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File: 37 KB, 446x457, A_picture_of_Dr._Robotnik_from_the_Sonic_website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6088017 No.6088017 [Reply] [Original]

So, we all know Dr. Ivo Robotnik was his English name, and it was turned to Eggman in Sonic Adventure (and Eggman was always his original name in Japan). That's all well and good.

But I recently realized he still has a lot of "egg" themed stuff in older Sonic material. He has egg-robos, the Death Egg, his origin story involves a rotten egg, and I'm sure there's a lot of things I'm missing out on. So, did anyone notice this? Did anyone look at all the egg things Dr. Robotnik had and question it, or was it just accepted? Like, it makes sense why he has all this egg imagery when he's named Eggman, but if you had no knowledge of the Eggman name, surely it'd make no sense right?

>> No.6088020

When I was really really little I just thought it was goofy video game shit. Like maybe eggs are just his favorite food. I never saw that version of Robotnik, and he wasn't exactly egg-like in the cartoons or comics.

I did have an "oh, now I get it" moment when I found out what his Japanese name was.

>> No.6088023

This is a series about a hedgehog that runs around industrial facilities and collects magic gold rings.
It just seemed like something that wasn't worth scrutinizing.

>> No.6088030 [DELETED] 

You're an SJW Incel, aren't you?

>> No.6088069

I only played the demo of Sonic Adventure then. I only learned about the Eggman change many years later, probably here on 4chan.
But still, he obviously had an egg shape, so the egg references weren't odd.
Similarly I was confused when I first played SMW and saw the flashing "BOWSER" on his castle, at that point I had only played SMB1 and SMB3, both the japanese version (on famiclone), so I couldn't read the name Bowser anywhere, to me, he was Koopa.
To this day I wonder if there's any meaning behind "Bowser".

>> No.6090121

Bowser was a common name for dogs and Bowser (the character) has a spiked collar stereotypically attributed to tough dogs.

>> No.6090186

Pretty sure the egg-obsession is part (or the result) of his origin story.

>> No.6090195

I'll tell you, I did not pay attention to any of the text in any sonic the hedgehog game until I was already like 13 and wicked savvy on emulation and internet culture

the constant physical violence in my surroundings made that pretty irrelevant

>> No.6090332

The vast wealth of Sonic spin-offs and media suggests otherwise

>> No.6090443
File: 5 KB, 812x86, 2019-12-23_20-50-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of learned something today.

>> No.6090463

I think "Robotnik" was a good change. I'm usually a little more on the side of faithful translations, but in this case I think Eggman is a little prosaic.

Of course, in Japanese "Egg Man" is not prosaic, because they're Western words. "Robot" is an English word too, but the whole thing sounds a bit more organic. "Eggman" is on-the-nose; it sounds like a pejorative, which actually is more or less how the name seems to be treated in Sonic Adventure and beyond.

>> No.6090724

It did not help that the cartoons, comics, AND the movie at the time which all had Nintendo of America's push behind them all used King Koopa as the name. Bowser really was manual/games only, and it was so bizarre NoA couldn't get any synergy going in the tie-in media.

>> No.6090730

These are my thoughts exactly.
Robotnik is such a cool name. Heck, Ivo is too.

>> No.6090731

Japan still calls him Koopa, but they seem to have accepted Bowser as his first name. They made a whole joke out of it when they introduced the new boss of NoA.

>> No.6090746

Robot is a Czech loanword.

>> No.6090773

People who care this much about eggmans name are autistic

You're gay satAM cartoons were shit

>> No.6090776
File: 88 KB, 247x545, Bowser Koopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It did not help that the cartoons, comics, AND the movie at the time which all had Nintendo of America's push behind them all used King Koopa as the name.
The weirdest part is that it's not like they didn't know. Certain episodes of the cartoon had Mario or Luigi call him "Bowser Koopa" and the comics also seem to use the name. Meanwhile, the movie apparently names, not Koopa, but the Mushroom King "Bowser"?
Now that I think about it, how often was the term "Koopaling" used vs "Koopa Kids"? I know Koopa uses the former at least once, but the opening uses the latter.

>> No.6090786
File: 47 KB, 432x259, MotoNotebook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only remember the Death Egg, and it rolled off me just as a pun on Death Star, like egg is also a shape. I already knew about Eggman in Japan because someone had gone to Japan I really don't remember, but somehow I got my hands on a Segasonic pencil eraser, (pic related is verbatim design on the front and back) and I was more confused by the fact that Robotnik didnt seem to have a head, couldn't make out what that really was. And 'what the heck is a segasonic', I thought. I probably assumed Eggman was a nick name. I'm 35 and grew up with the games and shows. I don't know. I still have the eraser though. Its size between bazooka gum and a match box.

