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6105798 No.6105798 [Reply] [Original]

He should have stayed with her.

>> No.6105809 [DELETED] 

you should have took a flying suck at my ass

>> No.6105838

She was a ho.
Link should have stayed with saria

>> No.6106227

In the realm?

>> No.6106234

Hero of Time ain't got no time for hoes

>> No.6106303

Didn't he canon married Ruto?

>> No.6106328

>tfw she's already going bald

>> No.6106330

He knew her for a total of less than a day.


>> No.6106336

Imagine placing your worth on a female.

>> No.6106346

They barely knew each other.
Link's entire interaction with her is
>Meet her as a kid and get sent on a fetch quest to stop Ganondorf
>See her speed away on a horse
>Discover mystery dude whose only ever around to teach you a single song was her the whole time
>Have her help you escape Ganondorf's crumbling tower
>Get sent home

The face she's making in OP's pic is literally her going "Oh god; I literally used you as a tool and robbed you of your childhood."

>> No.6106363

>The face she's making in OP's pic is literally her going "Oh god; I literally used you as a tool and robbed you of your childhood."
I always thought that face meant that Zelda was sad to part with Link.
She didn't use Link, as Link was chosen by the triforce. Zelda never asked the Deku Tree for Link.
The time in-game where Sheik/Zelda spends with Link is short, but there is this sense of partnership going on, even though Link never is sure if Sheik is a friend or not, Zelda knows, and she's also watching, almost stalking him if you will. She could have grown attached to him on a sentimental way.
Your view is interesting too, but I still think my initial impression was the intended. I could be wrong.
Ultimately, even if not romantic, Zelda is still sad to part ways with Link, I don't think that face means she's guilty.

>> No.6106457

You took a shitpost too seriously, but I'm glad you did in this case, because your wording of the canon explanation was very well-put.

>> No.6106531

I’m more of the mind that he should have retired from heroing and spent the rest of his days in peace, quiet, sweaty, bareback fucking, and family raising with Malon at Lon-Lon Ranch...

...But the real problem is that he went back to the past to begin with. I don’t know if there’s a timeline where he stays, but there should be. When you think about it, that would be the timeline where the vast majority of fanfics and fancomics take place.

>> No.6106546

her timeline shoulda disintegrated without link

>> No.6106702

Before Twilight Princess and the Hyrule Historia timeline I always thought that sealing Ganondorf away in the Sacred Realm removed him from time completely. All versions of him, past, present, and future no longer existed at any point in the timeline. It was the only thing that made sense to me as a kid to explain why sending Link back in time didn't just create an endless time loop. Then Link goes back to Zelda as a kid not to warn her about Ganondorf but to become friends with her because he regretted not getting to know her more.

>> No.6106707

I hope they explore time mechanics more and tinker with a converged later date for games.

>> No.6106710
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>He should have stayed with her.

>> No.6106741

No. You're thinking of that one porn comic.

>> No.6106871

No he canonically went with Malon

>> No.6106892

sealing him in the sacred realm is setup for link to the past, retard

>> No.6107057

I would but unfortunately he went with Malon

>> No.6107074

How is that in any way mutually exclusive with what I said? He could BOTH be removed from the timeline of Hyrule through magical means AND eventually escape his prison to attempt to return to Hyrule.

>> No.6107082

The porn comic is non-canon? News to me

>> No.6107092

IIRC, Zelda games were meant to be isolated incidences and then r*ddit nerds made a timeline and nintendo went with it because it was guesswork done for free

>> No.6107115

gibs proof
>best girl is saria, i just want her to be happy

>> No.6107117

Link is a farmer in Twilight Princess which takes place in the future of OoT's timeline, meaning that Link is a descendant of the OoT Link.

>> No.6107129

Nah, it was pretty well-known at the time of release from marketing that OoT was meant to be a prequel to LttP, which we already knew to be a prequel (and "soft reboot" as they're called these days) to Zelda 1. MM was then a sequel to OoT and it was WW that fucked everything up and made shit confusing, then TP took that further and made it worse. At the time of SS they released Hyrule Historia and autists went mad obsessing over the canon of the timeline. Everyone at Nintendo obviously regretted that a lot and that's why BotW is just set 10,000 years into the future and gives zero fucks about the canonicity or timeline placement of any game that comes before it.

