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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6018501 No.6018501 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite 8-bit computer?
..and why is it the Commodore 64 - one of the best selling home computers of all time?
> apple, atari & spectrum fanbois eternally btfo

>> No.6018542

Because the Commodore had great hardware, extremely competitive pricing, and unlike fucking Atari they did not hide crucial design details, specifications, and schematics from third parties. Also great for the time sound chip.

>> No.6018570

C64 was maybe the first computer I ever saw with my own eyes. It was being deprecated at my elementary school (I grew up poor, in a poor neighborhood, but the schools had a shit ton of funding) and I remember the teachers saying something along the lines of "only one teacher here actually knows how to use this anyway" and they let the kids screw around on it that day before it was trashed.
It was only later that I realized that the computer that so interested me back then was a C64. I saw one in a photo, noticed the funky keycap legends, and was like "A ha! I remember that!"

>> No.6018572

I don't get Spectrum fans, the fraphics are too fucking ugly, the music is screeching earrape and the gameplay is fucking trash. Give me a C64 anyday

>> No.6018672

>ITT: a console warrior zoomer shitposts about computers more than twice his age

>> No.6018674

reality: 40yo boomer. been using it since 1986. zoomers cannot comprehend these times or how good the 64 was.

>> No.6018686

I'm 18 and I wrote >>6018542, how close do I "comprehend it" boomer?

>> No.6018804
File: 149 KB, 637x472, ATARI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Atari 800XL. Logging into a BBS or using it as a UNIX terminal is a blast, and the game library is quite good as well.

>> No.6018853

Computers had a really good rep before the internet became a thing. It was the machine for "studying", unlike those godless consoles and satanic television. It was a common gift from overprotective parents to ensure their kids would get to an Ivy league uni and "become someone in life".

Commodore capitalized on this on their ads, and it worked absurdly well. So well that it was a factor on the 1983 crash of (console) games.

But the thing with the Commodore is that it was primarily for games. It was even sold at toy stores alongside consoles and board games instead of specialized electronic stores. Theoretically, being a computer, it COULD be used for work, but in practice, the reality was very different.

Businesses that wanted to save money by equipping their offices with Commodores would soon realize they made a terrible mistake. For work, there was only one choice, the IBM PC. Expensive, ostensibly a "serious" machine NOT for fun and games, and with a "that's dad's computer, don't touch it, kids" message.

>> No.6019706

The MSX2

>> No.6019717
File: 2 KB, 256x192, EscapeFromPulsar7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a speccy fan simply because the 48K and 128K+2 were my first home computers

loved bomb jack and escape form pulsar 7

>> No.6019827

>reality: 12yo LARPer

>> No.6021678

never owned a computer, but I did have a NES. I had windows 3.1 for a 16-bit computer. Used to play duke nukem and colonization and commander keen. It was fucking awesome.

>> No.6021705

On a general note, games made for computers often were made for the Spectrum in mind and were better in gameplay (eg. Target Renegade) and the C64 was better for arcade ports (eg. Out Run).
Of course there are exceptions for both cases. Also, color clash is fucking kino, C64 sprites often don't have outlines and makes the whole thing look messy.

>> No.6021776
File: 214 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Amstrad_CPC_464-IMG_4849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your favourite 8-bit computer?
Amstrad CPC 464

I also have a ZX-Spectrum but for some reason the Amstrad always had my heart.

>> No.6022138

8-bit guy is designing a new 8-bit computer called the Commander x16

>> No.6022170

Video of the prototype board 8-bit guy is designing for a 8-bit computer.

It's basically a more powerful vic-20 that can be coded in c64 style basic.

The commander x-16 should be easy to make games for.


>> No.6022219

Someone is allready coding flappy Bird for the commander x-16


>> No.6022305

>45 mins of cringe

>reddit spaced cringe

>it's basically retarded cringe

>i couldn't make a game in super mario maker

>heres that 45 mins of cringe


>Someone is already cringing

>epic fail cringe

More than one "Someone" is cringing

>> No.6022318

Anon, go fuck yourself

>> No.6022347

You do realize him going backwards with computers will pull technology forward and some great 8bit games and experiences might happen.

I'm planning on designing some games for it if it has the Yamaha sound chip plus the Sid sound chips.

