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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 219 KB, 1280x1280, sonic_adventure__83942.1504667207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6056543 No.6056543 [Reply] [Original]

This game is awful and it always has been.

>> No.6056545

Cool bandwagon opinion.

>> No.6056557

I remember enjoying it a lot the first time I played it, probably about ~5 years after it came out, so it wasn’t just the novelty of 3D Sanic. That said, when I tried replying it a couple of years ago, it was a lot rougher around the edges than I had remembered, in a way that Crash or Mario 64 aren’t. I wouldn’t say that it sucks though.

>> No.6056570

The adventure games are flawed to hell and back but I still fucking love them

>> No.6056572
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but that soundtrack tho

>> No.6056576


>> No.6056620
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nah its fine

>> No.6056621
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>The Sphinx was so cute, I had to shave it.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.6056623

>This game is awful
>and it always has been
no no no no, it really wasnt. at the time of release it was a huge hit and everyone went nuts over how great the graphics were.
sorry you were only a year or two old when the game came out

>> No.6056625

I think part of the issue is every time it gets ported the controls get stiffer and more bugs get introduced. If you play the original US Dreamcast release, it plays much better.

>> No.6056635

I was 10 when it came out, got my Dreamcast Christmas of 99 and I fucking hated Sonic Adventure then, hate it now. It sucks.

>> No.6056646

It's more enjoyable than Mario 64 where you just replay the same level over and over again to farm for stars. Which that's only there to stagger the content so you don't realize there's so little of it.

>> No.6056663

>The adventure games are flawed to hell and back but I played them as a kid so that means they're good

>> No.6056678

This thread again?
Nobody gives a fuck what you think unless you make a substantiated argument. Saying "Gam sux" is just trolling.

>> No.6056752
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It got really positive reviews when it came out. And its usually on Dreamcast fans top ten games also this guy that really really really really really really really really really really really really really really likes the Sega Dreamcast thinks its a phenomenal

>> No.6056768

>Hello this is Adam Koralik with Figure it Out productions, the following video is part of our quick shoot series

>Proceeds to shit on the PS2

>> No.6056772

The argument is substantiated by trying to play Sonic Adventure.
To everyone reading this thread, please just let it be in your memories. I replayed it for the first time in ~20 years and it's beyond awful.

>> No.6056778

I literally played through a few zones an hour ago and had a blast

>> No.6056781

Just booted it up.

Nope, still fuckin great.

>> No.6056783


>> No.6056786

My rule for Sonic games:

If the characters are voiced: Unplayable Cringefest

If the character are not voiced: Playable

>> No.6056793

>If the character are not voiced: Playable

aka all the Genesis games, which /vr/ still somehow doesn't fucking admit are the only good ones. like when threads pop up talking about how much better Sonic Adventure is than fucking SM64 it's honestly so embarrassing that it either must be trolling or the dumbest fucking Segafags who long for their days of childhood again

>> No.6056798

>which /vr/ still somehow doesn't fucking admit are the only good ones.
Because that opinion would be wrong. Not to mention plebian as fuck.

>> No.6056894

3D Sonic... Bleh!

>> No.6056905
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I miss Sonic's cute little fangs, they sterlized his teeth after Sonic Adventure and it's sad that the only time they showed up again was in that wierd OK KO special.

>> No.6056919

My rule for Sonic games: Stay as far as you can while you play any given platformer on the SNES.

>> No.6056930
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles > Super Mario World

>> No.6056989

I like it still. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s okay. Far from the 2/10 some people make it out to be.

>> No.6057032

>first stage is garbage
>then drops me in a garbage town hub with no clear directions
I have no doubt it's a nice game once you get into it, but when it serves you shit for openers aint no one's gonna stick around for the main course. I'd be very surprised to see anyone who didn't grow up with this game say they like it.

>> No.6057045

2 fast 4 u faggot

>> No.6057047

Emerald Coast is fun, retard, great music too

>> No.6057064

I just started it again yesterday. It's truly great.

>> No.6057070

never heard of this dude but can't blame him, the dreamcast is based as fuck

>> No.6057071


>> No.6057120

I like SA, but I'd rather play other 3D platformers on Playstation or Nintendo 64. Having different kinds of gameplay with multiple characters isn't a good flex when most of them aren't that fun compared to Sonic.

