller I got for 5, and gradius III which I let my friend have.

>> No.611432

man, screw you.
i went garage saling for 4 hours before work yesterday, visited dozens of garage sales, and found absolutely nothing.

>> No.611473

the only thing i got at a garage sale was aerodactyl; everything else was flea market

the only thing i ever find at garage sales are incomplete ps1 titles

>> No.611501

I found a Model 2 Genesis bundled with 3 controllers, the original/offbrand/6button along with 6 shitty sports games, frogger and the 6 in 1 cart for 35 dollars. I think that was fair enough.

>> No.611512

thanks for the tip.
i'm going to a flea market for the first time in 2 weeks.

>> No.611516


All of the "flea markets" in my area sell video games for ten times what they're worth because they know hipsters will buy them to be "retro".

I've been looking for a copy of Mighty Bomb Jack and every vendor sells a used copy of at least $50 just because it was in an episode of GCCX.

I remember going to conventions and flea markets in the 90s and early 2000s and getting tons of stuff for $20 or less, but now it's all marked up because of "nerd cred" or whatever.

Even my local thrift stores have been cleaned out by dickheads who don't even play video games.

>> No.611521

>not buying it online for three dollars

>> No.611530

I'm going to go raid a flea market in a little bit, I'll see what I can find,

I couldn't go as early as I wanted to because my dad took the car this morning, but I should find a few things at least

>> No.611536
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Every flea market in my area charges online prices.
Garage sales never have games.
Thrift stores stopped selling games.

>> No.611540

Respectable. I got a some crash and spyro games for 2 bucks each. Also one of those burger king golden pokemon cards still in the plastic for free

>> No.611543
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After a disappointing Friday and Saturday, this is my haul for the entire weekend.


>> No.611548
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>> No.611549
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How much are the games?
>those cost x each
>they're all priced differently

>> No.611553
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Forgot the Game Boy Printer that came with the camera.

>> No.611554

How much are the games?
>those aren't for sale
fuck you

>> No.611558

my envy

>> No.611564

Got it for 10. Came with Pac-Man.

>> No.611568

how much are the games
>gun.nac? 5 little samson? 5 nintendo world champtionship? 5 oh mario? that ones 20

>> No.611579
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>mfw the only flea market I know in Paris is a tourist trap and shit is extremely overpriced, that and you risk getting robbed 50% of the time
>mfw garage sales are almost unexistant

Atleast I manage to find good stuff in the few garage sales I go to. It is still a little overpriced in comparison to other places though.
Got Tekken 3 + Blast Corps + 2 Commandos games for 10 euros. (The pic is in the older thread)

>> No.611584


Why do you live in Paris? Move

>> No.611594

I live around 10 minutes from the "city center". I'm sure I can find plenty of thrift shops and such but the city is do damn big that finding such stores is hard. And those that I have found only have clothes.

>> No.611597

Welp, sure is me having shitty reading comprehension. Well, my whole family lives here so moving out is kind of out of question. Probably later on I might move, not very fond of the city.

>> No.611612
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Reading comprehension?

>> No.611639
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Is the players choice super mario 64 any less common than the normal mario 64?

>> No.611653

Gonna go ahead and say no, still a cool find.

>> No.611668

less common? yes
in higher demand? no

still cool

>> No.611705

went today to my local flea market for the first time in 15+ years, there were quite a few vendors dedicated entirely to video games + some random stuff intermixed.

A couple of the vendors seemed really cool, they had a card and it seemed like selling older games was their living or at least supplementary income.

There was one vendor that had some pretty weird stuff, a completely unorganized collection of english and japanese games from Nintendo to current gen, tonnes of anime games

didn't end up buying anything since I didn't know how their pricing was compared to buying via online, though I was looking to buy a family's copy of metal gear solid 2, but for $10 I felt it was overpriced

>> No.611937
File: 622 KB, 480x640, 20130505_125756[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got all this for 35 today.
guy had a white vita AC3 edition for 125, told him to hold it for next week.
AND a box full of comics to make up for the shitty free comicbook day yesterday.

not in pic: Crystalis

>> No.611939

really? shit man, isn't it worth dirt? i grabbed it because it had bomb in the title.

>> No.611943

Hogan's Alley, nice. I much prefer that to Duck Hunt.

>> No.611948


how much did you spend though?
if it was under 50, you made out like a jew and i hate you.

>> No.611962

Went to 6 thrift stores in town, saw one poor condition nintendo and a copy of double dribble

I guess I'm late to the party, seems like everyone is clearing out shit like that now as soon as it hits.

