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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5984079 No.5984079 [Reply] [Original]

Are we playing retro games as a way to evade contemporary reality ?

>> No.5984080

No, I play them to avoid contemporary games

>> No.5984085


Most of the non retro games lack any real challenge and don't have "soul" (I don't really like the word, but I don't have a better onde).

Exceptions would be some Nintendo and Indie games. Maybe the From Software ones too.

>> No.5984131
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no, you play contemporary games to evade contemporary reality. you play retro games to impress the ladies.

>> No.5984265

Yes, and the "soul" we all refer to is actually just the feeling of melancholic nostalgia we get from playing a game from times since passed and the longing to be a kid again and happy again.

>> No.5984269
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Naw, I love contemporary reality. I just also still love a lot of old games.

>> No.5984272

I play retro games because I don't actually like video games. Whenever I pick up a new game, I grow tired of it after 10 minutes. With those old games that I played as a kid, I already know every detail and the nostalgia carries me through most of it. It's very relaxing, like knitting

>> No.5984278

>love contemporary reality
How old are you?
I was promised a cool future with flying cars and casual space travel, it's 2020 and I'm stuck in a contemporary reality with shitty phones and social media.

>> No.5984280

44. I never thought we'd have flying cars in my lifetime.

>> No.5984284

I just love in general because I pick and choose piecemeal what I like and focus on it. I've always liked certain video games so I continue to like them. Some modern video games are great too but I'm certainly not going to play some spammy mobile crapfest just to kill time or some empty progressive propaganda just because it's well reviewed by modern critics.

>> No.5984292

A lot of modern games have way too many mechanics than are necessary. The people I know who aren't super into gaming seem to enjoy older games the most. They're usually more straight forward.

>> No.5984305
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There were flying cars in the 50s and you can book a trip to space right now for I think $250k

>> No.5984314

Yeah, older games had to do more with less because of limitations of hardware and formats. Now games have a shitton of systems and mechanics and yet aren't much deeper than vastly simpler stuff you saw in the 90's.

>> No.5984317

I play them because they're free and I have no money or a PC that can run pirated modern games.

>> No.5984326

As always posting irrelevant shit.
Also casual space travel != uncomfortable as shit space shuttle shitfest for a quarter of a million.

>> No.5984337

That's really just an airplane though, the ideal of a car an average joe can keep in his driveway and then fly to work won't be a thing for a long time if ever. But they were always silly anyways. Personally I dig having a magic map in my pocket that I can also look up information on and talk to my friends with beats those anyways

>> No.5984343

>Personally I dig having a magic map in my pocket that I can also look up information on and talk to my friends with beats those anyways
It's luggage. You think you're looking up "information", but you're only really getting advertised. As for "talk to" your friends, you aren't really talking, you're just sharing memes and, you guessed it, advertisement, again.
Smart phones is the Y2K equivalent to colored mirrors.

>> No.5984352

>I love contemporary reality
Now say it without the onions face

>> No.5984353
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Space travel is just a novelty until there's a destination to travel to. You may see a recreational space station you can take "cruises" on in your lifetime but they'll be very exclusive even then

No, it's a car. Pic related. Both you guys are failing to see that the problem isn't technology it's logistics. There's no good REASON to go to space or to fly to work. You CAN buy a car for $100k that will drive to work for you.

And you can just tap yourself some random dude to drive you to work for like $10. You must be using your smartphone wrong.

We're connected to one another in dangerously faster and more intimate ways that are revealing things about society that aren't pretty and are indeed exploitable and being exploited but that's what always drives technology. It's never been more important not to be a sheep.

>> No.5984359

I'm not saying you have to agree with me. If the cost to be able to look up the specifics of some plant or mushroom I happen upon out in the woods is seeing an advert for hiking boots I'm fine with that.

And I do talk to my friends in real life any time I get the chance, but at our age with families and all sorts other responsibilities and time sinks I appreciate having other ways available.

Not to mention that time I dislocated my bum knee out in the brush and was able to check via satellite the closest point there was a road and then call my wife to meet me with her car. The future is rad in my books.

>> No.5984365

>There's no good REASON to go to space or to fly to work.
I can think of a couple.
For example, I find it hilarious that it's almost 2020 and I still have to deal with heavy traffic on the streets. If I had a flying car, I could just skip any and all traffic.
Jumping cars would also work.
I fantasize about a lot of ways to skip traffic while I'm stuck there: capsules like in Dragon Ball so I can take my car in my pocket, cars with long "legs" to walk over traffic, of course flying, etc.
Of course, the best thing would be not having to go to work, but eh, wageslave life.

>> No.5984367

>The future is rad in my books.
I guess we had different expectations.

>> No.5984369

Talk about video games. Stop talking about everything AROUND video games. Stop debating second hand opinions on video games. Talk about video games.

>> No.5984372

Fuck video games, fuck contemporary reality, and most importantly, fuck YOU

>> No.5984379

If EVERYONE were trying to fly to work, the skies would be what are congested and the consequences would be dire. The most logistically feasible way to avoid work traffic is to work somewhere less congested, like from home which is something technology allows lots and lots of people to do.

There are other threads. I happen to like the topic of retro futurism.

>> No.5984384

>like from home which is something technology allows lots and lots of people to do.
Not that anon, but working at home ruined my own perception of my home.
I wake up, see the scenery, and the first thing that comes to my mind instead of my comfy home are my deadlines and responsibility pressure.
Such is life for the 21st century schizoid man.

>> No.5984397


What you should really be wishing for is the elimination of the automobile and a nationwide modern era public transit system. Traffic would no longer exist and you'd get everywhere in minutes.

>> No.5984402

>Both you guys are failing to see that the problem isn't technology it's logistics.

Bad logistics is exactly what I described. Yeah it's techically a car that can fly, but it needs a runway like an airplane so it's never going to be practical for suburbia joe.

Guess so. Not everything is great of course, global warming we knew would fuck us in the ass but got ignored anyways is already starting to thrust, but at least the movements are gaining real momentum now. In most ways things are better than I expected.

>> No.5984407

You might want to work on compartmentalizing better. It's your home office exclusively for work? Do you have a daily schedule you stick to? Not trying to be critical but if you do have some schizoid tendencies that might help you be happier.

He probably likes his personal freedom. Americans will never accept only being able to travel where the rails run.

>> No.5984408

The future is not as exciting as I expected, but it certainly could be worse (for me, it certainly is living hell for many people in the world)

>> No.5984410

>but if you do have some schizoid tendencies
I was just making a reference to a King Crimson song.

>> No.5984415

Flying will never be practical for suburbia Joe period but yeah it is pretty ridiculous that we don't have simple commuter transport from suburbs to urban centers. I tend to blame the railroad unions.

>> No.5984434

Yeah that was what I was lazily getting at. Even if everyone did have a runway, planes are a lot tougher to fly than cars to drive so even if they were real without leaps in technology like anti-grav or computer controls they would never be realistic. I knew that when I was 10 though.

Bad transit I am very agreeable with though. Around here it's not bad with trains and busses on the same system and pretty robust, but could be better and many places are way worse.

