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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 400x400, g-dXB8lQ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6092963 No.6092963 [Reply] [Original]

Hidden Palace will dump a new prototype every day until January 2nd. Hoarding is dead.


>> No.6092971

Any games of note being dumped?

>> No.6092975

Fingers crossed on Vertexer

>> No.6092982
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweatie. You know it's just going to be more lame prototypes of Sonic games.

>> No.6092986

Dear god no

>> No.6093685

We don't know until they show the games on stream
Unlikely. They already had a Sonic Month, these prototypes are called "Holiday 2019" so I doubt that they'd focus on Sonic. Maybe 1 of them is Sonic though

>> No.6093836

For the three people that care, today's game was revealed to be the unreleased Akira game for the Mega Drive/Genesis:

>> No.6093840

rip that anon that put an ungodly amount of time tracking this shit down

>> No.6093841

didn't someone on /vr/ make a thread recently about tracking down the cancelled Akira games?

>> No.6093852

I was the underbidder on the Akira GB lot auction earlier in the year, but I guess those are lost now.

>> No.6093872 [DELETED] 

Oh shit

This. I wonder if that guy was a part of the palace effort.

This plus those Sega Model 1 coprocessor dumps has this shaping up to be a truly nice holiday season for retro gaming - no tacky jammies or embarrassing Mario cap necessary.

>> No.6093878

Doesn't look like it was really finished. That floating platform scene just hits a dead end.

>> No.6093948
File: 116 KB, 300x210, 300px-Akira_(Prototype).2019-12-20_17.29.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some screenshots and more information has been released:

>> No.6093950

Download link here: https://hiddenpalace.org/w/images/1/1b/Akira_%28Prototype%29.zip

>> No.6094618

Very cool

>> No.6094624

Is there a reason the hoarders stopped hording?

>> No.6094627

I believe that few game preservation societies we created in the past few years and industry employees and journalists just started giving out things and some of those things are prototype games.
As far as I can tell hoarders never changed their mind.

>> No.6094629

I'm fairly sure that's the same guy, since he said to look forward to Christmas.

>> No.6094828

boomers hoarding this shit started dropping dead from obesity, cancer, etc

>> No.6094853

And their collections get thrown in the trash when their landlord clears out their apartment since they have no children or close family members.

>> No.6094854

That would be a dream.

Hope some rips the music soon.

>> No.6094862

So... You're saying someone needs to start tomb raiding these places when RIP posts get made on those forums? Probably the most isolated ones never even are known to have died, just faded away. Maybe someone should set up a "welfare check" system.

>> No.6094908

Why wait until they're dead?

>> No.6094921
File: 1.77 MB, 250x250, bear (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because otherwise they'll maul you like a mama bear protecting her cubs

>> No.6094929

Nah man, just bust in there. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/04/after-a-lost-atari-rom-leaks-retro-fans-ask-was-it-stolen/

>> No.6094930

he cute

>> No.6094934

Oh, man. Good for the guy who was looking for this.

>> No.6094939

The reason a lot of these games were unreleased is just because nobody gave enough of a shit to track down the original staff and ask if they still had a copy laying around. Which they tend to, more often than not. Nowadays there's more interest in the subject of unreleased games, so people are putting int the effort.

>> No.6094969

You also have to hope that the developers who held on to the prototypes don't care that their stuff is actually worth a decent amount. Some other former developers do indeed have stuff, but instead of giving it away decide to sell on ebay.

>> No.6094986

I'm still holding out for Beavis and Butthead arcade

>> No.6094987

Gimme Vertexer, Marble Madness 2 or RoadRunner Laserdisc and i would be happy.

>> No.6094998
File: 200 KB, 1024x768, vertexer PCB not owned by you that you will never have access to and can't dump ROMs from.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.

>> No.6095000

What the fuck, hoard bros? Did we lose?

>> No.6095004

who are you even talking to

>> No.6095046

It’s mostly older dudes, in their mid 40 to 50s, with a moderate amount of disposable income who are buying prototype games. I’ve spent enough time on Nintendoage to get a sense of the demographics of the market. The people who collect and control and artificially inflate their collections by making fraudulent transactions and spreading rumours are the same people buyimg prototypes and pallets of sealed Nintendo games and shit. They are definitely scared, worried and I am happy about that. These people are absolute scum and they’re always trying to do some sneaky shit when someone tries to break up their shitty little parade. There was a guy on the nintendoage forums who had several pallets, like, literally entire shipments of hang tab black box nes games and he was going to basically decimate the market value of sealed NES black tab boxes by putting them on the market, and the admins banned him from the website to stop him from disrupting the market.

>> No.6095057

What's stopping him from releasing them anyway? I'd do it just as a big "Fuck you" to those assholes.

>> No.6095082

My hoard pals. We are losing more and more each day.

>> No.6095165

ffs, do the morally correct thing to do. Preservation.

