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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 228x160, New Super Mario Land (Japan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6026129 No.6026129 [Reply] [Original]

Here you go enjoy... https://anonfile.com/G5obx7Bdn0/New_Super_Mario_Land_7z

>> No.6026145

not clicking that. post screenshots

>> No.6026149

It's a three month old romhack.

>> No.6026157

Also.... its shit.

>> No.6026158

I wanna see at least a screenshot or video before I try it

>> No.6026170


>> No.6026172
File: 953 KB, 200x158, 1310468004290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but sm said it was good

>> No.6026174

That looks ugly and awfully not retro.

>> No.6026175

looks fucking horrible

>> No.6026178

Who needs rendering power of Silicon Graphics workstations when you have rendering power of Nintendo DS instead!

>> No.6026181

>wahoo every time he jumps
that would get annoying pretty fast

>> No.6026184

looks fun actually

>> No.6026185
File: 34 KB, 400x375, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´ll stick to the vastly superior looking and sounding GB version, thank you very much.

>> No.6026192

>NSMB DS assets
>on a SNES
>Super Mario Land
truly frankenstein's monster

>> No.6026195


>> No.6026206

that's the most soulless thing I've seen in a while

>> No.6026215

This looks like one of those scary Russian Mario bootlegs.

>> No.6026220

Thanks, I'll try it, but omg is that ugly.

>> No.6026237

People shitting on it aside, that is pretty damn good looking for an SNES game.

>> No.6026256 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 640x730, 4234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6026265

What were they thinking with this

>> No.6026279

Looks pretty good for what it is, and Am i the only one who's impressed at these graphics running on a snes??

>> No.6026286

>color hack
You’re just as bad.

>> No.6026290


>> No.6026292

I am impressed. The New SMB aesthetic really isn't my favorite Mario game look, but seeing it running on an SNES is pretty impressive.

>> No.6026302
File: 20 KB, 691x653, wojak_frustrated_crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bing bing wahoo
why though

>> No.6026307
File: 93 KB, 960x947, 65893989865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you guys never seen Donkey Kong Country? A game with psuedo 3D graphics that doesn't drop frames everywhere and doesn't look like total fucking shit?

Of course you haven't you fucking zoomers. Anyone impressed by this has never played an SNES long enough to know what it's really capable of. A hell of a lot more than this steaming pile, I'll tell you that.

>> No.6026309 [DELETED] 

no need to be a tranny about it though

>> No.6026313
File: 938 KB, 240x224, nsmb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck NSMB, it was gay and I feel ashamed for having played it

>> No.6026317

That's like saying anyone can do it. DKC was very popular not only because of its gameplay, but also its graphics (and didn't need a special chip, if I recall). It's not like some zoomer ROM hacker can just do it during spring break in his parents' basement.

So yeah, it's still impressive.

>> No.6026318 [DELETED] 

You're a tranny.

>> No.6026325

Fucking Christ this looks like some Brazilian bootleg plug-and-play TV game. On a technical level it's impressive for the SNES, but all that effort to nail THIS horrible aesthetic is pretty misplaced.

>> No.6026328 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 700x700, 1559617356247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a tranny.

>> No.6026329 [DELETED] 

You're a tranny.

>> No.6026337 [DELETED] 

You're both trannies. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6026353

It looks pretty good
Fuck the boomers that hate it

>> No.6026384

How can /vr/ justify a homebrew like that? It has little to do with the original source material aside from the recreated stages. Mario didn't wahoo each time he jumped and more importantly he didn't have the ability to slide on walls in the GameBoy original. So once again, how do you justify this?

>> No.6026386

/v/ zoomers invaded.

>> No.6026387
File: 214 KB, 1529x860, Not Another Teen Movie 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of respect for starting a project and seeing it to completion, but damn that shit is whack

>> No.6026389

this ngl

>> No.6026391

I was playing Donkey Kong Country before you were born, kid, and that game looks impressive, too.

>> No.6026394

I actually kinda like this anon. You've got some potential.
The camera's been bugging me, though. You should make the transition from looking left to right (and viceversa) less blunt.

>> No.6026397

Oh, come on. It's cool.
Not everything has to be epyn contrarian /b/tard hate machine srs biz.

>> No.6026402

Forgot to add this: did you make those new sprites (the ones not taken from NSMB) yourself? With some polish, you'd be very close to nailing that shitty early 90's prerender aesthetic. Your next game should look like that.

