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6030527 No.6030527 [Reply] [Original]

Never played Sonic before; I just reached Hidden Palace and holy shit this game is an actual fucking masterpiece

>> No.6030561


>> No.6030567

Dear discord kid,
Please stop it with the Sonic threads.
Yours truly,

>> No.6030574

sonic 2 was better tho

>> No.6030582

The board for objectively incorrect opinions is this way, Anon-kun: >>>/trash/

>> No.6030598


>> No.6030615

Sonic 1 > Sonic 2 > Sonic CD > Sonic 3&K

>> No.6030628


>> No.6030635


>> No.6030642

no, trash is for funposting. for opinions, you just use the normal boards.

>> No.6030906

obsessed, dilate, seethe, have sex, cope, etc.

>> No.6030939

Knuckles Chaotix >>>> every other “video game” in existence

>> No.6030945 [DELETED] 
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Yes, there are a few problems here and there, like the stage transition from Carnival Nights. The original idea was for it to go from Carnival Nights to Ice Cap.

Also, it's missing the green Flying Battery, we go trough a grey one.

>> No.6030949
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>>6030527 (OP)
Yes, there are a few problems here and there, like the stage transition from Carnival Nights. The original idea was for it to go from Carnival Nights to Flying Battery.

Also, it's missing the green Flying Battery, we go trough a grey one.

>> No.6030950

Sonic 3D >>>>>> Sonic CD

>> No.6030954

>The original idea was for it to go from Carnival Nights to Flying Battery
That’s what Sonic 3C is for.

>> No.6030956

Am I the only one that didn't like Sonic CD?

>> No.6030961

No, there are other plebs out there.

>> No.6030972
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>> No.6030976


>> No.6031060

Welcome to the club
3K is the best game of all time
Visit s3complete.org sometime and get the definitive version of the game Sonic 3 Complete(you can also customize it in the site such as patching back in the original daytime Ice Cap colors and such)

Select "Pick by Zone"(or was it "Pick by Game"?) in the options menu to get the MJ music in the Sonic 3 zones and the S&K music in the S&K zones.
I think you have to hard reset the ROM for it to save on SRAM though.


>> No.6031061

3K >1 > 2 > CD

>> No.6031062

Is it okay if I savescum to get the 6 chaos emeralds in Sonic 1? Because fuck those special stages.

>> No.6031064

>there are a few problems here and there, like the stage transition from Carnival Nights. The original idea was for it to go from Carnival Nights to Flying Battery.
Eh it's ok as it is in the final version.
Knuckles transitions are the ones that are lazy with all those random teleporters but oh well...Knuckles mode is an extra mode so can't complain too much.

>> No.6031065

Just git gud fool. The special stages in Sonic 1 are easy as fuck except for the 3rd one(fuck that shit I hate it so much).
Not like it's worth getting the emeralds in Sonic 1 apart from completion since you just get a load of gay flowers at the end.

But do whatever you want.

>> No.6031068

>since you just get a load of gay flowers at the end.
But it makes Eggman mad, that's good enough.

>> No.6031095

True I suppose, though then again Robotnik juggling the Chaos Emeralds at the end is just as cool.

>> No.6031116

gaymers, can I please have a solid explanation as to why 2 is better than this masterpiece?

>> No.6031120

It's just nostalgiaboomers who got Sonic 2 for Christmas of 1992 along with a Genesis.
Sonic 2 is also the most braindead one to go fast in with not much skill required for at least the first 4 zones so that's why they like it.

Sonic 2 isn't even as good as Sonic 1 let alone 3K.
Still a good game but it had a lot of development issues and it shows.

>> No.6031138

Doesn't make sense as to why it'd be nostalgia boomers when if that's the case S3&K with the cartridge stacking and all should've been like the second coming of Jizzus to them, like the ultimate Sonic experience. Just shitty trolls I guess. 2 is a great game but it can't top it's successor unless maybe we're comparing music which then is highly subjective.

>> No.6031143

Maybe they had jewish or poor parents who couldn't get them both Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, so they were left with two halves of one game that can hardly compare to Sonic 2.

>> No.6031150

I unironically like playing Sonic 3D Blast more than Sonic CD

>> No.6031152

Sonic 2 came as a pack-in game.
Sonic 1 was too hard for kids but Sonic 2 wasn't.

Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles didn't sell as much partly do to them not being pack-in games and partly due to be released in the same year as Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.6031156

The CD hate is so overblown.

>> No.6031157

all sonic games are braindead because you have permanent invincibility as long as you have one ring. That's why bottomless pits are so annoying in DS games.

>> No.6031159

Sonic 2 improved on all of Sonic 1's fundamentals and kept a certain linearity to it whereas Sonic 3K mixed that element with Sonic CD's non-linearity
S3K is my favorite Sonic game and one of my all-time favorite games, but it takes a bit longer to get through. Once you get good at Sonic 2, you can easily clear it in under an hour.

