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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6109128 No.6109128 [Reply] [Original]

Still surprised that we haven't gotten to the level of technical prowess that we do not have 1 on 1 exact replicas of 1st or 2nd gen systems with full game compatibility.

>> No.6109132

Is someone going to tell him, or should I?

>> No.6109156

I mean a physical device that you can plug into any tv from any era. That will also give out a fast,accurate resolution suited for that display. And looks and feels/functions EXACTLY as the original. Not "flashbacks" not "minis" not "classics" and certainly not an emulator on a pi with pirated roms and a shitty 3d printed case.
In short:I basically want a full replicas reissue of the system,it's best games in physical repro form CiB. And it's best accessories reissiued and modified if needed to work with newer displays.

>> No.6109168

You're delusional.

>> No.6109172


>> No.6109184

You're not going to get a 1 to 1 replica, it would cost too much. If you want an option, but I doubt it because you seem too whatever you are, you can do one of two things:

1: Original Atari, RGB modded, use whatever to hook to your tv, Flash Cart (if you want all games).

2: Mister FPGA. It hooks to hdmi, or analog with the optional IO board. You can get usb atari controllers, even with usb and going to hdmi you will see 1 frame of lag, you won't notice in any way. If you want to get super anal, you can do the SNAC adapter and there is no usb polling lag. Sub 1 frame of lag on HDMI, zero lag with analog video if you go that way.

These are your options, yes, I know it would be neat to get a replica, but it's not going to happen. Atari has no market now other than cheap flashback shit. The ship has sailed and anyone old enough to remember atari won't spend more than $40 to re experience it because they were most likely glad to move on from it, meaning it's purely for nostalgia and to show their kids, not a real gaming experience they want to repeat.

>> No.6109219

We haven't even reached the level of technical prowess that we're able to educate our children enough to not shitpost delusional fantasies about magical unicorn farts and creating lift-able stones that are to heavy to lift.

>it would cost too much
No it would be literally impossible. You just can't make something function "EXACTLY" the same on "any tv from any era". OP is too retarded to even understand what he really wants.

>> No.6109248

You clearly haven't studied economics in school yet.

>> No.6109258

Is this the beginning of the next bait copypasta?
OP, if you're not trolling, I think you actually might be retarded.

>> No.6109286

>No it would be literally impossible. You just can't make something function "EXACTLY" the same on "any tv from any era". OP is too retarded to even understand what he really wants.

Very true but I figured if he got a somewhat helpful answer he might go back to whatever normie corner of the internet he came from.

>> No.6109653

That's literally like reasoning that if you give one of the beggars some money the rest will feel you've given enough and leave you alone

>> No.6109776

>You're not going to get a 1 to 1 replica, it would cost too much

>> No.6109882

ok,so you guys bring up some valid points, but think of it this way, this is an untapped idea market right here. how big is the biggest Atari 2600 game anyways, 16k? it would probably cost them five fucking cents to make at least one cartridge of the LARGEST ROM Sized Atari replica cartridge. hell they can just fucking reuse the circuitry from the flashbacks too, considering they more than likely were in house emulators made by people contracted by Atari and more than likely function with any and all atari 2600 roms. sure i know what your next point is going to be."Why would Walmart Want to Stock brand new atari 2600's games and Accessories when they can sell naive impressionable timmy a nintendo switch bundled with a physically nonexistant copy of CrapNite. because, for once if we can get the right people into the gaming industry, we can erase the failures of the 7th and 8th gen and start anew from the beginning. a "reset" of sorts in the consumer mind, parents would buy it because their nostalgic for it. grandparents would buy it to bond with their grandchildren. the children would buy it because it's would have real fucking games on it with no microtransaction bullcrap sneaked into every corner. we'd be returning to a golden age of vidya and frankly if i had the resources i'd approach Atari and offer to handle all the manufacturing and disturbing myself.

>> No.6109885

Dammit, Distributing, Not Disturbing.

>> No.6109890

I like the 2600 more than the average guy on /vr/, but this is a pretty childish and delusional view to have.If this is trolling you are being strangely earnest about it.I think you might actually be an idealistic yet naive kid maybe?

>> No.6109892

oh also, theres no market for replica vidya machines? then how THE FUCK did arcade one up aqquire so many big name new licenses in just the last year or two?

>> No.6109896

i'm old enough to remember being five years old sitting in the cart seat at walmart while i helped my mom pick out brand new ps1 games we wanted for xmas/birthdays.

AND they weren't locked up behind a bulletproof glass enclosure, or hoarded behind a counter with their cases sitting empty with no shrinkwrap on them and no games inside and the manuals/inserts gutted after a week of being a new copy because of jewstop being kikes.

>> No.6109898

this was towards the last 4 years or so of the ps1 getting new releases. tho so bear that in mind.

>> No.6109902

We had that technical prowess since the 70's or they wouldn't have existed. They could make repro consoles, but who the fuck would actually buy them to make it a profitable investment? You gotta remember, first and second gen are shit outside of arcade games, which are getting put out there in those little Wal-Mart arcade cabs.

>> No.6109916

Early flashbacks have all stuff, they just need a cart slot soldered on and a selector switch.

>> No.6109995
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>anyone old enough to remember atari won't spend more than $40 to re experience it because they were most likely glad to move on from it

I'm that old and yeah, I would not pay big money for a 2600 reissue, I don't give a fuck how spot-on it is. There's just no point.

