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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 80 KB, 468x471, Nightssegasatern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6048665 No.6048665 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a decent score in this?

>> No.6048676

Score? I thought you just flew around and checked out the cool levels.

>> No.6048694

Once you get all the blue spheres and they turn to gold, don't go to the goal just yet, keep doing loops to the level (pass above the goal, not through it) and keep collecting gold spheres and stars, and try to do as many acrobatic moves as you can to get extra points. Of coutse, ideally you want to do it all pretty fast to chain links as you grab the spheres.
Have fun in the dreams, anon!

>> No.6048702

this dude never even fought wizeman

>> No.6048705

based and nightspilled

>> No.6048719

on first loop just try as fast as you can to collect all blue spheres, when you get the orb early you get shitton of bonus points

>> No.6048723
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>> No.6048724
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>> No.6048726
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>> No.6048727
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>> No.6048729
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>> No.6048730

IN THE NiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGHTS

>> No.6048731
File: 387 KB, 640x480, TITLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6048734
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>> No.6048735
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>> No.6048738

I don't have a saturn 3D controller so I just play the Steam version with an xbox360 controller. Am I missing out?

>> No.6048743

IIRC, the Steam version was based on the PS2 remake of Nights, which was done by a chinese team. I have it on PS2, the gameplay is slightly off, enough to put me off. Like it's a bit slower and not as responsive.
There's nothing wrong with playing with the standard Saturn pad. In fact it plays perfectly.

>> No.6048748
File: 1.87 MB, 352x240, tumblr_nh3n9aeuj01sg3g3so1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically all of your score is done in the score multiplier "bonus time" which starts when you break the Ideya gate, so you want to get to bonus time as fast as possible so you have more time to score in it. So when the track starts, get the minimum amount of blue chips to bust open the Ideya gate and sprint right for it. Once you're in bonus time, you don't have to sprint anymore, just play skillfully - get long chains, find the secret powerups to paraloop around, and keep running the track by flying over the pagoda. Squeeze every last point you can and get to the pagoda at the very last second without getting knocked back into kid mode.

When you get the trick time powerup that gives you bonuses for doing tricks, just flop to the ground and mash the trick buttons. It looks dumb, but it gets you max bonus in seconds. Sega carried it over to the HD remake, so they know that's what the strategy is now.

At the start of a world you can still pick up chips as a kid before you go into the pagoda to turn into Nights and start the timer, so run around and get the minimum amount to bust the gate and then go become Nights so you can instantly beeline for the gate and go straight into bonus time.

Learn how to beat the bosses quickly. Your final score gets reduced the longer it takes. Some bosses can have tricks to beat them really quickly, like the Dragon's tail that can be wiped out in one paraloop.

I really didn't understand what the hell the appeal of Nights was because the manual barely explains shit about any of this, so I thought it was just some weird flying game where you just fly in circles for a minute and fight a boss. Once I learned what the scoring system was, I really fell in love with it.

>> No.6048749
File: 264 KB, 1000x1000, saturn3dpadfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely worth using the 3d controller for though. So good they based the dreamcast controller off of it.
More ergonomic than it looks.

>> No.6048761

As I recall, there was once a problem with the steam version where you were forced I to 8 way movement rather than true analog control, but that's long since been fixed. I've never played the Saturn version, but people who are heavy into Nights consider the HD remake different enough that they don't play it.

>> No.6048767

By the way these are pngs converted from the og bitmaps that come on the nights disc. The 16m color version. There is also a 256 color version of the same images.

>> No.6048776

Oh yeah, everything on the track resets when you pass over the pagoda, so you can hold chains across multiple loops. You're also not bound to going right constantly. In fact, the first track in the boy's first world can be infinitely chained if you run it backwards (well, infinite sans time).

>> No.6048947

>There's nothing wrong with playing with the standard Saturn pad
I don't know it feels like the smoothness and delight I get from this game relies on the 360 degree analog control. I think I would take slightly off feeling gameplay in exchange for using a dpad, until I can get a saturn 3d controller at least.

can confirm, steam version supports true analog controls, you just have to enable the controller using the launcher in the game files first.