>> No.6107136

>Link is a farmer in Twilight Princess which takes place in the future of OoT's timeline, meaning that Link is a descendant of the OoT Link.
Except Zelda is about reincarnation, not about family lines. The hero can be reincarnated anywhere, they're "descendants" in spirit only.

>> No.6107142
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The timeline is nonsense

>> No.6107158

It kind of does both. In TP there are lines of dialog that seem pretty explicit about that Link being a descendent, though he could be a reincarnation as well.

There’s some tease about him probably being with Malon what with the farmlife and everything but obviously it’s not something that will ever be hard confirmed.

I’m surprised they bothered to create Ilia’s character when Malon is nearly the same, down to having fat lazy dads. Though Im also kinda glad, cause the amnesia plotline in TP was one of the most forced, stupid things in that game which is saying a lot.

>> No.6107229

Ilia feels more like a weird combination of malon, saria and zelda to me.
She looks a fair bit like a typical zelda, is a farmer and rancher like malon, but has a personal history with outcast link more akin to saria, plus she has short hair and is associated with the forest section of the game.
Yet in spite of everything, she's pretty forgettable.

>> No.6107235
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Malon is just a rehash of marin, anyway.

>> No.6107242

You’d think combining all those elements would make her a stronger character but it ends up making her more generic.

With the dumb amnesia plot you’re forced to wade through it gets even worse. If it was optional she’d at least be remembered as a large optional sidequest or something.

>> No.6107245

Oh that reminds me.
I completely forgot Koizumi was the character designer for Ocarina of Time. That's why he made Malon and Talon.

>> No.6107253

Ilia probably would have been more fondly remembered if Midna wasn't the big spotlight character of Twilight Princess. I think Nintendo learned from this and that's why Zelda herself has been focused on a lot more at least since Spirit Tracks on, so the love interest of the game wouldn't get usurped.

>> No.6107309

Not giving an actual fuck about the timeline is the right move.
All the fun out of the fandom was the speculation, or picking apart the little nods the games have to each other. The official timeline pretty much ruined all zelda lore discussions, since now they're just arguments about how nintendo should have never created a timeline.

>> No.6107361

OoT doesn't really match up with ALttP as a prequel, though. If anything, OoT essentially rebooted the whole series.

>> No.6107376

Oot has a lot of the lore dump cutscenes which extrapolated on the manual backstory of alttp and gave an origin to ganon.
But it's not as if the game was structured as a direct prequel.

>> No.6107393

OOT forever broke the lore with Link, Zelda and Ganon forever having the triforce pieces within them. Instead of being a legendary, sacred treasure to find, it became midichlorians in the blood of three characters to endlessly and pointlessly fight with, every couple of generations.

>> No.6107394

Where were the Knights of Hyrule that ALttP mentioned as protecting the Sages? Why does Ganondorf only get one Triforce piece when ALttP says he got the whole thing? Why are the Zoras so radically changed between OoT and ALttP (before later games tried to say the evil fire-spitters were a river-dwelling sub-species)?

No, I don't see it. OoT was a reboot, just like how Star Fox 64 and F-Zero X ignored the SNES games and started fresh.

>> No.6107403

Pretty easy to forget a character that for the majority of the game is either missing, or doesn't know who you are.

>> No.6107429

I thought the knights of hyrule were supposed to be descendants of the sages, or was that the other way around?

>> No.6107523

Perfect examples of why nintendo shouldn't have bothered with a timeline. People bitching about minutia like these.

>> No.6107535

And Marin/Malon is a redhead/alternate universe Peach, look at her hair. Probably meant to be the daughter of Mario and Peach (or Tarin/Talon and whoever was the alternate universe Peach).
I also just recently noticed, replaying through LA, the reference of Talon eating mushrooms and wearing a tanuki suit disguise.

>> No.6107575

My personal headcanon ever since I was a kid is that the Zelda games are like the legends/myths of Hyrule. It's some real history mixed with mythical fantasy elements, and that accounts for the inconsistencies. It's like the legends around King Arthur or that one king who supposedly slayed a dragon that may have just been a giant crocodile. The "real" Hyrule may or may not have actual magic, but our only real view or interaction with the history of Hyrule is through its fantastical stories.