>> No.6022423

I can't tell if you reddit spaced to point out his reddit spacing, but you sound like a retard anyway.

>> No.6022430
File: 2 KB, 384x271, lords-of-time_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well OP , many reasons.
based 6502, SID & VIC
the colour pallet
the music, hubbard, daglish etc
massive library of games and software
last ninja
Only problem with 64 is that it lacks 80 column mode.

>> No.6022550

At least they were colored correctly, unlike your crappy platform that looked like some kid doodles on MS paint

>> No.6022630

I do realize you are a LARPing fuckwit what will never make anything. Except your parents disappointed.
>I'm planning on

>i can't tell if i'm retarded or if i'm retarded

>> No.6022831

C64 for lack of any alternatives


Games had interesting ideas but are too slow and janky to be enjoyable


Je ne parle pas français

>Atari 8 bit

Star Raiders was cool I guess

>> No.6022854

I want to see what can be done with an 8-bit computer that has 4GB of RAM.

>> No.6022858

>Only problem with 64 is that it lacks 80 column mode.
That's what the 128 is for.

>> No.6022880







>> No.6022920
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a more obscure one

>> No.6022928

why does the c64 have like 50 thousand fucking games for it? i don't even know which are good or not.

>> No.6022930

There's nothing obscure about the CoCo.

>> No.6023002

ITT: /v/ zoomers shitposting about something they never experienced

>> No.6023128

Because it was a fucking awesome system?
If only there was some sort of system that zoomlets could use to search for information. I say this unironically because obviously the myriad of search engines we have are incapable of doing it.

So just like every other thread since many summers ago

>> No.6023524


>> No.6023760

what did the record button on the C64 cassette player actually do? did it somehow 'record' the code you wrote on the BASIC to the cassette (that would come out as that scratching sound when played back on an audio cassette player?) upon some specific command?

>> No.6023790

Unironically the Commodore 64. Mainly for the Music and the Aesthetic.

That's what I had growing up. I really enjoy the Atari 8-bit computers, but nothing beats the C64.

>> No.6023846


>> No.6023858

Not real hardware.

>> No.6023880

Not 8-bit

>> No.6023918

It did exactly that, if you didn't have a floppy drive then you used tape cassette to back up your work via the record button, though you won't hear all the high-pitched tones of the data as the official C64 cassette player had an internal analogue/digital converter, if you used a generic tape player then you'd hear the analogue signal as X was being loaded etc

>> No.6024427

Jesus. Please be trolling

>> No.6024568

Pico 8 seems fun but it's not real hardware.

We are trying to design for a system with a processor made for basic programming but runs more modern basically a super commodore 64.

I'm only into emulation for mame

>> No.6026148

I want to love the Spectrum, but I feel like you absolutely had to be in Britain in the 80s to enjoy it, because the games can't stand alone and need the context of that "scene".

>> No.6026203

What is it with children and the word cringe these days? Its totally meaningless at this point

>> No.6027063

Children post cringe and adults call them on it. It's not that had to understand. Maybe it'll make sense when you grow up.

>> No.6028368

I posted about the upcoming commanderx16

If it doesn't have the Yamaha sound chip it probably won't do well

>> No.6028392

I just bought one, what else do I need for it? Casette drive and a 154 floppy drive?

How do you load programs on a C64? I was too young for C64 in North America, I just missed out on the pre-DOS era

>> No.6028394


They don't realize that because everything is luke-warm these days is because people cringe at people with a passion for anything.

Everything has been devalued and here we are.

>> No.6028397


>They don't realize that * everything is luke-warm these days

Soz, typed that while gf was getting angry at a video game.

>> No.6028532

Filthy Commies will never understand this

>> No.6028535

If this isn't proof enough of an in/v/asion...

>> No.6028548


>> No.6028581

Considering it couldn't physically address all that ram, I guess not very much.

>> No.6030146

>being his retarded

>> No.6030190
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>> No.6030735

If you have absolutely nothing you could try an SD2IEC or a Pi1541

>> No.6030763

>reality: 40yo boomer.

If you are 40 years old, then you are gen X at best, and the boomers would be your parents.

>> No.6030803

C64 is objectively best, but they're all garbage compared to 8-bit consoles.

>> No.6030808

This boomer meme has gotten out of hand

>> No.6030815
File: 1.88 MB, 1900x2448, c64-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all this for $225, how'd I do?

