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File: 34 KB, 220x306, 220px-Kolibri_for_Sega_32X,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6096152 No.6096152 [Reply] [Original]

I've been looking around and trying interesting looking games for Sega systems and I'll give a heads up that this game is shite

>> No.6096168

ah damn, for real? I've been thinking of picking this up for my 32x. But have you tried Ranger-x or Alien Soldier?

>> No.6096194

Thanks dude

>> No.6096198

I've seen a lot a praise for the graphics, but it's ugly as hell. Even the Ecco games looks 10000x better. It's the clunkiest shooter you'll ever play aside from that, it's like they forgot what made Ecco interesting and decided to make something "visually" similar but with a bird.

>> No.6096245

It’s shit but also in the top 3 32x games, makes you think.

>> No.6096248

>interesting looking games for Sega systems

I just got a sega saturn and I gotta say it's got a lot of really cool stuff on it

>> No.6096273

Like Super Hydlide

>> No.6096283

knuckles chaotix is actually pretty good if u like exploring

>> No.6096292

Who told you it was bad? some youtuber I bet

>> No.6096298

Oh wait I'm confusing Virtual Hydlide with Super Hydlide. I actually like the geny one, haven't played the saturn one

>> No.6096309

I low-key prefer Zaxxon Motherbase 2000 over Kolibri. For a game so pricey it's very dull.

>> No.6096313

What is a guy using zoomer slang doing forking over boomer level cash for dumb 32x games? you rich nigga?

>> No.6096342

Nope, got the everdrive cartridge and finessed some lady's 32X for $15. Yep.

>> No.6098563


>> No.6099512


>> No.6099546
File: 370 KB, 897x445, sega 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been looking around and trying interesting looking games for Sega systems
There's only one Sega System™

>> No.6100796

>There's only one Sega System™
This. Based.

>> No.6100831

100% agree.

>> No.6100854

even my exgirlfriend was able to get quite far into this title

have you tried 2gitgud anon?
the 32x was a commercial failure and has a very limited library but this is definitely a shitty bait thread & you should feel bad for your objectively atrocious opinion

>> No.6100948

Gordon is a sexy name.

>> No.6100949

Why are you posting a picture of the Power Base?
It's only one of many Sega Systems.

>> No.6100959
File: 500 KB, 584x505, 1555213112740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware

>> No.6100972
File: 1.53 MB, 2592x1936, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6101083

as in "power based".
Get it? lol

>> No.6101449

>have you tried 2gitgud anon?
lol have you tried 2gitgud anon

>> No.6101696


>> No.6101739


>> No.6101743

>And... ENJOY!!!

is this a videogame player or a white ass cooking recipe

>> No.6101934

get good at eating shit

>> No.6101936

Kolibri is basically a tech demo that got rush-released as an actual game because the library was a fucking ghost town.

>> No.6102640


>> No.6104057

>is this a videogame player or a white ass cooking recipe
lol is this a videogame player or a white ass cooking

>> No.6106003
