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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 488 KB, 950x880, Jet-Set-Radio-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6012896 No.6012896 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6012939


>> No.6014501


Fans of this game are going to shit their pants in about one-and-a-half to two years, thanks to Sega's new CEO

>> No.6014527
File: 82 KB, 800x800, original-1514111975-3b101ee9427f7e49e450a83cc344b1f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has rounded the corner and has become funny imo.

>> No.6014558


>> No.6014608


>> No.6014685

Fuck man i had to leave california and my copy of jsrf to move to colorado i just wanna ride around and ive already mastered jsr

>> No.6014759

I thought it was "crank that shit"
Wait how did they get away with a swear I thought this game was pg

>> No.6014881

Pretty obvious it's "rock that shit". I don't even know how you could think it was "smash" or "crank" to be honest, unless you just never bothered listening that closely.

>> No.6014885
File: 227 KB, 2045x1257, TokyoGameShowJSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh hoarded prototypes!

>> No.6014914

Please give any information or pictures you want to post, Jet Set Radio is my favorite game.

>> No.6014930

These games are so boring.

I blame the consoles

>> No.6014940

>console makes game boring
I don't understand.

>> No.6014941


>> No.6014957

I think I was just remembering wrong actually, rock does sound correct

>> No.6014976

Are you the same guy from the Sonic 2 thread a few days ago? IIRC you were waiting to get the right equipment to dump it. Mind sharing some images in the meantime?

>> No.6016179


>> No.6016202

>tfw I was a roller blader before jet grind radio came out

best of both worlds

>> No.6017313
File: 2.82 MB, 2267x1750, TGSJSRFinalStage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played retail Jet Set Radio since back when a friend had it when it was new, and even then it would've been the US Jet Grind Radio version, which itself differs from the final Japanese build. I can say that this Japanese TGS build is unfinished with a date two months before the final build date (not the release date, but apparently the final retail build itself is dated early June, and TGS started at the end of March). It was obviously meant as a demo build with DJ Professor K even saying as such, like how he does in the JSR taikenban. However, via that boot menu, you can access areas beyond the formal demo sections, including an unfinished final boss arena, sans boss. I went to one of the non-demo Shibuya missions and was able to play it, but it seemed like it was calling for more spots to be tagged than were displayed on the map, plus I was easily able to go out of bounds and fall endlessly. The intro bit to that level also had the Love Shockers seemingly floating in the sky or something, and I don't believe I saw them actually running around in the level or anything, but I could've missed them. Onishima and company do show up in this build, though.

You can find photos of this build on IGN's website; go to Images and scroll way down to the bottom where you'll see some photos of what is almost definitely this same Jet Set Radio demo running during Tokyo Game Show:

The development GD-R disc's labeling itself notes that it is the TGS version, so I'm guessing the disc was possibly one of the ones running in a show floor kiosk during the event, or one of the discs sent out to some of the press shortly thereafter.

>> No.6017751
File: 472 KB, 2277x1643, cornstats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character stats in this build Tairyoku, Speed, and Corner, see photo. Guessing that Tairyoku is the same as final, but the other two sound like they have more to do with how the character controls than with getting points for tricks and graffiti skills.

The game is clearly unfinished, but I can't figure out a way to reset to the area select menu, meaning each and every time I want to go to a different area I have to start the whole thing over and go through a swap disc method to boot the game which is a pain in the ass, especially since it sometimes fails and takes me to the main Dreamcast menu instead of booting the game.

>> No.6018141

Very interesting. I've played all versions extensively, the Japanese version is already a little bit of a soft beta for future versions. Obviously the America levels were created for international versions originally, but the Japanese version also has some quirks such as a few more glitches, a song (Dunny Boy Williamson Show) exclusive to it, some different sprays, the timer is different etc. The biggest issue I can tell is that the Taggers Tag levels barely function. I thought it was just an issue with my burned copy for the longest time, but I got a legit copy and the problem didn't seem any better. Love Shockers work how they're supposed to iirc, but Poison Jam have a completely different set of paths all independent from one another that inevitably leads to one or two of them getting stuck somewhere. Usually they'll fall in the water and then get desynced from there. Noise Tanks are just desynced the entire time and often wander around the floor of the area, moving in strange ways. Behind the Mask seems to work though iirc

>> No.6018636
File: 3.41 MB, 2536x1480, 20191118_021614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it were easier for me to explore what else is on this, but due to not having an actual System Disc to boot it properly (as in not having to disconnect then reconnect the ribbon cable every time) and seemingly being unable to load the area select menu from gameplay, I can't really play too much of it at any one time. I'm not sure if the linking story elements have been implemented since there isn't a way that I've found yet to just start a normal game. I think the mission types are Rakugaki, Score Attack, Race, and Download.

