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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 433 KB, 1058x829, 36518-Arc_the_Lad_Collection_[Making_of_Disc]_[U]-1456331974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5998612 No.5998612 [Reply] [Original]

This series any good?
If not could someone tell me what are the good retro tactic games

>> No.5998737

>working designs
You can't go wrong with this company.
You should also try Front Mission 3, Vanguard Bandits, Kartia, and Hoshigami.

>> No.5998809

You know it's gonna be good when it's five disks.

>> No.5998812

I liked them. But HO LEE FUCK 2 is long. I don't mean Xenogears long, I don't mean Trails of series long, I mean see you next year long.

>> No.5998817

God damn that's some ugly cover art

>> No.5998845

tactics ogre LUCT, FFT and arc the lad are all solid. ATL's tactics are way more simplistic but still a pretty cool series.

>> No.5998854

It's a collection, anon.

>> No.5998857


>> No.5998929

Longer than Dragon Quest VII long?

>> No.5999017

I can safely say that 1 is garbage, it's so devoid of any challenge that it becomes very boring very fast. Never got far enough in the others for me to give an opinion, but at least the aesthetic of 2 was kind of cool from what I did play.

>> No.5999025

It's comparable

>> No.5999768

Are Summon Night 1 and 2 on PS1 worth playing, or should I get the DS remakes?

>> No.5999865

I bought this on a whim and never played it. I really should at least try it on an emulator or something.

>> No.5999925

it's kino

>> No.6000042

They aren't translated as far as I know.

>> No.6000060

Arc 1 is basically RPG maker tier and a prologue for 2, it's pretty shitty all in all.
Arc 2 is legitimately an astounding sequel with pretty great narrative and a bitch of an ending, the combat is now acceptable although it still has many problems, but adds some much needed variety and the large cast still makes it passable, shitload of stuff to do too.
Arc 3 is...hard to gauge properly because it's kind of an epilogue story that makes the story of Arc 1+2 even more sad, but doesn't manage to recapture the original party dynamics and cast quality, not to mention how the story is not even remotely as engrossing as its predecessor, the new 3D backgrounds are also inferior to the gorgeous 2D art of Arc 2, it does fix a few things wrong with the combat though.

The games also feature Data Import for each episode, so a clear data from Arc 1 unlocks extra stuff in Arc 2, same for Arc 3.
It's extra important to highlight how Data Import for 1 needs you to have completed the optional dungeon to be fully functional, as you won't be able to access a secret party member and its quest otherwise, it's also encouraged to do the extra dungeon because you'll keep several powerful accessories you find there and the Arc 1 cast will also start the game at higher levels.

>> No.6000239

Arc the Lad 2 is one of the best games on the PS1 but no one ever talks about it. The first one is good too but it's so short that the first and second game might as well count as the same game. The third is pretty average.

>> No.6002164

I have Vanguard Bandits but it hasn't been opened. Maybe I should but another one that's in worse shape.

>> No.6002215

As far as I know the DS series are brand new games?

>> No.6003380
File: 816 KB, 808x934, Choco_Arc_R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game defined my adolescent years

There are things you can miss in arc 1 +2 that profoundly effect the experience, and you don't want to miss them. Play these games slow and steady, no need to rush from story point to story point

>Secret Item forged from four items in 1 and one of those items can be easily missed
>secret character who is ungoldy powerful and has an interesting side-quest to boot
>Monster arena can make 2 much easier with the items procured

This game defined my adolescent years