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5993237 No.5993237 [Reply] [Original]

Called sick for work, suffering with fever and lots of shit. I'm feeling like getting into the Mother games as I've been playing JRPG's since forever but never ever played these games.

Is pic related the best to start with?

>> No.5993249

It'll do, since you're mostly gonna be in one spot.
It has a slow start, but it does get going.

How feverish are you?

>> No.5993268

There are only three games, all three are good in their own way, but Earthbound and Mother 3 are the best to start with. Starting with EB gives you some nice context for Mother 3 as it has references to prior games.

>> No.5993270

M1 is better, play the series in release order.

>> No.5993276

The question is if he'll just sit down and deal with the slow pace of the first one because he's sick and has nothing else to do, or if it'll kill his drive and he can't commit to it.

It's good, but the high encounter rate definitely is tedious.

>> No.5993284

Do them in order, it pays off.
Avoid the "anniversary" fan-made romhack of Mother 1. Play the original, and if it makes you feel better as a placebo, use the "easy ring" thing (that was also fan-hacked into the game), but ultimately, this game is enjoyable as it is.
If this is your first time playing a 3rd gen RPG, then I think Mother 1 is a godo introduction, it's harder than 4th gen RPGs, but in relation to 3rd gen RPGs, it's more on the easy side.
You can play Earthbound and still enjoy it without having played M1, but the subtle lore there is about the game, and the main antagonist, is enjoyed better if you play the first. Also, since each game in the series improved in QoL stuff about gameplay, you will be able to appreciate that as you play each entry after the predecessor, instead of having a hard time adapting to previous installments.

>> No.5993289

>how feverish are you?
Not enough luckily, but vomiting and diarrhea are present. Coupled with the headache from the fever I had to lie down before responding.

I also looked for something like anti-piracy stuff in the games? Do I need to find a romhack for those?

>> No.5993296
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I enjoyed M1, didn't feel the same about 2 or 3. Feel better OP

>> No.5993437

The anti-piracy protection was figured out back when I was a kid. I think basically every emulator these days (even ZSNES, which hasn't updated in ages), accounts for it automatically. You shouldn't have to worry about it.

The copy protection is funny, because it's actually pretty insidious, it checks for authenticity when you boot up the game, but it also checks it at a number of different points throughout the game as you go. It also multiplies the spawn rate of enemies, by a fucking lot, this is to make the game tedious and frustrating to play.
The last copy protection check it makes is at the very end of the game, when you face the final boss, and if it detects that your game is a bootleg (easy to fool, mind), it freezes the game with some distorted noise, and then when you restart the console to load your game, you will find that the game has deleted all your savefiles.

Since you're vomiting, and shitting liquid fire, I want to suggest some soup, because it'll be easier for your stomach to deal with, and you'll want the added fluid intake to compensate for how much you lose.

>> No.5993441

It's pretty funny when games do that, but it's gotta be kind of shitty for the one time in ten thousand you boot up a legal game and the copy protection fires off

>> No.5993453

FWIW I've never heard of it happening.
The fact that the game checks every time that you boot it up, and then also makes additional checks at a number of points in the game, would make it pretty unlikely that you'd suffer much, if any, if it for whatever reason would slip.

>> No.5993459
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Make sure to drink lots of water. If you have any multivitamins now's the time to take them. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are a lifesaver. Make sure you get enough rest, it's ok to take a nap when you're feeling bad. If the fever gets too high, taking a tepid bath or using cold compresses can help. If your fever is over 103°F (39.4°C), you should seek immediate medical attention. Hopefully you feel better soon, anon.

>> No.5993462
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is this a zaku or a gundam
what have you brought upon this cursed land

>> No.5993481

> like most JRPGs
> keep hearing Earthbound being hyped up
> finally play it
> it's complete shit
Honestly I don't see why it has such a reputation, I'd rate it 15/100 I want my hours back. I played maybe 6h before dropping it like a hot potato, it never got any better.

> story doesn't exist
> gameplay is boring
> art is boring
> characters are boring
> battle system is meh

>> No.5993489

Oh yeah, had one of the hottest fucking fevers in my life back in May, so hot that it actually numbed my body, I was walking like Tarman.
Just a cool wet towel on your forehead can be just a complete godsend, like applying the control rods to moderate your reactor pile.

It's overhyped, and isn't for everyone, so the reputation from fanboys actually does it a bit of an injustice.

>> No.5993526

I've had it happen twice. Once on DKC2 out of the blue, and then again when I spaced out and tried plugging Oracle of Ages into the Super Gameboy and then in the GBA

>> No.5993576

>Since you're vomiting, and shitting liquid fire, I want to suggest some soup, because it'll be easier for your stomach to deal with, and you'll want the added fluid intake to compensate for how much you lose.
Yeah no worries I had parents hopping for a visit and you know how mothers go about their sons if they have a modicum of love for him. She's also been chasing me to have some of the boiled carrots as it will help me with the liquid fire part.