Here's a shot of the Love Strikers floating in the sky, no clue if their intro blurb differs at all from final.

>> No.6018637

Love Shockers, sorry.

>> No.6018667
File: 793 KB, 825x413, lovetrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks to me like this shot from the beginning of Love Trap in the final. It zooms out and shows them jumping off the building they're standing on, do they just jump into nothing in that build?
As for if they're around at all, in the final one of them is in the playground spraying on the tag on the ground, so if one isn't there then you can be pretty sure they haven't been put in yet.

>> No.6018671

They definitely say something different, but fuck if I could tell you what either one said.

>> No.6018690 [DELETED] 

Trannycore. All of you need to dilate and join the 40%.

>> No.6018694

not funny
didn't laugh

>> No.6018743


/pol/ is like a bad disease

>> No.6018769

Get better bait.

>> No.6018919

after all the hype I played the dreamcast version and this game is severely overrated, it has cool graphics style and great music but the gameplay is lackluster to say the least

>> No.6018941

Hard disagree. Think of it as an arcade game and maybe you'll have a better time

>> No.6018958
File: 3.95 MB, 2585x1648, 20191118_084931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just floating in the sky, here's a different frame.

>> No.6018962

Oh, if it is Love Trap, then it takes place in a different area. Is there something with them that takes place in the Shibuya area with the road on a steep hill (the same area where Corn/Tab's car grabbing tutorial takes place in final)?

>> No.6019467 [DELETED] 

He's right though, anarchism and the LGBTQP movement go hand in hand.

>> No.6019575

He's right you know.

>> No.6019584

>arcade game

tony hawk is arcadey and it's perfect playable

>> No.6019797

Don't remember the name off the top of my head but that would be the level where you battle Love Shockers. There's a completely different cutscene to start that level so that's probably just a placeholder. If there's actual tags in the level then that's bizarre, the final level only had tags on the backs of the Love Shockers.

>> No.6020168
File: 1.31 MB, 2501x1764, jsrvoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure there were areas to tag.
Also I'm not sure what this looks like in final, but here in the Shibuya hill area you can just go off the edge and fall into nothing.

>> No.6020173
File: 1.17 MB, 2472x1764, jsrpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can go into this area with a bunch of people. The camera doesn't seem to move itself to behind your character here either.

>> No.6020198
File: 132 KB, 360x270, EDG172-pic-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future was a million times better.

>> No.6020265

That's normal. Well, it's an area that's basically a hub to all the different Shibuya areas. Perhaps the level is actually the Golden Rhinos version where you can go all over the city, and the Love Shockers cutscene is just a placeholder?
In the final the level begins across the large highway area at the top of the playground part of Shibuya, is that where you start when you go into that level?
Not sure where this is, the top of the hill? If so then the final has the camera stop and your player continue walking into the distance, whereupon you're warped out of the level. Probably hasn't been implemented in this area yet so you can just walk right off.

>> No.6020310

It just starts directly in the hill area.

>> No.6020313

So it's either a weird unfinished version of the Tagger's Tag level or a weird unfinished version of the Golden Rhinos level. Either way, neat

>> No.6020315

flava says that in Can’t Do Nothin For Ya Man and other songs

>> No.6020320

One of my favorite games but I have to say the skating can be very shitty and the gameplay has not aged well.

>> No.6020332

>the skating can be very shitty
>the gameplay has not aged well.
I personally think it's aged well if you can wrap your head around your character controlling like they're a character wearing rollerskates. Only problem was the camera and that got fixed in the HD versions.

>> No.6020462

you’re probably just very good at the game which is based. i beat it when it first came out a few times but i have a hard time these days on the simplest of jumps.

>> No.6020632

Oh, one last thing since I'm probably not going to mess around with it much more for a while, it also sounds like some of the character voice samples are different, like Gum saying something like "hu-hey" in this instead of just "Heeeey" (she doesn't blink in this, either), and Corn's greeting sounded different as well. It seemed like Gum's Magical Girl theme song was missing.

>> No.6020651

>I have to say the skating can be very shitty and the gameplay has not aged well
and yet contrarians will claim JSRF is the worse game

>> No.6020746

Magical Girl isn't present in the E3 build later that year so it makes sense.

