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File: 306 KB, 1720x1227, coffee black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6046219 No.6046219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As in it's terrible, but people pretend to like it to seem "cool"?

>> No.6046220

you want a soda, kid?

>> No.6046221


>> No.6046237

>not wanting to look like those men

>> No.6046241

Ok I'll bite.

Ghosts 'n Goblins

>> No.6046249

what the fuck is wrong with drinking black coffe? Because some retards think that make them cool?

>> No.6046253


>> No.6046264

>It's this argument again.

Taste buds adapt to whatever you're giving them as well as changing and dulling with age. So while you don't like the taste of black coffee, scotch, natto, etc., the guy that says that he does actually does. You also have the potential to enjoy it OP, but you have to force your way through your taste buds programmed distaste until they adapt and you start detecting nuances and flavor.
I'm a flavor scientist for a major food chain so I have to determine if gross flavors can be adapted into products in any interesting way all the time. Even pure vanilla extract becomes sippable after a while of forced exposure.

>> No.6046271

>Going to Starbucks period when godmode McDonald's coffee is a dollar
You can even get an Americano at McDonald's now

>> No.6046323

>Baby doesn't understand people have different tastes than him

Look, dude, just because I think coffee with sugar tastes like shit on a sandwitch, doesn't mean I look down at people who like it. It's just condiments.

>> No.6046375

Sorry anon but Dunkin has always had the best brew.

>> No.6046504
File: 42 KB, 486x341, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding sugar and cream to coffee

reddit is that way

>> No.6046507

Dude natto is fucking gross all day everyday and is one of those things best left in the past with a lack of refrigeration. Slimy ass old sprouted beans are some serious struggle tier shit.

>> No.6046537

Sounds based

>> No.6046547

kys zoomer

>> No.6046582

We have a pair of so fantastically incredible donut shops here that they literally have a 50 mile radius around them that Dunkin' doesn't bother even trying to open a shop. Even in Dunkin' sense areas there's still only a couple while there are McDonald's literally everywhere.

I do use Dunkin' Donut K-Cups when I'm forced to use a Keurig though.

>> No.6046713

>forced to use a Keurig
Nothing wrong with Keurigs but k-cups are a ripoff

>> No.6046826


>> No.6046987

Scotch tastes like fucking shit and will never taste good, and its not about "developing a palette" I just don't like the taste of burnt oak combined with the nasty fuel like flavor of ethanol. Yah I can taste the sweetness of the ethanol too not just burning but it still all just tastes like shit. Im not choking down fucking poison to enjoy a few layers of flavor.

>> No.6047273
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1546135230236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like it, I don't understand how anyone else could like it, and no one else should like it