>> No.5993810

If you don't like EarthBound you don't have a soul. The same people would also watch Angel's Egg or Eraserhead and go "wtf where's the story? where's the drama?"

>> No.5993838

Boiled carrots are fucking good. Chopped some carrots in the curry we cooked the other night, and as they soften and soak in the "broth" of the curry they're just godly.

>> No.5993857

Thread theme:

>> No.5994118

If you only play one of them, make it Earthbound. If you're set on playing all three, do it in order.

>> No.5994217
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Normie opinion: Yes.


Patrician advice: Start at the beginning, with the aptly (re)named EarthBound Beginnings. Play the Wii U version, play the EarthBound Zero ROM that leaked onto the internet 20+ years ago, and if you absolutely must, play a hacked version that makes it easier. But play it, my feverish nigga. It won't make you laugh as much as EarthBound (which as admittedly is a good thing when you're sick), but if you *really* want to get into the MOTHER games the first one is the best place to start.

>> No.5994812

Earthbound always gets me in the mood for pizza, the shame is that I just moved and the closest pizzeria is like a mile away now.

>> No.5995658

based. listen to this guy's advice, OP

>> No.5995717

Does anyone actually recommend Mother 3 first? Always felt like you need to play Earthbound to best appreciate it

>> No.5995724

Excellent advice anon, I am a firm believer in experiencing series in roughly chronological order anyway to get a better sense of the evolution of the games themes, design, and mechanics anyway.

So OP, you make a decision yet? Have you remembered to drink plenty of water?

>> No.5995853

Mother is the best place to start but if you start with the nes version it'll be awful.
If you want to play in moon runes the best option is the gba Mother1+2 game. This has the repel ring to help with the insane encounter rate, as well as other quality of life improvements like L to check.

If you want English, the best option is to find tomato's patch for the Mother 1 nes ROM. The NES version has far superior music. It might not be his patch, but rather a patch that has his translation.

>> No.5996457

Just forget the MOTHER series altogether and play Super Mario RPG.

>> No.5996495

OP is fucking dead

>> No.5996635

Yeah, let’s have another ridiculously argument over the quality of Phil Sandhop’s localization. Tomato has really poisoned fans minds regarding the official translation, which is incredible because he was never much of a fan of the game anyway. But there’s nothing wrong with the version Nintendo released. The only arguably big advantage to the text in his patch is that it makes a certain reference in MOTHER 3 a little less obscure.

>> No.5997908

Maybe he's just really engrossed in the game

>> No.5999984

It's good but very old school/traditional. Mother 3 is superior in every regard.
It doesn't matter what order you play them in, they're all stand alone games.

>> No.6000102

What kind of diarrhea is it exactly? Completely liquid, tan/yellow brown and feels like it kind of squirts out like you're almost peeing out of your butt? Or is it a little more solidified and slimy, more green and dark brown or even black, and comes out more slowly like regular shit? Does it smell like regular bad poop or is it that extra nauseating toxic kind where you almost have to plug your nose while it's coming out and can't go back in that bathroom for an hour after you've left it with the fan on?

>> No.6000118

>It doesn't matter what order you play them in, they're all stand alone games.
They are standalone, but there's still some small plot elements that are best enjoyed if you play the series in order, especially 2 and 3, but actually 1 and 2 too, since the final boss in 2 has more meaning than just "the embodiment of evil" if you know who he is from the first game.

>> No.6000523
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I don't know about recommending it first, but there are a lot of younger fans (i.e. the Tumblr demographic) who rave about it having the best story and full of "feels" and shit.


That's how I got pretty much every major plot development spoiled for me despite never playing the game. Llike an idiot, I decided to wait for NOA to finally come around to releasing it, because I wanted everything to be as perfect as it was when I first played EarthBound; no hassling with emulators and translation patches and flash carts, just me playing a game as Nintendo intended it. But by exposing myself to blubbering fan autism on DeviantArt and other places, I had all the "sad" parts of the game ruined for me. Playing EarthBound was a hallmark of my youth, but now I'll never be able to get the same satisfaction from MOTHER 3 and I have no one to blame but myself.

Moral of the story? Don't place such a high value on having the perfect experience playing a game that you miss your window of opportunity to enjoy it while its still new.


>> No.6000525

See I didn't read this guy's post before submitting mine, but this is exactly what I'm talking about >>5999984
>Mother 3 is superior in every regard
There are zoomers who actually believe this.

>> No.6001490


>Tomato has really poisoned fans minds regarding the official translation

How so?

>> No.6001524

Even if the plots are standalone, I see the series as the refinement of an aesthetic, of gameplay, and game design. They are linked, and you can see those links most clearly if you play them in order.