>> No.6020754


>> No.6020856

>play JSR a few times as a kid and don't get it, partially because I was playing a burned Japanese copy and didn't know how to dash
>give it another shot after a year or so and start to enjoy it, over the years play it a lot and it ends up being one of my favorites
>for half a decade want to buy an Xbox just to play Future, everyone tells me it's superior and I have no reason to doubt them, if I like the original this much the sequel must be god tier
>finally get a 360 in 2011 and after a year realize I can play Future on it, quickly buy game and play

>> No.6020860

>don't have as much fun as I expect with Future, get frustrated or stuck fairly often
>100% the game but have my fair share of annoyance along the way, go back to the original and have more fun
>keep going back to Future occasionally and don't feel any better about it, think it's a good game but with plenty of flaws and inferior gameplay wise to the original
>"But you played it on 360"
>finally buy an Xbox this year and give it another try, isn't really that different besides not lagging in some areas
>still has a lot of flaws and prefer the original's gameplay style
>nobody on the internet ever agrees with me, calls me a contrarian, says I have shit taste
>went in with an open mind and expecting it to be great and still was underwhelmed
I don't even know what I could be missing at this point. It's strange to me that Future is often portrayed as this incredible game that blows the original out of the water, but that wasn't my experience at all. I feel like a freak or something. Why can't I love it? Why does everyone else love it?

>> No.6021032

people think it's better because they started with JSRF, then when JSR was rereleased they played it expecting JSRF and thought "wtf it's slow"

>> No.6021730


>> No.6022212


>> No.6022229
File: 708 KB, 811x1036, 1551719665740 - jsrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because you find tagging more fun than traversal. JSRF is far more of a platforming game than JSR. JSRF is "open world", while JSR is mission-based. JSRF levels are large and lengthy, while JSR levels are self-contained.
My assumption is that you feel goal-less playing JSRF in contrast to JSR, when JSRF progression is supposed to be self-motivated and isn't particularly objectively determined.

If you look at it like, "My goal is to graffiti everything", then JSRF will feel inferior because the challenge is finding and getting to each tag, not making the tag, as it is in JSR, which constantly has elements waging war against you when trying to accomplish that, in contrast to JSRF which is so much freer of pressures generally. JSRF is much more about tricks, being stylish, and racing and again efficient platforming; it's less of an arcade game to the point where scores are non-existent outside of the graffiti soul quests.

In-short, leaving aside Multiplayer, where I think JSRF is wholly superior, JSRF gameplay is so much more open-ended to the point certain players may feel it's aimless and pointless. On the other hand, they may realize the emphasis is on going places, but that is nevertheless less appealing than tagging, for whatever reason.

>> No.6022232

People who played JSRF before JSR generally don't exist.

>> No.6022239

many people that didn't own a dreamcast got JSRF free with an xbox and started there.

>> No.6022290

If you got an Xbox when JSRF was a pack-in, you probably owned a Dreamcast before then.

>> No.6022365
File: 117 KB, 500x700, beat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys quiet down and Let Mom Sleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2680ciixQc

>> No.6022591

A lot of people moved straight from N64 or PS1 to Xbox. Dreamcast wasn't a huge seller.

>> No.6022694

You're forgetting the sizable number of zoomers whose first console was an Xbox.

>> No.6022940

i see them all run bout the town
i hear them all say
bada ba bada

>> No.6023021

>not doo wop doo wop

>> No.6023191


>> No.6023240

This is pure delusion, /v/faggots are almost universally PS2babbies and Xbox threads die within 20 posts as a rule. In college not too long ago, I bought a new Xbox *with* a copy of Halo and JSRF and left it in the common room, and nobody younger than me ever approached to play it. The only zoomer I know who owned an Xbox growing up is my younger brother.
You have ticked me off with this ignorant post.

>> No.6023358

>In college not too long ago, I bought a new Xbox
zoom zoom

>> No.6023537

>nobody ever bought an Xbox without having owned a Dreamcast beforehand
Ok retard

>> No.6024053

Jsr's composer worked on Sonic ds and sampled public enemy as well.

>> No.6024592


>> No.6024625

Meant to reply to

>> No.6024675


>> No.6024759

Let's see
They said
>If you got an Xbox when JSRF was a pack-in, you probably owned a Dreamcast before then.
Then I called this retarded
Where exactly is the strawman?