So, for example, there may have been a war at some point in Hyrule's history, between Hyrule and some invaders led by their king, Ganondorf. But how did this war actually go? Was there a great magical sealing? A hero with a magic sword forged by a great blacksmith? Maybe, but we can't know for sure, we only know that's the story that's told by the people of Hyrule. So the story told in LttP's manual may be closer to the reality of what happened, with all-out war and sages leading the army, but then there's another tale of the sealing war that involves a young hero traveling through time to seal away the evil Ganondorf with the help of the sages. That version of the tale is OoT. Where did the Master Sword come from? Perhaps it was simply the sword of an influential general of Hyrule, or maybe it was a mystical sword forged by the sages. But there's another version of the story, about a boy who fell from the sky and traveled the world to empower the Goddess Sword and turn it into the Master Sword-- This is the story of Skyward Sword. And so on with all of the games. The games we play are essentially the legends, myths, and oral traditions of the land of Hyrule which offer a window into the land's history through the lens of heroic fantasy. So it's not about taking the canon or timelines super seriously, but just enjoying the stories as they are. Not unlike when you read through real myths of ancient human cultures. It's all about perspective.

>> No.6107603

They were supposed to co-exist as separate bloodlines protecting each other, with ALttP Link being the last known member of the Knights.

>> No.6107650
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>Twilight Princess which takes place in the future of OoT's timeline
never played TP
any references to characters from OOT?

>> No.6107659

Link learns moves from this skeletal knight who is heavily alluded to being a past Link.
Also we see Ganondorf in a past flashback where design is straight-up how he looked in the OoT era.

>> No.6107695

The sages were just 7 particular magic dudes who sealed the sacred realm against Ganondorf the thief when got his wish for power and trapped him in there. Hence why he went after their descendants to break the seal, it's not stated that the sages are important people beyond being the ones to seal the scared realm. The knights of Hyrule were just elite royal guards who were tasked to guard the sages as they performed the sealing, basically the idea that they were pretty cool but their bloodline's thinned and things aren't what they used to be, back in my day I'd two shot a Lynel with only one heart etc. They occupy the "herditrary familes who protect the royal family" idea that would be recast as the Sheikah in oot. Link in LttP is only hinted to be a decendant but is more importantly cast as the God/Triforce's champion anyway so it's not a big deal.

>> No.6107729

The mario=tarin/talon is obvious, but the fact that rosalina is another koizumi made character like marin/malon and also a redhead (when young) makes me suspicious. Especially when we know early on in Galaxy's development, Rosalina was explicitly related to Peach.

>> No.6107741

The kokiri are monkeys

>> No.6107743

To clarify, I believe that early on in Mario Galaxy's development, Koizumi wanted to be cheeky and do a full circle connection to the Zelda character he made by giving Mario a redheaded daughter (from an alternate timeline or what have you), naturally, Miyamoto probably slapped this idea down hard, but we still got Rosalina herself out of it.

>> No.6107746
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As a kid I ignored all canon lore and even the games themselves to convince myself that every single Link was the same guy. I don't know why the hell I wanted that, or how I thought it worked, but I had to have done some weird mental gymnastics to sort it out especially considering I was mostly playing Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princes at that time.[spoiler/]

Dude, what?

>> No.6107749

Something like that, I think.
Iirc the forest temple in tp is covered in the kokiri sigil and the monkeys are the inhabitants of it.
Not that farfetched when wind waker had them turned into plant people with leaf faces.

>> No.6107753

Ah, I get you now. I never got that impression from the monkeys, but then again I was pretty retarded. Do they have any lines that indicate it?

>> No.6107819


Saria is in the realm and died in the temple. Theres no way she can stay with Link.
Malon or Zelda would work.

>> No.6107870

I love the fact that it seems like they wrote all the timelines back into each other, and that BotW is so far removed from the previous. Having the setting be 10,000 years past a point where Hyrule was hyper advanced in it's tech (then add another 100 years of a devastated bad end Hyrule on top of that) really drove home the feeling of adventure and the fact that you were likely the actual last hope against evil. Despite the tight focus of the previous games I think BotW is everything the Zelda series should represent, a player driven adventure.

>> No.6107879

>Except Zelda is about reincarnation, not about family lines. The hero can be reincarnated anywhere, they're "descendants" in spirit only.
what in the fuck does a bloodline mean nigger

>> No.6107880

>Not giving an actual fuck about the timeline is the right move.
>All the fun out of the fandom was the speculation, or picking apart the little nods the games have to each other.
dumb nigger, that speculation and the timeline are inseparable

>> No.6107883

>OOT forever broke the lore with Link, Zelda and Ganon forever having the triforce pieces within them.
that's not how it did it, it was specifically splitting the timeline up

>> No.6107884

I vastly prefer a setting more like zelda 1 or alttp, personally.