Honestly, if we are talking about DC platformers, Rayman 2: The Great Escape is the better game.

>> No.6057147

>Mario 64 where you just replay the same level over and over again to farm for stars
I don't remember doing that in M64. I thought you needed to pass a new star to get new stars.

>> No.6057148

>has to post 2 games in order to compete against based SMW

>> No.6057156

Amy shaves her cute pussy

>> No.6057157

>implying she didn't have a feminine penis

>> No.6057163


>> No.6057173

Isn't Sonic like canonically 12 in the adventure games? He sure acts like it. You know every guy in Station Square wanted to hit that pink pussy. Except the one she was throwing herself at.

>> No.6057175
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But she doesn't.

>> No.6057251

You know, I'm getting real sick of these threads where the only opinion people can have of games is either fucking amazing or fucking awful. It's absolutely stupid, not just for SA but all around.

In reality, most games are neither, but somewhere in-between. In the case of SA personally, it's ok. It's flawed to hell, and every port has only flawed it further, but the game has it's merits as well. I think something like SM64 or Crash is better, but desu I really don't know how Sonic Team could've translated the Genesis Sonic formula into 3D in 1998, especially with all of the other game modes they tried to shove in only like a year of development. SA2 is definitely the more refined of the two in my opinion, but neither game is absolute shit or absolutely amazing, they're just decent little games.

>> No.6057275


>> No.6057291

Don't think I've enjoyed any 3D Sonic game.

>> No.6057297

Based but is it better than SMB3?

>> No.6057303

Wait, did someone just say that Rayman 2 is better than SA? Nooooooo

>> No.6057324

With good reason, they're all cringey bullshit.

>> No.6057587
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles is one complete game that had to be split into two for cartridge space. It's still one game and that's how it's meant to be played.
Plus even on their own they're still good games

>> No.6057621

Sonic Adventure is somewhere between a bugs life on PS1 and toy story 2 on 64 in terms of quality

>> No.6057725

I'd probably agree if we were just talking about Sonic's campaign, but once all the other garbage is considered I think it's significantly worse than both. Toy Story 2 is one of the best licensed games of its generation and A Bug's Life is just ok. Sonic Adventure's Knuckles, Amy, and Big the Cat campaigns are just terrible IMO. I appreciate that the game offers as much variety as it does but I think very little of it is handled well at all and a lot of it just isn't worth my time.

>> No.6058609

Only a Nintendrone would say that. I loved this game much better than the original Sonic Trilogy.
The only downside I saw of this game are the Knuckles and Big The Cat levels. Other than that, it's the greatest 3D Sonic game of all time, it even surpasses Sonic Adventure 2 in my opinion. Plus it had a much better soundtrack.

>> No.6058613

I watched his videos, but I've been a Dreamcast & Shenmue fan longer than he has. Day 1 to be exact, I was only 17 when I owned a Dreamcast.

>> No.6058615

The PS2 isn't a great console. Xbox had better versions of PS2 games. Dreamcast & Gamecube had better exclusives than PS2.

>> No.6058616

Nope, you just suck at it. I play it and I still beat the first level in under 2 minutes.

>> No.6058621

PS2 was the last great console, faggot.

>> No.6058647
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Yeah no shit

>> No.6058649

Wrong. It was extremely mediocre. Only really worthwhile if you were a huge JRPGfag.

>> No.6059231

My parents got me a dreamcast when I was 7 years old and I still speedrun SA1 on DC to this day. The sonic adventure series captured my imagination like no other piece of media did at the time, probably because of the detailed environments and variety of characters. My passion for the games was reflected in my artwork at the time.


I think the tough thing about assessing quality of video games is that people will play and derive enjoyment in very different ways. Certainly there are a lot of downsides to SA1 and I could imagine some people being frustrated with these. Obviously the biggest complaints are that the Big/Amy and to a lesser extent Knuckles levels are a huge slowdown to the action packed Sonic levels. The level designs are kind of all over the place; sometimes it feels like you're playing through like a debug mode level with simple environmental textures. Personally I rather like that (because A E S T H E T I C S) but I could see where that might rub people the wrong way.