>> No.5984654

no i play them because they are fun

>> No.5984661

well duh i get sooo much pussy because i can beat super ghouls and ghosts

>> No.5984743


>> No.5985370

In addition to older games being better in general, playing them as a form of pseudo-time travel to escape modernity is a factor, along with other hobbies I have that don't involve the Internet or a digital device. Why? Because contemporary reality (at least in the US) is garbage.

And this isn't some "back in my day" "le wrong generation" irrationality going on here. Modern "technology" is little more than glorified data collection devices. Everyone, not just zoomers, are obsessed with social media cred and can't even put their fuckin' smartphone down for 2 minutes during dinner. People are too fat and lazy to do any kind of kind of shopping that doesn't involve clicking a mouse and getting your goods spoonfed by Amazon. This is a problem, because it's changing the cityscape via the "retail apocalypse" where main streets are turning into husks of vacant storefronts that inevitably get used as dwellings for meth addicts and schizophrenics. If you wanted to do something like open a small retail business, good fuckin' luck. Better "learn to code" so you can contribute to the latest data crunching, targeted advertising algorithm so Bezos and Zuckerfuck can stack more billions.

Nothing, I mean nothing, can be discussed or reported on without invoking a political, social, or racial angle.

"Hurr, you sound like the old boomer in the 80s saying kids watched too much TV."

And they were right. Gen X was the first generation to be "angsty" and "alienated" because of that. The modern cultural/technological landscape is that problem x1000. And we wonder why so people are "depressed" and children are starting to take psych meds as soon as they leave the womb. But we have memes, Netflix and Chill, and twitter. What a time to be alive!

>> No.5985394

>I was promised a cool future with flying cars and casual space travel, it's 2020 and I'm stuck in a contemporary reality with shitty phones and social media.
We overrate the pace of technological change and misapply the extraordinary pace at which computing grew from the 50s-00s to everything, thinking that we can reduce a building sized mainframe down to a small chip, we should also be able to have on demand space travel, flying cars, nanotech, and host of other science fiction technologies that are probably not possible. The modern tech and science media is also responsible for this deluded optimism with their breathless and uncritical reporting about the latest irrelevant shit some university research department shat out that was made to sound "groundbreaking" in a press release.

The best take I've read on the matter:

> What happens when marketing people at a company talk to some engineers? Even the most honest marketing people hear what they want to hear, and try to spin it in the best possible way to win the PR war, and make their execs happy.


>> No.5985498

Good article on this kind of feeling of an expected future that never came.

I don't think it's just computers. If you look at a lot of other technologies, you see rapid development between the beginning of the industrial revolution and around the 50s-60s, then they drop off. It's always fun to look at the highest speed a human being could travel in each given year - the peak year is 1969 with Apollo 10.

>> No.5985539

This...but more depth to it is that we are from a generation that had its own golden age. However, for a hobby that's is effectively closing its 50th year, this is not really surprising.

>> No.5985540


Humanity was expecting too much too soon.

>> No.5985594

What’s pussy like?

>> No.5985604


>> No.5985610

>If you look at a lot of other technologies, you see rapid development between the beginning of the industrial revolution and around the 50s-60s,
Indeed. I was thinking of computing progress, since that's the progress we saw explode during our lifetimes. But yeah, going from what was basically a paper airplane that flew for a 12 seconds in 1903 to breaking the speed of sound 44 years later is a mindblowing amount of progress. Or candle light to a cinema from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. Then of course, returns started to diminish.

It's not that humanity is stupid or can't figure it out, just that there are limits with regard to materials and physical law. Like the nanotech fantasy (as defined by atomic scale robots giving us superpowers or creating shit out of thin air). Violates the laws of thermodynamics. and at those scales, an atomic sized robot would oxidize instantaneously.

>> No.5985629


When have we not done that?

I mean, I happened to be in about fourth grade when I first played Super Mario Bros. after a swimming party at my friends house, and it was basically the most immersive alternate reality that I'd experienced up to that point.

I remember reaching world 1-3 about half-an-hour into playing it, and feeling the relief of the previously constrictive subterranean environment of the underground level I had barely been able to escape.

The sky was blue, and there were clouds, and while the platforms were a danger, you had just enough time to wait and determine the pattern.

I wasn't at my friend's house in that moment. I was in the fucking Mushroom Kingdom.

Every game is a way to avoid your contemporary reality, though.

If they're the same thing, then I'd sure the fuck give anything for the cheat codes; wouldn't you, lol?

>> No.5985639

Here's a cheat code: you'll never make the big money working for a living. Even a very skilled technician like a surgeon or lawyer isnt really making that much more than a plumber unless they are pounding on the OT. Those professions come with the expectation of self management and entrepreneurship though. Lawyers are always running their own small shop, as are doctors.

Making the big j money comes from managing others or managing money itself. Highly ssd stressful though, but you get the money then so you dont have survival or home size stress.

>> No.5985664


I mean, that's probably the case for a very small percentage of people in small niche communities of the gaming world... but you'd actually have to be able to beat Super Ghouls N' Ghosts to be able to find out, and competitively in a way that upsets some prior record of some sort.

I mean, that is a pretty small percentage of the population, and people do tend to gravitate toward those who display rare talents.

But until you know how fucking difficult that is as a normal human being with standard hand-eye-coordination... well, you don't.

There has to be someone out there who gave it up (or gave it, depending on what genders you are imagining in this bizarre and overlysexualized hypothetical situation) because the person they were with just demonstrated their ability to match or break some world record in Super Ghouls N' Ghosts.

Like, it's a hard game. Why would it be any different from a star quarterback who fucks the head cheerleader after winning the Homecoming game with a fifty-yard pass for the touchdown?

Do you see how fucking stupid everything is when you frame it in terms of some fabricated game?

I'm sure there are more questions to ask here, but I just want to know who has legitimately beaten Super Ghouls N' Ghosts and gotten the Good Ending, because that shit is hard as fuck.

>> No.5985674

>older games being better in general

>Gauntlet thrown

No. No, they weren't.

The purpose of games is to allow us escape into places where the rules we are faced with as human beings have been altered in such a way that allows us to exploit a skill in order to overcome failure.

Clearly, with early games, there was a specific objective that we had to solve in order to avoid that, e.g., Pong; Pac-Man; Super Mario Bros; etc.

But as memory became more available and Moore's Law developed as a function of technological development, we quickly developed games where our world was not linear, and there were many ways to complete the narratives we imagined as existing as we assumed the characters that informed the protagonist of our games.

I can recall standing in a field of bushes in the middle of Hyrule, fighting off the Leevers before carefully attempting to open a secret staircase that might just as possibly lead to a Goron rupee-dealer as it could provide passage to the next level and another piece of the Triforce.

It wasn't any better than any of the hundreds of hours I spent playing Skyrim.

It just required that I was better able to imagine being there.

>> No.5985678
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if you like arcade style games, beat em ups, shmups and run n guns there really isn't much to look forward to in modern gaming, there are a couple good games here and there, but the bulk of the good stuff is old stuff usually early 2000s and before

>> No.5985697

Headcannon counts.

>> No.5985698

>And this isn't some "back in my day" "le wrong generation" irrationality going on here.

