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File: 668 KB, 640x875, SF2_Gustave_XIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6066990 No.6066990 [Reply] [Original]

Saga Frontier 2 was a game I could never really get into when I was younger but wanted to try and get back into. Anything to keep in mind?

Also Saga thread.

>> No.6066991

Can learn lots of early tech in duel combat, look up the move list

>> No.6067752

Do Gustave's scenario up until you can't anymore, otherwise Will's scenario is hard as shit.

>> No.6067997

Bad advice. You are intended to go back and forth and you'll kill your item and tech pool by focusing one.

>> No.6068023

Honestly? Don't take SFII as a game, but more like a story that goes through episodes. Pick something fast-paced like Gradius to burn yourself out and play this one for the tales and characters.
Also do as >>6067997 says. Wil's scenario is more battle-heavy, while Gustave's helps with world building. Remember to spark abilities in both though.
Also, while it's good to go blind in most SaGa games to keep the experience fresh, it would be great if you looked around for guides about combos and chip/crown management.
And if there's a mission about infiltration, DO NOT send Cordelia if you want her to have a long life and peaceful death in her bed.

>> No.6068038

It lets you save whenever you want. The gameplay is generic but the graphics and sound were nice. I got stuck fighting some Dinosaur like enemy about 20 hrs into the game and had to give it up.

>> No.6068049

Really? That's how I always did it as a kid, and I never really used items at all.

>> No.6068061

If you're not into narrative games, it's not for you.

>> No.6068279

Im very interested in narrative and art and stuff.

>> No.6068362
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>nice graffix
>experimental gameplay
>interesting story
>nice locations

but also

>nice graffix EXCEPT that horrid 1vs1 option
>experimental gameplay
>utterly retarded progression
>can't go back to like 90% of the locations
>characters come and go at the drop of a hat, so you don't give a fuck about them

>> No.6069417

Lately I generally like games that really stand as more "experimental" or unique and the atmosphere of the game seems wonderful.

>> No.6069550


>> No.6069576

Try it out again. Personally I am struggling with it because I don't enjoy games that are more heavy handed with the story.

>> No.6069607

>>characters come and go at the drop of a hat, so you don't give a fuck about them
this was my biggest gripe with it, which is contrasting to what I liked with the previous game.

>> No.6069773

At least say this is the stream for SaGa's 30th anniversary and currently has 30k viewers.

>> No.6069776

>experimental gameplay
That's every SaGa game in a nutshell though.

>> No.6071107
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>> No.6071281
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>just started SF2 again
>a SF2 thread
But I'm going to bed.

Say something nice about my axefu.

>> No.6071298
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she has a very nice Axe

>> No.6071912

Is there a SaGa game where making a character specialize in only one weapon is a bad idea?

>> No.6071926
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Though I finally realized for boss fights, there's no reason not to do Tiger Formation. The defense buff is too good to pass up.

>> No.6071961

It's usually very easy to maintain two high level skills per character. Instad of one 100% skill ability you'll have two at 90-95% which is well worth instead of seeing your Spear or Bow specialist become completely useless against a skeleton boss.

>> No.6071985

amazon strike is the best once you get quicktime

>> No.6072445
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>took Max's Tower to realize Commander Mode and how to use it

>> No.6073204

http://cdn.sqexeu.com/sea/romancing-saga-3/manuals/switch_en.pdf Read the manual to make sure you haven't missed anything else.

>> No.6073205


>> No.6073210

Once you get to know how chips work you'll make lots of money BUT then you'll realize you can't actually buy the best items (like in most other SaGa)

>> No.6073975

As it should be, otherwise people would complain that they NEED to grind cash to gear up for the endgame.

>> No.6074635
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>> No.6074940
File: 205 KB, 320x320, Guella Ha Imperial SaGa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Imperial SaGa worth going out of my way to play?
Gameplay footage on youtube seems promising, despite thee obvious low budget.

>> No.6075052

Your buddy
Makes pals with just about anyone
Emo cunt
won't join nobody

>> No.6075151

It is pretty good for mobage because it has (more or less) SaGa combat. It's still a gacha with all that it entails, and you aren't really missing any original content other than some art that you can just as easily look at on a wiki.

>> No.6075390

What's the drop rate for the dragon ruler spear in RS3? I can take it down as long as I don't get bad rng but its annoying to see it constantly drop strength salts.

>> No.6075396

What's a better game to play? Romancing Saga (ps2 remake) or Scarlet Grace?

Or Romancing Saga original if its actually worth playing. I do prefer SNES visuals and music, but I've heard that one isn't so great.

>> No.6075446

Forget the SNES version, it's very janky, dungeons are swarmed with monsters and combat is very slow that not even speed-up fixes it. if you want to do RS1 do the PS2 remake. Scarlet Grace is radically different to RS games outside of the general rules of glimmer.

>> No.6076398

Playing RS3 and found my first Abyss Gate. Alloces then proceeded to assfuck me. I’m not strong enough to take on the water dragon at lobsterland and I feel like I’m too underleveled for the fire palace. Are the encounters in palaces fixed? Or do they scale?

>> No.6076478

Can you explain this? I literally used to just run Gustave's scenario until you couldn't any longer and then I did Will's and I've beaten the game twice. I don't know any other way to do it.

>> No.6076687

Wandered around aimlessly, recruited one npc, then died after a random npc attacked me in town. True Saga experience, thanks.