>> No.6090836

His first name is Ovi (which forms the basis for words related to eggs) backwards and the official comic which described the canon western Sonic backstory involves him being fused with an egg or some shit. It was pretty much a part of him even in the west.

>> No.6090840

Eggman is a better name for the character anyway. "Eggman" shows that he's a goof while the "Dr." part of it suggests he still has some idea what he's doing anyway. He's the villain in a series aimed at children, a pretty wacky one at that. I grew up with the Robotnik name and still think Eggman generally fits the character better. When I think "Robotnik", my mind goes to AoStH Robotnik, SatAM Robotnik, or Archie Robotnik, each of which are pretty much completely different characters from Eggman in terms of design and personality. If I'm thinking of the villain from the games, my mind thinks "Dr. Eggman".

>> No.6090843

Ivo Robotnik might also be a tad on-the-nose as well, but at least it sounds cool and someone who'd be threatening.
Dr. Eggman sounds like a joke character never to be taken seriously.

>> No.6090846

>Dr. Eggman sounds like a joke character never to be taken seriously.
Which is why it's an "oh shit" moment when he actually does some reprehensible shit. He looks like a joke and has a name like a joke and often acts like a joke, but he's perfectly capable of either getting serious or enacting insane plans that still threaten people or the world. It's a positive thing IMO. He isn't supposed to be threatening right off the bat just by reading his name.

>> No.6090901
File: 328 KB, 2176x2353, Dr. Walrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He's a jolly fat man designed to look like a walrus as part of a complex Beatles reference. The design he spawned from was basically Teddy Roosevelt in pajamas,
Then you get to stuff like the Sonic CD Bad Futures or the Knuckles' Chaotix bad ending.

>> No.6090991

>So, did anyone notice this? Did anyone look at all the egg things Dr. Robotnik had and question it, or was it just accepted? Like, it makes sense why he has all this egg imagery when he's named Eggman, but if you had no knowledge of the Eggman name, surely it'd make no sense right?
The Death Egg seemed odd, but we just figured it was a parody of the Death Star and they needed another round thing to call it. The other egg references I didn't even noticed till 97 or 98 and by that time I already learned his real name from the Internet.

>> No.6090994

You're a zoomer, aren't you?

>> No.6090997

Maybe my memory's rusty, but I don't even remember them being called Koopalings in the SMB3 strategy guide. Maybe Koopalings started with SMW?

>> No.6091104
File: 178 KB, 662x1000, STHPromoSTHPromo06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you followed the western promo comic at the time, I think Ovi Kintobor got The Fly'd with a rotten egg or something, which is a quick way to explain the egg puns. Plus, I'm pretty sure AoStH had Sonic call him Eggman at one point. Though I'm pretty sure most of us assumed it was a play on the word "egghead", which was a name he also had in previews.
Koopalings was in the SMB3 manual, though the game itself used "Little Koopa" and I think SMW manual used "Koopa kids".

Anyway, I prefer Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik and King Bowser Koopa. Those were the official explanations for the naming discrepancies at one point and I like to think they still are so fans can use whatever they want without fuss.

>> No.6091174

I don't know how canon StC was / still is.
I'm also not sure if we ever got another origin story for him.

I mean even his name was Ovi before he became Robotnik.

>> No.6091216

Isn't an SJW Incel a Basedboy/Numale?

>> No.6091243

Basically this. I grow up playing the MD Sonic games and never noticed any egg references, except the Death Egg, which I also thought it was just a joke or a parody. Even the very same Robotnik never looked like an egg to me, I always thought it was more ball-shaped than anything.

Around the Sonic Adventure release I ended up knowing the name change and hated it. I still don't like it nowadays.

>> No.6091362

>So, did anyone notice this? Did anyone look at all the egg things Dr. Robotnik had and question it, or was it just accepted?
It was pretty common knowledge among Sonic fans, even back then, that his name in Japan was Eggman. That stuff gets around.

And even to those that didn't know it, an egg-shaped villain having egg-themed weapons/robots, even if his name wasn't literally "Eggman" wasn't much of a stretch. People weren't as retarded back then as zoomers are now, and people figured shit out without having to whip out their phones and google everything. Critical thinking skills existed.