>> No.6031162

So you're saying I'm not allowed to have an opinion because it doesn't align with your own? You're right, I like Sonic CD a lot more now. Thanks anon.

>> No.6031164
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Fuck off with this low-tier shitposting, what would you have liked from 20+ year old game series instead, a fucking lifebar? Something like that could disrupt the flow you mouth breathing /v/tard.

>> No.6031167

Nah, that's not what I'm talking about. Sonic games aren't meant to be hard after all.
I mean that Sonic 2 has the lowest skill ceiling. It's the easiest game to go fast in.

But that said Sonic 1 is harder than Sonic 2 or even 3K.
You have to consider that kids played these games and even nowadays there are many unskilled manchildren who complain about the old sonic games being "too hard and unfair"

Many kids back in the day probably game over'd a lot in Marble Zone or Labyrinth Zone.
Same goes with the infamous barrel in Sonic 3 etc.

The DS Boost games are absolute dogshit. Dimps are retards who don't understand that you can't design levels with bottomless pits in a Sonic game.
There's a reason the classic games rarely ever had bottomless pits(usually reserved for a final endgame level if any at all) and those games weren't nearly as fast.

>> No.6031168

sonic 2 had better levels but s&k had better bosses

>> No.6031169

I didn't say it was bad. Why else would I say bottomless pits are annoying? Sonic games are easy mode platformers

>> No.6031171

3D Blast?
Come on anon, I don't believe you.
If you said one of the Game Gear games I'd understand.

>> No.6031172
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3d blast has soul

>> No.6031175

>Sonic 2 was one of the first games I ever played
>be a big Sonic fan as a kid
>spent pretty much my entire life as a Sonic fan in one way or another
>spent dozens, maybe hundreds of hours of my life playing Sonic games I'd consider objectively mediocre at best
>after over a decade of waiting for them to click, never really have a great time with the Genesis games and eventually realize I just fundamentally don't find them that fun
>can't play Mania for more than an hour or so before getting bored
>have the most fun playing Adventure 2 which I consider maybe a 7/10 game at best
>currently playing Heroes (a mediocre game with spots of terrible jank) and Shadow (a bad game) when I could be playing anything else
>doomed to keep playing mediocre or bad Sonic games forever and don't really understand why
>don't even really like Sonic but it'll always be a part of me

>> No.6031178

Braindead would be holding right and occasionally pressing the jump button. S3&K has you juggling elemental shields, level memorization, boss paterns, and special stages which btw are still the best in the series. Granted the games are simple once you know what works (getting hyper sonic) but calling them braindead is just simply wrong, you're the braindead one.

>> No.6031182

You're acting like 3D Blast is Sonic Boom or something. 3D Blast isn't a bad game, it's just a solid 5/10. It's also a 5/10 I like playing more than plenty of other people. I don't like CD's level designs and implementation of its mechanics. On paper it sounds fucking awesome but in practice I find it pretty flawed and not to my tastes.

>> No.6031184

in sonic 3 you don't even need rings because you can just spam the shield

>> No.6031187

Nah. 2 was made by disgusting Americans and its piss easy difficulty for a good 2/3 of the game is reflective of that. Only braindead children or NIGGERS as I like to call them would find Sonic 2 good.

>> No.6031189

>sonic 2 had better levels
Sonic 2 had the worst levels out of the original games...except for maybe CD.

>> No.6031193

Sonic 1 is definitely the hardest. A lot of the new-gen gamers I know have only beaten it by using savestates.
If you can beat Sonic 1, the only thing that makes Sonic 2 hard is Death Egg Zone because you have no rings. Once you figure out the bosses, you're set.
S3K has saving, so it's automatically way easier.
3D Blast has an amazing presentation and music. I used to heap scorn on it too, but it's grown on me over time.

>> No.6031198

If you like 3D Blast, check out the Gamehut channel on YouTube. One of the guys who developed it has posted a shit ton of prerelease content and info about it. I wish more devs were like that.

>> No.6031201

3&k's are worst, too long and bloated and full of gimmicky setpieces like the tops in mgz and the barrels in cnz and the elevators/rotating rides in lbz and the pulleys in mhz etc

>> No.6031204

>yuji naka

>> No.6031206

>implying I haven't been subscribed to GameHut for at least 2 years
Toy Story Genesis is a good game by the way

>> No.6031212

>3d blast has soul

>"I was opposed to [Sega's] decision to create games that use 'Sonic-something' so that they can sell it easily. I wanted to make good games, not any games that used the Sonic character in a haphazard way."

>— Yasuhara on his work on the Traveller's Tales-developed Sonic titles

3D Blast is pretty damn bad. It controls like ass and the whole aspect of collecting flickies and then hoping to God you don't get hit before you reach the next ring to get to the next part of the stage is annoying.

Sonic CD is weird but not nearly as annoying. Plus it gets better with replays and when you start figuring out where the robot generators are and the best spots for time traveling etc.