>> No.6001551

playing Mother 1 last is a frustrating experience because people always used to tell you to skip it, or it's too hard and just not worth playing because its "earthbound's beta version".
But when I actually played it, it was great. Maybe not better than EB as a game, but still an amazing experience that I personally enjoyed far more than Earthbound.
So I'm left wondering why these people told me not to play it. How could they not appreciate it?

>> No.6001556

>This has the repel ring to help with the insane encounter rate
Wasn't the repel ring in all versions? It's in the wii u version, anyway.

>> No.6001561

Back in the day I suffered the same shit with Spyro 3 when I was a kid.

>> No.6001930
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Wait 50 more years for this to come out first OP

>> No.6001939

I'd love to see that realized some day, if only because I just love the art style in Earthbound and it'd be nice with more of it, even if it's just a remake of Mother.

>> No.6001945

I'm not a fan of any of them, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I found Earthbound to be the best of the bunch, relatively speaking.

>> No.6001965

I first played earthbound when i was sick with bronchitis for a week. HIGHLY recommend it. this post is 4 days old now though so youve probably made your decision :/

>> No.6002060

Because he seldom has anything good to say about it. Maybe I'm misjudging him, but it seems like any time he posts about MOTHER 1 or someone asks his opinion about it he goes on his spiel about being disappointed when he first played it because it wasn't "quirky" like EarthBound and the difficulty was too high. And since so many MOTHER fans worship the ground he walks on because he translated MOTHER 3, younger fans take his word as gospel.

>> No.6002072
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oh shit he's back

>> No.6002218
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Dragon Quest clone

>> No.6002258

>So I'm left wondering why these people told me not to play it. How could they not appreciate it?
Seems like it happens a lot now. I've noticed with multiple series that people who have already played them will try to push their opinion on new players as a fact and tell them to not play they games they didn't like, instead of letting people make their own opinions.

That said, M1 can be a little frustrating to play sometimes. The big mazelike levels with random encounters can make the game start to feel slow and tedious. I still liked it more than 3 though and wouldn't say it should be skipped because of that.

>> No.6002261

Speaking of, whatever happened to the Mother 4 fanproject?

>> No.6002854

Which video is that? I didn't know 8bitguy had an MP5k SBR.

>> No.6002857

The devs were retards and got prematurely scared of Nintendo and decided to remove all traces of the Mother IP and come up with their own shitty lore about psychic powers (except called something gay and anime-sounding instead of PSI).

>> No.6002896


>> No.6002935


>> No.6004293
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Why would you replace the charming Peanuts-looking unique aesthetics of Mother 1 for a Mother 2 romhack?

>> No.6005158

Earthbound uncut

>> No.6005834

Same as how I like my men

>> No.6005837

I always knew it gramps

>> No.6005881

It's simply better.

>> No.6005918
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>> No.6005929


>> No.6005975

Because some "fans" are complete babies and can't cope with random battles and enormous, sprawling maps.

>> No.6005983

Why would they use that as excuse if they weren't actually worried about being shut down by Nintendo?

>> No.6006097

I mean, isn't that better anyway, to try to develop it into something of its own?

>> No.6006125

Not if you were following the project for a long time and were genuinely impressed at how professional and Nintendo-like it seemed. I mean for real, they were actually making a new MOTHER game. People act like the IP doesn't matter, but, assuming this ever gets released, it will feel sort of like playing a ROM hack of a MOTHER series game when what fans really wanted was more MOTHER.

>> No.6006128

It was always gonna be like a romhack because it's fanmade and not by Itoi.

>> No.6006147

I... what? How does that make any sense? Do you play fangames and think "gee, this feels like a ROM hack"?

>> No.6006157

Sorry about all the shitters anon but I’m really excited about Mother 4. Who’s making it is meaningless to me. There’s not a lot of quirky RPGs out there and I welcome any new ones. Especially a passion project like this by real fans who have shown they know how to write a script and develop.

>> No.6006160

>playing jrpgs

>> No.6006164

>muh genre wars

>> No.6006167

>not a lot of quirky RPGs out t
You kidding? It's a saturated market now

>> No.6006170

Fuck off Beep.

>> No.6006187

Mother 3 sucked so why should mother 4 be good?

>> No.6006190

Not really anon, most of them are “quirky” in the sense that they have dirty poor humor. The best recent quirky RPG has been undertale and in a way outer worlds. Not a lot comes out in this genre

>> No.6006195

There's what? Yiik? And it sucked fat cocks in just about every manner.

>> No.6006198

I was honestly not very impressed with Undertale, and that's supposedly one of the better quirky RPGs in later years. Seems like kind of a dustbowl.

>> No.6007903

tell us if you're alive op