>> No.6031002
File: 42 KB, 446x559, 1511917148534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you not find a more yellowed unit? It looks like it was stored in a toilet for the past 30 years.

>> No.6031009
File: 1.57 MB, 1961x2720, compaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really easy to brighten yellowed plastic and I've had great success in the past

>> No.6031837

>why does the c64 have like 50 thousand fucking games for it? i don't even know which are good or not.
cause it was a computer and anyone could make games for it even though 60% of its games and 90% of Euro games were complete garbage.

>> No.6031848

>C64 is objectively best, but they're all garbage compared to 8-bit consoles.

Yeah I'm sure an Atari 2600 is really better than a C64.

>> No.6031871

Did the C128 have all that much support?'

It reminds me of the Apple II GS, a system that had a lot of potential that very few developers actually tried to exploit.

>> No.6031892

>Did the C128 have all that much support?

Sotware for it was nearly all applications/utilities.

>> No.6032497

maybe because it was terribly overpriced...

>> No.6032541

The only thing it had potential to do was be an underpowered outdated turd. And it exceeded it's potential.

>> No.6032750

The C64. Venerable. It's what I had and I loved it. I am still saddened by its loss.

>> No.6032990

The C128 was a stupid design. The backwards compatibility came from simply including the C64 chipset almost stock. They didn't improve the C64's abilities at all. The C128 side of the machine was lacking any decent graphical abilities, and even the ones it did have were implemented in a really stupid way. The end result is that it was only good for business tasks. For games you were using the same VIC-II and SID as you always had, and because of timing incompatibility you couldn't even run the CPU at the full speed, instead still in a C64 compatible mode. You could bank switch the additional RAM I suppose. Basically it was no improvement at all at the things the C64 was good at.

>> No.6033419

>and because of timing incompatibility you couldn't even run the CPU at the full speed

Unless you do a l33t hax0r trick where you switch the CPU to 2Mhz during the vertical retrace.

>> No.6033432

I like the C128 but most of its features benefit applications rather than games.

>> No.6033724

>The C128 was a stupid design
>because it was designed for business tasks
>The end result is that it was only good for business tasks
>Except all those C64 games
The zoomer brain truly is proof of unintelligent design

>> No.6033923

imagine wasting your NEET bucks on this yellowed pile of garbage

>> No.6033961

The C64 came out of the box brown kiddo. But yeah, that shit's filthy and until recently you could have dug that out of a dumpster for free any day of the week.

>> No.6034013
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W E W L A D, i'm old enough to have bought one at sears when they were still relevant

>> No.6034020

>best selling home computers of all time
By kamikaze'ing the computer industry with no survivors.

>> No.6034053

reminds me of a jack tramiel anecdote, commodore was offering a $100 voucher if you traded in your old computer for a new c64, at that time you could buy a timex sinclair 1000 new in the box for $50, people were buying them en masse only to get $50 off a new c64, apparently commodore had a warehouse full of new in the box timex computers.

>> No.6034219

At the time I just thought it was part of the 80s crash which unless you were a retailer it just meant every department store had a huge bin of c64 games out in front for dirt cheap but people were selling the shits still in box out of the trunks of their cars.

I think everybody but the manu made money off of them.

I just wish I kept mine. I've watched every game compilation video I can find and still haven't found the one game I loved on it. Must've been the godamn dark ages for game journalism.

>> No.6035193

Good thing about home computers: Unlike consoles, anyone can make games for them.

Bad thing about home computers: Unlike consoles, anyone can make games for them.

>> No.6035249

>and the game library is quite good as well.
Too bad it pretty much ends in 1985.

>> No.6035827

Sure you are kiddo

>> No.6036271

What are you people bitching about exactly? All that junk needs is a through scrubbing down with alcohol and some retrobrite.

>> No.6036273

This really dependent on the home console, just look at the 2600.

>> No.6036396

>What are you people bitching about exactly?
That it's in shitty condition and filthy? If that wasn't clear you should lurk moar until your English skills improve.

>> No.6036667

>That it's in shitty condition and filthy?
And what part of "it's easily cleaned up" do you not seem to understand?

>> No.6036939

Faggot. That's MT-32 on its side guy.

