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6106679 No.6106679 [Reply] [Original]

You Missed.
You Missed.
He Looks: Unwounded.
You Missed.
You Missed.
He Looks: Unwounded.
You Missed.
You Missed.
He Looks: Unwounded.

>> No.6106682


>> No.6106716

you just made garbage character you silly zoomer

>> No.6106726

I'm sorry for not tagging melee just for a tutorial

>> No.6106758

Why would you tag melee, when you are fighting unarmed, you dense motherfucker?
Not to mention how ungodly powerful unarmed is in FO2.
And even this aside, making a basic, non-combat oriented character still gives you enough unarmed to easily pass the temple. Fighting Cameron while non-combatant and being surprised it's tough? How about you talk your way through or steal the fucking key, you dumb fuck?
In other words, you are too stupid to play this game and the Temple correctly filtered you out.

>> No.6106764

I wasn't even talking about the Cameron fight, that fight is super easy to get around, I was referring to the radscorpions. I know that you can just hit and run but still

>> No.6106772

Still what?
You don't have to fight them at all. Nor you have to fight them right off the bat, you can return after gaining a level.
You can just ignore them for the most part, same with ants.
Then there is the fact you can easily kite them.

So what's your issue, aside the fact you are clearly retarded?

>> No.6106782

I'm not really saying it's a problem or not, I'm just saying that even with 8 Perception you still miss alot

>> No.6106843

>I have no idea how this game works
At this point I'm not sure it this is a try-hard bait or people are genuinely this fucking bad

>> No.6106856

Have a nice day.

>> No.6106943

>not killing every enemy/deactivating every trap in the temple

>> No.6106950

>defending the temple of trials
starting the year on a new low for /vr/

>> No.6106958

The tutorial is retarded for teaching you a fighting techique that doesn't work in the real game.

>> No.6107007

Yeah what the hell? Are we pretending it isn't a shitty boring way for the game to start? I know you idiots get so excited by the opportunity to call each other "zoomer" but please take that shit to/v/.

>> No.6107039

Nobody is defending Temple, you morons. But if you have problem fighting in it, then you either made a non-combatant or your character is genuinely trash.

Kiting exist solely for people that made a non-combatant, but still want all the exp from Temple, so the fuck you are blabbing about?

>> No.6107053

>Punching things until they drop dead
>Doesn't work in real game
Maybe if you tagged Small Guns, Lockpicks and Speech, while dumping ST and AG, you shouldn't be complaining that you can't punch a fucking ant to death.
Unarmed is by far THE most broken build you can make in FO2. It starts strong, continues being strong and by lvl 6 is flat-out OP. On top of it, you can get the skill to about 120% without spending a single point on it, not to mention tagging.
And if you tagged it, then congratulations, you just gained the best weapon in the whole fucking game: your fists.

Niggers bitching about combat in Fallout being unfair and how they can't hit shit are the same idiots who don't tag the skills they are trying to use, don't rise stats that matter for their weapon of choice and don't understand that this is not a modern game with "RPG elements", but a fucking pen&paper RPG game put into vidya format. So either you have the right skills and stats, or you are fucked and you are going to miss. Complaining about that is equall with being angry you get shocked after putting your dick into an electric socket.

>> No.6107056

>Nobody is defending Temple, you morons.
>blah blah blah here's why the temple is ok
thanks for contributing

>> No.6107067

>Reading comprehension: -64%

>> No.6107097

Its amazing how delusional people can be when they mentally assign a videogame as their personal religion.

>> No.6107332
File: 78 KB, 900x600, 102313_1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even bother to read the posts you are replying to?

>> No.6107407

I fight once, and move away. Critters also have action points, so try and make them waste those points, while not wasting your own.

>> No.6107417

Arguably one of the worst classic CRPGs alongside Arcanum.

>> No.6107750

What makes unarmed so broken? Even though it feels strong enough, I never came up with anything about the obvious weakness, which is the range. Anything with burst would destroy you. Also deathclaws and aliens would eat you for breakfast. Those melee gangs around San Fran, too.