>> No.6024771
File: 94 KB, 490x522, jsrtgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6024775 [DELETED] 

You know, I bet you could send it to drx and he'd be able to rip it for you. You could probably get some money out of it too.

>> No.6024778

You know, I bet you could send it to drx and he'd be able to rip it for you. You could probably get some money out of it too. If you wanted to keep it (which I would definitely want to) then I'm pretty sure he'd be willing to rip it and then send it right back. If you have any interest in getting it out into the world it's probably better just to have someone else rip it than to get the equipment yourself.

>> No.6026558

Quick question while everyone's talking about the Japanese version of JSR: Who spoke during the ending? Combo was just another random character in the Japanese version, so he probably wasn't doing the exposition after defeating the final boss.

>> No.6026906
File: 175 KB, 426x792, Cubejsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. It's the same voice track as in the international versions as far as I remember.
The Japanese version has a far more kino credits sequence though, the character you used to beat the final boss actually sprays the credits around the Shibuya terminal as graffiti. I'm assuming they changed it to simple credits in the international version because they didn't want to make tons of different graffitis for each language the game would be playable in.
Another funny quirk about the international version related to Combo
>you recruit Combo as the first character you can possibly encounter in the JP version
>does a basic ass tutorial for his recruitment
>for the international versions Piranha, one of the final characters you ever recruit, is given this recruitment instead even though the things it teaches will all be things the player figured out for themselves just playing the game
Also, Mew/Bis has totally different recruitment missions in the JP version which take place in Kogane, not Benten-cho. I found that particularly memorable because in the burned version I played (and possibly in the retail version too but I don't recall), she messes up and fails to land on a rail, leaving you to try and figure out what the game even wants you to do. There's obviously other recruitment changes, they were shuffled around a lot (pretty sure Soda/Slate used to be the Shibuya race, not Combo/Beat) but I don't remember off the top of my head.
Also Cube looks different in the Japanese version. In the international versions she has a sleeveless shirt and her pants are a different color.

>> No.6026972

Lickable tummy

>> No.6026976

>Where exactly is the strawman?
inserting "nobody" when it wasn't there; clearly, it doesn't say "nobody bought..."

>> No.6026990

That's not a strawman, it's an exaggeration. I personally feel like it's unlikely that if you got an Xbox when JSRF was a pack in you "probably" owned a Dreamcast before then. I really doubt that was the majority of cases, (as implied by the "probably").

>> No.6027001

Well think that many Sega fans spread out once the Dreamcast died and Xbox was kind of the heir with JSRF, Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon and other ports. When I got the Xbox the guy at the store told me 80% of us sega fans went for the Xbox.

>> No.6027003

If you were a diehard Sega fan, sure. But in terms of the general populace, I think it was more likely that you upgraded from PS1 to Xbox and skipped Dreamcast. Either way, just because you owned a Dreamcast doesn't mean you played Jet Grind Radio.

>> No.6027005
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 9b35f4baea8d57b067e07bb153d21d3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pre-e3 build pic. Very few of those are around.

>> No.6027015

not sure if this is from the same build but nice either way

>> No.6027026


>> No.6027031


Either A+ level bait or bizarrely stupid with bad memory of the early 2000s or just an oldfag

>be me
>born 1991
>Dreamcast relevant for all of 10 months before the grail PS2 arrives, kids my age were either systemless or had N64's/PS1
>Never knew anyone with a DC until I got my mom to get me one for my birthday in 2003 off ebay for $40 with a bunch of games
>Was huge weeb, had to have JGR
>Had multiple friends who had xboxes come over and play it like it was some kind of museum piece, weren't aware "they made another one"
>Got an xbox in 2004

The only reason I played JGR before Future is because I was a huge sperg/weeb as a kid and my parents also were definitely n-o-t fucking with that initial XBOX price

Any late 80's early 90's babies will usually have played Future first

>> No.6027036

I think they said it was. Only differences I can see here are that a spray that's optional in the final in this stage is required in this build and I think a spray can is in an unusual place.
I don't think there are spray cans that lead you into that building in the final.

>> No.6027038

>>Never knew anyone with a DC until I got my mom to get me one for my birthday in 2003 off ebay for $40 with a bunch of games
My dad bought me a Dreamcast in either 2002 or 2003 for my birthday and along with it he had his friend burn off a shit ton of games for it. Instantly had almost every great game for the console. Based dad's friend.

>> No.6027065


>> No.6027142

I can totally understand that. For me personally, I find that the two games are too different for me to say one is better. The first game has an arcade feel while the second one is more of an open world game with missions.