Isn't it usually the younger people who feel like they've been born in the wrong generation and the older folks who say "back in my day," though?

>Modern "technology" is little more than glorified data collection devices. Everyone, not just zoomers, are obsessed with social media cred and can't even put their fuckin' smartphone down for 2 minutes during dinner.

I mean, who cares? Can you not do both? Are you seriously that old? Social Media is like playing the lottery - can you not scratch a ticket while holding a conversation with someone?

>People are too fat and lazy to do any kind of kind of shopping that doesn't involve clicking a mouse and getting your goods spoonfed by Amazon.

Are you the sixty-year-old student teacher from MIT who tried to teach my eleventh-grade-class in 1994 the formula for ellipses and just complained the entire time about how we don't understand how lucky we are and we're all expecting to be spoon-fed?

Because if you are, then you're aging super-fucking well.

>> No.5985701

>This is a problem, because it's changing the cityscape via the "retail apocalypse" where main streets are turning into husks of vacant storefronts that inevitably get used as dwellings for meth addicts and schizophrenics.

Yeah; if you had five bucks and you had to spend it at either WalMart™ or some Hipster Warehouse, you'd probably take the three-for-five on fish-sticks than wrestle with complicated issues of your impact on the larger well-being of your society. People gotta fuckin' live, asshole. Meth addicts and Schizophrenics aren't the problem.

>If you wanted to do something like open a small retail business, good fuckin' luck. Better "learn to code" so you can contribute to the latest data crunching, targeted advertising algorithm so Bezos and Zuckerfuck can stack more billions.

Yeah, blame Bezos and Zuckerfuck. But what would you do if you were them? Do they even have enough time in the day to keep track of where all their money is going?

Probably not. They're just memes to like 99.9% of anybody on the planet - like, do you know them? I sure as fuck don't. So maybe who cares what the fuck they do, and maybe just pay attention to the few people you actually have an impact on.

>What a time to be alive!


>> No.5985702

I play old games for the challenge. Modern shit, especially AAA, is intended for retarded non-gamers.

>> No.5985705

They still make hardcore games. Have you not heard of Dark Souls before?

>> No.5985708
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Thanks, Capitalism!

>> No.5985714


When did the Automobile Association of America start making video games?

>> No.5985715
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>> No.5985716

This. Games are generally made for mass appeal now and I'm not their target audience anymore.

>> No.5985772
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feels good man.

>> No.5985784

What's being gay like?

>> No.5985787

I play them because autism

>> No.5985848

The thing about a flying car like that (or really, just a small inexpensive airplane) is that it expands the distance you can live from your destination way outside of suburbia. If your job is reasonably close to an airport (itself a problem, since airports tend not to be downtown) then you can live out on a 15 acre plot of land with your own private runway. It's a niche set of circumstances though, and the bigger issue is that a small aircraft is strongly affected by weather. Heavy rain or snow means you're driving that day.

>> No.5985863

>for mass appeal
You mean Twatter outrage mobs and RetardEra?

>> No.5985914
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>Social Media is like playing the lottery - can you not scratch a ticket while holding a conversation with someone?
Scratching a lottery ticket takes 10 to 30 seconds. People never look up from the smartphones during a conversation. And no, it's just not "old" people irritated by it.

>Social-networking sites like Facebook promise to connect us to friends. But the portrait of iGen teens emerging from the data is one of a lonely, dislocated generation. Teens who visit social-networking sites every day but see their friends in person less frequently are the most likely to agree with the statements “A lot of times I feel lonely,” “I often feel left out of things,” and “I often wish I had more good friends.” Teens’ feelings of loneliness spiked in 2013 and have remained high since.

>Once, she told me, she was hanging out with a friend who was texting her boyfriend. “I was trying to talk to her about my family, and what was going on, and she was like, ‘Uh-huh, yeah, whatever.’ So I took her phone out of her hands and I threw it at my wall.”


The MIT teacher example is a terrible analogy. I'm not sure what a teacher complaining about whatever the fuck he was complaining about is comparable to people doing the majority of their shopping online, which does have real world consequences on our environment in terms of local culture and business.


>> No.5985920
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>I'm stuck in a contemporary reality with shitty phones and social media.
You're stuck in a time where you have computers strong enough to launch rockets with accutate trajectories, calculate millions of different equations in a second and let you do nearly everything you want. All in your pocket.
You have a system to talk to 50% of all humans, arrange meatings and talk face to face on the other side of the globe. All combined with humor so complex it looped in on itself several times.
You're also living in a time where you can build your own ultralight planes for ~$5000, create vehicles able to drive st the speed of a slow bullet, build houses, create any software you want, hold the collective knowledge of all the years of humanity in your palm and with enough willpower, rule over the world.
You are living in the single best time humanity has ever experienced up till now and you're complaining that we have yet to create a car/plane hybrid and haven't found a way to get into space easily. All in due time, anon. It'll all come in due time.

>> No.5985924


>aging super fucking well.
It sounds like you're reticent to criticize anything that's modern in fear of being labeled the "old man who yells at the cloud." Maybe, just maybe, the criticism isn't out of generational spite and has merit. Again, an elder in the 1980s would be correct in saying kids (whoever else sat there in front of the tv for hours and hours) watch too much tv these days because they/we in fact did watch too much tv. The 80s, which coincided with the rise of cable television, is when the obesity epidemic started.


I don't see how anyone can look at our collective relationship to the Internet, social media and smartphones, and say it's "healthy."

>> No.5985935
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Cheap ultralight plane kits have been around for decades.
A system to talk to any human and arrange meetings with them has existed for decades. It's called a landline. Video phones and video conferencing have also existed since the 80s.
People have been building cheap houses for millennia. Hand tools and wood aren't some 21st century breakthrough.
The Internet has been the source of "all the world's knowledge" for a quite a while now, and back then, I didn't have to see a bunch of nonsense click bait links and algorithm driven "targeted advertising" while trying to find some snippet of information.
Oh, but we have memes!

>> No.5985990

I've been getting back into games lately after a long time not having a TV, mainly PS1/2/DC

Evading contemporary reality.. perhaps somewhat. I've been sober for a few months now. I have a fuckload of time and a lot of money that aren't being used for booze anymore, so I've been treating myself by building up a retro game setup.

It's definitely an indulgent exercise in childhood wish fulfilment. 13 year old me would be pretty psyched at the gear I've managed to acquire in a few months, but I have an awareness the whole time though that it's like.. OK, I mean, it's fun shit to have, but eventually you're going to have everything set up the way you've always wanted it. Then what? This is a question I don't have much of an answer for, but for the meantime, it's a worthy distraction.

If I'm being less melancholic about it.. Current games are mostly really gay. I'm clearly not the target audience for a lot of this shit anymore, as I can count on 2 hands maybe the amount of stuff I've seen or heard about that I kinda wished I had a PS4 to try out. When I realize that people are still playing GTA V and Skyrim it's just depressing to think about. I have a PS3 I bought a few years ago, it's a chore to even boot up with how long everything takes in it's UI and how everything takes an hour to update if you connect it to the internet. Laziness and thinking that maybe it could have some utility if modded are the only thing keeping it from craigslist. >>5984080 hits the nail on the head.