Game looks great on my crt, but I'll probably play this one on ps2 emulator.

>> No.6077087

Holy shit, did you actually get killed by some thug in South Estamir??

>> No.6077106

Could be the one looking for Claudia.

>> No.6077249

>no anniversary announcement

and saga dead in /v/

>> No.6077298

I played scarlet grace today and it was some good shit

other than showing you the turn order and unions though I don't see how its radically different from the other games though, at least not compared to the likes of Unlimited and TLR

>> No.6077334

Absolutely kino soundtrack

>> No.6077340

RIP SaGa, long live SaGa.

>> No.6077426
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We are just blessed to stay underground. Trust me, it's better this way. Been making threads before the RS3 remake craze.

>> No.6077436

Frontier 2 is a game whose concept I love but whose gameplay I really disllike

>> No.6077439

Why? Not conventional enough for you?

>> No.6077449

I can't lay out the details I could have as a teenager when I played SF2 exhaustively over and over, but in general:
* Techniques are shared between both scenarios and the varying skill levels and combinations of characters in different chapters means your chances to spark different weapons (and especially combos) differs based on chapters, and as there is a sort of underlying skill tree delaying acquiring early techs until late game makes it hard to catch up
* Which chapters you beat and the order determine what shops sell, and in general alternating scenarios gets you the better loadouts, this is important for gearing but also for exploiting the money system
* Which chapters you beat and the order determines which chapters open up, and while this is more specific than just alternating, if you play in the right order you can get chapters like Gustave the Pirate or Johan earlier and reap the benefits
I think concentrating on just Gustave was pretty popular with kids anecdotally, but I daresay it's also a big reason people remember the game being especially hard.

>> No.6077565

No, I got attacked by two assassins outside of the temple and hadn't saved for a while.

>> No.6077790

>Not conventional enough for you?
I think it's more how most of the other SaGa games are more open where SF2 locks you in your current scenario until you're done with it

>> No.6078034

Time to wait for Frontier's anniversary

>> No.6078268

This is my favorite game

The atmosphere, art direction and music feel unrivaled to me to this day

>> No.6078296

I can’t beat Forneus and it’s driving me crazy. Everyone has water immunity so squall does fuck all to me. I’ve got two characters casting fire spells to keep the field neutral, one caster healing with lunar, and two attackers. Formations I’ve tried are whirlwind, tiger (or whatever the defensive one is called), and dragon. Nothing has worked. I’m pretty sure my team is strong enough to beat him. One character has about 315 hp and the rest are all around 400-450. What am I doing wrong here?

>> No.6078313

Personally I used Desert Lance, but if you have Rising Pheonix that could be good. He still uses melee attacks so I had the center guy use counter attacks while the fastest used firewall. Then I think I had one person under the fire feather veil and they were my healer and of course people attacking and healing when they needed to. Or you can always go back out and quest more.

>> No.6078319

instead of casting fire do damage

it's pointless to try to keep the field neutral, as squall automatically makes it water

>> No.6078345

Are you using fire wall?

>> No.6078417

I’m pretty sure I can’t keep up with his regen at this point. Only gale slash hits for above 1000 damage.
No, will that help with maelstrom?
I think I’m going to have to quest a bit more and spark some harder hitting waza. Sucks but oh well.

>> No.6078584

Speaking of beating Forneus, how do I get Niagara Buster to stop missing?

>> No.6078772

commander mode

>> No.6079295

Raise your character's Strength with berserk or Warcry or just grind your skill levels a bit more. Unlike debuffs you can stack up buffs by casting a bunch on the same turn, but they degrade by like 1/8th each turn as well instead of needing to be "rinsed" like debuffs are.

>> No.6080050

Is Tiger Break super difficult to spark or am just unlucky? I've been spamming that aoe martial arts move on Asuras for hours and it hasn't sparked as yet.

>> No.6080574

Thanks bro

>> No.6080690

Maybe that character can't spark it

>> No.6080757

I'm pretty sure that Ellen can spark all of the martial arts moves.

>> No.6080765

The only worthwhile buff move is the matriarch's spear.

The highest level skill I've ever sparked is shenlong firefist and I'm pretty sure that one is quite a bit more rare. Don't bother. If you've been fighting asuras for hours you can definitely beat the full power destroyer without it.

When the chance of sparking something is extremely low it doesn't really matter if it's on the character's spark list or not since it's a <1% chance either way.

>> No.6080834

Most enemies scale, the only ones that are fixed are specialized minions located in certain parts of the dungeons. You can grind on the Mages at Aunas palace, they fall rather easily.

Alloces is all about a strong physical defense, if you have that most of the damage you take becomes negligible.

Do not try tackling Forneus unless you like RNG of Maelstrom spam

Also helps if you put your characters in Tiger's Ferocity to reduce damage taken. You won't deal much physical damage, but better to live longer than rushing to your death

>> No.6080973

Thanks for the tips, I’ve managed to knock out Forneus and Anus today. Took several attempts on both of them, but they’re dead now.

>> No.6081083
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>Play wil's initial scenario first
>Get a technique combination list
Go to the room with the kris knife chest
>Don't take it yet. Just duel the blue skeletons, spark the lesser-to-mid high wazas with the faq and grind Wil's core party while snapping cheap weapons for chips.
Congratulations, you're mostly set for game now.

>> No.6081097

>Playing SaGa
>Using a guide
Why bother?

>> No.6081563
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