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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 462 KB, 768x1436, 4928F304-1B15-4AAB-9797-4AD5FCA0FE43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6101091 No.6101091 [Reply] [Original]

When a CRT improves the graphics of the game this much, why would anyone ever emulate?

>> No.6101094

Because most crts are heavy, take up space, and are sold by people who know what they have and will include free roaches inside of it.

>> No.6101103

Don't feed the troll. Look at the bottom image for more than two seconds, Idiot.

>> No.6101113

Had me for a second. Lucky for you I'm tired and a little retarded.

>> No.6101117

I mean are you trying to deny obvious proof that a CRT adds graphical detail that you just can’t get via emulation? It’s clearly the superior method of playing retro games

>> No.6101230

>tfw you're seething this hard because your mommy won't let you have an old TV in your room

>> No.6101254

8/10 pretty good I'm site somebody will bite

>> No.6101256

Shaders. At this point, anyone using a CRT is a massive tryhard faggot. It's good those type of people make it so easy to identify them quickly though.

>> No.6101316

You don't know a shader from a remaster and you don't know an enthusiast from a false flag. You probably don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground.

>> No.6101463

Wasn't this EXACT thread on /v/? go shit up somewhere else

>> No.6101562

>CRTs add panes to windows and bricks to columns where there are none


>> No.6101579

It’s adding detail from the CRT’s pixels being blended in RGB

>> No.6101694

Actually, I know more than you and have seen you post wrong information dozens of times over the years. In fact, there's even an active thread right now where you offered up wrong information to someone.

>> No.6101789

Why isn't this thread sagebombed already?
Why is op a lying basstard?
When will he stop injecting cum like medical serum?

>> No.6101914

I didn't know CRT did wonders, now I'll have to rethink my position on emulation.

>> No.6101919

Because I emulate on a CRT. Best of both worlds, cuck.

>> No.6102034
File: 28 KB, 280x350, f01cd420b84d8c745925bd247b1c422c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on your post in THIS thread, anyone can see that you just don't understand what you're reading (or the photos you're looking at).

>> No.6102442

Sage doesn’t work anymore champ

>> No.6102456

I chuckled.

>> No.6102609

The /v/ crossposters are ALWAYS shitposters. You know that Quake vs CS1.6 shit some faggot is always trying to push? Threads about it go up around the same time on /v/ and /vr/.

>> No.6104129

I'm retarded. What is the bottom panel?

>> No.6104134

A CRT running an authentic Castlevania cartridge. It shows detail you can’t get by just emulating, even with scanline filters.

>> No.6104141

Guess I'll never know what game :(

>> No.6104143


>> No.6104148

1) /vr/.
2) A poor troll baited fish in a bag.
3) tryhard.
4) Shit/Dick.

>> No.6104248

It's a romhack for Castlevania called Castlevania 30th Anniversary. Sadly it requires some installation shenanigans as opposed to a simple .ips patch.

>> No.6104265

It looks kinda ugly, to be honest. I have seen shareware games with better details.

>> No.6105116

Thanks man

>> No.6106364


>> No.6106709

What do you use to hook up the tv to pc?

>> No.6106832


>> No.6109029

Gramps I grow more and more fond of you every post

>> No.6109390
File: 1.07 MB, 1460x1120, meme shaders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme shaders? Meme shaders.

>> No.6109432

Pi3+4 have composite out. Or, you can use s-video with something like this: https://www.amazon.com/GeForce-9500-GDDR3-PCI-Express-Tangca/dp/B0838CT6CQ/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=s-video+1gb&qid=1578015738&s=electronics&sr=1-3

Either way, I would like to hear other methods of retro gaming on crt with emulation instead of being a hipster.

>> No.6109460 [DELETED] 

CRT_EmuDriver but it looks like 15khz RGB support is just built into Retroarch now.

>> No.6109489

it's called cable you fucking mongoloid, I swear I had enough of retards on this board

>> No.6109495

Never heard of it. Can you post an example of it in action? I'm more than happy with shaders so I don't really follow this stuff.

>> No.6109508 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1920, 1536614317223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6109510

Is that how you look when mom brings bulls over to fuck her in front of you

>> No.6109515

I'm sorry, but that looks like a mess. Why do people zoom in so much at an awkward angle when showing crts? It's like a meme of a meme. Just take a regular picture of the full screen.

>> No.6109549 [DELETED] 

To show detail.

>> No.6109552

But you don't play that close at those angles. In fact, there are no "details" to see. You aren't supposed to actually notice the scanlines.

>> No.6109557


>> No.6109561 [DELETED] 

Then look at the image from a distance. If you take a digital picture of an analog display and view it at your screen's native resolution then it's going to look like a shader at best and that's only if the photograph is perfect.

>> No.6109565

>it's going to look like a shader at best
At least you admit it. That's the first step.

>> No.6109569 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 220x123, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately I can look directly at my CRTs not just a digital photo or approximation of them.

>> No.6109635
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, meme tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High res picture at a distance so you can both zoom in and see detail, or zoom out and see about what it looks like at a normal viewing distance.

>> No.6109647

Sorry but this was exactly what I was going to post
It's not even difficult, it's so easy to hookup any device to a CRT these days

>> No.6111490

This should be stickied at the start of every single crt thread. Perfect example of what I was trying to say.

>> No.6112408

Of course I use a pc to emulate, but how can people not be interested in how progress on pi type devices are?
