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600927 No.600927 [Reply] [Original]

Which PS1 emulator do you recommend, /vr/?

>> No.600929


>> No.600940


Thank you for the recommendation, I'll give it a whirl.

>> No.600995

It's 2013 for christs sake, there are better emulators than psx.

>> No.601006


Such as? This is what I'm trying to learn, and I trust this forum's opinion more than that of others.

>> No.601018

Xebra or Mednafen for an accurate, plugin-free experience.
Otherwise PCSX-R or ePSXe for ye high res polys.

psx hasn't had an update since '09 and the author hasn't been heard from since then either.

>> No.601051


Thanks. Gonna grab Xebra or Mednafen since I'm not too worried about high-res stuff. I just wanted to replay FFT and finally try out FFIX. Haven't played a new FF since VIII soured me on the series.

>> No.601224

PCSX-Reloaded or Mednafen-PSX

>> No.602169

ePSXe obviously

>> No.602171


>> No.602201


My PS3 emulates PS1 games pretty well. :)

>> No.603172

ePSXe all the fucking way NO OTHERS!

>> No.603198

I recommend ePSXe.
I use PSXeven.

>> No.603203

Have fun and good luck!