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File: 75 KB, 166x347, Tifa_Lockhart_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6088948 No.6088948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she a good character?

>> No.6088954

she's good for my dick

>> No.6088986

I'm not even from /vr/, but I bet this guy is still a virgin.

>> No.6089039

Yes, and I can point out two reasons why.

>> No.6089104

big fat, well established personal flaws and desires that work out over the course of the series in a relatable way.

Also tiddies.

>> No.6089153


>> No.6089220

This fucks with my head for some reason

I thought she was a better character when I was younger, a childhood proto-romantic puppy love that stood the test of time, so true that she was silently faithful even when Cloud doesn't know who she is or who he is

But really it's just another fictionalized unrealistic standard for love. Honestly the princess who sees there's something special in the protagonist who goes on to save the world and/or her is more realistic.

>> No.6089262

I think she was a good "fantasy girlfriend" character, probably better than most JRPG girlfriends

It's not a role with major depth but it's done well enough with her

>> No.6089270

As someone who has only gotten in to the Final Fantasy games over the past few years and has only played a handful, the characters in FFVII are phenomenally weak, all around, especially compared to the characters in games like VI or IV. Cloud is, unsurprisingly, the most interesting character in FFVII, and sadly, most people don't even remember his character arc correctly because of how badly Advent Children and the rest of the peripheral FFVII material has mutated it.

>> No.6089272

Yes, she's an important vehicle for exposition in the development of the plot.

>> No.6089350
File: 205 KB, 510x405, SmugTrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloud doesn't know who she is
>don't even remember his character arc correctly

>> No.6089397

She’s good if you consider her as a character in a Young Adult franchise. Do the characters in Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Divergent or Percy Jackson books hold up to logic and close examination? No. Well arguably the Percy Jackson books do but that’s different. These characters are written to be easy to understand and relate core literary concepts. FF7 is the same way. It isn’t a masterpiece of character development or writing but it is very good for what it is. If you play it expecting LOTR or Foundation level character development and writing you will be disappointed. It’s a campy game written to be on the level of teenagers. And I really enjoy it for what it is

>> No.6089469

You nailed it.

>> No.6090223

Barret is actually the best written FFVII character.

>> No.6090430
File: 64 KB, 512x361, letsmosey_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on your definition of "good"

at least she was multifaceted & a longtime friend cloud probably was in&out of love with several times in his life.

have a dear friend & would do anything for her / constantly looking out for her but the odds of us being together are very slim +potentially make it weird.

as a child i didnt understand tifa but still admired her for (other reasons, tiddys) but as ive grown older i now know how important that type of love is & that sometimes it's all you have/need to get you through the worst of life.

>> No.6090438

>I thought she was a better character when I was younger, a childhood proto-romantic puppy love that stood the test of time, so true that she was silently faithful even when Cloud doesn't know who she is or who he is
>But really it's just another fictionalized unrealistic standard for love.
Heh. Is it though? You'd have to be in that situation to know what it's like.

>> No.6090442
File: 387 KB, 1028x1600, Plato-portrait-bust-original-Capitoline-Museums-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. But there's a very high likelihood you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6090451

Tifa is the girl who's still there at the end of the journey. The game teases you by having Jessie flirt with you and Aeris be your clear love interest throughout the first disc, only for both of them to die miserably. It's meant to be like "Oh, you move around, live your life, meet some great girls. One of them becomes 'the one that got away,' you move home, marry the girl you've known was there all along."

It's either romantic or fatalistic depending on your personal worldview. Frankly I subscribe to the latter. I mean... the game goes to great pains to tell you that Aeris is "the one." And it's not that he doesn't have a real connection to Tifa, it's just that the timing is such that if Aeris hadn't died, she would be -it-.

>> No.6090592

If he were actually Zack, but he's not.

>> No.6090604

They still had a friendship before Cloud went to Midgar, it’s just the flashback shit that isn’t real. The other stuff where they’re children, like the well scene at the beginning of the game, is real.

>> No.6090608

No, Tifa is the reality. Cloud's feelings for Aeris are a result of Zacks memories.

>> No.6090619

Kind of a reach, but so what if it is? Aeris admits during the date that she initially thought she was only attracted to him because of the Zack factor, but then eventually came to the conclusion that she really does like him and want to know the real Cloud. The game essentially is acknowledging that the basis of the initial attraction doesn’t really matter.

>> No.6090621

Aeris is the one anon, she doesn't stop being the one because she dies.

For Cloud anyway, that's obviously how it is.

>> No.6090630

Professional virgin spotter.

>> No.6090638

Yes. She's also the most fuckable character in FF.

>> No.6090692

She fucks everyone.
She had triple penetration orgy with Barret, Biggs and Wedge.