>> No.611964



Why would you pay that? You got literally nothing good whatsoever

>> No.611980

Visit the BST threads sometime, I'd love to take some 64 games off of you

>> No.612006

I obtained the Expert Medals in all of the Floyd Missions for Jet Force Gemini.

>> No.612543
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Does craigslist count? If so, I snagged this for $60 today. Haven't had a chance to try the system yet, but it was just the icing on the cake anyways. I feel it's a decent start to my Super Nintendo collection. (Before today I was working with just Deomn's Crest and Super Black Bass.)

>> No.612592
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Picked this up for $2.
I'm thinking about putting it into some kind of case, wiring up some controller ports and using it as a Famicom.

>> No.612606
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>those button placements

>> No.612615

Posted today's finds in the other thread
None to bad considering the shitty prices around here, I saw a guy trying to sell a nes for 50$

>> No.612629
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The d-pad is absolute garbage as well.
The gun is surprisingly decent though. I haven't tried the knockoff Genesis controller yet either.

>> No.612654


Wow you made out like a bandit if you only paid 60 bucks for all of that. Congrats sir.

>> No.612658

what is the cart slot for and where is your left index finger supposed to go?

>> No.612665

God damn, all mycraigslist has is ebay prices

>> No.612667
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I did ok.

>> No.612693

Cart slot is for Famicom games.

Finger placement is awkward as hell normally. I don't have a Famicom cart at the moment to try how bad it would be with a game in it. But from what I understand, it's just about impossible.

It has 76 NES games built into it, so yeah, it does that.

It's fairly shitty for what it is, but I saw it as an opportunity to cobble together a cheap Famicom

>> No.612724
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wish garage sales/flea markets in norway had any video games... im lucky if i find sims for pc or ps2 racing games

>> No.612739
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Pretty shitty.

I found Megaman Legends 2 for $5 yesterday, so I went back today and got FFIX for 10 bucks... No case though.

By the time I buy a case on eBay, I'll be breaking even.

Also got Time Splitters 2 for 5 bucks today. Never played any Tinesplitters game, so I guess I have to buy the first one.

>> No.612754

Dat pussy

>> No.612798

>no case
>writing on discs

>> No.612803

So I got this Dreamcast the other day from some giga neckbeard. It was absolutely filthy and I couldn't clean it completely.
Recommend me a cleaning solution for this poor Dreamcast.

>> No.612830


Oh yeah, I wanted to ask.

Is it safe to use a Magic Eraser to get rid of that marker?

I have no idea how PS1 discs work.

>> No.612841

Since It's not on the shiny side yes.

Infact even getting liquids on the shinny side doesn't do anything bad

>> No.612847

I'd say no. Magic Erasers are like very fine grit sand paper, and I'm not sure what it would do to the foil.

>> No.612856

whered you go to get all these

>> No.612861


>> No.612862
File: 84 KB, 600x578, airbrush-design-sega-dreamcast-jet-set-radio_g[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst comes to worst, take sandpaper to it and sand off the outer layer of the plastic, and then turn it into art

Or like that one anon last week, who got a shitty gameboy and sanding the outer layer off turned it a real nice white

I wouldn't risk it, if the label side gets damage the cd is completely fucked
maybe if you soaked it and did it really fucking lightly, I don't know

He got that shit over the weekend from a bunch of different sellers

>> No.612871

Like, there's filth all in and around it. I can't just sand everything, I need a good cleaning solution.

>> No.612878

Post pics man, it's hard to get an idea of how filthy a console is

>> No.612879

Spent 4 hours in Nashville yesterday going to pawns,thrifts and the like
Got nothing to show for it, gonna have to wait for the flea market

>> No.612889

Too lazy. Just give me something strong that won't mess up the console.

>> No.612890
File: 658 KB, 2448x3264, VEsihoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sealed Super Metroid
Brain Lord
Goof Troop
Darius 3
and both Maximo games

Spent about 60$
How'd I do for my first time?

>> No.612893

>$2 64 expansions

>> No.612904


>that sticker on Maximo

You better scrub that shit with some pipin' soapy water, that glue looks like it predates time.

>> No.612909

Already working on it.
Brain Lord was covered in that sticky sticker shit.

>> No.612910

Ya did good
better than me, where do you live and find such finds?

Nova Scotia is a barren wasteland at times for me

>> No.612921

Some small town in Texas, hit up a couple of garage sales today and finished at a retro game store that just opened up. Pretty good day.

