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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6073119 No.6073119 [Reply] [Original]

If it can do all that, how can you beat the game?

>> No.6073128

Getting gud

>> No.6073850

By playing a game that isn't shit.
>y-you're just a casual!
Brute forcing your way through a game that isn't fairly designed doesn't make you "hardcore" it only makes you a fucking moron who doesn't value what little time they have left on this earth.

>> No.6073851

Good thing you spend your time wisely, by shitposting on a dead board on 4chan.

>> No.6073852

Trying to inform others with a post that took seconds to create to cherish the time they have is not shitposting. Life is a gift don't let it go to waste.

>> No.6073915

Imagine wasting your time playing pure bullshit RPGs

>> No.6073918

>trying to inform others
Only thing you informed us is for your strict definition of fair, which highly correlates with "a game that tilts the table to your favor".

>> No.6073935

Put hundreds of hours into your party

>> No.6073958

Keep wasting time on poorly designed games to impress maybe three people. I hope you will look back on it in pride when you're in your 90s...

>> No.6073959

You're just a casual.

>> No.6073965 [DELETED] 

>to impress
Literally no one cares what I'm doing in my free time but me. Go collect your platinum trophies somewhere else.

>> No.6073969

>to impress
You actually believe people would only play hard games to impress others? This is so /v/ it hurts to read.

Listen, buddy. I play video games because I like them. If I were to pick only hobbies that cash in social proof video games wouldn't be one. You like the things you do and move on with your life, let people enjoy their own things.

>> No.6073974

Stop responding to me and go outside.

>> No.6073978

Not him but buddy that's just pathetic, it's ok to play good video games but those WRPGs are even more pointless than JRPGs. You're throwing your life away.

>> No.6073991

You can reset before your party is wiped out and restart from the point before the battle.
It's also possible to survive the first strike without taking too much damage and then beat them in the second round.
Biggest problem I see are the low HP on the samurai and the sole priest being exposed in third place.

Surprise and drain are part of the reason I prefer the revised system from 5 and the Japanese games that use it.
It's just RNG bullshit and not actual challenge.

>> No.6073997

Worthless comment. The real answer is that you level up, find equipment, and get lucky. Its possible to clear out one or two encounters without getting destroyed if you are fortunate enough to attack first and encounter a small group of greater demons rather than 5-6.

No adult plays videogames to impress people. Are you a child?

>> No.6074019

>you're throwing your life away by playing literally any video game
>Go outside
Based americlap who thinks the whole planet is one timezone

>> No.6074032

Not that guy but I'd rather play a punishing rpg than an easy one. Easy games are the ones that feel like a waste of time.

>> No.6074036

Leave me alone and take a hike.

>> No.6074058

It's artificial difficulty. You're wasting away, looking at computer generated numbers. RPGs should be about storytelling. If you're looking for real difficulty, go do some math problems or play cards and win some money.

>> No.6074072

>It's artificial difficulty
stop please, I'm being trolled too hard

>> No.6074085

It's wizardry. You're probably not going to be running with your starting party for the entire game. Expect your soldiers to die off to be replaced by the next generation of monster fodder.

>> No.6074091

It's the definition of artificial difficulty. It's just difficult for the sake of being difficult and only someone who doesn't value their time at all would "play" it.

>> No.6074102

Artificial difficulty is a meme of children. But indeed I'd far rather just play a roguelike. Given the choice though, a hard game I lose is almost always more fun and interesting than an easy game you can win on the first or second try as with most jrpgs. That applies to all genres.

>> No.6074103

I beat Wizardry with my starting party save for the Thief who was replaced by one with more HP.

>> No.6074124

If you're going to preach, find religion and then you'll have something worthwhile to preach about.

Begone, clanging cymbal.

>> No.6074220

This but unironically, and it applies to 99% of "hard" games

>> No.6074346

But I hate math problem. Does that make math's problem an artificial difficulty too?

I get it that you are trying to say that there is an "unfair" difficulty, but what in OP is not one of them.

