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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6050868 No.6050868 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a more mechanically-deep beat em up?

>> No.6050871

there is but i forgot the name of it

>> No.6050878

Not retro, but isn't Dragon's Crown literally this plus more mechanics?

>> No.6050884

Describing it as "depth" is misleading, it's got a lot of mechanics but very little depth because of all the degenerate shit

>> No.6050891

IMO it having a block option, high-jump to avoid fireballs, and input attacks already add depth to the combat. The equipment system adds more options but not nessecarily depth, you are right

>> No.6050896

Nope, it's a overly complicated version of this game.

>> No.6050897

Did the equipment really affected anything. I never felt a difference, but then I didn't played this one that much because I found it cluttered.

>> No.6050903

If you're talking about core moveset then Guardians, IGS games, AvP and Sengoku 3

>> No.6050906 [DELETED] 

fucking jarpigs that imediately confuse gay elf magic with """"depth""""

>> No.6050913

Yes it does, mostly it's stat increases but shields let you block types of magic

>> No.6050941

What are you blathering about

>> No.6050942
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>> No.6050946
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Guardian Heroes is the superior belt scrolling jarpig, bruh.

>> No.6050961

Dragon's Crown is that plus more annoying bullshit that distracts from the actual game

>> No.6051013

Men are better at being women than women

>> No.6051474

How's the steam version of this game?

>> No.6051551

battle circuit, pleb.

>> No.6051567
File: 62 KB, 422x750, ccdac0a629f5eb60a3ea77f0590cc3b1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faithful port. contains achievements, "crt filters" for mad authenticity yo, but most importantly online play through steamworks. some other standard remaster bells and whistles I can't recall too.

MP is dead, but if you know someone who already has it, it's great.

>> No.6051574

I love the purchasing system in battle circuit.

that being said, it's a shame that it doesn't get any more sophisticated than buying increasingly better moves. and it's kinda shallow.

I think it feels nuanced and exciting simply because most beat-em-ups have next to no sense of progression. Probably an artifact of arcades, gameplay design (short sessions means why progressions?) and such.

Would be cool to buy equipment, or to enhance existing moves. Still, it's fucking fun.

>> No.6051580

Because the progression comes from getting good and learning how to apply moves not buying the moveset you should have had from the beginning or worthless fluff

>> No.6051605
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Sengoku 3 is a great example of what you're talking about. As far as beat-em-ups go, that one relies on mastery of its combat system. It rewards the player - literally in the game as well as intangibly - for their mastery.

Princess Crown, Guardian Crusade, The D&D Arcade series, Battle Circuit, and some Vanillaware games function more like RPG's and reward net time spent, or plain survival, to feed the gameplay loop with items, monies and such.

Certain games do either style well, and other do them quite shittily. beat-em-ups can get tricky to dissect because their origin was just to keep the quarters flowing.

>> No.6051646

Arcade games are not designed to reward purely time investment, they pretty much can't outside of oversights like infinite milking spots. All arcade beat em ups including progression heavy ones like D&D and Battle Circuit are entirely skill based, Battle Circuit even rewards you with more coins if you do combos and multi hit finishers, and in D&D power ups are game knowledge dependent, superfluous (level ups) or temporary. These games cannot let you grind your way through, that would go against the idea of short sessions and sufficient challenge to get $$$ from the players. Beat em ups are not hard to dissect, and their origin as arcade games doesn't affect anything at all. Arcade games used the same game design principles as modern games with very similar goals since player retention through a good difficulty curve and fairness + replayability nets you more money in the long term than cheap bullshit. They use some "cheap" tricks but they are few and far between, or very subtle to maintain player respect.

>> No.6051656

Heard from people who actually play the games that it is actual a shitty port. The Japanese PS3 release is the one that is good.

>> No.6051689
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>beat em up

>> No.6051852

Mystara is an action RPG. Which is what All Bmups should strive to be.
Just play oath in felghana desu

>> No.6051942

Mystara and Felghana are both good in spite of being RPG's rather than because of it. In Felghana's case the RPG elements can be discarded and you'd end up with a better game.