>> No.6107791

I beat FO2 my first time as a Middle aged failure tagging Survival/Gamble/Laser Weapons. I mean to I had to, at that point, use my Survival to get to Reno early to grab my Laser Weapon, then scoot around and grab Marcus before doing anything else in the game. I dunno, the way the game is design is for you to learn a progressing restart and use your knowledge of the system and world the achieve the character you want. Note I tagged two useless abilities (Gamble was for flavour to go to Reno immediately) and arguably the worst/least accessible weapon class. Just pump AGI, PER, LUCK and use "N" to target eyes or groin.

Of course I just ran through the temple and continued on playing the game. I knew I would win with this character when I critical kicked Cameron in the balls to beat the trial. and FO2 gives you a LOT of free EXP to get in a better place quickly.

>> No.6107818

It's not op, hes retarded. It's barely okay. The damage range doesnt increase like anything else, you're dependent on punching people in the eyeballs. The bonus damage perk also lies to you

>> No.6107918

A good combination of perks allows you to dash obscene amount of attacks that ignore armour almost entirely, have cric chance through the ass and add significant fixed damage. Short from range, there are no disadvantages at all.
Add to it powered glove (which isn't obligatory) and you are going to tear people a new one with each punch.
I'm of course assuming you are familiar with special attacks for unarmed and didn't just use the baseline Punch/Kick.
The important thing about unarmed is how it gives you an absurd edge in early and mid game, because you won't get your hands on any decent weapon until hitting San Fran/NCR.

>t. clueless faggot

>> No.6107924

Also, for deathclaws and wanamingos: break their fucking legs. And in case of deathclaws, breaking their arms also works. Knocking out targets cold also works wonders, since you can drop "dead" entire slew of enemies by rendering them unconscious with your hands.
You are playing brawler, then act accordingly, rather than trying to just blindly land hits and going for eye-crits. That's what guns are for.

>> No.6108135

Increase perception

>> No.6108138
File: 10 KB, 415x156, FO2_poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108313

Special armor piercing attacks cost like, I don't remember, 6 or 7 AP per pop. Maybe in a 1on1 situation it could work but not when you have two or three supermutants with gatling guns and flame throwers in your close proximity. I can disable enemy with arm or leg called shots but I don't see that working very well in the mids of a death claw pack. You are gonna die before you disable 4 or 5 hellspawns clawing your face off with 5 attacks per round, not even power armor will save you from that. Maybe with kiting but deathclaws have shitload of action points, too, so I don't even know if that's possible. Basic punches and kicks cost like 2/3 AP but then again, basic shots with Fast shot do too and you don't need to waste action points to get close. I don't see your point.

>> No.6108318

>Unarmed is by far THE most broken build you can make in FO2.
Until you hit end-game where dedicated Unarmed builds may end up reloading a bit more than gun builds because the #1 rule of not dying in Fallout 2. Unarmed also has absolutely no AoE ability.
Furthermore, special attacks end on the basic Haymaker. There is absolutely no point to Piercing Kicks and the other abilities that increase your crit rating and damage dealt at the cost of VASTLY increasing their AP cost, making them inefficient. Due to how hitting eyes and Better Criticals works, you're better off punching someone in the eyes or trying to break their limb twice, than trying to land even a single Piercing Kick.

Temple of Trials is a bad starting zone and I recommend either just sucking it up and kiting all the ants and radscorpions tediously or just skipping it by running away. The XP lost by doing so is miniscule.

>The important thing about unarmed is how it gives you an absurd edge in early and mid game, because you won't get your hands on any decent weapon until hitting San Fran/NCR.
The first "decent" weapons start showing up in the Den for Small Gun users. If you are a Big Guns user, you can take a trip to New Reno for a Flamer, which is rather cheap and also ludicrously powerful against unarmored enemies or wannamingos.
The only characters who struggle a bit with this are Energy Weapons users.

>> No.6108323

To elaborate: the #1 rule of not dying in Fallout 2 is not getting hit. Melee builds have a hard time kiting or LoSing enemies because they can't abuse corners as well to survive hits.