>> No.6095183

KEK Loving how triggered collectorfag trio is, yet none of them know how to service their own machines and the vocal bitch admits to theft (dumpster diving). Looking forward to the day an unscrupulous company like EA sues these twats, who've illegally obtained their unreleased prototypes and reacquire them at no cost. Like NASA did to space suit collectors.

>> No.6095202
File: 233 KB, 735x734, color-blindness-test-pepe-the-frog-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I can't sleep at night because I'm so nervous that someone might upload my rare gems one day

>> No.6095209

I wonder, are there any real hoarders on /vr/ or are they all RPing like you?

>> No.6095213

I've seen quite a few who seemed legit

>> No.6095263

Shou will release it when he feels like it. lol

>> No.6095269

>believing the "it was totally stolen!" story
There's a limited number of known machines of that game. It takes time to dump and properly document the machine to have the MAMEdevs be able to emulate it. The machines are in the hands of known hoarders who only sell or trade with other known hoarders. Anyone dumping it would be shunned by them, and couldn't get access to more.
>guy in hoarding community hires repair guy to fix a machine
>game not needing repairs gets dumped and documented well enough to work under MAME
>owner claims he needs to look through MONTHS(?) of security footage to see the theft
>MAMEdevs know about the "stolen ROMs" story, put it in MAME anyways despite pulling Sega Sonic Bros. out including the git commits since "Sega" sent them a threatening letter despite Sega never threatening MAME for any of the Sega titles playable(protip: it was the hoarder who was angry the dump got public despite the dumpers saying they would keep it private)
It doesn't add up. More likely that one guy was willing to get it dumped, but wanted to cover his ass so he wouldn't get cut off from other rarities.

>> No.6095273

I'm one so-called hoarder.

>> No.6095276

Howw are you holding up, hoard bro?

>> No.6095278

fucking sack of shit

>> No.6095290

That guy who hoarded loads of rare japanese pc games and uploaded them on a private forum for creds and blew up when the link was posted here
All those people who get really angry about any emulation and dumping

>> No.6095338

Doing OK.

>> No.6095342

based game preservationists dabbing on hoarder fags

>> No.6095343

Those are some pretty beefy fucking sprites in the sidescrolling section, and the FP section looks interesting. Would have been neat to see this all polished up. Dunno if going for a million different genres would have been a good idea in the end though

>> No.6095356

>Sega Sonic Bros.
It's always the Sonic autists, isn't it?

>> No.6095427

I know for a fact some of those collections are built from a welfare check system.

>> No.6095434

>another game delisted by MAME staff
Yeah, no surprise there. Those faggots are always removing shit.

>> No.6095487

What are my fellow hoardbros hoardin'?

>> No.6095493

My virginity. Several hundred pounds of excess fat. Various stains on my shirt.

>> No.6095501

LOL... No, I mean like the police do with people who's wellbeing someone has reported a concern for. I do find the Don Russell story to be interesting though. I hope his widow and kids have managed to find a new normal.

>> No.6095508

Cringe, bro.

>> No.6095639
File: 276 KB, 1024x417, Sonic-Tokyo-Toy-Show-6-1990_zpshfcvw5eq-1024x417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 more prototypes and they started with akira genesis
whats next?
n64 holy grails like zelda 64, mario 64 and banjo kazooie?
the legendary sonic 1 proto?

>> No.6095643

I hope the final day is just them beheading a hoarder on a livestream.

>> No.6095686
File: 282 KB, 578x666, MoreProtos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 new prototypes have been released, which are:
World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (Prototype B)
Primal Rage (Prototype)
College Football USA 96 (Jun 21, 1995 prototype)
Granada (REV01 prototype)
Australian Rugby League (Prototype)
Read more: https://hiddenpalace.org/News/Holiday_2019_(Day_2)_-_Some_Stocking_Stuffers!

>> No.6095693

Based and redpilled. Hoarders get the rope.

>> No.6095758

It is, dude's a real cool guy and didn't have to resort to namefagging to get attention even if he had the Akira game secured. Didn't even bother to post here, either.
You can talk to him in the Hidden Palace discord if you're not a brain damaged 4chan shitposter.

>> No.6095763

PC Cocoron, Resident Evil 1.5 Release Candidate (Gemini BTFO), Mario 128, Fortezza (Nintendo Playstation), Hellraiser (NES), Flesh Gordon 2600

>> No.6095831

>tfw I have a pre-final Japanese debug prototype disc of the first Klonoa game that I got for very cheap
Any dumped Klonoa prototypes online?

>> No.6095857

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. How do we stop this? I'm already underwater on two of my mortgages and might not be able to flip them in time before the next big recession. I had everything banked on selling my protos on eBay at 10x profit. I am fucking ruined. This is literally going to kill people. How do we stop this?

>> No.6095870

If you want to end the suffering then end yourself, hoardfag. It’s only a matter of time before Hidden Palace is owned by the U.S. Government and you hoardfags will be required to hand over your prototypes and then be executed.

>> No.6095872

The US Government is more likely to shut down Hidden Palace than anything.

