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File: 205 KB, 301x313, MyriaIIIBoss_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6095916 No.6095916 [Reply] [Original]

You should play a Breath of Fire game

>> No.6095919

when I get my new rig in a week I plan on playing a bunch of games. this 10yr old rig isnt cutting it anymore

>> No.6097501
File: 148 KB, 1126x985, ZOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't a real goddess
>attacks with "holocaust" which also didn't happen

>> No.6097550

Holy shit that sprite

>> No.6097553


>> No.6097561

>bad guy is named zog


>> No.6097780
File: 77 KB, 481x399, freg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom's golden age

>> No.6097790

Still hard to believe she is the younger and much weaker sister of Deis/Bleu

>> No.6097791

Which one do you recommend?

>> No.6097882

I recommend you kiss my ass

>> No.6098058

Definitely 3, 1 and 2 are bad and, while pretty, 4 is misery from beginning to end and severely downgrades the gameplay from 3.

>> No.6098079

All I know about it is that a shit ton of the party members are furries and other anthros. Otherwise it's a pretty typical JRPG franchise.

>> No.6098120
File: 11 KB, 480x320, 1565508640618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good guys win

>> No.6098129

Holy shit snake titties

>> No.6098179


>> No.6098281

I'll play em when they get translation patches

>> No.6098284


>> No.6098553

>4 is misery from beginning to end
did we play the same game? It was a somewhat easy but highly enjoyable game to me. Tons of great music, very pleasing visual style, funny characters that make the world feel alive, etc. I dunno what your major complaint is besides I dunno, having to play a mario party mini game all of 3 times?

>> No.6098761

>when the final boss's belly starts to bulge

>> No.6099205
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 40-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story is and the ending is the worst.

>> No.6099249
File: 40 KB, 640x480, rain-asian-girl-happy_si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my 14 year old cousin started playing BoF II on his Switch

Man, the little bastard might be a moron, but goddamn if he doesn't have some good taste.

>> No.6099375

4 is absolutely fucking beautiful but it's a feelcoaster from the beginning to the end.
3 is much happier than that.

yet in the good ending you trade slavery for the planet's doom, way to go

>> No.6099459
File: 190 KB, 635x800, bof4-misc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV's ending is amazing. It not having a perfect fairy tale ending where everyone lives happily ever after is what really makes it stand out. Yuna living adds genuine weight to Fou-Lu's viewpoint. Ryu and Fou-Lu, and thus the player, had experienced and the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, Yuna living is the ultimate message that in life villains don't always go punished, and Fou-Lu's genuine rage against humanity's sins feels genuinely compelling.

It's not perfect but as I've become older it's one of the few jrpg narratives I feel is truly compelling and interesting.
BoFIII has some pretty depressing stuff, all the stuff with Teepo is a downer, though it's much less of a focus in III.

>> No.6099464

I can't believe Ershin is fucking dead.

>> No.6099470
File: 149 KB, 650x800, bof4-misc03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ursula is sitting on him, you can see his eye between Ryu and Nina.

>> No.6099572

Unused stuff hints that they planned Yuna to be a boss and he'd be killed. So Capcom probably didn't let him live to kick us in the nuts, they just ran out of dev time.

>> No.6099581
File: 1.22 MB, 1680x1020, 8868925_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing in the game's files suggesting it, though I believe Capcom has said he was suppose to. Even if unintended him living was genius.

>> No.6099906

I've never seen hard evidence for this, only forum posts.

>> No.6099949

based cousin

>> No.6099950

Which breath of fire should I start with?

>> No.6099974
File: 88 KB, 605x614, fat chocobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>from the composer who heard final fantasy 7

>> No.6100245

If you want to start with the best one, start 3 or 4 I suppose.

For something a bit out of the norm, try Dragon Quarter, but it's not representative of the rest of the series.

>> No.6100440

>Cedar Woods
Holy plagiarism, Batman!

>> No.6100483

Anyone else think it is quite comical that frogs were localized to sound french?

>> No.6101616

>he got the bad ending

>> No.6101657
File: 8 KB, 164x200, patty1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah boffu

>> No.6101841
File: 483 KB, 1000x1347, 1365201334481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the "good" ending

>> No.6102174
File: 192 KB, 735x545, breathoffire4_conceptart_mjzcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love Yoshikawa's art

>> No.6102182

This series is dead, right.
Capcom doesn't care anymore.

>> No.6102189 [DELETED] 


>> No.6102317

Nobody ever cared because the series was wasted potential.

>> No.6102870

You're just wrong on both accounts.

>> No.6102952
File: 83 KB, 476x356, art-larwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insane that he isn't more famous, his work is phenomenal.
Ever since BoFVI bombed Capcom basically decided it's not something worth their time. The last time they even mentioned BoF was about a year ago, a character in SFV got a Katt costume.