>> No.5986132

As the meme goes, "reality is often disappointing"!

>> No.5986150

Once the industrial revolution permanently cured our struggle for survival people have had this new thing trying to kill us called "leisure". Human's manage to fill it up with all kinds of self destructive activities

Video games are certainly a better way to use your leisure time than drinking yourself to death and I suppose retro games in general are less sedentary than modern games - though there are retro RPGs you can sit on your but for 100 hours for and there are modern augmented reality social games that actually get you up and active and meeting new people.

>> No.5986157

mostly this. There are plenty of modern games I love, but a lot are bogged down by a ton of bullshit. Whether that be microtransaction jewry or every game being some bland amalgamation of "open-world looter-shooter with crafting, parkour, and RPG elements". A lot of games just feel too bloated.
Plus I just don't have time for a lot of games anymore. Shorter pick-up-and-play games suit me better now, and that's more common with older games.

>> No.5986161


>> No.5986171
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I don't play games any more. I occasionally play retro games not because I like them more than modern games, but because they're something comforting from my childhood. It has nothing to do with quality, most old games are equal dumpster trash that are a waste of time. I'm just going back to the few I like. Collecting this stuff is embarrassing.

>> No.5986183

>doesn't play games
>uses retrogames exclusively for nostalgia
>considers a popular hobby to be embarrassing
If you had only said "cringe" I would have had a bingo on my /v/ card.

>> No.5986413
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Well what else do you want?

You got your one plumber say. He likes his business. He works for himself, maybe hes got an apprentice that does the really shitty work since he's getting older. He makes like 200k a year but gives 50k to his apprentice. Without the apprentice he could only do 120k of work a year. They both work together voluntarily because they make more money together than apart. The plumber buys parts for his business from a plumbing supply store. Now hes petite bourgeois and needs to be put up against a wall and shot.

Now check this out, say he hires a cpa or other business manager. He pays him 20k since hes such a tiny business theres not much for the cpa to do. But still the cpa saves him or makes him 60k a year.

Everyone is happy with all these voluntary transactions. The cpa does this with say 12 small businesses in town. Each one is happy to pay him and he makes them a ton of money and takes a load of compliance and regulatory bullshit off of them so they can do their job.

But now that cpa is making so much they are btfo. Like 240k and he holds on sunday. Wheres the justice in that. Put him against the wall and pull the trigger.

>> No.5986424

Made an account on reddit Just to Tell you you are a retard.

>> No.5986425

Modern games don’t respect your time and all seem to have 100 hours of repetitive shit in them. Old games you just hop in play and can experience everything the game has to offer without sinking more than 40 hours in them.

>> No.5986503

>everyone is happy to pay an accountant $20k a year to "not do much"
Jesus Christ listen to how much of a leech you are

>> No.5986504

Why pay a CPA 20k then? Offer him 5k or do it yourself.

>> No.5986507
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>> No.5986512

I dunno, why do less anyone hire the plumber? It ok only takes him like 20 minutes to install your faucet and he charges you 150$ for it? What the fuck is that? Payy him $25 that's still more per hour than I make and I'm smarter than a plumber!

Because he wants 20k to get started and now you make 50k more than you did without him, so you're up 30k anyway.

>> No.5986582

Explain Dragon Quest

>> No.5986589

>All combined with humor so complex it looped in on itself several times.
Your whole post was very stupid, but this part takes the cake. Congratulations.
Seriously thought, smart phone shills please fuck off.

>> No.5986687
File: 214 KB, 500x500, mario_disappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat. At times i even do it for the same reason as >>5984080, however i mainly play games because i just want to forget about whatever bullshit there is in this modern world, specially due to how shit the internet has gotten recently; Not to mention i also do it to lessen the pain of my past and present's mistakes and failures.
>All combined with humor so complex it looped in on itself several times.
Oh yes who could forget about the "Uh oh stinky" monkey, or the clown meme everyone outside of 4chan loves to spam. Oh, what about every other meme that dies in 2 weeks?
Seriously tho, memes nowadays are so bastardized that i wish the european goverment really could've banned them.

>> No.5986712

I just like playing games, i don't feel the need to attach some melodramatic sentiment to it.

>> No.5986768

>you just hop in play and can experience everything the game has to offer without sinking more than 40 hours in them
Dragon quest does that

>> No.5986787

this redditor not only thinks being able to easily take over the world is a good thing, but that you can do it by building a hang-glider and reading wikipedia articles

this is the only way to be "happy" in modern times. just remove all material conditions from everything and pretend everything's golden because there's some hypothetical toys for you to dick around with as the world collapses around you

>> No.5986920

People hire plumbers to install faucets? The fuck?

>> No.5987116
File: 79 KB, 736x864, c826b42f3cf2014a0d2e13ec516687a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are suggesting doing your own accounting then, which while possible will limit your ability to grow.

If you have a bunch of apartments and are doing paperwork in the office all dayvevery day, are you going to stop and go install a faucet because someone said their shit broke? No. You pay someone ri do it.

But you're a small brain namefag. Of course youd save $120 in labor to keep yourself from making $500 in profit

>> No.5987154

yeah most people don't larp as a landlord. why even make the analogy if it only applies to something so hyperspecific

>> No.5987163
File: 38 KB, 375x360, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even arguing about.

>anon points out how to make money in this world.
>grrr capitalis
>It's just voluntary transactions you literal faggot. The alternative is to shoot people in the head
>Grr inequity
>It's still just voluntary transactions and everyone is making more money by working together and specializing
>What the fuck, man
>larp larp larp

>> No.5987172

i'm sure your schizophrenic arguments with yourself get a lot of reddit points

>> No.5987185

I am a landlord and sometimes I go install faucets. It depends if I like the tenant or not whether I send my handyman, or if there's something I actually am adverse to doing that I already have him doing. I certainly don't pay plumber's wages unless actual plumbing needs to be done. I don't know why you think a landlord spends all day every day doing paperwork or what kind of paperwork you think makes $500 an hour. I don't even pay my attorney half that.

>> No.5987205

You're nothing but a name fag, faggot. Go back to your hole with your ugly wife.

>> No.5987265

typical jobless, skill-less ancap who thinks society must be operating at the same level he is and so thinks he's eventually gonna make $500 an hour to put his signature on stuff

>> No.5987403

>If EVERYONE were trying to fly to work, the skies would be what are congested and the consequences would be dire.

Let's not forget the Stacies who drive Escalades 20 over the limit and aggressively tailgate people while texting and driving and barely being able to see over their steering wheel would be the kind of people to pilot 787s on their way to walmart.

>> No.5987408


You know, the same economic principal that states value is determined by supply and demand also means that in a society where there is abundant supply, money itself becomes redundant.

People can simply trade skills that they've developed through what interests them with those who have developed skills in areas they do not.

You fix my toilet; I change your oil. You teach me the Quadratic Formula, I mow your lawn.

They've actually tested this model in small areas where people barter their services in the unit of hours, and all labor is considered equal under the condition of time, and people were perfectly happy without the artifice of monetary currency.