Really, I would understand even something like Sonic R but 3D Blast? Come the fuck on.

>> No.6031218

What makes Sonic 1 the hardest anon? I beat Sonic 1 as a ten year old boy without using savestates.

>> No.6031223

>special stages which btw are still the best in the series.
Sonic 1 special stages were always my favorite
3K's my second favorite

I think Mania's are probably better than both these days. I was mixed on Mania overall but those specials stages were legit.

>> No.6031227

More than that, the dude released a Director’s cut version of the game that fixes all kinds of things.

>> No.6031229
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>in sonic 3 you don't even need rings because you can just spam the shield
The fuck are you on about you retard?
The Insta-Shield lasts only like a fraction of a second and few people even know how to utilize it properly aside from making short work of bosses with it.

>> No.6031232

Didn’t ask

>> No.6031234

there's a reason you have to unlock it in sonic mania

>> No.6031236

>2 was made by disgusting Americans
It was made by half Americans, half Japs.
One of the biggest problems with Sonic 2's development was the Language Barrier between the 2 divisions.

This is why Sonic 3K was developed exclusively by Sonic Team and only the Japanese branch of Sega Technical Institute.

>> No.6031240

The last few zones of Sonic 2 are harder than anything in 3K.

>> No.6031241

Hardest, relatively-speaking.
Labyrinth Zone Act 3, Scrap Brain Zone Act 3, spike glitch, etc
I beat S3K when I was like 7, but I didn't manage to beat Sonic 1 with all the emeralds until I was 11

>> No.6031242

3D Blast and Spinball are some of the few Sanic games I've yet to complete. They deviate way too far from what made the games fun in the first place; fluid control of Sonic and progressively getting more difficult. 3D Blast hurts my soul to play and the Genesis special stages that have no award are the cherry on top of the turd cake. Music's undeniably good-tier though

>> No.6031243

>3D Blast has an amazing presentation and music.
So do most of the games in the series. Doesn't make it not a trash game that is not enjoyable to play.

I love especially the Saturn OST of Sonic 3D Blast but it's not a good game. It's not even "so bad it's good" like Sonic R it's just frustrating to play.

>> No.6031247

Yeah, because they tacked it on as a fun bonus late in development.

>> No.6031250

>S3K has saving, so it's automatically way easier.
S&K didn't though.
And I'd still argue that getting all 14 emeralds in S3K can be hard if you're shit at the special stages.

The zones themselves are also more challenging than Sonic 2's on average(especially the Sonic 3 Standalone layouts).
Marble Garden, Carnival Night have a lot more traps than most Sonic 2 levels.

>> No.6031251

>3&k's are the worst
OK Boomer.

>> No.6031257

Marble Zone can be very hard for newcomers who expect to just breezy by running as fast as possible.
Labyrinth Zone can give people nightmares with its drowning music.
The last section at Spring Yard act 3 before the boss can be a nightmare when if you're not good at the game etc.

>> No.6031262
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"Too long and bloated" yet you could easily complete the levels in under 2-3 minutes except for maybe Sand Nigger Zone. Maybe you're just really shit at the game and haven't even collected the Super Emeralds yet.

>> No.6031263

Mania > 3&K

>> No.6031265

Because Taxman and Stealth for some reason were autistic about keeping Mania as a one-button game.

The Insta-Shield was also nerfed in Mania, making the hit-range smaller making it less useful vs bosses.

>> No.6031269

Super forms are a novelty in these games. Anyone who genuinely uses them to help complete the stages is a pathetic faggot.

>> No.6031270

>saying 3&k is the worst, bloated and overly gimmicky while putting mania above anything
literally an impossible opinion to have

>> No.6031273

Different posters, retard.

>> No.6031276

Spinball isn't that bad but it's ball-crushingly hard.
The 30fps sucks also sucks though I understand why it was like that, Sega rushed the dev team so they changed the programming language from Assembly to C to speed up the process.

>> No.6031285

I agree with that but getting to fight Eggmanz in space is ultra epic.

>> No.6031286

OK zoomer.

>> No.6031294

Hey don't diss Super/Hyper forms mang.
They were legit cool. Nothing wrong with using them for fun + some zones can actually be harder with Super Sonic than just playing with Regular Sonic. Wing Fortress Zone as Super Sonic comes to mind, controlling Super Sonic in such scenarios can be challenging in itself.

Also if you don't use Debug mode to cheat you need to get 50 rings before you can even transform and you need to keep collecting rings so the transformation is not just a freebie.

Super/Hyper Sonic/Tails/Knuckles metagame is underrated.

>> No.6031303

>the Genesis special stages that have no reward are the cherry on top of the turd cake
Seeing that lazy-ass attempt at adding Super Sonic into the Director's Cut version makes me glad it was not originally a thing.

>> No.6031318

>Doesn't make it not a trash game that is not enjoyable to play.
It's not that bad tho

>> No.6031554

Neither is Sonic Adventure 2 or Heroes.