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File: 1.03 MB, 1182x663, ce31ae28386823d9f8f3c8cadf27dda9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5990748 No.5990748 [Reply] [Original]

These are French characters.

>> No.5990846

And as such they are boring, pointless and silly looking

>> No.5990850

Because nationality in games (especially SNK ffs) means anything. Look at the "Mexicans" with bleach blonde hair and clothes from europe.

>> No.5990858
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Poor France, still getting trolled over WWII to this day

>> No.5990862

Ash is a flaming faggot but Remy is alright

>> No.5990863

Why are they white

>> No.5990886

What exactly is clothes from europe? Don't recall modern mexicans wearing poncho

>> No.5990901

I made Ashe look like Toph in the color edit in KOF13.

>> No.5990910
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I approve

>> No.5990952

Reminds me of that guy on /int/ who insisted it is totally normal for Mexicans to have naturally red hair

>> No.5991070
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Tizoc looks very mexican to me.

>> No.5992941

Why do they only speak Japanese?

>> No.5993426

At least they're not as bad as Bong characters. We're either dapperly attired, or dressed like punks. It's like Nips think Britain is either stuck in the late 1800's, or the late 1970's. Honestly, I would settle for a Norf style hooly.

>> No.5994046

France was always full of weebs thanks to healthy and diverse comic book market.

>> No.5994051

>At least they're not as bad as Bong characters. We're either dapperly attired, or dressed like punks.
Or Cammy.

>> No.5994053

Mexico is much more diverse than you'd expect. The majority of folks are mestizos, but Spaniards and natives are still abundant there.

>> No.5994056

>We're either dapperly attired, or dressed like punks
Both are cool aesthetics though. As an American I would take either of those over the ten thousand military soldiers in fighting games used to represent the US.

>> No.5994079
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>that Falcoon Remy

>> No.5994102

You know, I've always wondered what Americans would do if they were massively invaded and their president surrendered to stop the invaders from wholesale slaughtering the populace.

Because I doubt they'd do anything on the level of the Resistance; hell, they probably wouldn't even realize that it happened.

>> No.5994110
File: 407 KB, 999x1525, P%C3%A9tain_-_Portrait_photographique_1941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their president surrendered to stop the invaders from wholesale slaughtering the populace.
Nice cope Petain but you're still a collaborator

>> No.5994115

You'd think that a narratuve about a country's people fighting back against invaders when their own government betrays them to said invaders would be a beloved narrative for the American Right.

>> No.5994128
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You'd think it would resonate with the French too but I guess not

>> No.5994631

Dont remember Ash being French

>> No.5994668
File: 348 KB, 695x521, 1539996727710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emergency service workers having their pensions ripped away: massive outcry, riots in the fucking streets, millions of dollars in damages

social safety net destroyed : "oh fuck yes daddy punish me harder"

>> No.5994910

He was raised in France, alongside Elizabeth. His actual nationality is unknown (though presumably he lacks any since he's a descendant of Saiki, who is an envoy of Gaia).

>> No.5995137

There are even niggers in Mexico too.

>> No.5995149

>Remy is alright
Remy is just a ripoff of Iori Yagami.

>> No.5995156
File: 50 KB, 460x613, Inés_Sainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexicans can't be blond

>> No.5995160


>> No.5995161

>French characters
>both require you hold back and wait for a few seconds before doing anything for their special moves

POETRY. Cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

>> No.5995163

sneed sneeding sneedrrender sneeders

>> No.5995492


>> No.5996618

Gib ash boipus

>> No.5996627

i always wondered why americans were hating on france

>> No.5996698
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>> No.5997067

Terry Bogard is American, he's not military and a prominent character. He's not even much of a stereotype, just some sporty guy.

>> No.5997081

I want to be Remy and fuck Ash

>> No.5997551
File: 431 KB, 1500x964, PETAINed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petain was absolutely based, De Gaulle was an idiot who ran the minute he had a chance. Petain was a famous soldier who knew the cost of war, he stuck around and helped broker a peace that meant France wouldn't lose 40% of it's young men in another pointless war. De Gaulle ran off to another country and told everyone back home "hey just go ahead and grab a gun and start shooting people alright? I'll come back later".

>> No.5997797

Also a tough gal who kickboxes in a suit and a fat gal who wraps her legs around opponents and is secretly evil

>> No.5998463

more like poopoo

>> No.5998535

Based manga

>> No.5998567
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I thought Terry was just some random pizza delivery guy.

>> No.6000104

They nailed it.

>> No.6001209

Because we didnt follow Bush Jr. in the 2nd gulf war
Now everybody knows the failure it was as you can see the current situation in the region now
Chirac was BASED. RIP.

>> No.6001287
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I mean, hot Mexicans are a thing

If you have fetishes

>> No.6001401

She'll be fat as shit in 10 years. Mexican fact.

>> No.6001439

SNK should just steal remy

>> No.6001449
File: 185 KB, 393x740, ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws a girl
>calls it a boy

That shit ruined my childhood.

>> No.6001474

Funnily enough he and Vice have the same meassurements.

>> No.6001668
File: 482 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190922_155039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But fetish pictures will last a lifetime

>> No.6002517

Those are Argentinians.

>> No.6002580

Terry's a huge stereotype. All his quotable lines being loud and obnoxious isn't a coincidence. He's also canon lazy as fuck when it's anything that isn't fighting, drinks and naps all the time. Not to mention the red, white and blue color scheme.

THAT explains all those people on Fightcade...

>> No.6002604

this aging, whiny little spic was somethin' special

>> No.6004423

They can be, but she isn't. Eyebrows give it away. I think I've seen her as a brunette, too.

>> No.6006741

spic trap

>> No.6007920
File: 108 KB, 732x513, Lyoko_warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No these are French Characters.

>> No.6008348

That's a fake blonde

>> No.6008579
File: 1.77 MB, 1238x1103, The Architecht.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6009468

I think he was talking about Ramon and Angel

>> No.6009563

Tizoc is Native American/Indigenous.

>> No.6009659

How did you say "Remy" ??
But when i meet an british/american and i say my name (Rémi) they never understand !!