Generally, Melee builds work rather well, but their basic strengths are their low AP cost (allows you more attempts at critting someone in the eyes than, say, sniper builds), less reliance on certain stats (you can lower PE because it doesn't do a lot for you in combat and LK because Slayer upgrades all hits to be crits unlike Sniper which still makes a LK roll) and being resourceless (easier to manage, no having to buy stuff from vendors, no carrying capacity). They still have weaknesses, but it's a good build. High AP kicks are certainly a trap option and I don't know why that guy mentions them.

>> No.6108332

Also for dealing with large Deathclaw packs Unarmed survives this by doling out a shitload of crowd control. With Haymaker (+15%), your natural crit chance (likely at least 6%) and aimed attack crit bonus you likely have above 50% crit rating. With Better Criticals your crit results should be great and result in constant "knockout, lose next turn" (if hitting head).

I'd actually argue hitting the eyes of a Deathclaw isn't particularly great because they don't have an "instant death" flag available upon falling victim to the max result of a crit and the best crowd control you can count on is them losing a turn periodically. Blinding a deathclaw does little for it because Blind status harshly lowers PE... which doesn't do anything for melee anyway. Better hit the Head, Groin or Leg to score knockdowns, more reliable turn skips and leg cripplings. Deathclaws with crippled legs can be reliably kited.

>> No.6108340

If anything, I would say that unarmed builds cost more AP than ranged builds. As I've said, I can lower AP cost of basic pistol shot to 2 AP, while losing the ability to make a called shot. With sniper and 10 LK that is about 30-40 damage average crit per shot with a gauss pistol against a power armor x 5. That's what I call OP. With unarmed, I can lower the AP cost to 2, too, but I need to waste movement in between every target. So even without need to spend 2 AP to reload every other round, I claim that unarmed builds cost way more AP than ranged builds. I would also claim that lower PE will make you start closer to your enemies in random encounters which is both a blessing and a curse. You don't need to waste movement as much but you are probably gonna lose a lot of HP after you finish your first round. The vendor stuff is inconsequential because if you know what you're doing, you will be swimming in money. Hell, one or two random encounters will get you enough swag to get whatever you need. Also, with called shot into eyes you get enough crit chance to disregard sniper. That is a perk mainly for builds using bursts, mainly heavy gun builds. You obviously gonna pick the first chance you get but ironically, it's not as essential for a sniper build.

>> No.6108347

>With unarmed, I can lower the AP cost to 2, too, but I need to waste movement in between every target.
True, although Unarmed / Melee builds benefit greatly from picking Bonus Move, especially since there isn't anything else that's decent at level 6. Also, the ramp up time to achieving BiS gun gear can take a while, whereas Unarmed builds peak earlier.
>Also, with called shot into eyes you get enough crit chance to disregard sniper
Well, except with LK 10 you are allowed to Mutate! your non-Gifted trait into Fast Shot after you've picked up Sniper, and then you have 100% crit chance without needing aimed shots either way. Also, even with Finesse and high Luck, I don't think you achieve a 100% crit rate with shots to the eyes (which give, I believe, +60% crit rating compared to normal shots), so Sniper is still nice and efficient, especially since it's hard for me to imagine what other perk could you possibly want at level 24. There just aren't that many good perks.
>I would also claim that lower PE will make you start closer to your enemies in random encounters which is both a blessing and a curse
I wish I knew how exactly PE determines this mechanic because nothing explains it and I could never see a big difference. I consider level 3 perks to be mostly fluffy and redundant, so if I knew anything more about this mechanic then I would be tempted to recommend Cautious Nature as a level 3 choice in Ironman games.
Good points overall.