Who's talking about shooting anyone, though? Jeez; issues much?

>> No.5987418
File: 50 KB, 600x600, old_man_yells_at_cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sounds like you're reticent to criticize anything that's modern in fear of being labeled the "old man who yells at the cloud."

Lol; first of all, it's just "cloud."

Second of all, I'm not reticent to criticize contemporary games. I don't play most of them. I'm baffled by people who spend all day on Pub-G or Fortnite, but mainly because I just get bored getting taken out by players who are far more skilled than I at FPS mechanics.

I spent about three solid months in Skyrim, though, and at least as long in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4.

To me, it's about the same thing as Virtual Reality (with which I have had little experience, albeit), because I become so immersed in the digital environment that I lose myself completely to imagination.

But I did that with Super Mario Bros. and Kid Icarus to nearly the same degree, so maybe it's more of a question of imagination than it is technology; I dunno.

>the obesity epidemic

You're falling for a meme here.

>> No.5987432
File: 126 KB, 479x380, why_not_both.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Electronics Boutique

Kek; I used to love that place. Now we call it "Game Stop."

>Video games are certainly a better way to use your leisure time than drinking yourself to death

>pic related

>retro games in general are less sedentary than modern games

Like, Hide-and-Seek? Tag? What do you mean? Board games are as sedentary as sitting there pushing buttons, so I'm not sure what you're referring to.

>there are modern augmented reality social games that actually get you up and active and meeting new people.

I was into Pokemon Go for a while. It gets really boring really quickly, though, and it's not like the relationships you develop with random strangers all trying to catch a Snorlax somebody saw next to the rec center usually amount to anything more than brief polite interactions.

>> No.5987459

>I would have had a bingo on my /v/ card.


Back in my day this meant your virginity, and if you hadn't lost it, you still had yours, so your comment is unwittingly hilarious.

Not that there's anything embarrassing about being a virgin; it's just a stupid childish joke like asking someone to bend over and spell "run" or something, and I'm basically totally a manchild, so tee-hee.

>> No.5987490


Sometimes, when I was really bored with the grinding on that game, I'd swing the NES controller as if it were the hilt of a sword and try to time my button-press so that it seemed like I was reaching through the screen and striking the wyvern or wraith or dragon or blob or whatever it was, and it was super engaging.

When the Wii came out, I admit I cried a little at having this dream fulfilled.

It doesn't mean it's any less of a grind, though.

In terms of "explaining" it; Dragon Warrior had an engaging enough narrative to overcome the seemingly requisite repetition of any RPG, and the graphics were colorful and pretty well-rendered for an 8-bit system, so it became a classic.

>> No.5987501


>smart phone shills

Wtf, dude, lol - anon wasn't trying to get you to sign a fucking mobile contract; they were just pointing out that the reach of technology has an arc that approaches an asymptote because there is exponential increase in the abilities it grants the average folk.

Don't you have some crop to tend to or soil to turn or some shit? Water your lilacs maybe?

It was a fine post, and very inspiring.

>> No.5987526

>memes nowadays are so bastardized that i wish the european goverment really could've banned them

>> No.5987531
File: 213 KB, 495x496, Mario_in_Therapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I don't know, it just seems like it's all the same thing after a while... some note from him saying he's 'kidnapped' her again, and I have to make my way through various worlds where literally everything is alive, it seems, except the bricks, and infiltrate his castle in order to save her.

How many times can he rebuild and relocate a giant castle, though? What kind of Mushroom-Kingdom contractors does he have to help?

I mean, sure, there's the Troopas, but they're so stupid they just march forward at you like cows while you jump on their shells and expel their oddly independent endoskeleton from within, and even then they just sort of slither around without direction. You can't teach that sort of creature to collectively move huge stones and build palaces.

So, who's financing Bowser's empire?

It would take like massive resources - the kind... that, well, maybe a royal family would have.

She stays sometimes months, occasionally years before it happens again, but it's always the same thing.

The note. The Bwah-hah-hah. The desperate scream of 'Mariooo' as he carries her away in whatever contraption his engineering team has crafted for him this time.

I'm on to her.

Next time... I think I'm gonna try and find a pipe that leads to a different Kingdom. Mushrooms are great, and all, but if I spend any more time there, I don't think I'll be a very fungi."

>> No.5987536
File: 15 KB, 279x240, YakovSmirnoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In Soviet Russia, games attach melodramatic sentiment to you!

>> No.5987543
File: 1 KB, 66x78, SMB3_enemy_brick_Micro_Goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bricks are alive too, anon

>> No.5987547

This thread took some weird-ass turns.

>> No.5987554


>> No.5987557

>Dragon quest does that

No, it doesn't.

I mean, maybe 40 hours is near the time you might spend if you're a casual who just wants to beast through it, but if you are at all interested in exploring the gamut of the world, then you just have to grind through all sorts of blobs and bats until you can gain experience points and level up and earn gold to purchase better weapons and spells, and it takes what seems like forever, but when you finally get there, it's like you look back and laugh at the minor struggles you used to face, and you stop even wasting your time fighting blobs (unless they're like the silver or gold ones, because those drop some really good shit and are worth a ton of XP).

That's why it's an escape from the world we're in. Because I can tell you, I'm still struggling with basically the same shit I've been since I was a kid, and I'm still waiting for this whole "experience" thing to kick in.

t. level 42 human scholar

>> No.5987569

>easily take over the world

They didn't say "easily." They said "with enough willpower."

I mean, shit, Nietzsche was writing journals about the "will to power" in the mid 19th century (which his brother in law sold to white supremacists after his death and is why it's associated with Nazism; the man himself ended a friendship with Wagner over the fact that he was an anti-Semite. The man hugged a fucking horse in the middle of the street and cried before passing out and dying of Pneumonia (one of the many illnesses he'd struggled with since childhood), for chrissakes - he wasn't a fucking Nazi...).

The problem with taking over the world is that people means it has to be something violent or combative. It doesn't. The Arabic numeral system took over the entire world of mathematics and science over the span of an astonishingly few amount of years, and it had nothing to do with the god they believed in (Allah (PBUH) - I mean, even if you don't believe in it, you have to respect it), but the fact that it was the most efficient and complete method of representing the abstract concepts that mathematics has and which science tests and determines the ability to actualize in our three-dimensional space.

Of course, once you reach the limits of that, then you have look outside the world to find further areas to explore.

Taking over those is a little more complicated.

But if you don't will yourself to move, you will remain where you are.

>> No.5987635


Yeah, you could probably YouTube that shit and materials would be like 20 bucks at any hardware store, but then you have to consider the tools. Do you have a 4-inch Basin wrench handy? Well, there's another $30. And how about the plumber's tape to secure the fittings between the new treads? Or the caulk for attaching the new faucet to the moulding of the sink? And what if you fuck up and have to hire one anyway because it looked easier than it was on the YouTube video?

So yeah - people do.

>> No.5987657
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, mr_furley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people don't larp as a landlord.

I *only* LARP as a landlord, because when I'm LARPing, I own this shit.


t. not that anon but saw an opportunity for a corny joke

But now that we're talking about it...