>> No.6095880

Thats pretty awesome, Akira was a big name with lots of videos and magazines. Its been really good this last couple of years with proto releases. I think people are realizing that it is pointless to keep these to themselves.

>> No.6095882

Cope harder, maybe it will save you from debt, hoardnigger. As soon as every prototype that the masses have been yearning for is recovered by Hidden Palace, all those years you spent sitting on your fantass, eating Cheetohs, and hoarding prototypes will be wasted. Your fucking balding lardass will be on a fucking stick that was shoved up your ass, and you won’t be getting off of it to fucking shit all over your PCBs and lick the shit off of them. The best part is, you won’t be missed. Even when you are dead, your fatass will be hated by everyone you know, and every decent person on this planet. There is no escape. You’ve dug your way into this hole hoardnigger, and it’s only a matter of time before Hidden Palace buries you.

>> No.6095892

Unironically seek help.

>> No.6095894

Am I just gonna have to filter the word hoard in /vr/? Good lord you shits are annoying

>> No.6095902

upload your r@re roms, hoarder

>> No.6095906

Not him, but you could always offer to buy prototypes from people or pay them for the ROMs.

>> No.6095909

Hand over your prototypes then kill yourselves you fat pieces of shit

>> No.6095912

>I'll sperg out and fling insults, THAT will make people want to share with me!
Seek help.

>> No.6095926

Man this fucking Akira proto rules. Looks like it would be shit though.

>> No.6095954

Can we dox all hoarders? Send Tyrone to his house. At least he'll sell the protos on Craigslist for menthol money.

>> No.6095998

none that I can find from a brief Google search

>> No.6096025
File: 7 KB, 196x250, 1565194469961s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we dox all hoarders?

>> No.6096026

No need to, they'll suffer cardiac arrest and their parents will sell their shit for 10$ on a garage sale

>> No.6096037

Me too. High five, bro. Thanks to me, nobody will ever get to play the unfinished beta of linkle liver story 2 or the unbootable source code of the 3rd beta of the unfinished bubble ghost 2 alpha for ibm dos 2.0.

>> No.6096054

Meant to quote >>6095857

>> No.6096070

Nope. The guy I quoted types like he is a betakiddie with genuine issues, the other guy is just the one who is obsessed with larping as a concerned hoarder.

>> No.6096081

Sad news. I think I'm going to the right thing and destroy the SEGA of America hard drives I have along with the sources on them. It wasn't supposed to be released to the public anyway and I don't want pirates ever spreading it Illegally.

>> No.6096096

spaceworld mother 3 something something in the next something something

you didn't hear it from me

>> No.6096341

Are they dumping duke 2001?
Some guy on /v/ is dropping gameplay webms for the last 2 days

>> No.6096383

Do it like the blizzard guy, return them to sega, maybe they will gift you the new sanic game

>> No.6096586
File: 354 KB, 644x284, Tony_at_ASR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someday that I will see this.

or a later build that has the "big" version of the streets level

>> No.6096602

I'd be much more interested in releases of the sourcecode of old games, especially 8-bit and 16-bit era.

>> No.6096660

I hope they get that Christopher Colombus shooter, all I want to see is footage of the gameplay really.

>> No.6096665
File: 9 KB, 320x240, zelda124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any beta build of OoT or SM64 is more likely to show up than that, and we're never getting either of them.

>> No.6096674

im colorblind. is that a pot leaf?

>> No.6096678

come on duelin firemen!
fingers crossed

>> No.6096682

No, it's a fucking meme frog.

>> No.6096690

yeah. my girlfriend always makes fun of the fact that i suck at seeing the pictures in the dots

>> No.6096702
File: 95 KB, 456x432, SSWTrashCompactorEGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for this to get dumped

>> No.6096751
File: 77 KB, 700x658, 1577017149461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 8/16 bit games were written for very specific kind of hardware. you'd basically end up writing 90% brand new code to make it up and running.

>> No.6096771
File: 231 KB, 963x1200, IMG_6153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be Pop'n Land for sega cd.
>Please be Pop'n Land for sega cd.

>> No.6096961

They have that at Galloping Ghost now.

>> No.6097123

One of those cabs was at a Frisco, TX pinball convention earlier this year. When I was there it was initially stuck at an area where a door was supposed to open, and after a reset in managed to clear the first stage and maybe a bonus stage or something before it locked up. Disappointing.

>> No.6097140

Cool, let me just hop on a plane to Chicago.

>> No.6097212
File: 254 KB, 680x960, Galford-sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is awesome! thanks for posting the link here. have a galford for your efforts bud.

>> No.6097221

This. It crashed when I played it at Galloping Ghost, too. It's a really unstable beta.