>> No.6110065

This is what happens when you let an 8yo smoke weed

>> No.6110092

That's because we left the plans on the moon, and we can't go back to get them because we left the plans for rocket ships capable of going to the moon, on the moon as well. Also we've never been to the moon.

>> No.6110104

then how did the plans get up there?

>> No.6110134

It's still like that if you're in areas without blacks.

>> No.6110663

By going to the moon.

>> No.6111063

You're not getting it. He means you couldn't recreate an exact copy of a VCS because it used 70s-80s components that aren't readily available anymore. You could manufacture new ones but in order to do it profitably you'd need to sell millions of them.

>> No.6111261
File: 341 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know this one is a near perfect 2600 clone, right?

>> No.6111471

That's the one that can be modded for actual carts right?

>> No.6113059


>> No.6113084

He isn't talking about a clone. He's talking about a 1:1 replica of the original with modern parts.

>> No.6113267
File: 65 KB, 700x466, 4b2e6501-8cfa-461a-ad39-dd4190f0ed79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as everyone has already said, no one is going to do that, ever. There's a reason the 2600 Jr exists, just like every 'Slim' Playstation exists and it all comes down to cost. Also the Junior looks better, a lot better. That shit is so 80s, each one should have come bundled with a gram of coke.

>> No.6113517

No he's not. He wants HDMI and other zoomer shit.

>> No.6113575

You could recreate a workalike chipset with modern processes but it would probably have compatibility issues. In fact the 2600 Jr used chips made with a newer process and it broke some games notably Kool Aid Man.

>> No.6113605
File: 922 KB, 3024x4032, fnjynpikzfm01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atari 2600 games are meant to be played with an RF signal to an old cathode ray tube television. Of course, the original NES and Turbografx 16 also were played on old TVs with RF signals yet also now support A/V and at least the NES and SNES have HDMI support via modders, but there's two things to keep in mind. One, graphical fidelity had far increased by the time these systems came around, so they look more justified in HD than Atari does. Second, the fanbase for Atari is largely comprised of older gamers, and it's old enough to the point that there's grey area between gamers and antique television-electronics enthusiasts. If you're collecting for Atari chances are you at least have a CRT from the 90's that you screw a coax adapter and RF cable into and play Atari 2600 that way. Again, the games really are intended to be played on an older TV. Examples of this include any time the game flashes various colors, or has a "gradient" of color bars to represent a background. The glow and the way the CRT fuzziness and blurriness fills in the gaps was in mind when programmers made decisions for how Atari games would look and animate. You could debate this for certain NES and SNES titles that look clean on modern HDTVs, but if you're playing Atari on a 1080p HDTV widescreen it really just is plain not how the developers intended, and it's a more enjoyable experience to play on an old CRT once you've tried both.

>> No.6113608
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>> No.6114810
File: 94 KB, 540x720, Jeff-Foxworthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're this retarded
>you might be a zoomer

>> No.6114820

when boomers make fun of us for being entitled, this is what they're talking about.

go kill yourself. you proved them a point.

>> No.6115083

>you proved them a point.
Gonna make fun of you for that one as well, self confessed zoomer.

>> No.6115106

It just means that the 2600 is more powerful than a modern day PC

>> No.6115178

HOW THE FUCK can it expensive or impossible?? This console is older than your grandmothers! if they can make an iPhone X for 5 bucks then surely this can be made much easier. Same shit but the parts are simple...WOW so instead of the A.I. take 1 minute to make the parts, it takes 5 seconds instead?? Whoop dee doo! Face it, there's just no excuses. Are you going to make the same bullshit for all the other retro consoles? THIS IS NINTENDO, SONY AND SEGA'S FAULT

>> No.6115193



>> No.6115195

He makes a good point, and he sounds smarter than any zoomer I've come across.

>> No.6115208

Did you ever even add in the cost for plastic? Also I've ordered specific chips for repairs before. I rechipped an entire arcade soundboard from 1979. The cost for those 10 or 12 chips were 70+ dollars.

>> No.6115213

Imagine when zoomers like these start getting into positions of power.

>> No.6115269

I would have liked sega to release an exact replica of the genesis along with cartridges but they poisoned the well by releasing At games stuff and the mini console fad has passed so its too late now.

>> No.6115282

0/troll. No one is this stupid

>> No.6115292

Firstly find a chip fab that still does late 70s NMOS and then you'd have to order a ginormous amount of the things to make back your investment.

>> No.6115343

>you can plug into any tv from any era

you do realize that some TVs don't even have a "plug-into" function/feature, right?

>> No.6115347

>if needed to work with newer displays

...what was the native resolution of these early babies again? Because I'm pretty sure this'd fuck up 1080p/4k displays somehow.

>> No.6115420

But why? Atari 2600s and their games are cheap as all hell and every tv has an RF coaxial port. Fuck, there are even 3rd party clone consoles that do the job. Let me tell you something, zoomer, chances are you're only going to spend 15 mins tops on each game you play, and then pack it away or whatever.

Spend around $50 and get a 4 switch model or 2600 Jr. and games in bulk, or get one of the flashback clone consoles or buy and mod a retron 77 to run Stella. Or if you really want to waste money, buy the mister FPGA for hundreds of dollars.

>> No.6115594

He makes no point. He just pushes buttons on the keyboard in a weed induced haze.