>> No.6107889

As in 'nintendo shouldn't have cared', not the fans

>> No.6107947

>what in the fuck does a bloodline mean nigger
I'm not sure what you're asking here. I'm saying that the spirit of the hero can reincarnate into ANY family. Each Link is not necessarily blood related with every other Link. It's a spiritual connection, not an ancestral one.

>> No.6107953

Heavy alluded? He literally is nigga.

>> No.6108009

you're full of shit

>> No.6108012

but they did care, checkmate atheists
the hyrule historia is not canon

>> No.6108015

Ww link and st link are not related for example

>> No.6108017
File: 38 KB, 935x785, 35268197_1014476835374633_501601155961323520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring about the canon of Toddler's first adventure game

>> No.6108070

Why is Zelda so ugly?
Why must she be the worst girl of avery game?

>> No.6108078

Considering that the last thing she says to him is literally " Now, go home, Link! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are supposed to be...the way you are supposed to be..." and she admits to ragging Link into her plans, I can assume that she genuinely feels guilty about all that's happened.

>> No.6108081

Because we were getting the "real" story by playing the games. Even the official Nintendo guides portrayed it that way. LttP was suppose to be the "Golden Era" talked about in the manual for Zelda II and OoT was suppose to be the "Sealing War" from the manual for LttP.

>> No.6108091

But the symbols on the back of their hands was only suppose to indicate that they were the chosen represents; not that they physically possessed them. Link the Zelda II had the mark on the back of his hand, but he literally had to go on a quest to physically attain the Triforce of Courage; same as WW Link.

>> No.6109247

link = reincarnate (most of the time)
zelda is about bloodlines
ganondorf is just there

>> No.6109250

This, she would never get old and ugly

>> No.6109252

hyrule historia mentions how its literally link and ganondorf in that flashback is just in his tp clothes because lack of care by devs

>> No.6109263

i like to believe this link and zelda are brother and sister given links backstory and the npc comments about how they look similar

>> No.6109314

loli zelda is cuter though

>> No.6109513

Ganondorf is usually the same guy, but sometimes it is a reincarnation, like in four swords adventures.

>> No.6109516

hence is just there

>> No.6109525

>npc comments about how they look similar
I don't remember those

>> No.6109537

Old post but Im glad another anon gets it.

>> No.6109558

Not him but I came to the same conclusion. They dont have any spoken lines but some do have the kokiri symbol/jewel pattern tattooed onto their arms.

Kokiri are based on the japanese mythical Kodama, who are just general forest spirits that take different forms depending on the individual story about them. If you’ve seen Princess Mononoke, the little white dudes are one example (and bear a remarkable similarity to koroks in wind waker). Also to drive home the spirit thing, the kokiri in oot are the only townspeople in the game that fade out with draw distance. Might just be cause kokiri town has all those particle effects but it ties together well.

But they’re a bunch of pretty intelligent monkies living in a hallowed out giant tree that’s probably supposed to be an old deku tree. If you think of the kokiri as a type of spirit rather than a race then the theory makes a lot of sense.

>> No.6109574

those composer brothers one of them mentions for example same with zelda even in their first encounter

>> No.6109585

Don’t remember the composer brother line, but Zelda does comment on Link’s name sounding familiar. Which could either be a latent memory, or some sense about destiny, depending on how you look at it.

Which is cool, cause the most fun parts of Zelda lore are the parts that you aren’t even sure are meant to be part of the lore. The mystery of intent is what makes it engaging and fun to speculate on.

>> No.6109614

>Which is cool, cause the most fun parts of Zelda lore are the parts that you aren’t even sure are meant to be part of the lore. The mystery of intent is what makes it engaging and fun to speculate on.
That's my favorite part of oot's dungeons. You can tell they were all designed with something in mind, be it mundane like a mansion in the woods or more fantastic, like a sprawling system of catacombs and torture chambers.

>> No.6109639

OOT link is became royal knight or stalfos depending on how grimdark you want it

>> No.6109640

Red hair means she's the daughter of Mario and Bowser, look at her brooch

>> No.6109642

Good point

>> No.6109643

I'm pretty sure there's a connection between OoT Zelda and my affinity for ojou sama.

>her brooch
Does she have red hair on her bush?

>> No.6109646

>I'm pretty sure there's a connection between OoT Zelda and my affinity for ojou sama.
Yeah, whatever, get in the line.