>> No.6097250
File: 138 KB, 619x241, EvenMoreProtos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's release is two N64 Prototypes:
Robotech: Crystal Dreams (Prototype)
GT 64: Championship Edition (May 25, 1998 prototype)
Read more about it here: https://hiddenpalace.org/News/Holiday_2019_(Day_3)_-_N64_Goodies

Gotta be honest, today and yesterday's prototypes haven't been that interesting as the Akira one. Tomorrow there will be a stream, and on on New Year's Day, hopefully they will show something as notable as the Akira prototype.

>> No.6097257
File: 17 KB, 336x475, 88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossing fingers for Viewpoint 2064.

>> No.6097258

The problem is B&B and stuff like MarbleMan can only be played at one place in B&B's case, and only at conventions in MarbleMan's case. Until it's dumped, it's not preserved, no matter what the hoarder who refuses to let it be dumped says. "Hur, I'm maintaining the machine, it's preserved!" Yeah, right up until one of the undumped chips burns out or just dies, then it's gone forever.

>> No.6097304 [DELETED] 

>the stuff I'm getting for free isn't good enough!
This is why people hoard.

>> No.6097347

If you're counting on one specific prototype, then I wouldn't hold your breath since that really isn't how these things work (unless of course you have actual evidence to support the belief that your prototype of choice is one slated for release).

Most of these things are inherently very few to possibly even one-of-a-kind. If a known hoarder is thought to have a copy of a particular build, I wouldn't expect another to suddenly appear and wind up in the hands of somebody who is willing to release it. A lot of dedication and oftentimes a lot of money goes into obtaining these things, and if one particular thing isn't available, it simply isn't. It is also smart to keep in mind that every game has potential prototype builds to be discovered, so if, say, 70% of games are games you don't give a shit about, so will 70% (or much more, if your metric of interesting dictates that it also has to be both early and excitingly different from final) of shared prototypes be things you don't give a shit about. Just imagine being an active preservationist who buys these things, often in borderline blind deals of "don't know if it works, don't know if it is different" situations, only to wind up spending $150 or more on something that turns out to be literally a retail build on a prototype PCB, or worse yet, a friggin' generic-ass CD-R.

>> No.6097365

Looks cool from a historical perspective. But boring from a gameplay perspective.

>> No.6097384


>> No.6097420

I mean for the Sonic event or whatever they did they saved the elusive Sonic 3 prototype for last

>> No.6097481

Two N64 prototypes were shared, one being a build of an unreleased game which is earlier than the previously shared build.

>> No.6097584

I wish someone would find that 32X demo, you now which one

>> No.6097590

Isn't there an Indiana Jones proto for the Mega Drive that some sweaty little scrotum is sitting on?

>> No.6097645

they probably have one more akira-tier bombshell saved up and the rest is dull filler shit with barely any differences from what we've already seen

>> No.6097652

Maybe some Klonoa collector will want to pay out the ass for it.

>> No.6097690

that was the case for sonic month, where the sonic cd and sonic 3 prototypes were the most interesting ones

>> No.6097701

is that a rear projection? imagine the viewing angle that poor guy on the side has...

>> No.6097761

Kill yourself hoardfuck.

>> No.6097793
File: 500 KB, 787x538, 431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6097796

Earthbound 64

>> No.6097803

Adter dumping all of his protos in the same stream with him tied to a chair forced to watch

>> No.6097813

Seek help.

>> No.6097817

Crystal Dreams was such a crazy sounding game but was easily 1-2 generations too early for a proper attempt

>> No.6097819

Stop hoarding games you fat waste of air.

>> No.6097821

What betakiddies expect from every prototype:
These 5 exact early builds of these 5 exact top-tier games that were shown in these magazines, all containing content that was removed entirely from the finished product, in some ways arguably better than said final product

What most prototypes turn out to be:
Prototypes of games they don't care about or prototypes in a linear development timeline that are more or less just unfinished versions, without mindblowingly different cut content

Personally I find all prototypes of old games to be interesting, but people getting their hopes up and then bitching about (freely provided) content because it didn't live up to their lofty standards gets old. This shit very rarely comes cheap, no matter the perceived quality, so it is a blessing that any of it is shared so freely.

>> No.6097912

Nothing is preserved because the universe will end at some point.

>> No.6097979

you should just kill yourself now then.

>> No.6097994

GT 64 looked good but ran at 5 frames a second on retail, would be interesting to see what went wrong

>> No.6098045
File: 75 KB, 600x699, 1570809506281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair it only took like 30 some years to create vast amount of diverse videogames. it's nothing in the scale of universe. even if universe were to end and start again we just make them again.

>> No.6098161

No it won't. All evidence points to an open universe and the few people trying to prove a cyclic universe are just doing mental gymnastics. "optical drive emulators aren't emulators" tier.

>> No.6098213

What kind of emulatorception can we reach? Running an os in VMware which is running dosbox which is running a Wii emulator which is running an SNES emulator.

>> No.6098216

>Story or no, the allegation alone has refocused a long-running debate in emulation circles. Is there a moral imperative for collectors of rare games and prototypes to release their code for the good of preservation? And if they refuse, is there any ethical argument for literally sneaking into a private collection to make an unsolicited copy of the game for posterity?
LMAO more like the opposite is happening. Hoarders are the moralfags and those that dump ROMs are the Saviors of the internet. They always whine I say good no more of this monopoly on holding onto rare games.