>> No.6026407

I trust SM over some weird anon.

>> No.6026418

>I trust Super Mario over some weird anon

Nintendo everyone.

>> No.6026435 [DELETED] 

Ok tranny.

>> No.6026456

>He doesn't know SmokeMonster

>> No.6026481

SM is a faggot

>> No.6026489

>> It's not ogrinal game
>>Hates the remake
>>Posts a different remake
>> Wants that

>> No.6026494 [DELETED] 

I'm getting more sick of these posts than the actual trannies.

>> No.6026495

I mean, it's like creating a Mona Lisa-tier painting of a piece of shit.
Yes, it's incredibly pulled off, but at the end of the day, it's still depicting a piece of shit.

>> No.6026501 [DELETED] 

NO! DO NOT BETRAY THE CAUSE, MY BROTHER! The West needs True Free Men. Let that thought be your lodestar.

>> No.6026541

That's pretty terrible, not gonna lie.

>> No.6026548

It probably goes way beyond the capacity of original cartridges, and looking at it I wonder if it would even run properly on a real SNES.
It has a lot of frames and a lot of colors, but it looks like janky and floaty bullshit still (along with high definition, but completely out of place audio). I'm far more impressed by the SNES port of Doom, and that's still a piece of shit.

>> No.6026552


Yeah. I'd be much more impressed if they went out of their way to draw 16 bit assets to do a proper remake.

>> No.6026557


>> No.6026576

startling how bad this looks

>> No.6026690

That doesn't make it any less impressive for a rando to reverse engineer a game onto hardware from over a decade before, you impact text-anime macro posting fag.

>> No.6026721

I'm gonna go try this fucker on my everdrive since none of you fags seem to have even tried it

didn't even click on the video, so based on the comments so far I'm pretty hype

>> No.6026761

>Trying the DKC look with NSMB-style assets and removing the off-flavor bits that were related to the GameBoy limitations.
A strange project, and I don't like it. I could see a Super Mario All-Stars style compilation remake pulling something like that though and it scares me.

>> No.6026774

This is some uncanny valley shit in videogame form.

>> No.6026791

Well I played up to the Japan level before I ran out of fucks to give. It's pretty janky, the hitboxes are weird and Mario jumps higher than he should be able to, the wall jump isn't as clean as NSMB etc. Some performance problems when things get too busy. Works ok on my everdrive, but there's a graphical bug whenever you hit a block (you briefly see two blocks). The new assets look like Star Fox 1-tier models although everything's so smudged it doesn't matter that much. In conclusion, still a better remake than SMAS, I don't hate it. At least there's 4 player simultaneous.

>> No.6026819

To be fair, that’s how the original Mario Land was.

>> No.6026883

Disgusting Nu-Mario bing bing wahoo chinese bootleg looking garbage

>> No.6026929

worst mario game paired with worst mario aesthetic. whatever floats your boat I guess

>> No.6027030

...but only because he includes genre specific folders in his packs. They're just the same ROMs doubled, or even tripled in other folders. No need for that unnecessary annoying shit.

>> No.6027035

>66 replies and no screenshots
Yeah that's zipped AIDS

>> No.6027084


>> No.6027146

>How can /vr/ justify a homebrew like that?
It's a SNES game running on a SNES

>> No.6027150
File: 44 KB, 586x513, badlystretchedscreencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voice clip spam aside, this honestly doesn't look bad. It's above average for a homebrew game, far above chinese bootlegs and a breathe of fresh air among derivative looking romhacks.
It definitely looks better than it plays, though, and I can't help but wonder how much of a lagfest 4 player mode is on actual hardware, since it apparently works there according to the other dude in this thread.

>> No.6027178
File: 96 KB, 615x593, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6027191
File: 21 KB, 412x310, nuwser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the technical effort in making a SNES game feel like NSMB, but man, that really highlights just how unappealing NSMB really is.
>Totomesu stands there for fucking ages after shooting fire.
That's exactly what Nintendo would do.

>> No.6027212

Nah, he's a flaming faggot for acting like the federallis are going to knock down his front door over a bunch of roms.

>> No.6027238

Why Mario Land it's so lackluster ? I played and i don't see what made them great.