>> No.6109673

She felt massive regret for basically fucking over the entirety of Hyrule not to mention this random kid who had to lose a chunk of his life and shoulder basically everything because of what she did, even if she was technically "right." Did they explain how they managed to seal Ganon in both timelines? Link still should have returned to a post-sacked Hyrule Castle and "missing" Zelda

>> No.6109694

Yeah. They meet back up in WW and spirit tracks tho

>> No.6109695

How is Zelda guilty of anything?
Link went out of his way to infiltrate the castle and meet her, and he was sent there by the Deku Tree.

>> No.6109715

She was a child playing Palace Intrigue against a grown-ass man of considerable skill and cunning. An ideal situation would have been her directing Impa to get her father or others in the castle at large to fucking listen to perhaps delay Ganon until they were all older and more capable, but she had no real understanding of the world, the power of the Triforce, Master Sword, or Sacred Realm. She basically winged it like a child and everyone paid for it heavily

>> No.6109720

The wind waker timeline is gay as fuck to be honest.

>> No.6109725

Here's one (You) for trying.

>> No.6109787

ALttP Zelda is the cutest

>> No.6109984

I think it's more that she's sad to see him go because she wanted to spend more time with him in peacetime.

>> No.6109985

damn good taste.

>> No.6109986

No it's Twilight Princess Zelda

>> No.6110075

She made a mistake, so did literally everybody else who got conned by Ganon.

>An ideal situation would have been her directing Impa to get her father or others in the castle at large to fucking listen to perhaps delay Ganon

It’s made pretty obvious they’ve tried that at length and he refused to listen. Link was an almost random (if fated) factor who ended up as a surprise plan B for her.

She feels responsible for everything that happened cause she played a crucial part, but she was one of many cogs in ganon’s plan. Deku tree, darunia and zora king all fucked up just as much by handing out their stones.

Also, I actually love that none of this is brought up too melodramatically in cutscenes or dialog. For the most part the scenery speaks for itself.

>> No.6110089

yep y'know your stuff
here I got you
you're looking weary
return when debate makes you exhausted

>> No.6110301

She doesn't exist

>> No.6110308

>ya think they got it wih the gloves?
>nah, put an M on his hat
>still looks a little obscure
>maybe a Bowser necklace?
>well maybe

>> No.6111028

I actually didnt realize the Talon/Mario thing til a few years ago. I knew about the Bowser necklace but never thought about Talon being a Mario proxy.

In my defense I played oot before I knew what fire luigi’s outfit looks like so I had sort of an excuse to never notice the Ingo/Luigi comparison.

In retrospect it’s not exactly subtle.

>> No.6111041
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>I knew what fire luigi’s outfit looks like so I had sort of an excuse to never notice the Ingo/Luigi comparison.
Back in my day that wasn't his Fire outfit, it was just his outfit

>> No.6111042
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The connection has always been very unsubtle.
And that even before you remember that there were Mario enemies in Link's Awakening

>> No.6111432

>I knew about the Bowser necklace

>> No.6111446

Malon and talon in ocarina

>> No.6111451

Look at her hairline lmao

>> No.6111508

I hadn’t played awakening at the time.

I did play this, though. Guess I really am just a dumbfuck. Ce la vie.

>> No.6111525

I always knew this I swear!

>> No.6112098
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Best girl coming through.

>> No.6112115

No mayamoto if ive even spelling it right said a long time ago back when this game was still recent that there was a time line. He never said exactly what it was back then it was just this game plus Alttp zelda 1 and 2 and LA. The reddit nerds just made one that made sense after they had made several new games.

>> No.6112117

He never played zelda 2. In that gme the triforce shows up in the hand. Once gannon touches it the thing splits and parts go to the hero and princess

>> No.6112246

Girls with huge forefronts are top qt, e.g. christina ricci.

>> No.6113009

They still basically didn't know each other at all.

>> No.6113019

She gave Ganon the keys to the Sacred Realm without realizing it, and she even removed the final key he couldn't have ever removed on his own. She then failed to realize how easily Ganon could find her just by keeping tabs on Link. Finally, she got her timeline destroyed by removing Link from it, which also trapped him in a lonely life and a world he couldn't relate to or share his experiences with.

OoT Zelda really fucked up hard.

