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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 92 KB, 706x352, xboxwii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6031631 No.6031631 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related.

Sorry if this is a reddit-tier thread, just can't seem to find a clear answer on what's more worthwhile to seek out getting one for $20 and turning it into an emulator box for a CRT

Does xbox run more stuff/faster? Mostly I wanna use it for neo geo, CPS2 etc stuff but if wii can do all that at fullspeed then it seems like the winner just for ease of modding and storage expansion but I seem to hear conflicting views. Don't really care about 5th gen console emulation that much fwiw

>> No.6031643

Pretty sure wii isn’t powerful enough for arcade or cps2 stuff and I’ve no idea about a Neo-geo emulator. However the emulators for the Xbox no doubt run better then the Wii. On the other hand the Wii can output 240p, not sure if the Xbox can. But 240p for retro stuff looks better. Anyway if I were you Id just use a computer to emulate Neo Geo.

>> No.6031646

Xbox doesn't output at 240p

>> No.6031650

I think the xbox does arcade emulation better. But overall I'd say the wii is a better emulation box.
>great controller options
>easier to mod and setup
>way easier to install games

>> No.6031659

>Don't really care about 5th gen console emulation that much fwiw
n64 emu is where the wii shines brightest.

>> No.6031668

Raspberry Pi 3 does emulation better than both of them at around the same price with better customisation, lower power consumption, HD resolutions and smaller form factor. Plus, unlike Xbox, it can handle video formats that aren't 10 years old.

>> No.6031670

Thanks anon

What's the deal with Virtual Console? Can you use those emulators with custom roms or do people just pirate whatever's been released on there? Cause there's neo-geo stuff on that

Also if xbox has to linedouble then that might be the deciding factor to focus on wii.

Using a computer is great but I don't want to build a PC or spend whatever those pi's cost to get it hooked into my CRT via component, looking for something as cheap and dirty as possible.

>> No.6031671


Is there any way to get the pi outputting component to a CRT that doesn't require like 2 different adaptors/converters? I investigated but it doesn't seem like it

>> No.6031674 [DELETED] 

Yes, the Raspberry Pi has analog video output already built in. You really didn't try doing any research before posting, did you?

>> No.6031678

>What's the deal with Virtual Console?
You pirate what's available. You can inject custom games into some of the consoles, but idk about arcade games.
The homebrew emulators, besides N64 and arcade, are better or equal to the VC emulators. I generally don't bother with injections.

>> No.6031679

Do CRT's generally have component input? None of the ones I had growing up had them but I live in a PAL region so maybe American TVs are different.

>> No.6031682

In the day Xbox. Now, wii without a doubt. If you’re playing on modern screens though, a cheap pc wins for emulation.

>> No.6031686

>fiddling around with hacks and being limited by a smattering of apps
>using a Pi which sucks absolute dick at everything but a few emulators up to 4th gen
Just get a $50 Thinkpad or any used laptop with a second gen i5 or better and connect it to your TV. Will run all the emulators those can, and more, with far more hardware and software capability than old consoles and a Raspberry Why.

>> No.6031689


Mine does, most mid to high end consumer SD CRT's from '00-04 or whenever they stopped making SD sets will have component

>> No.6031694


The idea is to not have to fiddle around with plugging it into a CRT TV which on modern computers requires fiddling around with specific video cards, drivers, emulators, and adaptors

Otherwise I'd just be using my laptop

>> No.6031698


Thank you, helpful anon

>> No.6031701

Reddit confirmed.

>> No.6031705


I thought Pis were considered the ultimate redditor basedjak accessory on this board?

Anyways whatever, are you saying they can just output component direct?

>> No.6031717


>> No.6031725

>zooming intensifies

>> No.6031729
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Having 4 3rd/4th gen consoles below your TV and getting cucked by ebayers and retro game stores by collecting carts when you could have anything you'd ever want for them perfectly emulated for free in 1 box

>> No.6031865

>having a CRT using emulation instead of keeping your perfect digital signal intact
>having a CRT but using emulation instead of keeping your digital signal intact and wanting to use component which tries to be as clean as possible and removes the benefits of analog video and could be easily replicated with shaders
Zoomer setup or authentic setup, pick one. Right now you're going for retard setup. Either use HDMI with emulation or use composite. By the way, the Wii's component output is really bad.