>> No.6051967

Where is the line between "mechanically-deep" and "overly complicated" ?

>> No.6051972

Guardian Heroes

>> No.6051975

Pretty bad. No matter what you do, the graphics look awful.

>> No.6051978

GH rocks but it's not very deep.

>> No.6051984
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>> No.6051993

Stupid RPG elements and grinding make Dragon's Crown really lame.

>> No.6052001
File: 187 KB, 584x771, Al Quadim Thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thief of old.

>> No.6052004

What makes it bad?

>> No.6052012
File: 259 KB, 1491x2048, __lucia_dungeons_dragons_shadow_over_mystara_and_dungeons_and_dragons_drawn_by_nishimura_kinu__e44f28359daec24dc1964d7d495df410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucia a cute!

>> No.6052064

It's not a spectrum, a game can be mechanically deep and very complicated, or mechanically deep and simple. Overly complicated games imo are ones which have a shit ton of mechanics that have very small significance for gameplay. Like if you have dozens of weapons but the only difference is damage variation or some small secondary effects that don't alter your combat tactics much.

>> No.6052118

Don't remember but the emulation is supposedly not very good. The western release was done by some western company while the PS3 Japanese release was done in house by capcom.

>> No.6052165

Why does this happen? Can't we all just have the good one?

>> No.6052175

Yeah its dumb. The capcom beat em up bundle is good however, as it was made internally by capcom.

>> No.6052187

Capcom is a licensing whore. They likely sold the license to a western company before deciding they wanted to do a cashgrab in japan.

>> No.6052197
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it's more tower of doom than shadow over mystara, and it's the worse for it.
but it's because george kamitani only worked on tower of doom i think.
amazon still my waifu tho, and the game is beautiful, but man it needed more

>> No.6052204

Tower of Doom is the better game of the 2 though

>> No.6052205

i'm sorry, i just don't agree

>> No.6052218

I can never finish a beat em up. They are so repetitive and dry. I got half way through Warriors of Fate, Mutation Nation, Mystara and some others and even if my run is excellent with no deaths I just turn them off out of boredom.... Wtf

>> No.6052225

Tower of Doom had well designed enemies that felt like they were to be fun to fight even in 1v1 scenarios and were balanced around the slow pace of combat. Mystara took those enemies made them weaker while making the player quicker and stronger so they just became helpless fodder. Bosses are abusable as hell too.

>> No.6052230

If your first run is a no death run then you are playing a very easy game which would get boring no matter what genre you're playing. Most likely though that "halfway" is actually 10 minutes. Most games in the genre are designed to start off very easy, with some exceptions. Play Final Fight.

>> No.6052234

It's pretty good, though I find myself mostly playing Final Fight. Just something about it. I'd kill for a bundle of their licensed beat em ups but never ever I guess

>> No.6052450

That game where you can posses enemies.

Forget the name. The Japanese version had 6 buttons for arms and legs attack like a fighter.

>> No.6052536

Got other examples of games with deep movesets or are those the best of the bunch?

>> No.6052770

What game is this?

>> No.6052808

Sengoku 3
Gaia Crusaders
Denjin Makai
Guardians / Denjin Makai II

>> No.6053138

DnD: Shadow Over Mystara.

>> No.6053314

>and even if my run is excellent with no deaths
Never happened, dishonest shit player.

>> No.6055030
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Just happened again, lmao.

>> No.6055053

What is IGS?

>> No.6055054

Hong Kong based company that developed game for the PGM board.

>> No.6055063

>not retro
Those criteria of ours are ridiculous.

>> No.6055064

Complex is more apopriete.

>> No.6055508

What game/boss

>> No.6055705

They are taiwanese.

>> No.6055856

Guardian Heroes

>> No.6055857

Ragnarok Battle Offline

>> No.6055863
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>> No.6056212

why are you still playing games that aren't giving you a thrill or that comfy feel?

>> No.6057339


>> No.6059260
File: 19 KB, 129x153, 20191206_181343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the commentary going guys, I never see Beat Em Up discussion.