>> No.6113042

Eh. I don't really care about the timeline shit because timetravel fuckery never makes sense in the first place. I always thought it made more sense for WW's timeline to follow his journey into Terminia anyway

>> No.6113046

Definitely should have, considering what happened in between OOT and WW. By sending him back in time to do whatever he wants, Zelda essentially erased Link from her time, throwing a wrench in the whole hero cycle until someone else has to step in.

>> No.6113274
File: 233 KB, 1252x1252, 0fPNBald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, friend. Everyone in this thread is talking about lore and we just wanna talk about our big titty farmgirl wife.

>> No.6113325

>The connection has always been very unsubtle.
>And that even before you remember that there were Mario enemies in Link's Awakening

I think I realized that Malon = Mario and Ingo = Luigi when I first played OoT. Then I remembered that Talon is based on Tarin and suddenly realized why he was hunting mushrooms and turning into a raccoon. I felt pretty dumb.

>> No.6113352
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before they made the timeline I always figured ALTTP happened in new reality Link creates at the end of the game, like he warns the King about Ganondorf and the King banishes him and then far later the war happens with Ganondorf killing his minions and grabbing the Triforce after having been denied it in Ocarina. It couldn't be during the adult portion of the game since the sages are all different races instead of a bunch of old men

>> No.6113491

That's never made sense to me because by the game's own mechanics the so-called Adult timeline was created and destroyed every time Link pulled or relinquished the Master Sword. Once he gave it up for the last time at the end of the game that timeline should have been closed for good.

I also don't like the Hero's Shade, but that's mainly just because they made OoT Link sound like a whiny little bitch

>> No.6113632

The Japanese script of The Wind Waker referred to him losing the Triforce of Courage because of the timeline split. The English script literally made stuff up about him simply leaving Hyrule on a journey.

Time flowed naturally after Link first drew the Master Sword, so he was actually traveling between the present and the past. Shit had already hit the fan in the time the Master Sword kept bringing Link back to as well. At the end of the game, Zelda instead uses the Ocarina of Time to send Link back and actually splits the timeline. This is why Link is totally absent in the present ("future") scenes in the credits.

>> No.6113656

Kokiri forest is the afterlife and kokiris are not alive.

>> No.6113664

>that pic
Healthy at any size

>> No.6113667

The Zelda franchise is severely lacking in titty monsters.

>> No.6113679

Yeah, but then all the women that play it would get offended and Nintendo's gotta keep that cash cow a'flowin'.

>> No.6113707

>crying because a franchise made for kids doesn't have massive tits and sex everywhere

>> No.6113708
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>WW script references timeline split
Ain't that the truth.

>> No.6113892

>and sex everywhere
Nice strawman faggot, nobody ever mentioned sex everywhere.

>> No.6113962
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>> No.6113975
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he's a big guy

>> No.6113987
File: 826 KB, 1040x936, 1530976638.paprikaboy_fatganondorf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.6114025

loved that character. For some reason I always remembered her as being lazy and leaning on the counter, I might have mixed her up with someone else. Still she's lazy in my headcanon.

>> No.6114028
File: 291 KB, 406x599, Hero's_Shade_(Concept_Art).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hero's Shade is cool, he just wants to make sure his lineage knows all the sick combat techniques he picked up in his years as a knight

>> No.6114031

>For some reason I always remembered her as being lazy and leaning on the counter
That's exactly how she acts in OoT. I don't remember what they did with her in MM.

>> No.6114034

Canonically betrothed to Ruto but he married Malon

>> No.6114038

technically he was only "married" to her during the game's events, when he gets sent back in time it's before he met Zelda and collected the Spiritual Stones so that never happened

>> No.6114060

There's literally a line in WW where that big fish says that Link is not related at all to the previous Link he knew. WW Link was just some rando kid.

>> No.6114196

I think she’s basically the same, but she’ll flirt with you in your goron and zora forms.

>> No.6114208

Wasn't she sleeping?

>> No.6114227

oh yeah, you wake her up when you walk in

>> No.6114229

I can't think of any chivalrous knight in any romantic tale that ends up marrying the princess, only if it's a warrior prince. Link isn't a prince. Royalty marries royalty.

>> No.6114231

I'm gay

>> No.6114243

she had the body of a 10 year old anon

>> No.6114250
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 2-Breath_of_Fire_IV_01165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that dude in Breath of Fire IV who was married to a fairy

>> No.6114253
File: 134 KB, 265x321, FaerieArtwork2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6114259


>> No.6114269

There is no source, its complete bullshit
The scripts have been compared countless times, theyre identical

>> No.6114350

she only flirts in the Zora form, if you're a Goron she charges you extra

>> No.6114447

A cute 10 year old.

