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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6034608 No.6034608 [Reply] [Original]

are there any /vr/ RPG's that have any, like, character choice or stat point allocation or skills/skill checks or anything resembling how a modern RPG is built? I'm trying to hard to get into these old RPG's but I just can't find anything that is similar to what I know.

>> No.6034614

What in the fuck games are you playing?! The period from the late 80s up through like 2005 or so had BY FAR the deepest RPGs EVER.

>> No.6034617

Define modern RPG.

>> No.6034629

In the case of JRPGs, falling for modern anime tropes. It isn't hard to tell, as these tropes are obnoxious.

For and other RPG, the game is typically more action than it is RPG. Devs love tacking on RPG systems and mechanics to action games to bloat them

>> No.6034646

There hasn't been a really good RPG in like 15 years

>> No.6034657

The sad part is, the only reason you think they were good 15 years ago is nostalgia. They always were mediocre at best but as kids/teens we had more patience when dealing with games. You’re not getting another game til your birthday so you might as well try to enjoy this one.

>> No.6034667

SMT4 was pretty solid. Etrian is good if you can look past the moe characters. Grimrock is good all around.

>> No.6034690

>I just can't find anything that is similar to what I know
If you want a modern RPG, keep playing modern RPGs. You can't have played all of the good ones no matter how much you play. When you are in the mood for a different school of game design, then play an older game.
>character choice or stat point allocation or skills/skill checks
Old Western RPGs have infinitely complicated systems compared to modern games in the genre. To play something like the original Wizardry you need to study the manual, learn spells by heart (because you need to literally spell them out to cast), design your party character by character, draw your own maps etc. Modern RPGs are much more simple.

>> No.6034692

Then maybe you should check out Daggerfall.

>> No.6034695

No, he's asking about old games like Diablo 3, not ancient games from before his parents were old enough to drink.

>> No.6034701

OP should probably just play Fallout. I don't know how he doesn't already know that and no one has told him to do it. That or Torment.

>> No.6034705

Any recommendations?

>> No.6034709

>The period from the late 80s

This should have said "late 90s".

>> No.6034710

Name five of your favourite rpgs and then we can recommend somehing to you. Is it Final Fantasy and Ys? Is it Skyrim? Is it Diablo? Maybe you're calling WoW an rpg.

>> No.6034715

Ultima Online is the only one I have loved so far, but I haven’t tried many

>> No.6034719

Are you trying to lie on an anonymous board or something? Have you not played any games you're confident calling "RPG"s yet at all? Then you should really play something modern and mainstream first. You can always just get Fallout 2 and play it, but you'll probably hate it for the time being. Why not play Fallout 4 though? Why not play Skyrim?

>> No.6034940
File: 63 KB, 930x772, 1548979367371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I've played some Shining games, some Dragon quest games, I played the Lunar games for sega CD, I played chrono trigger and earthbound and secret of mana and I really just don't like any of them.
the modern/contemporary RPG's I really like are Wasteland 2 (yes I played wasteland 1) and I really liked those new Shadownrun games as well. I also really like Fallout 1+2 and Deus Ex, for what it's worth, but everyone likes those fucking game s

>> No.6034982

>character choice or stat point allocation or skills/skill checks
you ever hear of fallout?

>> No.6035003

Baldur's Gate
Divinity Original Sin (not /vr/ but still relevant)
Planescape Torment
Icewind Dale

>> No.6035712

You played any of the other Ultimas?

>> No.6035721
File: 109 KB, 220x225, Wasteland_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one the best RPG's of all time, imo. Lots of skill checks and character builds. Lots of fun.

>> No.6035727

Dark lands is pretty good. It's hard af and a bit dated, though.

>> No.6035734
File: 23 KB, 480x360, c9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one talking about OP pic or some of the similar masterpieces
And this board pretends to know about classics

>> No.6035738

If you can stomach the fantasy aesthetic, >>6035003 are all fine choices.

If you can't, Underrail should be right up your alley.

>> No.6035741

No because the 80's is where it all began with Choose your own adventure books and then this translated well on early PC games.

>> No.6035842

Many JRPGs tend to use equipment and other similar systems to customize your character instead of direct stat building. The Materia system in Final Fantasy 7 is a good example of that.

Wild Arms 2 had a little smorgeshboard of different character building options: Basic equipment, Rune Equipment, an ability system that was unique to each character, and a skill point system that you could only apply at special shops in certain towns. It was big mess, but kind of fun to suddenly discover you had this mechanic available to you for so long and you had 100 points to spend for each character and suddenly you can just tear through everything

>> No.6035928

Daggerfall is one of the newer games.

>> No.6036029

There aren't even 5 great games before 1990.

>> No.6036035
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Try Sega Shadowrun.

>> No.6036046

Ultima Underworld was the first modern RPG.

>> No.6036082

Best girl

>> No.6036086

I agree with this.

>> No.6036150


>> No.6036151

I can't believe you just tried to imply Wizardry I is complex. Oh wait, this is /vr/, of course that sort of thing happens here.

>> No.6036410

akchully you can just print out a list of the spells. No need to memorize a list by heart

>> No.6036416

Being obtuse is not the same as complex. Truthfully there’s no reason to play the original wizardry games. They really just aren’t good given what’s come out since then.