>> No.6049004

>Score? I thought you just flew around and checked out the cool levels.
Yep. Nights is a score attack game disguised as an adventure game. Pretty additive in that sense to try for bigger chains.

>> No.6049039

>Once you get all the blue spheres and they turn to gold, don't go to the goal just yet, keep doing loops to the level (pass above the goal, not through it) and keep collecting gold spheres and stars, and try to do as many acrobatic moves as you can to get extra points. Of coutse, ideally you want to do it all pretty fast to chain links as you grab the spheres.

The tricky part is not getting locked into a forced a progression segment that can cause the timer to run out before getting back to the pagoda.

Ive never once managed to complete Stick Canyon without running out of time on that rail segment. Running out of time is an automatic rank F

>> No.6049040

That dpad is comfy as fuck

>> No.6049042
File: 125 KB, 1280x707, sc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have preferred SEGA port this to PSVR than Space Channel 5.

>> No.6049046

The analog is still shitty compared to the Saturn version, since it's a port of the PS2 remake (which also has botched analog). Best way to play is on a real Saturn with a NiGHTS 3D pad.

>> No.6049468
File: 208 KB, 1600x900, E7815D95-38A2-4317-9224-96140029D182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed the Steam version of this last month after wanting to play it for years and had an absolute blast. I even dragged my Wii out and replayed the sequel

Why is it so comfy bros?

>> No.6050389

Because almost all of the game is just you flying free through bright, beautiful, imaginative worlds, spinning and dancing through forests and glens and beaches, surrounded by singing fairies glad to be alive. The darkest it gets is when you get to the final level and you're thrown off the cliff into the abyss by Wizeman, but that sets up for the biggest victory of all - the children who needed Nights to protect them find that they have their own power inside them, and use that new confidence to beat the bad guy in the end. It's sappy and cheesy, but it's a game about the wonder and hope of children and the freedom we find in our dreams. It's just so fuckin earnest.

>> No.6050525
File: 178 KB, 422x317, 20180216-Nightopian-Collection-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my question. What the fuck is up with the A-Life in Nights? On paper it's cool that the songs will change with the moods of the Nightopians, but why would Sega make a system based around careful exploration and interaction with these little dipshits and the stick it in a game with a timer that will punish you for slowly exploring and interacting with the environment? It just seems like one more example of Sega not understanding what the hell was going on, like thinking that a good flagship title for a home console in the mid 90s would be a score attack game you can beat in 2 hours or less.

>> No.6050863

At least it lead to the Chao Gardens in SA1/SA2. NiGHTS is just a weird mishmash of ideas in general.

>> No.6050967

It's an extra feature, you can play the levels without caring about scoring, and explore instead.

>> No.6051396

Yeah, but then why not have a mode that allows for exploring? It's not like it would require a whole Chao Garden. All it would take is just a mode that turns off the timer.

>> No.6051413

Why the question mark? The game clearly gives you ranks for your performance.

>> No.6051417

Oh God why am I crying

>> No.6051426

My exposure to NiGHTs was in Phantasy Star Online Episode II's quest on the beach where you had to find nights which triggered the theme and it gave you a GBA Nights into Dreams through the game link cable. It was the comfiest thing ever. I always wanted to play the original after that and I have a little bit thanks to the remastered version but I havent gotten good yet.

I wish I could play that PSO quest again though.

>> No.6051435
File: 2.03 MB, 1600x1200, Seasidea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this at night with Nights chilling there and the theme song playing. It was so damn good.

>> No.6051490
File: 161 KB, 1024x737, klonoa x nights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NiGHTS/Klonoa crossover when?

>> No.6051498

Isn't nights a guy?

>> No.6051505

Well, sure. I mean, Klonoa is a girl...

>> No.6051527

I was just going off the image where clearly NiGHTs is being portrayed as a girl.

>> No.6051534
File: 1.82 MB, 2005x1442, klonoa_x_nights_by_twisted_wind_d5wq676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the fullsize image for you since you seem to have a smaller one.