>> No.6091368

Only egg reference I can remember from being a kid was the Death Egg.
I'm pretty sure I thought Star Wars might have ripped off Sonic. Or they both ripped off a common source. Never clicked for me that it was just a Star Wars reference.

>> No.6091373

Boomers were born in the fourties. They are Sonic fans' grand and sometimes even grand-grandparents.

>> No.6091382

Hello newfags, enjoying your visit?

>> No.6091430

Are you retarded? Egg is a pretty common descriptive term of things that are round. Why would anyone question it, even if his name wasn't "Eggman"?

Also, I'm pretty sure some side games like Sonic Drift actually called him "Eggman" as early as 1993/1994. Most fans knew it was an alternate name for him, especially anyone who was aware of the King Koopa/Bowser incident. I'm always amused that zoomers think everyone was as ignorant as they were without the internet.

>> No.6091661

Same, I was a kid and didn't think about it too much. The 16-bit games didn't really have a plot or anything, Robotnik was just the guy you might at the end of each stage.

>> No.6091676 [DELETED] 

>So, we all know Dr. Ivo Robotnik
wait what...

>> No.6091682 [DELETED] 

>So, we all know Dr. Ivo Robotnik was his English name, and it was turned to Eggman in Sonic Adventure (and Eggman was always his original name in Japan). That's all well and good.

Wait what? I thought Eggman was just his name in the US because they didn't like the Russian sounding "nik". I don't remember hearing his first name.

>> No.6091683

-oomer cancer is like a year old.

>> No.6091689

Joke's on you, or I guess the both of us, for actually coming to this site on a regular basis.

>> No.6091690

>"Eggman" is on-the-nose; it sounds like a pejorative, which actually is more or less how the name seems to be treated in Sonic Adventure and beyond.
This is why I was never bothered by the two names being used interchangeably. I figures Robotnik was his real name and Eggman was something they called him as a little insult.

>> No.6091693

I personally never noticed any of that until after I'd already played newer games that called him Eggman. I might not have ever gotten to Death Egg Zone in 2 or 3&K by that point, and while I know I did at least get to Wing Fortress Zone, I was too young to care about the fact that "EGGMAN-01" was plastered all over the walls of it

>> No.6091728

whats it like having a smooth brain?

>> No.6091784

Until he called himself Dr eggman I was convinced that Dr eggman was just sonic taking the piss out of him and his real name was robotnik

>> No.6091809


>> No.6091873

I figured Ivo Robotnik was his birth name and Eggman was something he started calling himself when he became a megalomaniac

>> No.6091962

All the egg themed stuff is there because he was originally called Eggman and the Japanese devs made it so he has a lot of egg themed weaponry. No characters cared in-universe because the games had no civilization whatsoever beyond Eggmans factories/casinos and some ancient ruins, up until Sonic Adventure. There was no one to accept it, and the only characters to interact with him are named "Sonic", "Tails" and "Knuckles", so Eggman is not any stranger than those.

In SA which had cities and humans, he was still called Robotnik, with Eggman being a derogatory nickname Sonic used on him. From SA2 onwards, everyone called him eggman permanently, however it was still implied that it's a nickname since they named his grandfather Gerald Robotnik.

also the fucker turns little fluffy bunnies into robotic wasps and shit, builds pinball murderworlds inside volcanos, has an army of robotic enforcers, several air fleets, he pilots 20 feet tall gundam suits, space ships, and his own personal DEATH STAR with a moustache. If he says his name is Dr. Eggman, then you call him Dr. Eggman, unless you want to get turned into a robotic warthog or get shot into the sun.

>> No.6092031
File: 105 KB, 1200x1431, 5_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should make a Robotnik/Eggman Tenga Egg. I would use the shit out of that thing.

>> No.6092271

No it wasn't, stop larping as someone older

>> No.6092349

Are you retarded? Bowser is a dog name. It means "the one that barks".

>> No.6092476

That's like a 1940s meme, kid

>> No.6092531

Using "larp" to just mean "impersonate" immediately makes me think the person was born no earlier than 1998 or so. It's that demographic that started using the term that way.

>> No.6092545

I remember Wing Fortress had EGGMAN-02 painted on the side. I think his name in the British comic was originally ovi too, but I haven't read that for years.

>> No.6093007

I've seen this for a year or 3 on this board and everytime someone says 'zoomer', 'boomer', 'doomer' or whatever stupid buzzword like that I can easily disregard everything that anon has posted.