>> No.6037108

Which country do you live in? If it's Asia they'll just throw away shit like that simply because they think it's "obsolete."
Of course it wouldn't be painful if someone would be able to read its manual and tinker around with the machine.
In the Philippines I have this friend who once threw away his VHS tapes because he perceives them as "useless." I never talked to him ever again.

>> No.6037109


>> No.6037113

>and you gotta buy DOS for Dummies if you want to get started with DOS

>> No.6037115

>I can personally sense he's just an autistic guy who browses Wikipedia a fucking lot and is very fascinated with obsolete technology as much as y'all guys are.

>> No.6037409

>putting my ebay find on its side makes me old
But of course it does kiddo

>> No.6037457

I'd kill for a 16-bit Remake.

>> No.6037573

Your goingbto need to retrobrite that c64

>> No.6037645

The part where it hasn't been cleaned because it's so easy to clean? Clean it up and show us the end result with no scratches, stains, etc. Then we'll talk champ.

>> No.6037652

Nice job revealing you have literally no experience with vintage hardware. Some baking soda, 90% alcohol, and retrobrite and it'll look good as new. People like you who judge shit on the spot are why perfectly good and salvageable vintage hardware is thrown in the dumpster.

>> No.6037825

Nice job projecting kiddo

>> No.6037835


>> No.6038151

But the GS had a lot of cards that made the system run faster, use PC programs, use SCSi and IDE hard drives, etc. If yony Apple provided more support for it and Jobs didn't sabatoge it with it's shitty clock speed.......

>> No.6038213

It did. If you upgraded it instead of buying a new car it could do most as much as the competition could out of the box.

>> No.6039910
File: 230 KB, 430x590, 1571145295188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer here. If I get a floppy disk reader, will it be able to write floppys as well? I got some c64 programs I want to write to a floppy, but I got the files on my computer. I'm thinking of just buying a floppy reader and was wondering if I'd be able to just write the programs to that floppy, and have the c64 floppy reader read them just fine.

>> No.6039952

>and Jobs didn't sabatoge it with it's shitty clock speed
Did he? I can't find a good date on when IIGS development started, but it seems to be around the time he was ousted from Apple.

>> No.6040098

Short answer no.
Long answer, it's entirely possible but trying to get cheap PC USB floppy controllers to write the crazy disk formats used by old computers requires specialised programs that may or may not work on modern windows let alone your chosen floppy drive.
Much easier to get a Gotek and put them on a USB stick. Doesn't have that floppy grinding charm, but you'll have more fun overall.

>> No.6040160

Too bad it had a tenth of the software the Amiga and ST had.

>> No.6040179

That image is extremely beautiful sir.

>> No.6040303
File: 196 KB, 580x580, 1530954042695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But doesn't the C64 use weird ass ports? The situation is this, I've written some cool software that I've tested using an emulator. My friend's got a C64, and I'd like to show him what I've written on that machine when I go home for Christmas.

There's already software to write .d64 files to floppys, so that's no issue.

>> No.6040340
File: 60 KB, 1000x584, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not a Gotek. I was thinking Amiga for some reason.
I have one of these:


Reads D64 images off an SDcard and connects to the disk drive serial port. The only snagging issue is that it uses the tape port for power so you can't have a datasette connected simultaneously.

So long as you can create a .d64 or a .PRG you'll be able to use your code on a real machine.

>> No.6040348

I should also add that it's not the software that's the problem, it's the drive controllers. Original PC floppy controllers by design can't write esoteric disk formats and USB ones aren't any better. What we used to have to do is buy specialist ones that could write anything. I looked for a drive for my PC that could write Amiga compatible ones not so long ago and I only got suggestions for long discontinued stuff or chinese models that probably don't even use the same internals.

>> No.6040535

>Long answer, I don't know what I'm talking about

>> No.6040696


>> No.6040698


>> No.6040707

not true, there are so many new indie titles for the atari xl/xe it's hard to keep track. most of them are from europe however so you need a PAL machine and 128k or more of ram.

>> No.6040716


>> No.6040720


>> No.6042131

these things aren't very good. they're fine for single files and stuff using kernal file loading routines, but any software that needs a real disk drive for their own custom loaders will just fail because they expect real / emulated 1541 drive.

>> No.6042137

> those colours
> that terrible music
this disturbs me greatly.

>> No.6042138

this looks and sounds pretty good. i like it.