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>> No.6059524

what the fuck is the matter with you

>> No.6059530

This guy gets it

>> No.6059532

This but with SM64

>> No.6059539

But enough about your posts.

>> No.6059936

It was amazing when you were a kid though. No kid I knew hated this game.

>> No.6062171

>no u
kys Sanictard, these games are AWFUL

>> No.6062223

Not really dude. Xbox was far superior.

>> No.6062336
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>> No.6062338
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They got 3D Sonic right on the first try, then fucked it all up on the Dreamcast.

>> No.6062343
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>Sonic 3D Blast
>it's not 3D

>> No.6062438

>t-two games
cope it will always be recognized as one

>> No.6062584


>> No.6062592

>The adventure games are flawed to hell and back
No, not really.
This is what you say about post-Adventure 6th gen games.

>> No.6062593
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If you hate EITHER Sonic Adventure, you almost certainly hate 3D platformers period.

>> No.6062660

I will say in its favor that PS2 had the best action games of the generation: KH2: Final Mix+ and DMC3: SE, and the best version of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity.

>> No.6062661

Rayman 2 is the definition of a good *kids* game. You cannot play it as an adult like you can with SA1 & SA2.

>> No.6062662

>Rayman 2: The Great Escape is the better game.
This is so wrong I don't know how to respond. Knucles in Sonic Adventure alone makes for a more mature game than Rayman 2.

>> No.6062738

I think we all agree Sonic and Tails’ stages are mostly good, but the rest of the game is at best a novelty. But even the good stages are often marred by just general clunk/lack of polish/bad physics?/who the fuck knows. Like when Sonic is running during some on-rails part and you’re holding a direction forward and he just kind of veers to one side and ruins the effect, so you either have to cheese it or backtrack to the zipper. This suffices to be a microcosm for my overall satisfaction level with the game. Like it’s almost there but every so often it just falls flat on its face.

>> No.6062747

Funny, because the platforming in the SA games is fucking dogshit (or should I say, hedgehogshit).

>> No.6062748


>> No.6062764

SADX is much, much buggier than the original game and the cause of the sort of shit you're talking about. I have no idea how they broke it so badly. And the ports of SADX are even buggier. It's a fucking disaster.

>> No.6062778

It is, but it wasn’t flawless in the original version. You still had weirdness in sequences where you weren’t sure which direction to bear when the camera changed as you sprinted from point A to B. The area I remember most vividly where this always killed my groove was that huge loop in Sonic’s first stage.

>> No.6062874

This. DX is definitely worse but from what I've seen the differences are often overstated from the game's defenders. Personally, while DX is a buggier, uglier game, I don't think the original release was very good either. I'm mostly fine with Sonic's stages and if the whole game were just more of those I think it could have been genuinely really enjoyable. But there's just a bunch of stupid bullshit outside of those. Like, Sonic gets the most stages out of all the characters, but every other character once combined has way more than he does. Like 70% of the game is just dongs and it's not like DX introduced that problem.

>> No.6063252

>SADX is much, much buggier than the original game and the cause of the sort of shit you're talking about

Nice deflection, but we're talking about the original US release on the Sega Dreamcast.

>> No.6063363

The huge loop in the first level killed your groove, wtf that is the dumbest complaint I ever heard about Sonic Adventure. I have never liked it that much, it's ok.

>> No.6063374

I loved and played Sonic Adventure to death, but I fucking hated 2. I didn't even do the bad guy story.

>> No.6063376

yeah I mean I’m sure that small part of what I’ve said sounds pretty dumb if you take it out of context and also just don’t have that great a grasp of English anyway

>> No.6063885

lol good job not reading my post, retard

>> No.6064621

Sonic Adventure successfully translated the feeling of Sonic's movement and basic gameplay into 3D, which is more than can be said for Mario 64, which was so different from the 2D entries that later games, 3D Land and 3D World, basically had the premise of "what if 3D Mario actually felt like 2D Mario except in 3D?"

This does not necessarily mean it's a better game, however. There are other factors involved. For example, I'd argue Sonic Adventure lacks in level design in many of the Action Stages. They're mostly very simple and don't give you much to do other than run to the end. However, since the basic movement and gameplay premise were done well, the sequel, Sonic Adventure 2, would drastically improve on the level design, making things much more complex and giving you more reasons to perfect the movement.