>> No.6102965

It's such a shame that artists don't catalogue their published work. You always have to hunt down disparate smaller collections of images.

>> No.6103418

>Ever since BoFVI bombed
BoFVI was designed to bomb, Capcom made the shittiest sequel possible to have their excuse to drop the franchise forever

>> No.6103440

I have, Breath of Fire V. I haven't played the others because I'm not interested in bog standard JRPGs.

>> No.6104043
File: 185 KB, 900x601, 1364232425515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish 4 expanded the dragon system from 3 instead of gimping it back to BOF1 levels.

>> No.6104114

The gene system is overrated as fuck. You would only ever use it for bosses since normal battles were never worth the cost of using it and for when you did use it you would always just throw together whatever seems strongest. IV's battle system and the way comboing and combining attacks works blows III's dragon genes out of the water.

>> No.6104280

I've been playing 1 and the translation is cryptic.
Older JRPGs feel like you're trying to figure out the puzzle of cryptic clues before anything else.
I forgot about fishing. Everything seems so obtuse. Getting a rod you need to get Ryu's equipment by poking around searching in a castle jail.
Fishing in 2 wells with Rod5 to get that shit. I think you need it to get the second dragon forms too?
I'm older now, but it just seems like such a huge time waste.
2 was always ok, I need to finish 3, and I always loved 4.
1 feels like I'm fucking playing Gaygoyle's Quest or something with those clues and the shitty over world map.

>> No.6105221

The gene system isn't overrated, it's very good and it's meant for boss fights.

>> No.6105226

It's cryptic and weird because of the translation being shit, granted it's not a fantastic game but it sure is charming and full of character.

>> No.6105857

Been playing 1 and it's a bit of a bore. Some neat ideas though.

Wish I'd actually emulated instead of using real hardware, a fast forward function would let me enjoy this game way more.

>> No.6105870

IV's combo system is practical enough to use in random encounters, the gene system isn't. I can understand why someone might prefer III over IV but seeing people prefer III's battle system is just bizarre to me.
BoFI really is kind o a bore. II is a more interesting game and has some neat ideas but it suffers from some poor design choices that hold it back from being a top tier jrpg I feel.

>> No.6106095

You just use the same combo every fight except you switch the elements around, and you know it. Also, the best combo being a Ryu recolor is bullshit.

>> No.6106150

Is 2 better than 1? Is it just quality of life stuff that holds it back?

>> No.6106212

I would say BoFII is a much better game, though it does have some annoyances. The encounter rate is pretty bad and made worse by the game having a lot of backtracking. Some mechanics, like the shaman system, also feel sort of janky in that it wares off if you reach critical health or die. It does have it however. It was one of the earliest jrpgs to do the whole "there is a corrupt religion that is trying to ruin the world" and it has great character moments thanks to a charming and diverse cast. It's a solid jrpg held back by a lack of refinement, it could be a top tier jrpg on the system but just doesn't quite reach the heights of something like Chrono Trigger.

If you do play it I absolutely suggest using the fan translation. Square Enix published the first BoF outside of Japan and handled the translation, doing a dry but decent job. The second game however was translated by Capcom themselves and is legendary for just how bad it is. Sections where "yes" and "no" are swapped, entire lines being removed or having a meaning different from the original, various plot details being lost, and flat out incorrect information make it a genuine contender for the worst localization of any game ever made.

>> No.6106608

Yeah, my wife has been watching alongside, and getting frustrated with the translation.
It really is more of a puzzle trying to navigate.
True, that's what keeps me invested in all of these games. I first played 2 because of how bizarre the party looked.

>> No.6107047

I replayed BoF1 a couple days ago. I used to recommend it since I can only remember the fun high points that set it apart from other JRPGs, but now I can say it's mostly shit. There's some nice ideas but the later games have most of what it does and does everything better.

Field abilities are pointless as the game has no puzzles so instead the field abilities usually just have you doing some time-wasting character swapping in the menu. Fusion is cool, but the fusions have no downsides and you have characters that eventually serve as fusion fodder. There's also that one fusion that'ts only acquired past the one point of the game where you can use it.

Dungeons are usually straight forward outside of some real bullshit sections where the game just expects you to rely on guesswork to progress. There's usually no rhyme or reason to where the correct path is and if you take the wrong path then you sometimes get thrown down two or more floors and have to go back up to maybe take the right path the next time. The only cool dungeon in the entire game is Tock but the game ruins that by making you have to go through Tock twice.

And finally, this is a problem across most of the BoF games but it likes to break its own momentum a lot. The most notable example is the shitty money grinding for gold bars and nonsense random fetch quests they throw at you. A funny example of the latter I noticed is when the game has you spend maybe a full minute going up Scande with ominous music playing in the background only to tell you that you need to get an ultimately unnecessary item from another town to progress any further so you then spend another minute going down the tower to get the item and then spend another minute going back up the tower.