Being a landlord means having x amount of units to rent or lease. Granted, while filling those spaces may take a certain amount of paperwork, the main question is who ultimately owns the property and is thus tasked with the upkeep.

In most cases, it's a corporation (however folksy the name of your complex might be), and those were specifically created in order to distribute the responsibility of business risks among enough people to avoid any one of them having to take the fall for a failure.

Mr. Roper and Don Knotts are figures from a time past. Now, they'd be "Apartment Managers" and tend to the needs of the corporation first, and the tenants second, because the tenants are paying the corporation with their rent checks, and not the Apartment Manager.

Maybe they get a discounted rate on their studio above the office, but it's not like they actually give a shit whether or not you pay your rent.

It's just another number of hours of paperwork for filing eviction proceedings and pushing it off to to the cops, if necessary (it usually is).

Basically, our society is a series of jobs that form a six-degrees-of-kevin-bacon-style network of how close you are to being a cop if you're employed whatsoever.

Mr. Furley was funnier, though. Sorry, Norman - if it helps, you had a wider range of emotional expression, but you just can't compete with that fucking face.

>> No.5987674
File: 18 KB, 800x450, confused_nick_young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just voluntary transactions you literal faggot. The alternative is to shoot people in the head


Yeah, like I guess if I wanted to I could make like fucking Jewel and camp out in my fucking Nissan Versa for however many months it takes to get discovered for my talents and gentle, moving spirit (by the way, I'm a 19 year old female who looks like one of those elves that Frank Frazetta used to draw, but that's the same thing as looking like a heroic barbarian warrior that he used to draw, so like what's the diff, right?)...

But for the rest of us, that usually ends up being found dead in a Nissan Versa parked somewhere up in the hills, if we're lucky, and being found dead against the side of a building if we're not.

There's nothing voluntary about needing shelter, moron.

Have you ever even heard of Maslow's Hierarchy? Look it up. Welcome to the human race.

>> No.5987682

>your schizophrenic arguments with yourself

No, they're not. I know and have known plenty of schizophrenics, and I can tell you that the arguments they have are far more complex than this.

This is someone who literally believes that money equals success, and those who are incapable of acquiring it can either choose more financially beneficial "voluntary transactions" or get shot in the head.

That's not schizophrenic thinking - that's fuckin' nuts.

>> No.5987684


Don't bring me into this, you weirdo.

>> No.5987714

How many units do you own, and what is the ratio of total amount of rent that you collect per month against the amount you spend on maintenance, whether you do it yourself or outsource?

That would be your salary. Hence, minimizing the amount of upkeep costs benefits you, and charging as much as you possibly can for rent also benefits you.

If you own a building that has no rent control (governmental intervention that prevents landlords from arbitrarily increasing rent, for those not in the know), then you could theoretically just play the lottery and charge exorbitant prices for shitty, barely-maintained spaces and, depending on where you are, people would pay for them just to be in the location they are.

And even if you're in a shitty location, it's not like people want to live in their cars or tents under a freeway overpass, so you can push the limits of what people are "willing to pay" in terms of rent pretty far before you have to lower it.

Because people will just tell them to go somewhere else if they don't like the rent prices. It's a voluntary exchange.

>> No.5987724
File: 57 KB, 500x332, Chelsea-Crockett-taylor-swift-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, larping as homeless? Stop taking drugs. Bam, now you can stay at a halfway house. They are never at capacity because homeless people are all fucking drug addicts.

Yes, the difference between voluntary transactions and not us the threat of coercion--getting shot in the head.

Need shelter? Go somewhere you can get a job and you can also afford the rent.

But anon I cant afford to live in a san Francisco penthouse with my McDonalds wages!

Stop being dumb and having dumb expectations.

I was just giving a funny life hint. If you want to be on top of this shit, then get on top. Manage people or money. Work, even very technical and demanding work like surgery or law is limited to the amount of hours you can work without killing yourself or compromising your ability to do the work. If you're managing other people, its limited by your ability to extract useful data from your business statistics and put it in a spreadsheet and tell people where they can improve.

>> No.5987732

No like.

I want to rent your room for $5


But I NEED it.

So does that other guy but he will give $the market rate, and me and him both want to exchange moneh




I told you I needed it, why didn't you listen, this is your fault.


And now the guy willing to pay the market rate doesnt have a place either, or you shoot him too when he comes looking for his apartment, because you're crazy.

>> No.5987743

>typical jobless, skill-less ancap

Wait - so do you believe that they're a landlord or not?

Because it is a job, if you fucking do it right.

Like, trying to manage the basic needs of multiple households and maintain the requirements for compliance with federal law is probably as hard as any job you could imagine, if you actually try to comply with every request that is made of you.

Most tenants don't know shit about shit in terms of their legal rights, though, because they're way too busy trying to raise their families or go to school or whatever the fuck insane dream they think they're going to fulfill in order to study the legal rights they have as a tenant.

Even if they did, it's not like they could afford an attorney to represent them when they're spending an hour a day clipping coupons in the fucking mailers.

So you can either choose to fleece them for their ignorance or do what you know you're supposed to do, which is probably more difficult, but which they'd force you to do if they had the resources and knowledge.

>> No.5987745

i have begun to use this board as opposed to /v/ in hopes, that because the games are old, the users are also old

>> No.5987747

damn, i put a comma in the wrong place

must be age-related cognitive decline

>> No.5987757

>He fell for the melting earth meme

>> No.5987759

Absolutely. While I'd like to form a traditionally structured family and have my kids grow up in a healthy environment, preserving morality and truth, that's no longer a feasible option.
2019 sucks, and the world's only gonna get worse moving forward. I'm just building my collection and playing through as many games as possible before it all blows over. Things are not gonna last enough for millennials to die of old age.

>> No.5987765


Lol - yeah, before we resort to boring misogynist stereotypes, let's just touch on the fact that if we wanted to, we could have cars that would not only be in contact with the literal road, but with every other car on that road, and which could thus be optimized depending on intended location such that each car would seamlessly interact in terms of velocity and position to carry its passengers safely to their destinations.

The problem is cruising.

Like, you've seen the signs since the 1950s. No cruising. Because they fuck it all up. They don't even know where they're going - they just want to explore the streets and see what opportunities present themselves, and just try and be "cool" and shit and then you wind up with someone getting stabbed because they wanted to fuck Cindy, and then the whole system breaks down.

So yeah, this whole automation thing is sort of thrown off by people who like to cruise.

Of course, they could walk - but there are dangerous people out there - especially if you live in an area where the rent is low.

>> No.5987771

Global warming is one of the most juvenile Jewish hoaxes around. I find it hard to believe someone can eat this shit up, unless you're already neck deep in all other globalist subversion.

>> No.5987785

>memes nowadays are so bastardized that i wish the european goverment really could've banned them


So what if they did? Do you think that would cause them to stop existing?

Like, I honestly can't tell how serious you are.

See, the thing about the Internet™ is that it ISN'T FUCKING OWNED BY ANY GOVERNMENT.

Sorry for the rage-caps, but it's something that seems like it should be something that fucking PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY SHOULD RECOGNIZE BY NOW.