>> No.6028597

From the date and crowd noise in the background, probably safe to say that the footage there is from TGS, so yeah, same build as what's on the disc. Maybe the disc itself was even stolen from the show by a member of the event staff team, who knows.

>> No.6028764

That sounds like a neat credits sequence? Do you happen to know of any place that might have a video of it? I knew about the outfit changes already.

>> No.6028769

Sorry, didn't mean the first sentence to be a question.

>> No.6028785
File: 135 KB, 573x733, 77f7fde91abf023d831ca8fce90c7470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... actually don't. Strangely enough the Japanese version has very little representation on YouTube. I know for a fact it works like that in the Japanese version because I've beat it a dozen times. I guess I'll go and record it with my shitty capture device and put on YouTube so you can check it out, don't think I have a save file right now though. I'll try and upload that tomorrow sometime.

>> No.6028789

Thanks a ton anon. I was thinking you might have known something from Nico Nico, but that's great too.

>> No.6028806

Tried looking on niconico but I guess you have to pay to use it or something? Didn't see anything promising when I searched the game in kana, though. Pretty much nothing on YouTube of the Japanese version in general. Yeah I'll get started on that after work, honestly don't have a problem doing yet another playthrough of the game, I've probably been to the end credits about a hundred times total across all versions of the game.

>> No.6028902

Your story has literally nothing to do with your attack.

>> No.6029035

Found it just by searching "Jet Set Radio"

>> No.6029036

Oh, nice. I just spent the last hour looking for my capture card to no avail, glad to know I can stop looking. But yeah, the video I would have made would have been exactly like this.

>> No.6030254
File: 901 KB, 923x518, Ink Jet Set Radio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a ton anon! I figured that DJ Professor K would be giving a voice over since Combo wasn't important, but it was just an educated guess. It's interesting how the dialogue differs a bit. Also, that's an amazing credits sequence.

>> No.6030353

Rest in peace to the songs we lost along the way
>exclusive to Japanese version of Dreamcast version
>exclusive to Dreamcast
>exclusive to international version of Dreamcast version

>> No.6030831
File: 31 KB, 836x543, mfw_its_another_birthday_cake_episode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another Birthday Cake episode

>> No.6030832

Baby T was always worse in my opinion, although Baby T is a lot shorter

>> No.6030838

I hate that one a lot too, but Birthday Cake is like nails on a chalkboard with all the screeching to me.

>> No.6032203

What's the best version of this game

>> No.6032319

JSR 60fps when

>> No.6032326

I've never played JSRF, but that description's really making me not want to play it anymore. It sounds like it completely discarded the short, focused sessions that made me like the original.

>> No.6032338

maybe you can find a reason to like it if you play it

>> No.6032345

HD versions on 360, PS3, or PC
It's pretty much a completely different game. There's still "levels" but they form an interconnected, open-ish world which you have to travel through to reach every area (no fast travel). Then in areas there is no time limit and no police roaming. Focus is changed to being basically a 3D platformer that uses rails and curved walls to do its platforming. Most of the levels involve travelling through a platforming challenge area searching for tags to hit, with occasional interruption by a police-defeating minigame, boss minigames, tagger's tag, etc.

>> No.6033916
File: 67 KB, 1018x357, 2019-11-25_05-26-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never even looked up YouTube footage before?
>It sounds like it completely discarded the short, focused sessions that made me like the original.
It has a challenge mode if you prefer arcade gameplay, and the multiplayer mode also works for that purpose.

>> No.6034007

> Dragula plays for the hundredth time.

>> No.6034018
File: 81 KB, 1137x633, nfsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6034148

I was born in the late 80s and I played the original first. You don't speak for me.

>> No.6034163

I was born in 1988 and was well aware of the game thanks to Beat featuring prominently on a Dreamcast magazine cover. One of my friends had it which was my in-person exposure to it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think tweens to early teens would've been one of the bigger demographics for such a game back then, so it would seem likely that many who were in that age range would've played it when it was current and before Future. Not sure how it was for other kids, but I was hyped as fuck for the Dreamcast. I'd never owned a Sega console before then, but holy shit, the graphics looked awesome and it was the first console to come out in the NEXT GENERATION. That alone was enough to make it exciting.

>> No.6034165

I dont like it
Not at all
Not at all

>> No.6034204

I had 3 at one time when they started giving them away for dialup subscriptions.