>> No.6114456

I know which BoF game I'm playing next.

>> No.6114576

The heros shade is lazy as fuck. Especially since since last we see the hero of time he's still in control of of the ocarina.
You're telling me the dude guy with universe altering abilities somehow becomes a has been swordsmen?
I don't buy it.

>> No.6114626

He’s never specifically called the hero of time in-game, it’s just stated that he’s a previous hero. Hyrule Hystoria just says this, so I think it’s intentionally left up to interpretation.

>> No.6114631
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>> No.6114685


>> No.6114692

>has-been swordsman
he was clearly a warrior that died in battle, likely on one of his many adventures

>> No.6114705

Yeah, I don't know what happened there. I guess I should've viewed the full image and not judged it by its thumbnail.

>> No.6114721
File: 393 KB, 672x1173, bavj2dptxx041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Also kind of ditzy and (maybe just my headcanon) flirtatious. If only Majora's Mask could have released a few years later when fan hubs like DeviantArt and Tumblr came to fore, Nintendo might've realized how popular she was with fans of that game and included her in future titles.

>> No.6114915
File: 82 KB, 341x248, F1FED0D6-C63C-4A48-BBA9-2BD21E9E394B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some theorize that [...] indicates

>> No.6114976

Becoming a Stalfos does indicate something

>> No.6114982

Becoming a Stalfos is inevitable for all those who live and die by the sword. For their bones cannot rest easy.

>> No.6114983

Nothing but my own headcanon makes any sense.
He either went insane trapped in a time loop in termina. Or because a reality bending demi God. Assuming he kept the ocarina of time.
If he ditched the ocarina then yeah, I guess he could have just died.

>> No.6114986

Aren't stalfos directly linked to the lost woods? Getting lost in the forest turns to you stalfos regardless of your warrior abilities.

>> No.6114992

If you believe Fado yes. But they appear in far more places than that.

>> No.6114993

Sorta. In TP they appear in the gerudo desert of all places, and in games that came out before oot they appear all over. They’re tied to the forest pretty strongly in oot, but that’s not necessarily the only place with them. They even show up a lot in the shadow temple.

>> No.6115001

Even in OoT they are in the Gerudo Training ground and ganons castle.

>> No.6115365

>Aren't stalfos directly linked to the lost woods?
No. It's said that getting lost in the Lost Woods will turn you into a Stalfos, but that doesn't mean it's the only way to become a Stalfos or that Stalfos only exist in the Lost Woods.

>> No.6116128

Check out the Legends Alliance forums and their translation threads. They have convenient links to the most relevant things in the first post.

>> No.6116365

I somehow never noticed how bitchin that spiky headpiece is

Cool accessory, should be in more games

>> No.6117608

I always wanted to fuck that bitch on the right when I was a kid.

>> No.6117664

>spiky headpiece
Is Princess Zelda actually Hylian Jesus?

>> No.6118776

The fuck is wrong with that kid on the left?

>> No.6118828

Based, lolis ftw

>> No.6118943

he's a spirit, not a Stalfos

>> No.6118949

Stal- is a prefix used for undead
-fos is a suffix used for humanoids
Stalfos literally means undead human and they can pop up anywhere, they're only said to show up in Lost Woods because people get too lost and end up dying in the middle of nowhere

>> No.6118960

based lol!

>> No.6119089

Forest fairy

>> No.6119152

His cheeks are stuffed with deku nuts

>> No.6119421

The one with huge cheeks or the ape looking one with no eyes?

>> No.6119490
File: 28 KB, 550x503, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So an undead moblin would be a...

>> No.6119518

>-fos is a suffix used for humanoids
Wolfos aren't humanoid, though.

>> No.6119526


They sort of are, but only in the N64 games
Lizalfos are a better example

>> No.6120108

I don't get why they used 'Skull Kid' in English when it's 'Stalkid' originally.
Adults become Stalfos and kids become Stalkids.

>> No.6120306

This nigga here knows what’s up.

>> No.6120308

But he had the mind of a child that had been raised by a tree.

>> No.6120593
File: 220 KB, 415x493, Stalchild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already had Stalchildren and probably didn't want to cause confusion
even though they were called Stalbaby in the JP version