>> No.6027260

Check out how when Mario dies, the level restarts right away. Nintendo on the other hand would drag it out with jingles, transitions, showing how many lives you have left, etc. Not bad.

>> No.6027447

They didn't reverse engineer anything you retarded faggot zoomer.

>> No.6027629


>> No.6027668

I wish to fuck he’d still compile rom packs anonymously. Shits not the same since he went legit. SM used to have super useful stuff, now just a talking YouTube head.

>> No.6027793

I do hate that. I go and delete all those unnecessary folders.

Companies can trace his distributions directly to him. Distributing copyrighted work for free is still copyright infringement, and with an actual person tied to it it's not hard for companies to find the person and open a lawsuit.

Back in the wild west days, sure. But with Nintendo reclaiming their decades-old ROMs and shit, it's understandable.

>> No.6028234

I don't see how that's an improvement, if anything it speaks for the lack of finesse and touch this hack has.

>> No.6028235

I like it, I use those all the time

>> No.6028236

Mario Land is a little janky, but it's not Janksgiving like this hack here.

>> No.6028238

Mario's Time Machine is far worse, Mario Land isn't even a bad game.

>> No.6028287

put me in the screencap

>> No.6028289

Sure they didn't, spaz.

>> No.6028465

The amount of work they did is impressive, technically speaking it's making the most of the SNES hardware, but honestly would have been better in SMW style.

>> No.6028867

Thanks, I was struggling to put it into proper words but that's exactly it, this unpleasant juxtaposition of really high definition sprites/frames, but on a comparatively very crude and simple game world.

It's like when Russian 12 year olds paste 4k textures onto the original Doom, and it just looks fucking unpleasant.

>> No.6028868 [DELETED] 


>> No.6028872

Wrong thread? Board?

>> No.6029269

>nintendo actually pursuing legal action against a guy located in brazil
paranoia personified

>> No.6029318

He's back in the States. Has been for a while.

>> No.6029367

>he says, while gesturing with his limp wrist

>> No.6029376

so soulless it kind of has soul

>> No.6029378

>I don't see how that's an improvement, if anything it speaks for the lack of finesse and touch this hack has.
Nintendo has a terrible habit of dragging shit out that happens frequently to pad out perceived game time (so it seems like you're getting more for your buck). Whether it's through animations or through backtracking near the end. Not retro, but here's an example I just experienced: In Animal Crossing Pocket Camp when you eat a fortune cookie, you have to wait for your character to put away their fishing rod, start munching on the cookie, for the screen to transition, cookie to open, transition to leave, character to take out his fishing rod, then repeat. Takes 15 seconds per cookie and you might have 30 of them in your inventory.

>> No.6029425

Bad example. Literally half of the gameplay in Animal Crossing is waiting by design and the other half is doing chores over and over in hopes something will change.

>> No.6029443

>missing out the deep, well-written, witty dialogue from the numerous NPCs

>> No.6029446

>Nintendo has a terrible habit of dragging shit out that happens frequently to pad out perceived game time (so it seems like you're getting more for your buck).
>Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
>Free mobile game
>"so it seems like you're getting more for your buck"
fatal error anon

>> No.6029487

Pocket Camp is constantly getting modernized where they now made it that you don't even need to talk to the animals to do chores for them. You don't even have to be in the same area. The cookie animation is something I'm sure they will redo at some point.

Another example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSykPzw9cOg
Another: https://youtu.be/m7VsMFKbPCE?t=290
Another: Wind Waker and the ocean.

>> No.6029492

Nintendo started doing that padding out bullshit more and more in the GameCube/Wii era. SNES/NES/GBA was fine.

>> No.6029889

This is a really interesting idea but it could have been done so much better.

>> No.6029917


uglier than a bucket of assholes.

>> No.6030668

Super Mario Land is fucking shit

>> No.6030675

Gameboy game remade in bastardized DS engine for the SNES to be played via emulator
Just like God intended :')

>> No.6030918

Imagine walking into some chink bootleg store, and picking up some clone game/console with generic NSMB art on the packaging. Then when you get home expecting fake famicom shit, it's actually exactly as advertised.

>> No.6030941

I honestly would have played this if it hadn't been for the fucking bingbing wahoo bullshit.

>> No.6031063

I appreciate the work put into this, but I just can't bear with the terrible music and how bad the "new" enemies are, they are oversized and for some reason they're rendered like Virtua Fighter characters,

>> No.6031625

Is this playable on actual hardware?

