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File: 31 KB, 380x263, SuperMarioRPGSNESCoverArtUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6099730 No.6099730 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they ever make a sequel to Super MaRPGio?

>> No.6099734

You mean Paper Mario?

>> No.6099735

I believe this came out really late into the SNES's life cycle so there probably wasn't enough time to develop a sequel for the 16-bit console and Square famously ditched Nintendo in favour of Sony in the subsequent console generation.

>> No.6099745

wasn't a sequel

>> No.6099748

Because you're gay

>> No.6099749
File: 13 KB, 256x194, super mario rpg 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it's worth, it was originally going to be called Super Mario RPG 2.

>> No.6099764


You completely obliterated the OP with facts and logic. I wonder where he went, lol.

>> No.6099769

OP here, Paper Mario wasn't a sequel to Super Mario RPG in the same way Conker's Bad Fur Day wasn't a kid friendly game.

>> No.6099775

its spiritual successor m&l is dead

>> No.6099778

It started development as a sequel and changed gears when the game was naturally developing into a new and different game. That answers the OP's question why it didn't get a sequel.

>> No.6099780

I assume OP means a sequel in terms of story, gameplay, and/or graphical style, which Paper Mario matches on zero counts, no matter the name it had during development.

>> No.6099893

I'm sick of this overrated shit game to be honest.

>> No.6099919

Squaresoft and nintendo should have done a FFT x Mario crossover with the same art isometric art style. Imagine how badass it would have been to see knight mario and yoshi blasting fireballs at dark mages.

>> No.6099939

Sony and nintendo had a scuffle with CD game storage, with the playstation being born, and square jumping ship to develop on CD.

Why we STILL dont have a sequel, squenix is dumb now.

>> No.6099960

7 stars is still the best mario rpg.
All others pale in comparison.

>> No.6100337

Does any game give as much pure joy as Super Mario RPG?

>> No.6100347

In terms of story and gameplay, there's some similarities. It's an RPG with timed hits or performing some action in battles and you're collecting 7 "star spirits" (vs 7 star pieces in Mario RPG).
There are other similarities too, like MP is still called FP and you use syrup to restore it in both games.

That said, you're right that it's very different and you can see why they changed the name.

>> No.6100385

There's also jumping outside of battles. Paper Mario adds more actions on top of that.

>> No.6100757

None even close. The game has so much god-damned heart it is literally impossible not to smile while playing it. Yoko Shimomura's soundtrack really makes the game, the music is just so happy and upbeat. Paper Mario really suffered by not having her being the composer.


>> No.6100770


None of the others are as comfy, I love playing RPG around December.

>> No.6100906

Because it never needed one, with the "Paper Mario" and "Mario & Luigi"
series respectively serving as its spiritual successors anyway.

>> No.6101048

To preface this I'm a big fan of Paper Mario (played it at least 5 times that I can remember) and really enjoyed Mario & Luigi as well. But the thing is, and I think many will agree, getting those games wasn't quite the same as getting a Mario RPG sequel.

I could go on about the aesthetic differences and that's certainly a part of it. That unique SNES faux-3D isometric look, the colors, the music. But I think what made Mario RPG really great was the integration of Bowser and Peach into the player experience, and pitting them all against a different force altogether.

It's a small thing on paper, but it's a clever way to make a story-driven Mario game. In a way, the other Mario RPGs are kind of bland because they are moreso played straight in regard to Mario "lore." Like, Bowser is the bad guy, he kidnapped Peach, Peach is helpless and ladylike. They mix in other villains and have Peach do subterfuge occasionally but the core characters are really flanderized. I'm not saying Super Mario RPG is a work of literature but I appreciate that the characters each had at least one extra dimension to their personalities/motivations.

Plus, the enemies and side characters and whatnot in Mario RPG was just superior IMO. The OCs were weird and original, in the subsequent games they're a bit plain, elemental, or derivative.

>> No.6101773

I think we have to acknowledge something about SMRPG: it was great because Squaresoft helped make it. All the really great stuff from the game came from Square, not Nintendo.

>> No.6101776

Still to this day the only RPG I’ve ever enjoyed.

>> No.6101806

Yeah, I really like just how wacky Booster is as an enemy. A rich (by inheritance), middleaged, manchild shut-in who spends all day playing with toys and bossing around his caretakers, eventually falling in love with his perfect waifu who falls from the sky, his story ending with cake distracting him from his grand forced marriage scheme because he has the attention span of a child.

>> No.6102002

why would they? The game was complete.

>> No.6102016

She composed the Mario & Luigi titles though, which weren't that bad, but I agree that SMRPG still has the best soundtrack
That's true, I wonder how much input Nintendo had on the game