Of course, the Action Stages are only half the game. There are also the Adventure Fields. These weren't like the old games at all, but didn't feel too jarring since the movement was right. It was an ambitious idea, but I'll argue they did it very well. That said, since it's so unlike the old games, I get if people don't like it. But I do like it, and I like when it returns in Unleashed, even though it wasn't nearly as fleshed out as Adventure.

>no directions
>literally has glowing orbs that tell you what to do, and then fly in the direction you have to go.
If anything, the orbs hinder the fun of the Adventure Fields, which otherwise are done relatively well, with surprisingly fleshed out NPCs that make the world feel pretty substantial, despite its fairly small size.

It's called Sonic Adventure because it has adventure game elements, as shown with the hub worlds, which are literally called Adventure Fields.

>> No.6064648

I never got the level of complaints about the other levels/characters. I agree Sonic is the best, but the others are okay, and the worst ones get very few levels. I especially never got the hate for Knuckles and the love for Tails. Tails' stages aren't designed for him and it shows. They're left being trivially easy. That said, he's fun to play as in the Adventure Fields. His movement is translated from 2D well, like Sonic and Knuckles, but they didn't give him good enough levels to move in.

Amy is some more standard platforming than you'd usually get in a Sonic game, and I don't mind that. Again, I think she moves well, even if it is very different from Sonic. If anything, I'd get people complaining about Gamma, but they don't. They say he's better than Eggman in SA2, which is retarded, since Eggman/Tails have much better stages, and they're otherwise pretty much the same thing.

Yeah, Sega putting a fishing minigame in Sonic was weird, but it takes so little time to beat his stages, I really don't see the problem. I get why it sticks out and the game could do without it, but it's not a big deal.

Have you tried just holding the joystick in the direction you want to go? Because that's all you need to do.

Sonic makes up 1/3 of the stages in both Adventure games. (Shadow is the same gameplay as Sonic so I count them together.)

Adventure 2's story mode is basically just practice. The real meat of the game is in the Mission and Ranking system, which encourages you to really learn the mechanics and level designs, which turn out to be very intricate. This system has never been replicated as well in any later game. I'd argue it could even be done in 2D games, but nobody has bothered.

>> No.6064650

A Bug's Life is better than Toy Story 2 because of the puzzle elements that come with the seed and berry systems. Also, he was comparing the worst version of Toy Story 2, the gimped 64 version, to the superior PS1 version of A Bug's Life. The PS1 version of either is better than the N64 version of either.

Amy mentions getting a makeover at the beginning of her story in Sonic Adventure. This makeover canonically includes shaving her pussy. She tried going commando and literally backing up and ramming her pussy into Sonic's dick as an "attack" in Sonic the Fighters, but it didn't work, so she had to get more subtle and step her game up. No more childishly just trying to rub herself on her target. She had to try actual seduction now.

Sonic is 15 or 16 in most older games where the manual lists it, but turns 20 in Generations. Amy is 12. There are two reasons Sonic rejects Amy. The first is that he is all about freedom, and can't have some girl slowing him down. The second is that he's obviously gay with Tails.

>> No.6064667

>Yeah, Sega putting a fishing minigame in Sonic was weird, but it takes so little time to beat his stages, I really don't see the problem.
As a kid Big's stages take fucking eons to clear. They're extremely simple and fast when you know what you're doing but I had a ton of trouble when I was a retarded child playing it when it came out.

>> No.6064680

As a kid I took a long time because I liked exploring the stages, and Big's versions of the stages were actually pretty good for exploration. So I didn't mind that. There are times when there are multiple pools, but it's usually pretty easy to find which one has Froggy. It only really gets annoying if you're doing the extra challenges where you need to get the large fish. But you know what you're in for if you're actually playing Big the Cat's extra missions.

>> No.6064682

After replaying it years later, you're not wrong, but I've got too many good memories of going over to my friend's house, playing it with him, and having a great time to dislike it.

>> No.6064686

I respect your opinion, but you are wrong

>> No.6064723
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>A Bug's Life is better than Toy Story 2
Stopped reading right there