>> No.6098218

Mario 64 and Zelda 64 will be literal decades. But Sonic 1 and Kazooie I can see being possible.

>> No.6098397
File: 79 KB, 315x315, 1570663370383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blue disks will demagnetize before we get some good protos
It's been 20 years and we still only have one 64DD prototype and its fucking dezaemon 64
I know hoardfags are too fucking stupid to actually send their blue disks in to be backed up before they demagnetize and become worthless
Fucking hoardfags

>> No.6098689

super mario 64 is sort of a proto.

>> No.6098806
File: 390 KB, 1105x558, Superman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4: Unreleased Superman game for the Game Boy Color:

>> No.6098893

Based Hidden Palace, dabbin' on hoarders AND overly optimistic betakiddies in one fell swoop.

>> No.6098905

who are optimistic betakiddies

>> No.6098917

People who expect that they're going to release this or that particular build of this or that particular high profile game and get disappointed when it isn't, instead of just happily accepting and being grateful for whatever comes.

>> No.6098993

Can you imagine somebody hoarding this? lol

>> No.6099072

From reading the release info, it sounds like the source wasn't a collector, but who knows.

>> No.6099146

The fuck did you just say about Sonic?

>> No.6099406

Well there's that big simulation running on a machine with an FPU that's only precise to one planck?

>> No.6099413

>yet another Superman game scrapped due to DC bullshit
guessing Sunman sales tanked so hard, they figured it wasn't even worth retooling

>> No.6099438

looks and sounds nice, seems utterly unplayable.

>> No.6099479
File: 93 KB, 637x850, 1528258391019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are hoardfags btfo if they're not releasing anything worth hoarding besides akira

>> No.6099486

>hoarding is dead
not when shit like this continues to remain behind bars

>> No.6099510

There's an argument that none of it is "worth" hoarding in the sense that some super entertaining piece of media is being withheld from the masses. Is anybody going to actually play Genesis Akira for more than a few minutes? Doubtful. It's awesome that it is preserved, but most people will probably be satisfied with just watching a video of it, since it sounds like (I haven't actually played it or watched more than a few minutes) the game was far from finished. How many people are going to opt for regularly playing an unfinished, broken version of a game over the polished release build? Not many. That's not saying I don't find prototypes to be incredibly cool and fully support builds of all kinds, even the minor ones, getting preserved, but people need to keep their expectations in check instead of obsessing over and having meltdowns and sending threats of violence over what some hoarder won't "let" them play.

>> No.6099513

big names like mario and zelda will never show unless you want to hack into nintendo's servers like spaceworld gold and silvers case

>> No.6099771

Good, die bitch, die.

>> No.6099787

>tfw the original developers won't profit from the releases, the people who dumped and donated the ROMs won't profit off the releases, the people who host the ROMs won't profit off the releases
>tfw the only people who will profit off this are leeches who make shitty YouTube videos and clickbait articles about the releases

>> No.6099791

>literally unfinished and unreleased games


>> No.6099912

Dat music slaps

>> No.6099915

Any you fagboys played the Akira proto? Is it actually good and enjoyable?

>> No.6099918

>Hidden Palace2 months ago

>Galient 20002 months ago
>Thanks for your comment.
>Unfortunately, I cannot give you this demo software.

BTFO'd hard as fuck.

>> No.6099980

How much do you weigh?

>> No.6099990

I wonder if its the Conker game before it was made into Bad Fur Day?

>> No.6099992

he said it's just going to be more lame prototypes of Sonic games, yo fucking furfag

>> No.6100017

Indiana Jones Proto, Mega Drive!!!!

>> No.6100023

Garfield Sega Channel levels never ever...

>> No.6100049

it's one of the first batch of games where developers didn't realize using the n64 z-buffer destroyed the performance

>> No.6100082

*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off?!

>> No.6100090

Great false flag. I bet you had a cheeky grin when you typed that out.
>h-here I go!

>> No.6100092
File: 218 KB, 577x518, demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We lost again...

>> No.6100095

Aren't japs notorious for hoarding prototypes for the sake of hoarding instead of playing what they have?

>> No.6100115

>t. hoarder

>> No.6100129

>"I no sell to the foreign buyer, even if buyer (located) in japan"
>foreigners are ruining our (nerd) culture reeee
>foreigners too stupid & dirty for public baths & soap district
>most hated sex tourists in all of SEA
japs are notorious for being jackoffs period

>> No.6100237

to be fair foreigners will buy games from japanese shops and never trade games in, which does hurt the stores.
a family member in japan just sent me sealed copies of kirby superstar and majora's mask, which is insane to think about elsewhere.

>> No.6100292

Nah, they're just xenophobic racists too cowardly to do the same to your face. I've seen this same dickbag behavior in yahoo auction sellers selling damn near everything otaku related.