>> No.6093018

I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus

Holy shit I just realized the Beatles creatures lol so ran dumb humour

>> No.6093061

No, seriously. The way his cape tails on his front side are drawn are meant to make them look like walrus tusks, while his mustache is meant to allude to the whiskers.

>> No.6093236

>Goo goo g'joob!

>> No.6093305

The boomer/zoomer autism is not any older than 2017 at the absolute earliest (the doomer stuff came first, it might be a little older). It’s also worth noting that /vr/ is much faster and prone to low effort shitposting than it was just a few years ago. We used to be a sort of backwater with low traffic and self-regulation... I remember the first time I saw an O.G. "BANE?" thread posted here when that phenomenon was peaking, it was almost shocking. You just didn’t do that kind of stuff on this board back then.

>> No.6093314

Bowser really is an old-timey dog name, like Spike (think "bow-wow"). You can see it in ‘40s-‘50s cartoons.

>> No.6093320
File: 30 KB, 638x418, WingFortressEggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just never thought about it as a kid. The only egg related thing I was aware of was Death Egg, and I never gave it much thought. I just thought of it as it was, a silly parody of Death Star. Didn't click until Sonic Adventure, naturally.

>> No.6093330

He is called eggman several times in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.
And it has plenty of egg puns.

>> No.6093356
File: 55 KB, 260x238, Pigstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I remember that Rocket Knight Adventures also parodied the Death Star with the Pig Star. Another reason I didn't suspect anything with the Death Egg, which btw, didn't have an egg shape.

>> No.6093364

Wasn't that song basically just written to troll American music scholars who tried way too hard to find hidden layers of meaning in every Beatles song?

>> No.6093617

Tie in stuff like AoStH would regularly compare him to a "rotten egg"

>> No.6093997

Actually the Japanese version of that Direct had to include what was basically a [Translator's note: Bowser is Koopa in America] footnote so the entire gag made sense to Japanese audiences.

>> No.6094004

He is the walrus.

>> No.6094037

I imagine not everybody in Japan would get the joke on sight, but the point is that Nintendo of Japan has accepted Bowser as the canon name. Not like SEGA where they've been erasing all trace of the name Robotnik out of the Sonic franchise for over a decade now.

>> No.6094075

> Not like SEGA where they've been erasing all trace of the name Robotnik out of the Sonic franchise for over a decade now.
Well in Sonic Generations which came out 8 years ago, Tails calls Classic Eggman Dr. Robotnik.
In the Sonic canon, Eggman's real name is Dr Robotnik, even in Japan, and his grandfather is only ever referred to as Gerald Robotnik, not Gerald Eggman

>> No.6094081

In US localization only. Japan erased the Robotnik joke in Generations, and they don't ever call Gerald or Maria by their last name anymore in Japan, either.

>> No.6094167

When? That game barely even has a chance to mention him let alone call him Eggman. Not to mention it's based on AoStH where he's very definitely Robotnik instead of Eggman

>> No.6094749
File: 47 KB, 480x360, EGGMAN WINTER ZONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic games have been almost always the same game version since Sonic Adventure 2, i.e. a Japanese player can play in English and vice versa. So saying that Japan doesn't receive it is incorrect. If Sega wanted to make it completely uniform, they would. Also several games were written in English first. Mike Pollock, acting as Eggman, also reconfirmed it more recently. Either way, they're not obligated to constantly bring up old facts - if most Sonic fans have short attention spans, that's on them, not the rest of us who take the issue as long settled and move on.

>> No.6094750

Who cares, brah

He is a stock villain...nothing to see here

>> No.6094760

it's funny the way vernacular in this shithole can change in a few years. I came back to this site after a 2 year break and was amazed at how posting styles have degenerated into "oomerisms" and telling someone with an opposing opinion to "dilate" among other idiocies.
/vr/ wasn't so volatile a little while back.

>> No.6094792

That’s exactly what I thought.

>> No.6095017

Strangely I think the reverse works better for that whole Sonic movie they're going for-- Robotnik sounds like a goofy saturday morning cartoon name with the subtlety of a brick, while the movie attempting to go "It's Sonic but IN THE REAL WORLD" makes me think the mad robotics expert being named "Dr Eggman" is just a tad more "I could see this happening". Could even have Jim Carrey correct people with like "It's pronounced "EGG-MIN" or something. I dunno, just sorta babbles.

>> No.6095162