>> No.6108379

>Bonus move
I would rather take 2x toughness but yeah, that aren't any worthy perks at level 6. But still, it's only 2 action points. It's certainly something but is it enough?
> Mutate!
This also means you've temporarily wasted a perk, a level >=9 perk at that, probably better criticals or one of the action boys. And since this is a discussion about cookie cutter builds, you've also reduced your AG by 1 because you've lost small frame. That can't be good.
Sniper perk IS good and everyone should rightly pick at level 24. I just don't think it's as essential as people make it out to be. In my opinion, ranged builds kinda "peak" at level 9 when you take better criticals. You don't really need anything else, other than a decent main combat skill. Sniper is a nice, noticable bonus to that. And what does an uncalled shot default to, anyway, a called torso shot? Meaning that uncalled criticals might be weaker than called eyes/head/groin/limbs criticals.

>> No.6108392

Maybe I should clarify that the sniper part applies to ranged builds that allow for a called shot at eyes or whatever. A sniper builds. With burst ranged builds or fast shot builds, the sniper perk is obviously extremely important.

>> No.6108423

I don't like Toughness. HP damage isn't going to kill you unless it's crits, and Toughness only increases your DR% while doing nothing to your DT, which means crits go right through Toughness. If you can use Psycho, you don't need Toughness.
I only would advocate taking it at level 21 or 27 (before or after Sniper), so after the core perks are all done.
>And since this is a discussion about cookie cutter builds, you've also reduced your AG by 1 because you've lost small frame. That can't be good.
I don't think you necessarily *need* Small Frame for the absolute best sniper build in FO2 because you can simply take away a SPECIAL point from something else, since you don't need ST, EN or CH.
>And what does an uncalled shot default to, anyway, a called torso shot? Meaning that uncalled criticals might be weaker than called eyes/head/groin/limbs criticals.
I believe so, yes.
>I just don't think it's as essential as people make it out to be
I made that point in some other thread but I think with Fallout perks in general there just simply are so few worthwhile perks, and builds are mostly set in stone, that by the time you hit level 24, there usually is nothing to get because you already established your core. Though yes, Sniper doesn't do that much.
Part of me wonders about making a hybrid melee/sniper build that invests in a balanced amount of perks on either side and puts Slayer instead of Sniper as a capstone, relying on high crit rate to eyes instead of Sniper's LK rolls. This could probably be a nice support to the late-game woes of unarmed builds, or a nice compliment to the Super Sledge's knockback.
Yeah, I got that. I think we mostly agree, though.

>> No.6108443

>I don't think you necessarily *need* Small Frame
Well, pretty much yeah. My autism just won't let me miss a chance to get that one point in my stats. If I remember correctly, with it you can almost max out your primary stats without wasting perks at gain X. ST10, AG10, IN10, LK10 (with a bit of save scumming) with the fucking PE at 9. That one trait which raises your ST by 2 but makes you lose 2 AP might help but fuck that, AP > stats.
More on the account of unarmed builds, I wish this game had a real hth defensive perk. HtH evade just doesn't cut it, those +-15AC you can get out of it are laughable at best. The same applies to dodger perks. I don't know, a perk that would apply a real CQC penalty on enemies with equiped ranged weapon when facing my Jackie Chan PC. Basically what you get with a sniper rifle if you try to hit someone standing few hexes from you. Without that, an unarmed build is playable and even strong but certainly not OP and far from the best.

>> No.6108460

>+-15 AC
I just did some quick calculations only to realize that against baseline 150% weapon skill (Tough Deathclaws or Enclave Soldiers) while at 40 AC (from 10 AG and Advanced Power Armor) you would need 180% Unarmed to reduce enemy chance to hit by 1% with a single unspent Action Point. And this is not factoring the undocumented bonus to hit enemies have from Rough Combat Difficulty.

Yeesh, HtH Evade sucks.

>> No.6108506


Allow me to share some expert advice:

>Use unarmed
by default it's the highest combat skill, even untagged.
>Use hit & run
let the scorpion initiate the combat and approach you, then attack it using up all your action points. this is the "surprise" turn

next turn, the sequence will roll, and unless your PE is really crappy (pay attention to how many healing powders you use, they lower PE), you will get to go first. attack the scorp once or twice and then use the remaining AP to move away

remember, the scorpions and ants only have 5 action points, so if you use just 3 to move away, they will not have enough to attack you

or you can just sneak/run past them if you don't want to fight