>> No.6090778
File: 37 KB, 396x382, 1521252083626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she tells me directly to my face that she loves me
& i always say "i love you more"

who knows maybe we will wife up when we're old
she's my oldest friend (2005-present)
i lost my most recent girlfriend bc she was jealous & honestly it only hardens my resolve.
i honestly doubt im doing jt wrong
im very cute have dates every weekend (almost) and can get laid but choose a fulfilling lifestyle & try not to give into degenerate behaviors

but this is a Mongolian image weaving/threading board so take my advice as you will;
>life is over before you know it spend your time wisely

>> No.6090871

dude are you cucking your soulmate wtf is wrong with you

>> No.6091186

>especially compared to the characters in games like VI or IV.

People who say this shit have obviously never actually played either game. Especially not IV, which is every bit the melodramatic clichefest than VII is, if not even more so.

>> No.6091190
File: 1.03 MB, 847x1384, 1454603740502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in fact all FF7 characters except Vincent the emo cuck and compilation faggotry are good.

>> No.6093323

Nah, all of them suck.
Tifa is just tolerable and her massive tits still turn us all on.

>> No.6093371
File: 52 KB, 152x391, U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6093403

You sound like a massive piece of shit. It's like you'd rather play games with someone's heart than actually do what you both want.

>> No.6093441

Such is the nature of the “life’s too short to have regrets” crowd. The female version is “live laugh love.”

If it makes you feel any better, these people inevitably end up effectively having to start over by the time they’re 40, after all their former friends finally broke free of the sunk cost of having invested time with them. Now without the energy to take risks or go new places, they finally entrench themselves somewhere only to find that, just as they feared, they lack the personal depth of emotional complexity to keep a friend or lover interested for more than three months in an adult environment.

>> No.6093883
File: 232 KB, 959x720, image_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, no...
sometimes things really aren't that simple
& i really do mean it when i say there's nothing i want more in this world than to keep her for myself forever
but if you love someone sometimes you have to let them go

>lack of degenerate behavior
>isnt interested in casual sex
>looks out for my friend when we're out on the town
>always a phone call away when she's depressed
>stayed up til 6am looking for shooting stars on the roof of her car after a night of her crying
I'm not a bad person, chasing her until the end of the earth unrequited is not healthy & I'd lose her friendship as well (definitely do NOT want that)

lol stop projecting
we can't ALL be avant-garde noiserock artists
the idea that I'm intentionally friendzoning the most amazing person i know is absurd

things are not like the movies
sometimes people need time to grow
& if it makes you feel any better
she's a positive influence on my life +
always keeps me moving onward/upward

i love her to death even if she's only my wingman

>> No.6093923

I don't think you're a bad person or friendzoning anyone. I just think you've been huffing your own farts for too long, William.

>> No.6094030

>Tifa & Aeris
was this intentional?

>> No.6094042

Yup, it 100% was. You figured their clever ruse, pat yourself in the back, anon.

>> No.6094076

It did sound a little wet, there didn't it? Right at the end! Oooh! Heh heh heh. Let's have a smell, all right? Oh, everyone likes their own brand, don't they? Oh, this is magic! Hmmm, wafting, wafting. Ok, analysis. Ooh, smells like carrots in throw-up! Oh that could gag a maggot! It smells like hot sick ass in a dead carcass! Even stink would say that stinks! You know when you go into an apartment building and you smell the other people's cooking on each floor and you go "What are they cookin'?" That, plus crap!!

>> No.6094082

What does Yuffie's Y stand for?

>> No.6094085


>> No.6094104 [DELETED] 

(. ) (. )
) . (

>> No.6094110 [DELETED] 

(. ) (. )
) . (

>> No.6094132

t. brainlet who gets his opinions from youtube e-celebs

>> No.6094248

>& i really do mean it when i say there's nothing i want more in this world than to keep her for myself forever
>but if you love someone sometimes you have to let them go
you're a fucking idiot holy shit

>> No.6094252

oh i didn't mean to double quote

to be clear, the megacuck who thinks life is about compromise is the worst fucking person in this thread

>> No.6094256

Seek professional help

>> No.6094424

life isn't about making unreasonable demands
if you truly love someone you care about their happiness and well-being

highly doubtful I'm the worst person in this thread
but i don't base my merits/decisions on the actions\opinions of others

>> No.6094484

In your brain is a list of priorities and in your mixed up little mind, what you think is that you need permission from her, and you need permission everybody else, and probably from the other guys that fuck her and your parents and friends and your job and the psychopathic rich people who rule over your economy before you're worthy to give her what she wants.

You're a fucking monster and you're probably killing her.