>> No.612924


What´s up anon i will go to new yark this summer, and i want to know good pages or places to get information about garage sales specially on big cities as that one, southamericanfag here so i want so make good use of my time there to buy old stuff

>> No.612925

I know that feel bro here in southamerica try to collect or even buy normal gams is hard as fuck

>> No.612928

I don't feel like taking a picture, but i got Super C, Yoshi(gb&nes) pokemon silver&fire red, Final fantasy for nes, and Link

>> No.612930

Good in terms of what? Quality or value?

You're kind of right either way...though I love Hogan's Alley.

>> No.612934

>sealed super metroid

lucky bastard

>> No.612939

>nothing good whatsoever
Megaman Zero 2, 3, and 4

>> No.612941

Man, I didn't already have one I'd have gotten the white vita
Fuck black, why is the only color black

>> No.612943

Craigslist, newspaper, driving around on nice days and looking for signs

>> No.612948
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whats up with the want for Expansion Paks...?

Just asking because back in the day I received mine with my DK64 game.

>> No.612958

I only got like 5 games but one was Jurassic Park Op. Genesis and the other was Battlefront 2 on the original Xbox.

>> No.612963

Check craigslist, newspapers, seach online for flea market schedules
Drive around neighborhoods early on nice days to look for yard sales, sometimes you'll see flyers posted in stores or on phone poles about yardsales

>> No.612971

It's not exactly hard to find yourself without an expansion pak
I got a DK64 used and had to give it away because I didn't have the pak when I was a kid

>> No.612973

< $20

>> No.612985
File: 757 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130505_142008_257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in another thread but here's a higher quality photo.


>> No.613016
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Telstar Ranger Complete. Box is a bit roughed up, but it's my new baby.

Also a Dreamcast with a (terrible) performance controller. Only came with NBA 2k and NFL 2k and the Web Browser, but it apparently has the broadband upgrade, so I'm pretty happy with that.

How did I do /vr/? Also, I plan on buying a new TV to use this Telstar and a few other 6111 consoles, but in the mean time is there any sort of adapter that I can buy to convert the 6111 to a coaxial or AV?

>> No.613019

Edit: Payed 11$ for everything

>> No.613128

dmg gba with tetris for $5, super game boy (snes) for $2, purple gbc with a faded label pokemon red also found a handy pak color for $5 each at goodwill :). I also went to a local game store and passed on a gamecube with gameboy player for $35 considering I found one at goodwill for $15 last month.

>> No.613157

Not bad, dreamcast are fun. What's the manufacture date on the bottom? You could burn games till you find them if it was made in 1999. My local gameXchange sell brand new dreamcast controllers for $12.

>> No.613165

>You could burn games till you find them if it was made in 1999
Before October 2000, if I remember correctyl.

>> No.613170


>> No.613181

1999 is guaranteed not sure when the cutoff is.

>> No.613183

Didn't even think to check the date and just did it anyway as soon as I found that it worked.

Burned a sonic adventure and it runs perfectly.

>> No.613375


I just checked my Dreamcast that I have had since it came out and mine was built in November of 2000.

FUCK! No wonder burned games never worked.

>> No.613432

actually burning them as data/data works

>> No.613435
File: 38 KB, 1024x577, I&#039;msorryRCpproam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked these up today, RC pro am was 3 dollars (I had to save it, felt so bad for it), Top gear was 2 and stunt racer was 20

I also got a punisher comic and some WWF action figures but not /vr/ related

>> No.613445

>had to save it
>games are now sentient beings

>> No.613446


Not a big deal, mod chips for the v2.1 board only require 4 wires.

You could PAL fix the console while you're at it and gain the ability to play all regions.

>> No.613457

Dragon Warrior 2 is only thing here I'd purchase.

>> No.613461


>Go into pawn shop a few years ago
>Look at some old N64 consoles
>Pick the one that looked the nicest because all of them cost the same
>Sorry Anon my kid plays that one

I was so fucking pissed.

>> No.613471

>Gauntlet Legends
"MMMM Gooood!"

>> No.613473


Why the shit would they even have it on display?

>> No.613489

I would have called the manager on him. If they have it on display with all the other sellable items, it's for fucking sale.

>> No.613502


Because pawn shops are ran by morons around my area.

I have been so pissed off lately in my retro hunt. A stadium sized flea market had nothing older than PS1 games, thrift shops are bare as fuck, and the one retro shop here are flat ripoffs.

I plan on going to garage sales this weekend, if I fucking goose egg on that I am seriously going to resort to eBay lurking.

>> No.613507


It was the owner and a female, which I know shouldn't make me angrier, but it did.