>> No.6031869

If you're trying to play on an SD TV go with the Wii. It's a little bit weaker than an Xbox but being stuck with 480i on the Xbox will drive you absolutely nuts.

>perfectly emulated

>> No.6032015

For emulation you want the WiiU instead of either of those since it has an excellent set of virtual consoles you can inject tons of things into

>> No.6032016

Never owned an Xbox. All wireless Wii controllers will add around 100ms of input lag. This may or may not kill it for you.

>> No.6032028

Regular Wiimotes or real classic controllers don't add nearly that much. I've played through plenty of timing-critical games on Wii with a Wiimote and compared to a wired straight up GameCube controller with no notable difference. What does add TONS of lag is generic classic controllers. Do NOT buy generic classic controllers.

>> No.6032036

>However the emulators for the Xbox no doubt run better then the Wii

Nope. Xbox has better support for arcade emulation, though.

>> No.6032067

If this was "reddit tier" you wouldn't be afraid to ask a simple question and I wouldn't feel the urge to punch your face.

Also, if you're looking for the best way to play your old games, use emulators on your phone and a DS4 controller attached with bluetooth. every other method is wrong.

>> No.6032080


Bro, it really isn't that serious. If you couldn't tell, I'm ultimately not /that/ interested in 4th gen stuff, so something that is

>Very cheaply available/replacable
>Easily modded to run emulators
>Easily plugs into a CRT and can provide it with 240p over component
>Does a good enough job running stuff up to and including neo-geo/cps

doesn't really compute how this is "retard setup"

>Benefits of composite

Yeah, I understand that we all just used the yellow cable back in the day, but I like non shitty colors and sharpness if my set has the capability. I grew up playing on a lot of arcade hardware so I'm not particularly nostalgic for the noisy/bleeding/washed out look

Anyways anons thanks for the input. Wii seems like the way to go, particularly since there's gamecube stuff I want too and anything that'll emulate that is guaranteed to be more than the $20 a Wii costs.

A RPi with a Retrotink-ultimate on top of it actually looks pretty nice re: form factor and simplicity and wide range of platforms supported, a Mister FPGA setup looks even better but both those options are into 3 digits and at that point I just feel silly shelling that out to play roms

>> No.6032143

Sorry you feel that way, wagie.

>> No.6032149
File: 6 KB, 320x200, zoom_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being younger than a 3rd/4th gen console and unable to afford even one
>calling your emulator a rombox

>> No.6032152


Oh look, it's the 4chan millionaires here to flex on all y'all broke asses.

Yeah man I mean I like Earthbound, I really do, it's just that it's not worth it to anyone but the most retarded people who love wasting time and money to spend $100 on playing it or more likely, having it sit on a shelf until the day you eventually decide to try and find a buyer and deal with online collectards just to get your money back, maybe.

>> No.6032157


>Not wanting a Sega Genesis is the same thing as not being able to afford one

>> No.6032178

do either, I'd go with Wii personally just because you can inject wads like n64 which are optimised for wii. DO NOT fall for the retro pi meme, you will regret it

>> No.6032181

absolutely gigantic exaggeration

>> No.6032190

>Genesis w/ Flashcart on 27" trinitron
I've reached gaming bliss lads
it doesn't get any better than this

>> No.6032260

Do you have your pizza pockets?

>> No.6032297

Wii - most emulators support the Wiimote for lightgun games, ScummVM is nice with Wiimote support and technically you've also got a built in GameCube with GC controller and memory card support plus extra features with nintendont installed.

>> No.6032360

Wii can play CPS2 and NeoGeo easily

>> No.6032380

Nah, there are a lot of Neo Geo games it doesn't have enough ram to run

>> No.6032410

>not being able to afford a genesis is the same as pretending you don't have one because you don't want one

>> No.6032429


Nigga please, like

It doesn't take much to get pretty accurate, stable emulation of SNES/Genesis, I recall doing it on a shitty AMD Duron pc in 2001, and I am pretty sure our computer exceeded the minimum specs

If we're talking about emulating 5th+ gen then it's often much less hassle, and better to just get original hardware

But 3rd and 4th gen it makes no sense to have all that shit out and plugged in just so you can play fuckin Toejam and Earl or Link to the Past when it'll be indistinguishable to get something emulating it on a CRT, all the while knowing you're not lining the pockets of some faggot ebayer

>> No.6032437


Interesting, so I'd assume then that most of the pre "Giga Power" games are good to go, but KOF 2003 etc is a stretch

In the videos I've been able to find of CPS2 either people's sets have overscan or I feel like it's just the CPS2's wide aspect ratio not really being correctly displayed, I wonder which it is

>> No.6032442

I've read that the WiiU is a good platform for RetroArch. Anyone with experience using the WiiU for such a purpose?