Man, that rage-caps... it's a doozy.

My bad; I'm fine now. Specifically, your claim that memes are a mode of expression that either differ from or are capable of being anything that human beings have expressed throughout their existence as a species has been found to be false by anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about, per the council of those who know what the fuck they're talking about.

Thank you for your participation in this query.

>> No.5987808



Lel; but that's just a micro-goomba who is capable of launching itself dozens of feet into the air whilst carrying a pile of bricks which, if you can manage to break, they can't even support their own lives enough without, and thus just die and fall off the screen as the bricks they wore so bravely dissolve into dust.

The bricks aren't ever alive unless they have a face, like Thwomps.

But are Thwomps really bricks, or is it just the fact that their bodies are made of bricks that is their weakness? Other than that weird bandage-shit on their back; like, how hard is it to figure out that you should stomp on someone's back when they're vulnerable if you want to kill them?

>> No.5987815
File: 105 KB, 496x273, roads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5987840

I love retro because with internet you have pratically an infinite amount of free masterpieces in every existent device.

>> No.5987841


See, now, you responded.

If you hadn't, you wouldn't be part of the "we" that OP was addressing in the first place, which implies that you play retro games in the first place.

Like, why the fuck would you be reading what people say on the literally "retro gaming" board if you had no interest in it?

It's Shakespearean, really: "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

>> No.5987859

>larping as homeless?

Niqqa, I said landlord. My whole point was that unless you're a talented songwriter from Alaska that looks like a fucking adorable elf, your chances of surviving while living in your car are pretty much shit. Unless you're a talented dude who looks like a barbarian and pretty much doesn't require any other qualifications, and for that matter it's more important that you look like an elf and less than you have any other talent, and like that's just how things are so it makes more sense to try and con others into thinking that you have some greater value than what they see when they look at you, like you own some important property or you're related to some special person or you have some special quality or idea or ability or talent or something that makes you different from any of the literal almost eight billion people who are pretty much like you and a shockingly large amount of wind of dying in ignominy.

Sure, sometimes people decide that what you were doing before you died was actually really important, but it's sort of too late then.

The fucking raven is saying "nevermore" for a reason.

Because that dude died in a world of alcoholic delusion, and nobody really gave that much of a shit about what he had to say before that for the most part.

>> No.5987863

>Yes, the difference between voluntary transactions and not us

What do you mean by "us" anon?

Who the fuck do you think should be shot in the head?

Like, are you literally a psychopath? Because it's not edgy or cool, or anything. Given other circumstances, it could be you who is determined to deserve being shot in the head.

If you can figure out a way to determine some way to figure out if you should or not which everyone agrees with, though...

Well, then what are you wasting your time on a fucking Anonymous-Native-American-Iyatiku-Thread for?

>> No.5987864

That was just an I'll placed typo. The difference between voluntary transactions and not is coercion.

>> No.5987867

Also, I'm saying no, let's have voluntary transactions. Coercion is not cool, that's why I am using such harsh language to show the violence inherent in the system

>> No.5987869

You know I could have just said "white people with lifted trucks because they feel threatened by brown people outside their steel phallus" and it'd be just as accurate.

>> No.5987872 [DELETED] 


>> No.5987874

>Go somewhere you can get a job and you can also afford the rent.

Hey, great, you're gonna fix all my problems by introducing me to a method of employment that doesn't make me want to kill myself while simultaneously acquiring the necessary funds to afford paying rent for whatever hovel I can eke out while pushing out as many hours a week as the massa is willing to count as billable hours for my labor.

Who knew that God was so easy to find. Go ahead and tell me what to do, my omniscient and omnipotent friend.

Obviously, you're not omnipresent, because you're not here right now, but really who cares, right? You clearly know where that is, so just drop a fucking line.

Also, if you wouldn't mind, explain how I'm going to sell all my shit and uproot my entire life to move to this place where I can get a job and also afford the rent.

Being omniscient and omnipotent, that shouldn't be hard, right?

>> No.5987890

>But anon I cant afford to live in a san Francisco penthouse with my McDonalds wages!

Who's talking about penthouses?

Most of my best years were spent in SF, and I basically just went wandering throughout the city pulling hey-misters (where you ask people who are over 21 to purchase alcohol you hope to consume) and getting wasted with homeless people and talking to them about shit before retreating to the safety of my dorm room, although there were a bunch of times I've had to sleep on the streets or at a MUNI station because I didn't realize how late it was.

I just needed a safe place to be able to return to where I knew I'd find food and shelter.

Or does san Francisco [sic] just mean some place where the rent is too goddamn high to you?

Because it is.

Try working at McDonald's before you start shit-talking about how much money you think they should earn, though.

This is why people were beheaded.

>> No.5987894

>this is why people were beheaded

Theres the psychopath

>> No.5987914



Like, I have a spare room. It's a fucking blow-up mattress in a living room, but it counts.

Depending on your credentials, I'd gladly take that. I don't ever use the fucking space anyway.

I mean, anyone can bring a gun and kill everyone without one, and I'll admit that there isn't one to be found in this household that I know of.

So, like, why would you bother trying to offer money for a place if you were just planning to take it by force?

Why pay rent at all if your whole plan is to threaten people with shotguns?

You don't make sense.

But if I had a shotgun held to my head, I'd give you whatever space you need.

Because dying is apparently worse than living, from the rumors I've been hearing.

Then again, those are rumors, so maybe you want to explain why I should care if you're about to blow my fucking head off.

>> No.5987936

We live in a society where people can't read at a 4th grade level

>> No.5987943 [DELETED] 

My truck is a beast. Ask /o/

>> No.5987946


Kek; all /v/ are /vr/. The distinction is one of generation.

Whether you're trying to get a hooker in GTA V (the trick is to honk the horn with R3, btw; you're welcome) or trying to negotiate the seemingly endless spinies in 4-2 in that annoying level of Super Mario Bros., it doesn't really matter.

The history of video games is the history of people trying to create machines that can advance their consciousness beyond that which they are born with.

Blame Eli Whitney.

But if you think that when you pwn that asshole in Pub-G or Fortnite or whatever that you don't owe your legacy to fucking Pong, then you are ignoring a very important part of history.

I mean, what is even the point of a /vr/ board when the fact is that all video games are derivative of that which came before them?

What's next, a /hisr/ board to discuss "retro history"?

>> No.5987958


No, like having any hopes at all is worth a consideration that requires a comma.

Like, what are they? The idea that being alive is better than being dead because hope is affiliated with being alive?

What's the alternative? Being dead?

Probably after a number of decades, your body will be incapable of supporting whatever life you imagined you were supporting before it tells you that you're done.

Hope is the idea that there might be something that might overcome that.

Like, maybe there's something that you can be that's not dead.

Considering that you're alive as long as as you can prove that you are, this might be optimistic.

But if you ask how to prove that you are alive, then I'll surely not be able to provide an intelligible answer.

>> No.5987982
File: 1.68 MB, 3479x1873, 1417993785884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My truck is a beast. Ask /o/

>> No.5987994

>While I'd like to form a traditionally structured family and have my kids grow up in a healthy environment, preserving morality and truth, that's no longer a feasible option.