>> No.6100416
File: 17 KB, 281x217, IMG_6168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thats where this image comes from. Sega should have kept Madonna shes sexy.

>> No.6100428

Yeah, she's got a butt on her.

>> No.6100751

there is literally nothing wrong with racism, and some cultures are objectively inferior to others.

>> No.6100756


more fucking nothing.

>> No.6100759
File: 32 KB, 320x224, Virtua_Hamster_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More complete build of Virtua Hamster pls

>> No.6100768
File: 162 KB, 980x735, Virtua Hamster 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.6100830

That wasn't part of their release for one thing, and for another
>complaining about stuff people give away for free
>complain about hoarders and STILL complain when people don't hoard and release things for free

>> No.6100841

Criticising other cultures doesn't make you racist though, just like criticising someone's religion or political belief.

>> No.6100897

I don't buy the fact that foreigners are doing any amount of "damage" to something like Super Potato. Japanese people care about games, and ESPECIALLY old games in a way that is totally uncharacteristic of Americans. Probably 40-70% of "old" games in America are rotting away in boxes and will never re-enter the market. Some of them have them been thrown out or destroyed. That is patently untrue of Japanese games. They're still buying, selling, and trading en masse.

>> No.6100937
File: 61 KB, 409x362, EccoTheDolphinProtos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5: 1 Mega Drive/Genesis and 2 Game Gear Ecco prototypes

>> No.6100942

very nice

>> No.6100951
File: 441 KB, 630x827, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoardfats getting BTFO warms my heart.

>> No.6100957

Dang the japanese got such a better version of ecco.

>> No.6100986
File: 229 KB, 906x1200, Ecco The Dolphin - Original Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6101027

Japs are literally the worst. Horrific version tracking during development so everything gets lost in the first place and the few things that survived end up in the hands of some dude that looks like he's never seen his floor from all the shit in his house in the last 20 years.

>> No.6101060

so its basically the english version but in japanese
no stomach level after the machine

>> No.6102202

I'd pay good money to watch this.

>> No.6102537

>non-retro NFS-proto
but why.

>> No.6102658

Get your fatass out and get a job

>> No.6102734

Because somebody bought it, dumped it, and decided to freely share it. The site isn't just for retro prototypes, they have stuff for PS3 and 360. It also wasn't a part of the formal holiday release series.

>> No.6103120

culture is born of people, lesser people develop lesser cultures. race is just a simplified way of categorizing genetic clusters, but objectively superior and inferior genetics exist.

>> No.6103225
File: 241 KB, 741x692, Day6Protos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 6:
Putty Squad (Early prototype)
Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis (Jan 11, 1994 prototype)
Champions World Class Soccer (Mar 18, 1994 prototype)
Radical Rex (Prototype)
Street Racer (Mar 21, 1995 prototype)
Read more: https://hiddenpalace.org/w/index.php?title=News/Holiday%202019%20%28Day%206%29%20-%20Putty%20Squad%20and%20Mega%20Drive%20Treats

>> No.6103262

Hoarding is dead. Bury it.

>> No.6103298

Calling bets that last stream will be of a Pac-Man prototype

>> No.6103429

Hoardfags arent btfo if the things worth hoarding are still hoarded

>> No.6103435 [DELETED] 

>RPing as teh "SEETHING" hoardfags
>"dabbing" on teh hoardfags
>filling the thread with just plain bitching about teh hoardfags
perhaps as bad as actually being a hoardfag.

>> No.6103438

buuh hoardfat detceted i dab on u u crinfe hoarder

>> No.6103696
File: 328 KB, 610x778, atari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keep losing, bros.

>> No.6104054

I heard this got dumped from another source instead

>> No.6104063

Literally heroes vs villains.

>> No.6104089

everybody will forget about these posts the moment they're archived, hoardfags will continue hoardfagging for years

>> No.6104092

link to meltdown?

>> No.6104094

>for years

I doubt their organs have that long left.

>> No.6104117


>> No.6104131


>> No.6104161

Pretty obviously a larp or an attempt to gain pity/money. On the 0.001% chance that it's true though- that's what you (can) get when you gamble on a high risk bet like that.

>> No.6104324

>That hoardnigger defense force in the second thread

>> No.6104328

Indiana Jones Trilogy MD!!! Has to be.

>> No.6104367

irl fat and broke much?

>> No.6104408
File: 57 KB, 750x562, DNF_Nov99_GusandMule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.6104432

George "tubbs" Broussard is hoarding it and it won't be dumped until he has another stroke.

>> No.6104434

Is that Dusk 2?

>> No.6104436

we had a guy on /v/ posting randomly brand new footage of the game. it's the only "lost" game I can ever ask for. even if it's a broken mess it should be still fun to play than whatever we got instead

>> No.6104459

So, you're pretty fat?

>...rules... shit though
Pick a side, idort.

O noes! (No one cares)

Pics(screens) or it didn't happen.