>> No.6032448

I have one and have been looking for the motivation to try. annoyingly you have to buy something like a ds game from their digital store to use an exploit to hack it properly

>> No.6032463


Looked into it, Wii U might be OK for LCD sets in this case but it won't spit out 240p at all so it's not ideal for CRT's

>> No.6032473

Neither is great. Wii is the better of the two because it is more powerful and supports 240p video for use on a CRT. Softmodding the Wii was a fun project, but I never ended up playing it much. Flashcarts are better.

If you're playing on an LCD screen, just buy a small form factor PC, it is magnitudes more powerful than a Wii for emulation. And smaller than one, too.

>> No.6032521

I have both modded with hard drives loaded with games.
Wii is better for its native 240p support alone.
Also VC for N64 on Wii trumps the N64 emulation options available on any console, including the Wii U.
The Xbox emulators work but they are not ideal and have a number of performance issues by comparison. The Wii also has much more controller options.
The Wii also has the ability to play Gamecube games from HDD via Nintendont, but the Xbox has better versions of multiplats and generally a better library IMO.
You really can't go wrong by having both but I'd sooner recommend the Wii if emulation is what you're specifically interested in.

>> No.6032534

>Nigga please, like
We don't have likes and upvotes here redditot. Only eBabies line the pockets of eBayers.

>> No.6032546


Thx bro

I wonder what is then the best thing to easily emulate Neo Geo and later 2D arcade stuff on a CRT? I have a PS2 and a DC which have a bunch of ports of those games but I'm too autist to not be bothered by the fact that a lot of them are 480i or linedoubled 480p if I'm using the DC with my ossc/lcd

Pi seems to make sense and if Mister was more developed and cheaper so would it

The whole CRTSwitchRes, GroovyMAME etc on an old Optiplex pc setup sounds like a fucking pain in the ass compared just softmodding a cheapass console that gives you native access to it's own library as well but I'm sure the potential is limitless, particularly if you have something that can do 31khz

>> No.6032554


Shut up dude are you like 40 or something? Go to bed, fuck

>> No.6032558

Wii can run every NEO GEO game, at perfect resolution. Try gbatemp topic for "large neogeo roms" on the wii section and you'll see the files and method to get it working. Also in Youtube under "roms neo geo grandes" you'll find the files preloaded.
The scene for Wii is miles better than Xbox. This last year was great for the little machine.

>> No.6032674

Xbox does ok at PS1 and N64 depending on the game. Mario 64 will run perfect. Conker will have problems. Surreal64 is a bit schizophrenic in that it's a mix-and-match of 3 emulators and 4 video plugins.
I used to play PS1 MK Trilogy and it ran perfect.
It handles basically anything 4th gen and back with 0 problems. Sega CD, 32X, custom chip SNES games, CPS2, Neo Geo.

>> No.6032723

>Pretty sure wii isn’t powerful enough for arcade or cps2 stuff and I’ve no idea about a Neo-geo emulator.
Yup, you have no idea.

>> No.6032782

>Surreal64 is a bit schizophrenic in that it's a mix-and-match of 3 emulators and 4 video plugins.
It really is a cobbled together piece of shit. The standalone N64 emulator on Wii is shit too but at least that doesn't have the autistic trippy menus.

>> No.6032793

it can by loading them into the VRAM

>> No.6032824

>wah wah the grownup laughed at me
lol. oops. I did again.

>> No.6032831

The xbox controller run dry so I would grab them xbox first

>> No.6032832

Oh how about that? Very impressive, somebody definitely put some love into that. Yeah, it seems like once XBMC became KODI, Xbox development basically ceased.

>> No.6032836

If you use Earthworm James pack for N64 all of the games work really well. It’s preconfigured and all that and is only 6 gigs. The HexBox is a better emulation station since it has true Hd output and better quality composite/component/scart. It also emulates PSX better. The Wii U’s better if you want to play GameCube games. Honestly it’s best just to ducking buy both

>> No.6032882

Thanks for heads up anon I didn't know about that