Wait, what?

What the fuck does "morality and truth" mean?

I mean, people are taking advantage of each other left and right, and it only seems to increase their ability to do so.

If there were some kind of "truth" that limited the ability of humans then it would surely have manifested by now, wouldn't it?

But I've seen things that you couldn't even imagine.

People who reduce others to nothing more than objects, and destroy their bodies because they feel like they have the right to do so.

That's a Blade-Runner reference.


Like, there was this group of humans that literally decided that those who weren't like them should be rounded up into camps and literally murdered.

That's fucking crazy in terms of any sort of morality or truth, right?

If you don't say "yes," by the way, then please don't ever talk to me again.

>> No.5988080

>You know I could have just said "white people with lifted trucks because they feel threatened by brown people outside their steel phallus" and it'd be just as accurate.

Not really. Like, white people are no different than black people.

There are lifted trucks in any country you want to imagine. Sometimes they're driven by people whose skin passes your bullshit paper-bag test.

But mostly, they're driven by fuck you because you're asking in the first place.

If you think that having a steel phallus has anything to do with your skin tone, then I'd suggest that you re-evaluate what that means.

You could have said pretty much anything and I'd have this response, though.

Why the fuck do I care what you have to say about anything, though?

>> No.5988005

>People who reduce others to nothing more than objects, and destroy their bodies because they feel like they have the right to do so.

>Like, there was this group of humans that literally decided that those who weren't like them should be rounded up into camps and literally murdered.

>> No.5988093


Yeah. The idea that anybody would develop the notion that there is some fundamental right to life is totally offensive to those who don't.

So they call us psychopaths. Or maybe Borderline Personality Disorder.

Or whatever they have to call us in order to discredit our opinion.

Keep reading that DSM-V.

That's gonna get you what you want.

Call me names. That'll help.

>> No.5988014

>non sequiturs
>reddit spacing
You managed to say nothing and defend the status quo at the same time.

>> No.5988020



You can download any number of emulators.

Of course, you might encounter some friction if those emulators belonged to any contemporary platforms who would see a profit from charging for the content you were trying to access, but which were only available by spending a certain amount of money on the subscription or whatever (they just want your money; nobody cares if you subscribe) to the ROM forums you managed to find.

But the fact is that you can play practically an infinite amount of free masterpieces in every existent device.

Like, retro games are only dead because they have no revenue stream; that doesn't mean than they aren't masterpieces that deserve to be played.

Who the fuck cares about money, after all? Most of these amazing programmers are probably dead.

>> No.5988113


Yeah, well when I was in the 4th grade, I read at a far higher level than people expected me to.

All it taught me was that the idea that grade-levels were bullshit.

I'm not a fucking genius, for chrissakes.

People who are being asked to read are being mismeasured.

4th-graders aren't stupid. Big surprise. What are you trying to prove?

Nobody fucking cares about whatever level you could read at in the fourth grade.

Get over it.

>> No.5988119


/o/ is telling me that I should go fuck myself.

What's your advice, lol?

>> No.5988137


Lol; no - it's not even a LARP. There are apparently these people known as "jews" who were literally rounded up into camps and murdered.

Like, that's fucking crazy, right?

But it actually happened. Like, how fucking crazy is that?

Literally fucking insane, right?

Humans probably all deserve to get destroyed for it, right?

I mean, if we're going to be honest, then like that's only fair.

>> No.5988037

>I'll placed

Do you mean ill-placed?

The difference between voluntary transactions and not is not coercion.

Because this would presume some force that could coerce someone to participate in whatever transaction they were involved with.

Therefore, since there is some human element who might tell you to fuck off because they felt like you were trying to merely coerce them into thinking that they had reached the pinnacle of whatever sort of voluntary transaction you were trying to perform, I sort of just have the nobility to inform you that your ill-placed typo was noticed, and that I appreciate your honesty.

If the difference between voluntary transactions and not is coercion, however, then I would very much like to know what kind of force is coercing another into thinking whatever it is they'd have to think in order to agree with said coercive force.

Ain't this wonderful life great tho? People be all honest about how they're feeling and stuff?

Kek; I'm just joking. I have no idea why George Bailey didn't jump off that fucking bridge, lel.

>> No.5988048

You can say to a proposed transaction and it's still voluntary. I dont even know why you're mad

>> No.5988147

>You managed to say nothing and defend the status quo at the same time.

Hey, now - that's sort of a talent, innit?

What is the status quo at this point, after all, lol?

And how do you say nothing if you're saying anything at all?

>> No.5988061

>Also, I'm saying no, let's have voluntary transactions.

Sure. Those transactions where we agree to be the people we are because being those people is going to provide us with the sort of imaginary life we want our physical ones to even come close to matching, lollelkek.

Because voluntary transactions are totally possible considering that any transaction anyone could participate in might result in being just totally fucking screwed.

Great plan, Einstein. All you have to do is limit your voluntary transactions to those whom you neither have control over nor have any control over you.

Simple Simon.

Because it's so easy to do that.

Again: welcome to the human race.

Voluntary transactions FTW.

Let's all just volunteer for everything we think we want.

And may the odds ever be in your favor.

Fucking Katness.

You could miss a shot with your crossbow, and what what you do then?

Just asking.

>> No.5988178


I'm not mad. I'm just wondering why any agreed transaction requires elements that aren't agreed upon. Like, for example, your inability to say that one might say "no" to a proposed transaction.

Is that voluntary? Saying "no" to whatever proposed voluntary transaction you imagine?

If I can't prevent myself from saying "no" to it - is it something that you'd count as voluntary?

>> No.5988179

Why comes we can't just talk about vidya games on a vidya game board

Why does it always come back to the Jews

>> No.5988187

I just play whatever games I want, don't care too much when they came out

>> No.5988202

>Why does it always come back to the Jews

Well, because they're old.

And they tend to think that they've discovered some method of life that proves their worth.

But when it comes right down to it, they're just as good or bad as any other human.

>> No.5988241

My wife and I getting divorced since I refused to get a Retron 5

>> No.5988321

Your ignorance is unacceptable. I hope you say these things publicly also so there will be a record of these opinions linked to your real name. You deserve to have any land you own given to flood refugees from Jakarta or somewhere similar and you forfeit all claims to aid. Die in a fire you stupid bigoted piece of garbage.

>> No.5988330

Art thou enraged?

>> No.5988336

I did that too. Felt like it did more damage. I knew it didn't, but it felt good.

>> No.5988351


I realized this some time ago, when I started building the retro-game room and it looked like my family room from 3 decades ago.

>> No.5988363

Like it's not voluntary to have to give your home to some sponge because HUD or the powers that be decided to eminent domain your ass and kick you out of your house because you didnt play politics good enough with the party or whatever.

That's literally it. A transaction is not voluntary if someone is going to shoot you in the head for refusing like under communism or other dictatorships

>> No.5988623

Unquestionably. People like that are subhuman and utterly disgust me.

>> No.5988626

How ironic.

>> No.5988640

Because my caring about the state of rhe earth probably disgusts you too, right?