>> No.613581

Makes me angrier.
What a dumb cunt.

>> No.614917

This so much

Why cant the flea markets/thriftshops/yard sales have any retro vidya around my area, fuck everything

>> No.614943

Everytime I find NES, SNES and genesis consoles they're always like 50$, whats a good price even?

I know it isn't fucking 50$

>> No.614956

with controllers, cords, and working probably ~$30. But it differs on your area.

>> No.614970

I don't know, vidya is a little more expensive around here but
after all the stuff I keep seeing here 50$ seems steep

I guess I should just go find more money

>> No.615323
File: 198 KB, 660x580, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to special ignore the non retro

>> No.615394
File: 795 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20130505_215411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent about $11 on all this stuff today. Also got some cool non vidya related stuff including some old records and a drawing tablet.

>> No.615401

Or buy online.

>> No.615406

>Takio Drum Master
I hear that game is pretty awesome.

>> No.615409

Mother of hoenn confirmed..

>> No.615420

Blaziken is best pokemans.

>> No.615426

>Go to a yard sale.
>Some guy has Dragon Warrior 3 but cartridge is sun bleached, has handwriting on it, looks like someone put a cigarette out on it, sticky residue all over back.
>Wants $70 for it.
>End up convincing him to give me the maps and instruction manual and box which were all in decent condition for $5, telling him I'd come back for the game after I went to an ATM.

>> No.615512

It wasn't retro when I bought this shit in the 90s.

>> No.615659

It is, but playing the English releases kinda sucks. At least when it's in Japanese, the pop songs aren't as embarrassing.

>> No.615747

I ended up with an original Game Boy for $5, and Tetris and NES Open for a buck-fifty each...between 30ish garage sales and a swapmeet.

I really hope my luck turns around in the next couple weeks.

>> No.616848

Legendary Axe and Keith Courage for the Turbografx, CiB, worth $10? As of 2 hours ago he hasn't sold them yet but I wouldn't be able to pick them up for hours.

>> No.617408
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Somewhat related, I don't think it deserves its own thread:
I bought pic related on eBay, somewhat on a whim. Did I dun goofed?

>> No.617427

Went to a dozen yard-sales or so, unfortunately no gaems. DID however find a 2002 32" Trinitron with S-video ports for free. Guy sold me the stand he hand-built for the TV for $20. Pretty satisfied overall. SNES/Genesis look so much better than my plasma.

>> No.617485
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I can't find this game anywhere, I just wanted to play videogames.

>> No.617494


You can have one of mine if you like, I have 4 of them

>> No.617506

How did you end up with 4? I would love one.

>> No.617515

For about ten bucks? not that bad, the US version goes for $13-15 without shipping on ebay usually.

Also, when I check craigslist this morning

>NES Vintage
>Im not into gaming so I dont need these.
>Ten dollars each for CiB NES games
>Fucking CV3, Metroid, SMB among other games that priced out at ~$200 complete on VGPC
>No contact info whatsoever

fucking WHY

>> No.617521


I bought 1 on it's release day
Two others were given to me by my sister
I bought the fourth at a car boot sale about two years ago.

Only one is complete in box though

>> No.617527

Make a buy it now on ebay and I will love you forever.

>> No.617536


Nah, I'm not really into selling my games.
I either hoard them or give them away.

>> No.617542

It's just easier to do the shipping that way.

>> No.617558

All you have to do is email their craigslist ad, and then maybe you can get contact information.

>> No.617567

If you're still giving it away let me know.

>> No.617578

No, I mean NO info. He didn't even put his email up there. I just made another ad saying I want them. The problem is some other guy beat me to it.

>> No.617591

How am I supposed to find garage sales? I'm in Canada. Kijiji has a section for them, but surely that can't be all of them. Do I just have to walk around and hope I find one?

None of the ones listed on Kijiji ever have any vidya. George is gettin' upset.

>> No.617595

Hack that other guy's email and find out where he lives. Works in movies.

>> No.617604

Don't you have a local newspaper or magazine that lists all kinds of events?
Over here they also list those in the town hall.

>> No.617615

I haven't thought to check, but I dunno. It's a big city, and I don't have a car. I'd need them to be fairly close by my neighborhood. Plus, I don't wanna go venturing all over town to some garage sale just to find out that the only games they have are NHL 95 and other assorted shovelware.

>> No.617678

Nes with slight damage, all cables, 2 controllers, grey zapper. Current offer is €23, with €8 shipping.
Retro retail shops have em with 1 controller for €45.
How high should I go?

