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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 96 KB, 710x704, 15522-medal-of-honor-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5982192 No.5982192 [Reply] [Original]

It's October 31st, Medal of Honor just turned 20 years. Share your fond memories and thoughts of this legendary game.

>> No.5982197
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, medal-of-honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one? Has everyone seriously forgotten a fucking Steven Spielberg game?

>> No.5982198
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>> No.5982253


>> No.5982263
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>> No.5982324


>> No.5982327

never beat the second castle level, the one where you have to collect the panzerknacker parts

>> No.5982330

Bought this in a double pack with medal of honour underground. Before this I had never really played shooter type games. This one blew my mind, I spent ages trying to get all the medals for the different requirements when finishing the level. I did it for medal of honour but there was one thing I couldn't do I'm medal of honour underground. I think it was some crazy last level with weird robots instead of Germans, but that was years ago. I can't really remember.

>> No.5982338

Panzerknacker Unleashed


>> No.5982345

Playing that versus mode Raptor vs. Dog was mad fun.

>> No.5982351

Yeah, the multiplayer skins were insane

>> No.5982352

>celebrating the first fucking military kerfuffle shit shooter
Fucking disgusting. Yet another reason why PS1 era games shouldn't be considered retro.

>> No.5982365

The AI of this game is legendary, even for modern standards. If you throw a grenade near an officer, a nearby soldier will throw himself on it to shield the officer from the blast. This is what was supposed to happen on real life too.

The damage system is very detailed, you got instant kills not only from shooting on the head, but also on the left side of the chest (shooting on the right side would only be normal damage), shoot on the arm and the enemy drops his weapon, shoot on the leg and he kneels and starts limping, shoot on the groin and he drops everything, kneels while holding his crotch and writhes in pain.

>> No.5982412

Yeah, they'd also be smoking cigarettes or taking a piss. I also loved how the dogs would fetch grenades and kindly deliver them to their unfortunate handlers.

It's the little things.

>> No.5982425

I wish more games did this

>> No.5982465


>> No.5982473

I vaguely recall attack dogs bringing grenades to their owners too.

>> No.5982495

All of this disappeared from Allied Assault onwards for some reason.

>> No.5982604
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>In Medal Of Honor: Underground enemies can catch the molotov cocktails you throw
>They throw them back to you
>You can catch them and throw them right the fuck back again
>Tfw ended up throwing one back and fourth on the very first level near the fountain

>> No.5982613
File: 16 KB, 200x303, dTmqF1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can catch them and throw them right the fuck back again

>> No.5982982

>waited whole 9 minutes
this isn't /v/, now gtfo

>> No.5983665

I don't recall catching molotovs

>> No.5985470
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>sniper's last stand

>> No.5987209

I feel guilty about playing WW2 games now. All those beautiful Germans cut down before their time. It was an unjust war.

>> No.5988380

Is there any way to emulate this with mouse support?

>> No.5989860

Just think about the people the Germans cut down before their time

I want to know that too. I am aware that certain PS1 games have native mouse support as an actual game feature, but haven't heard about any PS1 emulators like Project64, which allows mouse input as a normal configuration, nor about mouse injectors for PS1.

>> No.5990347

I was often accused of hacking in online multiplayer as my preferred weapon was a Kar98k and I was quite good with it.

>> No.5990402

suicide by grenade, jesus christ that sounds horrible.

>> No.5990565

The original MoH was more of a "serious" game, and much of it was recycled for Allied Assault, but on Underground, things get really weird, like Wolfenstein weird. You go on missions on unusual places, such as Knossos in Crete, and a haunted castle where the nazis are making an occult ritual. This one is full of SS members clad in medieval knight armor, charging at you with swords. Later, I found out that these actually existed in real life. Another mission has you against dogs with bazookas and driving tanks, not sure if those were real too.

>> No.5990912

Shit got real weird the moment I was running away from a knight trying to mace my face only to end up in a room with 3 dancing dogs that lead yo a corridor where another dog was waiting with a panzerfaust.

>> No.5990942

WWII is also 80 years old now as well.

>> No.5990943

Man, those games impressed the shit out of me back in the day. The animations, the AI, the sounds and music... Really cinematic for its time and had some neat experimental levels, like those "bitte papiren" ones in MoH2, which you could finish by either keeping your cover or just shooting up everything (which was a bit harder than normal, because if I recall correctly your only weapon was a silenced pistol).

>> No.5993335

i'm playing moh again in mednafen.
i love this game.

>> No.5993364
File: 195 KB, 513x919, anti-tank-dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ww2 was a weird time

>> No.5994134

Can I get a link to nazis in suits of armour with swords? Tried googling and couldn't find anything.