>> No.6031667


>> No.6031672

A nigger actually did steal my bike. Flagged for triggering content.

>> No.6031783

I played on my Super Nt. Does that count?

>> No.6031786

Only if it's on a CRT...

>> No.6032093
File: 172 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2019-11-24-20-28-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was an almost perfect a recreation of the original, down to the spot Matanga (I think that was the alien's name; can't quite remember) can't hit you in, but you can hit him.
So I've unlocked expert mode, but I've little interest in playing it again straight away.
Lost a point for lacking an option to turn off bingbingwahoo, a second point for adding walljumping with no way to turn that off, too, a third point for Mario being a bit too slidy and a fourth point for this glitch where the moving platforms disappear, never to return, if you move too far away from them after seeing them once already.

>> No.6032154

>I don't want to shit on this because I'm not able to do something like this or better but this hack clearly doesn't have a good artistic direction going on. Not to mention the original SML didn't have wall jumps which would break this game.

>> No.6032364
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, howaboutthisinstead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: a hand-drawn Super Mario Land (think a cross between the artwork and Wario Land Shake), tentatively known as Super Mario Land Remix IIRC, was in the early planning stages that would have added a lot of bonus content such as boss phases, hidden stages and an extra space world, but after Nintendo went C&D heavy it was decided that it wasn't worth it. I guess we're in the timeline where we have to settle for New Super Mario Land instead...

>> No.6032394


I am impressed and I think it looks pretty good. But yeah it needs more work.

It seems like too many enemies die in the same way and with the same sound. The camera on the sphinx boss fight jerked around when it should have stayed pointed at the monster. Some characters look very soft and rounded while others appear to have flat surfaces and sharp edges. Mario freezes awkwardly at the stage-end doors when it seems like he should be entering them. (Maybe that's from the original game but I don't care, it shouldn't be in this one.) It seems like the wall jump probably breaks some things (not that I would really know). The music doesn't sound all that different from what a Game Boy could do. That shrinking-Mario-head wipe animation jumps in too fast when you die; it'd leave me annoyed sometimes because I want the freedom to occasionally spend half a second looking at the situation that killed me. The blocks look a little funny when you hit them? That awesome-looking fake-3D water in that one stage with the water fails to correctly scroll vertically with the rest of the background.

I don't really understand why people here keep saying it's super ugly. It looks basically pretty good to me, but with some important little flaws here and there. I like most of the backgrounds shown in that video well enough, and I don't see anything wrong with Mario, the goombas, or the koopas. I mean yeah they could look better in a hand-drawn style, but I think they look fine here too. (Some of the other enemies are kinda rough-looking though.)

>> No.6034578

>I don't really understand why people here keep saying it's super ugly.
It's tourists from /v/.

>> No.6034674

wtf did I just watch

>> No.6034675
File: 25 KB, 395x416, baitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6035195

Is this actually a full game or just a demo?

>> No.6035589

full game, it's impressive for basement coding but not very good

>> No.6035969

Just returned to see if this thread, and this post, and this video is still up.
Yup, still is. Damn
just can't stop thinking about this cursed anathema.

>> No.6035981

Okay honestly this isn't half bad at all. Actually it's really impressive. I just hate how soulless the NSMB DS aesthetic is but that's not a knock on how well this remake comes off.


>> No.6036108

Do do do, do do do do do dooooooo

That outro music. Name me a better tune.

>> No.6036137

Alright, I'm outta here.

>> No.6036212

Because it's just yet another random Romhack. That's it.

>> No.6036292

If it was romhack, it would actually play well. It's a brand new game.

>> No.6036308

Who's justifying it? I'll give points for good effort, but it's an unsatisfying product ultimately.

The graphics have lots of frames, lots of colors, and good resolution and clarity, but they are at odds with the really very simple gameplay and movement. If one were to make a new version of Super Mario Land with modern graphics, I'd basically say to make a new game from the ground up, with new movement physics and altered gameplay to accommodate it, because it just doesn't look natural as it is. The second option is to make it look more stylized as a game of the 90s era, such as how the NES or SNES Mario games looked, in which case it's more easy to 'join' with the original gameplay.
The sounds are all sourced from preexisting Mario games, and while good in clarity, they all feel out of place, like they're just grabbed and shoved into 'roles' they were never intended for. The gameplay also looks floaty and weird, everything about how it feels is just kinda off and uncanny.

