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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6084454 No.6084454 [Reply] [Original]

Since the most recent shitshow that is Pokemon: Sword/Shield largely ruin my outlook on the future of the series, I've decided to look for other monster/creature-themed RPG's to play instead. Can you guys give me any good recommendations?

Digimon never really seemed to be up my alley, but I' haven't fully shot down the idea of trying some of the games. Others like Medabots, Robopon and even Telefang have sort of grabbed my attention, but I don't know if they're any good, or if translations and the like are available for them.

>> No.6084460

megaten games are an obvious choice

>> No.6084470

Dragon Quest Monsters on GBC
For Digimon the closest thing to something like Pokémon is World 3 and the NDS games along with Cyber Sleuth
Not Retro but Spectrobes and Fossil Fighters

>> No.6084498

Mainline DQs too, mainly 5.

>> No.6084823

motherfuckin Dragon Warrior Monsters on Gameboy Color

SMT 1&2 on SNES
Persona 5 on PS3/4

DQVIII (half-way through the game) on PS2

>> No.6084913
File: 184 KB, 640x1344, Keitai_Denjuu_Telefang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely give Telefang a try.

>> No.6084915

Monster rancher and dragon quest are good.

>> No.6085135

This doesn't look bad at all, when was this game released?

>> No.6085369

In 2000 for GBC. Japan only though.

>> No.6085372

I'd recommend the SMT series, since it has that "monster collecting" thing you are already familiar with, but actual challenge and dark story

>> No.6085385

>pick a pen and paper
>draw some shit
>roll the dice

Here your pokemon alternative

>> No.6085585

The first 5 gens of pokemon games were actually really good. They only started getting bad and bland with the 3DS and beyond.

>> No.6085750

I am in your situation and recently I have started playing Cyber Sleuth complete. I'm also totally planning to play Digimon World 1 and 3, to keep this retro. Also, I'm gonna watch Our war game. I've been totally caught up by your quarter-life nostalgic wave.

>> No.6085810

When I was a kid I used to do that, infact.
It was fun, but now I am not as creative and persistent, moreover I would embarass myself and stop before long. Growing, I guess.

>> No.6085895 [DELETED] 


>> No.6086356

pokemon hack/custom roms

>> No.6086462

Jade cocoon

>> No.6086538

Not all that far off finishing Persona series (few spinoffs, bad endings and Sin/Punishment to go) and want to play more Megaten
Does order make/break anything at all? Really interested in Nocturne, also really wanted to play Nine but no translation and I've given up hope

>> No.6086662

Nocturne is real 10/10, you will love it.

>> No.6086683

>the future of the series
Then why are you asking for recommendations of dead series nobody gives a fuck about and won't be getting any new games in the first place.
You zoomers need to learn how to think---for yourselves, and period.

>> No.6087854
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>Then why are you asking for recommendations of dead series nobody gives a fuck about and won't be getting any new games in the first place.
Gee I dunno, maybe because I like older games? Presumably just like everyone else on this board? I can't ask around for more modern titles because:
A. This isn't the board for it.
B. Most modern games almost always seem to lack at least one or two things I look for in these sort of games, which detract from my overall enjoyment of them.
C. I can't ask for opinions/recommendations on /v/, because the entire board is constantly shat up by elitist cunts like you.

Call me buzzwords all you want, but if you think your age is some mark of maturity, then take the time to actually fucking act like it, you goddamn fossil.

>> No.6087862


>> No.6087873
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Holy shit, you bodied that faggot

>> No.6088243

Again, let me spell it out for you zoomer:
These old games have no future except Digimon.
If you were looking for old games, then that's that, even though you could just replay Pokemon ones. But they are not alternatives to Pokemon games getting worse.
>the entire board is constantly shat up by elitist cunts like you
And these are shat up by newfags like you who don't even know archives exist, let alone imagine your very same question has already been answered dozens of times over before.
>age is some mark of maturity
It has nothing to do with 'maturity', zoomer. You'll always be a zoomer no matter how old you get.

>> No.6089139
File: 21 KB, 460x276, SuggestionBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These old games have no future except Digimon.
You really think I care? Based on what I've heard, most of them are decent enough to stand on their own as singular games. I don't give a flying fuck if they're a full series or not.
>And these are shat up by newfags like you who don't even know archives exist, let alone imagine your very same question has already been answered dozens of times over before.
If you genuinely believe that I, or anyone else for that matter, are willing to sift through the archive for answers to one question (which may or may not have even been answered at all within said archive), then you've either got more time to waster than almost anyone else on this board, or are legitimately braindead.
>You'll always be a zoomer no matter how old you get.
Buzzwords aren't exactly a replacement for an actual argument, you know. And even if they were, I'd rather be a zoomer for the rest of my life if the opposite meant becoming an egotistical prick like you're proving yourself to be.

>> No.6090706


Dragon Warrior monsters for GBC

>> No.6091010

Metal walker also on gameboy. Its kinda shit but so is pokemon and at least its better than that.

>> No.6091180

Play the Pokemon TCG.