Man, I'd LOVE to see this.

I'd think that in this day and age, when a hoarder gets hold of a rare version/prototype/whatever machine, they'd dump it(under strict watchfull eyes) pretty quickly and just sit on the rom dumps just the same as they sit on the pcb/cab. Maybe?

My thoughts exactly.

It looks like one of the real late ones. Those weren't anywhere near as bad as the 'regular' old ones. Can't remember exactly what was changed/improved on those late ones, but I do remember they were a lot better.

So, real, real bad hangups about your lardiness?

>the japanese got such a better version of ecco.
Do you get to eat him?

>> No.6104593

these were confirmed to be unplayable demos, they cut them together for a trailer and that was it.

>> No.6105615
File: 104 KB, 609x214, FlinstonesProtos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year everyone!
Day 7: Flintstones prototypes
Read more:https://hiddenpalace.org/w/index.php?title=News/Holiday%202019%20%28Day%207%29%20-%20Flintstones

One more prototype left, it will be streamed tomorrow.

>> No.6105649


>> No.6105663

i mean, guess we should have expected this kind of random scraps instead of whatever our holy grials were, lets just hope whatever they have for tomorrow is actually big.

>> No.6105676
File: 24 KB, 500x393, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6105679

is there even a shred of hope?

>> No.6105680


>> No.6105686

Gotta get the filler in somewhere..

>> No.6105687

A beta of Pokemon Gold and Silver that doesn't match up with any version shown dated a week before Spaceworld 1997 got released online and we still don't know where it came from.

Anything can happen my dude.

>> No.6105692

More Mega Drive protos - Street Fighter CE (Black Bar version) Indiana Jones Trilogy, or Super Star Wars

>> No.6105710

We actually got the answer to that back on Christmas:

>> No.6105725

Considering how incompetent Game Freak is at, well, everything, I'm not surprised some random ass dude was able to hack into their servers and grab all that shit and run.

>> No.6105740

>Someone got into Nintys proto vault and only leaked pokemon

>> No.6105776

Yeah well, bump the thread when they release anything of worth like Rogue Squadron Wii.

>> No.6105778
File: 42 KB, 720x702, 1576355709890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /vr/

>> No.6105943


>> No.6106093
File: 11 KB, 262x161, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106104
File: 121 KB, 1024x359, 1990_sonic_1_demo_tokyo_toy_show_pictures_by_sapristi45_d75v9lr-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Toy Fair demo. Also

>> No.6106137

>It looks like one of the real late ones. Those weren't anywhere near as bad as the 'regular' old ones. Can't remember exactly what was changed/improved on those late ones, but I do remember they were a lot better.
that kind of rear projection crt would have been from like 2000 or so. I have a sony one from around 2004 and the viewing angles aren't any better than an old one from what I can tell. they're all terrible if you're not looking at it dead center from the right height.

>> No.6106141
File: 2.89 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20190621_160834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106240

Blame rom kiddies as the value of a "hoarder's" broken development iteration is directly tied to how much those plebs are seething over not having it. People fantasizing about the artifact being playable like a fun retail release = your shit 50 dollar convo starter is now 500+. When it's dumped publicly people tend to not give a fuck anymore since the illusion is broken, and the price drops to raw hardware prices.
The only reason Akira got out is because Akiranon was clearly not trying to grow his epeen, because if he was a bit greedy just a teaser video would be enough for people to go nuts and offer money for it, and RIP public release idea. RE 2 is also a classic example and a decade of Bioflames hype is why the "complete" build will never ever surface again (and the known one is only available because the RE sekrit klub that bought it failed to have everyone with a copy to shut the fuck up, it was never supposed to).

>> No.6106259

7 grandad.

>> No.6106329
File: 787 KB, 500x205, indy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off with the mental gymnastics. The hoarder will sit on the prototype regardless of whether there is a demand or not for it. Why? Because that is what a hoarder does. Their action of keeping shit is what makes them what they are. Most of them do it for the sake of hoarding with zero interest of playing. It doesn't matter if it's some broken prototype. It should be out there because these things will die off eventually. I hold prototypes in the same regard as unreleased games. They're all on the level of soon to be lost media if it isn't archived.

>> No.6106393

There absolutely is something wrong with racism - that it implies people of a specific genetic or cultural makeup can never, ever surpass their inherent limitations. If it were just statistical, that wouldn't be as much of a problem, but most people with racist beliefs essentially use it as a kind of caste system - a way to split people into "lesser" and "greater" that the ones being split have zero say in, and usually while putting oneself in the "greater" category.

>> No.6106402

>There absolutely is something wrong with racism - that it implies people of a specific genetic or cultural makeup can never, ever surpass their inherent limitations.
Then let's move all racial groups back to their Homelands, no affirmative action, no handouts.

>> No.6106470

You should go preach that to actual racists, like most black Westerners (perhaps most blacks worldwide, even in Africa) most East Asians and diaspora, most Arab Muslims and Pakistanis and Indian Muslims, most brown Mexicans and others. Tell them to not be prejudiced against people outside their respective groups (especially towards "whites"), and see what happens. They will immediately loathe you, at the very least.