>> No.6036507

unsettling to think this might not be bait

>> No.6036616

Games from that era are the only ones that did truly 'age'. They laid the groundwork for gen 4, which improved upon them in every way imaginable to the point that everything that came before feels unbelievably primitive. Without the nostalgia filter, nobody is playing that shit outside of the tiniest handful of games like SMB.

>> No.6036625

The NES is objectively superior to the SNES. Better Castlevania, better Megaman, better Contra. Zoom harder.

>> No.6036627

Xoom harder*

>> No.6036636

Just a few years ago this exact sort of comment was only ever directed at 2nd Gen games for the poor but at least objectively valid reason that resolution and rom size didn't allow them to have meaningful in-game text and nobody seemed to want to RTFM. Seeing this said about the NES (a real contender for the single greatest video game console of all time) is sickening.

>> No.6036638

I've been saying that about gen 3 since gen 6 when it was abundantly clear that innovation had peaked and the future was multiplat trash.

>> No.6036642

>video games were only good during the exact 10 years I was a kid

>> No.6036647

This, but unironically. Pick a single year after 2004 that had as many top-tier releases as 1998. I'll wait.

>> No.6036650

>after 2004
haha, fucking eww.

>> No.6036653


>> No.6036657

Simgirl and Ganguro Girl were really good too.

>> No.6036662

Just look at the rpg codex top 100 if you want an exhaustive list of worthwhile western rpgs

>> No.6036679

The video game market is just different now. Games are more and more specialized because literally thousands of them come out every year. If you can't find modern games that you enjoy then you're definitely just being a shitty old man.

That's not even the point we were arguing though. The NES has so many fantastic games on it, pure and near perfectly crystallized that if someone thibks the only good video games ever were 4th and 5th gen it's painfully obvious they're suffering from extremely myopic subjectivity.

I mean for Christ's sake, the same argument you're making "3rd Gen games laid the groundwork for 4th Gen games which improved upon them in every way" can be directly applied to 5th Gen games.

>> No.6036682

Not reading your drivel until you post a list of top-tier games post-2004 that matches what we had in 1998.

>> No.6036684

Kof98UM > Kof98
You can't dispute this.

>> No.6036687

That's not a list of games from a year post-2004, anon. This should be a very simple challenge to anyone who thinks that vidya as a whole has improved after my based childhood.

>> No.6036690

98UM Final Edition is still better by virtue of making Extra mode not completely useless.

>> No.6036696
File: 195 KB, 1300x1027, 70491323-young-boy-with-closed-eyes-covering-ears-with-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nanananana I can't hear you nananananan

>> No.6036705

That's neither a list, nor an argument. Yikes.

>> No.6036706

Sex Kitten and Frank's Adventure were my jams

>> No.6036713

You're not a male nor an adult. Oof

>> No.6036718

Whatever you say, zoomie.

>> No.6036743

Ok boomer.

>> No.6036752 [DELETED] 

I airway made my argument, which you refused to acknowledge based on a dubious supposition that because a certain year had an exceptional number of broadly appealing, universally acclaimed games, only games from the previous 8 years and following two years are worth playing, a supposition I directly addressed.

>> No.6036757

I already made my argument, which you refused to acknowledge based on a dubious supposition that because a certain year had an exceptional number of broadly appealing, universally acclaimed games, only games from the previous 8 years and following two years are worth playing, a supposition I directly addressed.

>> No.6036768
File: 21 KB, 1821x256, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no list
>deleting your spergy rant and re-typing it over a single typo
Platinum heh.

>> No.6036773


>> No.6036796
File: 40 KB, 477x477, 1569115296200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrail's only faults are very little defence options against PSI and maybe the art direction being kind of bland and stiff

>> No.6036840

Well, gaming was basically braindead pablum for mouthbreathers by 1988, I don't know why you're trying to drag non-retro crap into this.

>> No.6036850

Here's the list *grabs cock*

>> No.6036913
File: 686 KB, 1575x1851, darklands-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be frighten by graphics, this game is really cool.

>> No.6037057

nice pinballs

>> No.6037067

FF6 with brave new world patch has builds and respecs

to break the old system of 'don't grind until after the magitek factory then grind everyone to become the same'

>> No.6037071

Xenoblade 1 is the best game since chrono trigger

Pathfinder Kingmaker with turn based mod is strong too

>> No.6037128

Dungeon crawlers are the sharks of video games, they barely evolve and won't die until long after the nukes drop. Direct clones of Wizardry and Dungeon Master are still commercially viable products. OG Wizardry is "not worth playing anymore" in the sense that you could just play the SNES/PS1 versions and not deal with the QoL issues of an ancient PC game, but the gameplay itself has been very resilient, amazingly so for something that isn't a very simple "pure game" like Tetris etc.

>you have to use your hands
>not for babies
ok boomer

>> No.6037180
File: 281 KB, 1066x1195, cai7usytfg89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga
while not as good as 1, 2 is pretty great once that convoluted as fuck battle system finally clicks with you

>> No.6037318

Not retro but Disco Elysium is fantastic.

>> No.6037321

Thank you for being the only not pants-on-head retarded anon in this thread.

>> No.6037867

Fallout 1 and 2, for starters?

>> No.6039512

2008, I'm going with 2008
I'm not going to list games because not retro, but Fable II serves as an on-topic example of the quality of offerings.

>> No.6039514

2008 was the fucking Dark Ages. I honestly thought I'd grown out of video games shit was so bad. I actually started getting into playing more older games at that point because there was nothing coming out and the Indie scene wasn't really a big thing yet.