>> No.6074957

get good shitter

>> No.6074962

>But I hate math problem. Does that make math's problem an artificial difficulty too?
For you, forming a sentence is difficult. Your cretin brain can be entertained by lowbrow media.

>> No.6074993

It's strange that there are zero strategy guides for these games. The few that exist tell you to do a reset when a bad situation like in OP's pic happens.

>> No.6074998

What did you expect?

>> No.6075017

Maybe if you put your brain into work you might be able to refute my point.

>> No.6075123

You don't. Anyone who's said they've beaten it is wrong. There are no REAL recorded instances of beating the game. The second someone does, a sigil displays on the screen, summons a demon, and initiates the apocalypse.

>> No.6075163

The thing is, casual and hardcore are actually design styles. Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac are casual because they're pick up and play, have short runs, and can be done at your own pace. XCOM comes under hardcore not because of difficulty, but because of its permanency and consequences as your best soldiers die, and nations pull their funding and submit to the aliens.

A hardcore game will have two things; long-term planning, and permanent consequences.

>> No.6075165
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>> No.6075174


>> No.6075545

Fake news

>> No.6075580

You're talking out your ass. Games like fighters and shmups have long been considered hardcore genres.

>> No.6075609

Is this a bot?

>> No.6075625

I don't see an awful lot of long-term planning in Street Fighter.

>> No.6075628

Don't ask. Forget about it. It's for your own good. Have a nice day, anon!

>> No.6075663

No, just no you're wrong. Let me educate you.
Here at /vr/ we are the toughest and most hardcore gamers after all our years of experience, wisdom and knowledge. If you don't finish the Wizardry games you must leave right now. This is the next step int he evolution of a gamer so it's contradictory to what you just said. Imagine getting old and having remorse by NOT playing Wizardry 1. It's the pinnacle.

>> No.6075678

Can someone recommend me which of the Wizardry games I should play? And which ports are the most recommended?

>> No.6075683

Exactly the point I was making. That guy's definition of "hardcore games" has no basis is history or reality. He's just making one up to support what he wants the term to mean. Which is par for the course here but still wrong and lame.

>> No.6075684

everyone but 4th one, 7 is fine to lose your cherry

>> No.6075685

Wizardry and all CRPGs back then were only meant to be played by people who went to Ivy League schools in lew of just playing D&D. Hell, most of the people who played rogue, wizardry, ultima, and akalabeth admit they beat the gsmes by simply changing the base code.

>> No.6075686

Alright. What's wrong with the fourth one? And which ports for the other ones?

>> No.6075690

Start with Gaiden 1 for the Gameboy or Wizardry 5 on the FM Towns.
Later you can play 1-4 on the PC98 or 6 on the SFC.
Your millage may vary with 2-4 but 7 is the only one I'd really consider skipping since it's so bloated and dull.

>> No.6075702

Wizardry 4 is so RNG dependant you are gonna have a bad time as your first one, also you cant really grind it at all, you can only level up finding some story milestones scrolls, also your team is made out of monsters, weak and shitty but also unpredictable

If you are a real masochist then go ahead and try it, a lot of people never really leaved the first room and even less fight the real first boss fight

>> No.6075706

Does it eventually get easier if you start to gain a bit of momentum, or does it constantly feel as much of a struggle as the first section?

>> No.6075714

It makes a lot more sense than "It's bullshit hard for the sake of being bullshit hard".

>> No.6075716

Call me a casual but I never finish it, it gets easier in some parts and then you hit the next wall, the game wont give you a chance to feel overpowered at all, you only get some areas where you can feel the odds are even or slightly on your favour

I might give it a second try

>> No.6075918

Gotcha, what about the PS1 ports of the first few games? Are those any good or is the PC-98/FM Towns version superior?

The main reason I want to play Wizardry is because I am a masochist. As long as the controls aren't archaic and are easy to get into, i am fine with difficulty.

>> No.6075932

No it doesn't. That pretty much is what the term is used to refer to. Come up with a different term if you want one.