BoF1 is decent, but it actively trying to waste your time outside of its occasional high points is a real turnoff. It's not worth it unless you really want to see where the series came from since it might turn you off of playing more.

>> No.6107390
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>> No.6107486
File: 519 KB, 717x980, 4632236_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raging Emperor's Banquet is one of my favorite final boss themes. It's such an interesting mix of intensity and beautiful, the citar solo always kills me.

>> No.6108723
File: 881 KB, 1440x1080, Breath of Fire IV (USA)-191124-233659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me zee.. massage.. yes?

>> No.6108727
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x1080, Breath of Fire IV (USA)-191123-205411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had such fun playing these. I think I liked 3 better but 4 had such great graphics.

>> No.6108728
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x1080, Breath of Fire III (USA)-191119-234125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108932

There's a porn gif made of this scene with the ingame sprite artstyle, very well animated too.

>> No.6109061

BoF1 is the one game in the series that would really benefit from a proper remake where they use the rest of the series as a blueprint for how to fix the first one. BoF2 could also use that treatment, but not near as bad as BoF1. I still like both of them though.

>> No.6109067

The best stuff from BoF is all the Rei and Cray bara, also Ruy stuff from 1, 2, and 4.

>> No.6109146

Actually doing a playthrough of Breath of Fire 3 right now. Enjoying it quite a bit.

>> No.6110593

Giving Ryu green pants was a mistake.

>> No.6111141

Would jeans have been better? Or perhaps cargo shorts?

>> No.6111143
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1020, Ryu&NinaCompleteWorks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green isn't part of his color scheme

>> No.6111306

And what exactly makes a character a "part of a color scheme" that one must follow for all of eternity in your eyes?

>> No.6111336

Is the PSP port of BoF III better than the original version?

>> No.6111343


>> No.6111348

It's exactly the same, but since PSP doesn't have IV you should get the PS1 version of III to have both in the same place.

>> No.6111367

I might quit BoF3 because of how slow it is, and training Beyd seems like such a god awful part of the main storyline. Like why have THIS as a mandatory part of the game?

>> No.6111369

Gotcha, thanks!

>> No.6111724

The psp version actually has some changes. The music is superior on the psp version of III as more instruments are used, making songs overall sound better. Sadly there is some censorship, some scenes like the horse brothers taking a piss on the side of a mountain were removed, and there is some slowdown during certain spell animations. Nothing major is lost in the port but still.

>> No.6112692

>horse brothers taking a piss on the side of a mountain
I don't remember that in PS1

>> No.6112720
File: 216 KB, 512x384, 20-SLUS_004.22_04012013_150120_0969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little after they birn down Ryu, Rei, and Teepo's hideout. I think the sprite was edited to not imply he was pissing off the side of the mountain, a minor but strange change.

>> No.6112735

they don't censor Momo's implied rape at all though

I guess even a narc can't knowingly lead children into the fuck room by pretending it doesn't exist

>> No.6112741

delete this, Momo is pure and did NOT get XXXX'd

>> No.6114548

Played Dragon Quarter and thoroughly enjoyed it. But hated the sudden introduction of Absolute Defense late game.

Do prior BoF titles do that as well and pull a completely new mechanic out of nowhere in the end game?

>> No.6114664

No, but older games also play almost nothing like it.

>> No.6114884

Good, that was annoying
>but older games also play almost nothing like it.
That I'm aware of. Probably just going to jump to IV next though.

>> No.6114913

t. seething weretiger

>> No.6114987
File: 100 KB, 980x750, 900bf2a9c409f7adc152551cec99ee38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top monster looks like a monster hunter monster

>> No.6115109

Is that ever explained?

>> No.6115115
File: 304 KB, 677x998, ryu 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karate hobo pants are best

>> No.6115117
File: 86 KB, 728x1120, deis f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not overtly. Just that Deis is perhaps on of the oldest beings in the world and Myria is something LIKE unto an Endless. It's more likely that the term "sister' was Deis just giving the false god something akin to compassion and understanding in their final moments.

>> No.6115136

Final moments? You said they may be Endless? Anyway, seemed more like a "I told you so" than anything else.

>> No.6115221

Deis is a flat out endless. This is confirmed. Myria is up in the air if she's an actual god or a fake one.

>> No.6115429

Finished 1. Was kind of a slog but I heard that after 2 the games get really good.

Are the games connected? Is there any sort of timeline, or is each just its own world?

>> No.6115452

>Are the games connected? Is there any sort of timeline

1,2,3 are independent games but often make direct references. 4 and 5 only fit in via fan theories.