This. No racism and no forced association for anyone.

>> No.6106474

ok, but how do you plan to relocate 400 millions Americans thru europe, africa, south america and random slav shitholes?

I am pretty sure native americans will be quite happy to have the land back, but it's surely going to be costly.

>> No.6106573

I love the sound of EEPROMs slowly losing their charge. Smells like data loss, pain and regret.

>> No.6107215

You sound like you've studied the blade. How much do you weigh?

>> No.6107315

I'm 105lbs, 5'5" and no I'm not a girl, teehee.

>> No.6107316

Final day stream happening in less than 4 minutes.

>> No.6107318
File: 11 KB, 300x226, zelda120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6107325

You and the Vertexer guy are going to be the most disappointed people on earth in about 4 minutes.

>> No.6107327
File: 26 KB, 320x239, goldenknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Star Wars shit on the Genesis, who the fuck could be hyped about this? Fuck, what a massive letdown

>> No.6107328

Fucking called it! well Star Wars anyway

>> No.6107397

Star Wars for Genesis was neat to see, guessing it was started after the SNES one was finished? Didn't seem like there was any indication of the trash compactor stage which was apparently going to be in the SNES release.

>> No.6107491

cool, a bunch of prototype shit nobody cares about. how about viewpoint64 or something cool

>> No.6107609

Attitudes like this just encourage people to hoard.

>> No.6107764

If only we can tell that to retards who preserved Torah, Bible & Quran garbage.

>> No.6107803

>see people complaining that the guy should have waited until he got EVERYTHING from the hoardnigger
>see no one defending the hoardnigger
Link me.

>> No.6107812

Only hoarders care about having Seinfeld 64. They're electronic hipsters

>> No.6107830
File: 279 KB, 1600x1200, 1600px-Star_Wars_(Jan_25,_1993_prototype)_-_EPROMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>port that looks like a worse version of the source game
I wish more developers would've embraced the concept of just making a new game in the same style as the original, with new levels and whatnot, to give a more unique experience, maybe trying to capitalize on the unique strengths of the console.

>> No.6107907

It's not like the Super trilogy were particularly demanding games. 90% of them is just platforming, with a few Mode7 levels which aren't even very good save the ones in Jedi. Cut those levels or adjust them into something the Genesis can do well, adjust the spritework to account for the reduced colors and sit someone down to properly redo the soundtrack. Looks like they were in the process of all three, really.

>> No.6107940

>I'm not a girl

>> No.6107963


>> No.6107965

The actual best release was Akira no doubt

Wonder if we'll ever get a group of hero hackmasters to make it playable

>> No.6108052

Autistic much? Pretty sure the anon was larping bro.

>> No.6108475

What a letdown.
I was hoping duke was last.

>> No.6108670
File: 88 KB, 459x649, all on duke please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108687

It looks really early.

>> No.6108964

They just got an easier one because having to go through WttM every time you fucked up was deemed too hard for them.

>> No.6108968

They ain't wrong.

>> No.6108973

The stomach isn't much of a level anyway, it's just a bland maze with some Vortex jellyfish.
One of the few instances where the Japanese localization of a non-Japanese game is made much easier.

>> No.6108978

>hack into nintendo's servers like spaceworld gold and silvers case
that was a hack-in?

>> No.6108979
File: 7 KB, 256x224, Akira (Prototype).2020-01-02 15.53.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very rough, but like >>6099510 said, it's unfinished and broken (first stage is actually unbeatable, I'm on TetsuOOM now)

>> No.6110628


Battletoads, Mr. Nutz, Sunsoft's Batman, ...

>> No.6110779

This, obese fucks tend to get heart attacks rather easily

>> No.6110808

1. There have been prototypes released that are very highly playable, even release quality that were denied release for odd reasons. These include Star Fox 2, Earthbound 0, Princess Maker 2 Localization, and a few others.
2. The main appeal of prototypes have never been about having a fully playable game, but seeing what was behind the curtain. What was being developed, what could have been, so on. And sometimes they're huge and grant us new knowledge about the development of the games. For example, the release of the Spaceworld Pokemon rom and the beta Green assets greatly advanced our knowledge of Pokemon's development, which was something we knew extremely little about. Now we have answers to things we didn't even know were questions.

>> No.6111924

if duke 2001 leaked, i think 2K and gearbox would want to squash it and it would be too hot to release on hidden palace.

>> No.6111927

what's the anon with a jet set radio build up to, was he trying to get a system disc from someone or was he giving it to someone that already has one?

>> No.6112000

None of the stages are beatable, but you can get to the end of the Tetsuo first person stages and Kaneda side scrollers.

>> No.6112004

Has anyone messed with the Akira file to see if the last level actually has anything to it? Looks like a boss fight with Tetsuo based on the single frame that shows before the game crashes