>> No.6051596
File: 1.69 MB, 1076x880, 7748F905-0534-47B6-B75F-9E8B765724B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine was Sonic Adventure. That music still gets me decades later and is probably why I spent so much time trying to get my hands on the original.

>> No.6051634

Nights is sexless, but becomes male or female while merged with a human dreamer.

>> No.6051640
File: 68 KB, 777x430, Nights-Xmas-capa-777x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Christmas NiGHTs into Dreams for me, came with a copy of a magazine I was subscribed to at the time
Ended up buying the full game shortly after that

>> No.6051642

Nights can merge with me anytime if you catch my drift.

>> No.6051661
File: 42 KB, 250x250, singing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone here can help, I need a real expert. I play Christmas Nights once a year and a couple years ago I did something I've never been able to replicate. How do you get one of the Nightopians to sing? My memory is bad, but I could have sworn it was singing Holy Night, at least the "sleep in heavenly peace" part. I can't even find footage of anything like this.

>> No.6052482

NiGHTS always looked so cute here

>> No.6052990
File: 279 KB, 640x360, AF7F0962-0E8F-47D5-A9D2-A994AD49EEA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played the sequel?

It’s nowhere near as tight as the first but I thought it was alright for a modern Sonic Team game. The music was pretty great: https://youtu.be/FVxhcAC07tw

>> No.6052997

Is there some special trick to mashing the buttons? There's some sort of anti-mash protection where if you do it too fast, it cancels the stunt ribbon, but I see people going way faster than I am on youtube and I don't know how they get past it.

>> No.6053006

For me, I just don't mash one than one button at a time. I constantly alternate the buttons like I'm playing Parappa or something: L,A,R,B,L,Y,R,Z,L,B,etcetc

>> No.6053648

I had the same problem. If I remember right, the issue is that you're pressing the "cancel trick time" two button combo. I believe on the PC version it's LT+RT, but I don't know the combo for the Saturn. So just press buttons without setting off the trick time cancel.

>> No.6053814
File: 618 KB, 548x466, 1360403507427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening, bros:


>> No.6053870
File: 34 KB, 540x384, 1563928290279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dream wheel
it's gachashit isn't it

>> No.6053925

Sega =/= Konami

>> No.6054048
File: 49 KB, 128x128, 1554758210779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for these!

>> No.6054271
File: 194 KB, 612x713, D2EC7A28-1809-41C4-90B4-6CE2BA8A6691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I want this to be real. Just don’t let it be pachinkoshit

>> No.6054463
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>> No.6054531

I hate this game
I'm also well aware I'm not adding anything to the conversation
but Nights is shit

>> No.6055987

It must be awful to be such a joyless person.

>> No.6056189
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>> No.6056193

>joyless person.
>just because I don't like some shitty Saturn game

>> No.6056202

The timer doesn't start until you dualize with NiGHTS, if I remember right. You can hatch a lot of Nightopian eggs as the kids if you hold off on starting the flight segment. Just avoid the alarm egg and keep moving.

>> No.6056206

>NiGHTS, Klonoa, Kirby and Rayman will never team up to save all our dreams
why live

>> No.6056213


>> No.6056217

>t. Reala

>> No.6056241

Stick Canyon 4 has extra blue chips before the ideya capture so you can just rush to it
You need about a minute for the rail section and if you make it you pretty much get an automatic A

>> No.6056392

I'd prefer a normal, good Nights game without gimmick shit now that 3d controls and games are the standard, but I'll take anything new, I guess.

>> No.6056398

sounds gay

>> No.6056405

The Wii game had normal and motion controls, so I’m hoping they’ll do that again.

>> No.6056996

I dream, I dream,
I dream of you-know-who

>> No.6057003

It's not the worst thing in the world and honestly it's ok if you can ignore the god awful voice acting.

>> No.6057013

One day we will get VR Nights and it will be the single greatest thing mankind will ever achieve.

>> No.6058685

You're right that the timer only starts once you dualize, but I believe the alarm clock slowly increases in speed over time the longer your stay as a kid, so you still functionally have a timer that stops purely unguided exploration.

>> No.6058695
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>> No.6058734

Sup Jeff