Like imagine if you took Wolenstein 3D, the old 90 wall corridor shooter with no height variation and very simple gameplay, and you slap on 4k textures on all the walls, normal mapping, bumpmapping, bloom, ambient occlusion, the fucking works, and you do this for all the sprites as well, then replace all the audio with high def surround sound stuff, the most realistic and clear gunshots and screams you can source.
What you have then isn't an improved product, the walls all look alarmingly flat when examined at most angles (and they're still all at perfect 90 degree angles), the audio feels off, the items and enemies look like photo cutouts, it all looks considerably worse.

You really have to roll with the limitations of your game world and gameplay, which this romhack doesn't do.

>> No.6036724

Man, thank you for illustrating why this homebrew just isn't what people claim it to be. No sarcasm from me here, I'm being serious.

I lowkey respect the fact this is a technical marvel all things considered, but it really doesn't play well at all, and with all the changes made, it's too easy and boring. This project honestly completely takes the piss out of the original Super Mario Land experience. I respect what this homebrew project does, I do, but it just doesn't play well at all, like you said, it doesn't roll with the limitations of its world and gameplay, and because of that, it fails.

>> No.6036791 [DELETED] 

how the fuck did Oruyanke become Bermbew Sprawt

>> No.6036814

This project makes me wish Nintendo aborted it with a DMCA claim. It's utter shit.

>> No.6037175

Its fucking awesome and people here just lost the capacity to enjoy things

>> No.6037185


>1-ups are mushrooms instead of hearts

pardon my autism but this kinda bothered me, like the creator got so many of the small details right, this seems like something he should have fixed. I know jack shit about rom hacking but it doesn't seem like that would be that difficult to do

>> No.6037195

butchered the music

>> No.6037206

Plenty of people here admit it's a good effort, in spite of not liking what they see. I don't think you have to be joyless to not like this, or even particularly cynical (even if some people in this thread may just be).

I wouldn't tell this guy to stop doing romhacks (alternatively, his own games), he seems to know his way around them, and this wasn't just lazily thrown together, it's simply poorly conceptualized, and I'd encourage the author, whoever he is, to attempt something better, because clearly he cares enough to put in the effort for something like this.

Toby Fox did Earthbound romhacks before he did Undertale, they were pretty shitty, he'll tell you that himself and to please not play them because they're bad, but if you do look at them, there's certainly some effort involved, and though I personally was pretty underwhelmed by Undertale, clearly it made a strong impression on a lot of people and they cherish it.
He kept trying, and after a bunch of shit attempts, it paid off.

>> No.6037215

Why didn't you like undertale? it's honestly the best non-retro game i've ever played, feels more like a retro game than any other indie game

>> No.6037224

It's very story and character driven, but just none of the characters interested me, and the plot didn't click with me.
I couldn't say for certain why, but it just didn't.

>> No.6037285

Why does /vr/ keep calling this a romhack?

>> No.6037298

I personally didn't like Undertale either. The plot and characters are decent enough, but the gameplay is atrocious. I personally wish Toby Fox played it more traditionally instead of the way he executed it, just didn't click with me and ruined the entire game for me knowing I'd have to tolerate its gameplay. I personally found his ROM Hacks before Undertale to be far higher quality (especially the Halloween Hack, that was a masterpiece). Undertale to me feels different for the sake of being different without realizing what made its influences so great in the first place.

>> No.6037367

>especially the Halloween Hack, that was a masterpiece
Nobody can accuse you of being Toby Fox with that statement, lol.

I see a lot of the genesis for some of Undertale's plot and character in the Halloween Hack, and I'll say that it's better executed in Undertale, because the hack, though interesting for how blunt it is, is also absolutely ridiculous and hamfisted which makes it pretty difficult to take it seriously.

>> No.6037375

I guess I preferred the silliness and the pisstake the Halloween Hack had on offer, where Undertale's execution I frankly found lackluster. We may share opposing opinions, but I respect your opinion all the same.

>> No.6037395

>where Undertale's execution I frankly found lackluster
We still agree on that part.

>> No.6037405

>no Can-Can music for the starman
Fucking dropped

>> No.6037779

This is just off-putting.

>> No.6037813

source for that claim?