>> No.617709


As someone who lives in Canada, Kijiji and just walking around and hoping you see a sign is the best you're going to get. But trust me, pickings are bare-bones here. It's always the same shovelware or good games in bad condition for a huge amount. People never want to come down on their crazy prices. Garage sales are pretty much a waste of time where I live so I stopped going.

>> No.617720

A NES in the wild isn't worth more than $30-35 in my area, can't speak for Eurozone.

>> No.617723
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Nevermind, got it for €34 including shipping.

>> No.617738

On a related note, what's a decent flash cartridge that plays most nes games? I don't have any games yet.

>> No.617741

This thread has been here for weeks

>> No.617760

Dealing with people on craigslist is ridiculous. I have asked how much this guy wants for his genesis like 3 times and he dodges that question and answers the others.

>> No.619058

Selling on craigslist is just as bad. I've had so many people just stop answering emails/phone on the day we're supposed to make the exchange. Is it so hard to say, "Sorry, I changed my mind."?

>> No.619080

Moral dilemma, and not retro but still; I found a copy of DBZ Budokai inside of a Gamecube at this thrift store. It was unmarked (no price tag) and disc only, so I just took it without really saying anything. Figured they'd just toss it. Is this really bad?

>> No.619093


if you got all that for 26 bucks that's a good deal

i'd check the monitor for artifacts though. I generally don't buy used tv's

>> No.619730

What happened to the GameHunterVideos channel?

>> No.619927
File: 118 KB, 765x1024, fleamarkethaul1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last weeks haul.

Spent little under $40. Half of that shit I got for $15 from one dude. That Paperboy 2 was MINT, so clean I didn't even have to wipe the pins down. Got it, the LOZ's and Smash TV too.

First time going but I think I got some solid deals. One flea market was almost a complete bust. Lot of modern games with Gamestop prices. Ugh. I already don't like Gamestop prices, I go out to flea markets specifically to AVOID retail pricing, faggot!

No game should be more than like $10.

Also hit a local pawnshop on the way home. Had like two overprices sports game for SNES and the GC/PS2 titles at around +$6. Great...I ask him about the retro games like how frequently he gets them in.

Nigga tells me they sell most of 'em on eBay.

Thanks for destroying my only impetus to be there, asshole!

>> No.619936


Who cares

>> No.619941

Well now we can't post the 1$ CIB NES/SNES game lot video in rage threads.

>> No.619956

I live in the UK so there's jack shit at our flea markets, they only have PS2 sports games

>> No.619959

I wouldn't pay more than half retail. Like, Nintendo's round here retail $40-50. Even that is expensive to me considering the NES is the second best selling system of all time (The Wii just recently beat it to 1st).

I mean, sure you're not going to roll up to freaking Walmart and buy one but it's far FAR from being rare.

>> No.620015

I know right? I'm still hunting for Zero 2. I'd a been thrilled to find it for cheap since its far and away the hardest to find.

>> No.620191

Caring about a jew

>> No.620214


jesus, did that many people hate him?

>> No.620219

The majority if the N64 games, the N64 and accessories, front mission 3, Republic Commando, Luigi's Mansion, Pokémon White and all the Game Boy games save for Pac Man, Perfect Dark, and Tetris Attack I got for 36 dollars.

>> No.620291

/vr/ tends to hate resellers

>> No.620425

I guess I can see why, but in the end you know pretty much al of those games would either be thrown away, left in a closet forever or eventually sold on eBay anyway for retarded prices.

>> No.620482
File: 43 KB, 480x364, NES-PowerGlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up one of these (without the sensor bar) for $10 bucks at a flea market yesterday. Not sure if thats a great deal but I'd never seen one in real life and got excited. Don't really plan to use it but it looks cool

>> No.620501

There was one at my flea market yesterday, dude wanted 60. Fuck that.

>> No.620632

Agreed! I was actually surprised they said 10 bucks when they were asking $15 for super mario/duck hunt carts and donkey kong classics. Got banjo-tooie for $10 as well. I guess it's just the Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong games they know to mark up

>> No.620781

Pretty consistent throughout, although Mario/Duck Hunt is literally the easiest NES game to find, so there's obviously an issue there. My dude that hooks me up usually lets me get most games for 3, but this game he wouldn't let Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess on the Wii for less than 10. He ended up selling them both later in the day, though, so good on him for that.

>> No.621486
File: 12 KB, 995x171, carry on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck comrade

>> No.624626

really? i've seen zero 2 all over my area. if you want, i can get you a cart.