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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5981347 No.5981347 [Reply] [Original]

What game got you into the RTS genre?

>> No.5981380

I would say C&C. It felt very traditional and normal. I also liked the whole base building and resource gathering. It's also perhaps why I consider them the pillars of RTS.

>> No.5981402
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Is Knights and Merchants a proper RTS, or more of a city builder?

>> No.5981421

I played Warcraft 1 at my buddy's house on his computer, Red Alert on another friend's, and I got C&C on the N64. Eventually I would get them on the computer

>> No.5981654

Good question. Somehow if feels a bit more on the RTS side because the controls are a bit more direct than on stronghold, impressions games, and it doesn’t have much governance stuff. I would just call it a German RTS

>> No.5981704
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I've been hooked since I first played Ancient Art of War on a friend's Apple 2 in 1986

>> No.5982193

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

>> No.5982195

wot gamu is dat m8?

>> No.5982204
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Dune2 by Westwood. That soundtrack is still awesome.

>> No.5982245
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Spend over a thousand hours with this.

>> No.5982249

I used to play demo of Submarine Titans to death as a kid

>> No.5982265

Tiberian Sun is probably one my favorite games of all time

>> No.5983549

Same here. I found the Genesis version in a rental store. Loved it. The soundtrack always stuck with me, too. I still put it on YouTube while I work now and then.

>> No.5983567

Is it any good? I picked it up recently in a charity shop for a coupla bucks, big box and everything.

>> No.5983852

Guess my standards were lower back then but i did really enjoy it... realistically speaking it's kind of a underwater reskin of command & conquer. Gameplay wise pretty standard RTS, gather resources and build/create armies

>> No.5984731

Settlers 2 looked fun and was very, very fucking cheap.

>> No.5985928

Red Alert 2 and Stronghold Crusader, now I'm hooked up on Mental Omega

>> No.5985941

In order of play:
Warcraft 1
Warcraft 2
Command & Conquer
Red Alert

>> No.5986676

Can't remember anymore, but I suspect it was some economic simulator.
I've got a simple limit as a kid: games are fine, as long as they have educational value. So all sorts of strategies were allowed

>> No.5986701

KKnD at the summer camp LAN party between bouts of Duke3D

>> No.5986706
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Giant enemy crab long before the PS3

>> No.5987103

A demo of AoE. Then a friend gave me a pirated copy.

>> No.5987970
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Sudden strike for me

>> No.5988018

First RTS I played, although I have to admit it was Warcraft 2, and then later AoE2, that really got me into RTS games in a big way.

>> No.5988121
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My friend introduced me to Age of Empires 2 when I was a teenage. He proceeded to fucking rape me six ways to Sunday in multiple hours long games where I went from understanding nothing to almost understanding why I was doing things...but not really.

I had an absolute blast.

>> No.5988049
File: 259 KB, 1024x768, Age_of_Empires_Expansion_-_W32_-_Title[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age of Empires.
I was really bad at playing it, it was a bitch to handle compared to newer games, and many times I lost my save due to the arrow glitch. Nevertheless, I really liked researching, building and chopping forests down to make farms, for a reason I ignore.
Also, it made me get into history when back then all I read about was biology. That alone made me pick AoE2 just to end up reading the documents about civilizations and technologies instead of playing it (RIP Jeanne d'Arc, you crazy girl).

>> No.5988050

Empire Earth. All you need to know is that you can build giant robots in the last ages.

>> No.5988268

C&C and WC2.

Best one I played though has to be AoM.

>> No.5988327

I got myself into Settlers on my own. Same with city-builders. Then in mid school a guy from my class kept talking about AoE, so eventually he delivered a copy to me.
The first RTS I really enjoyed was non-retro Cossacsk. Because you were given thousands of troops to command and have actual battles, rather than a handful of units doing a skirmish with each other.

>> No.5988371
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It straddles the line between real time and turn based strategy, but battle bugs is definitely my first. The first true rts I got hooked on was good ole sc:broodwar

>> No.5988402
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This reminds me... Would SimAnt be considered more RTS than simulator? Because that definitely was a great game.
>Fighting the Red colony and carrying larvae over yours to make them part of it.
>Rearranging worker/soldier/noble ratios
>Invading that house grid by grid
>Killing a big ass spider and taking its meat as spoil of war.
Good times.

>> No.5988405

Watching my dad play Z.
Red Alert is where it really hit me though. I liked Dungeon Keeper a lot as well although it's not your traditional RTS. I also remember playing Knights and Merchants and Seven Kingdoms to death but I only had the demos of these two games.

>> No.5988408
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The Master

>> No.5988412

I started withWarcraft 1 (I was 7 at the time and had no idea what I'm doing, but I remember Orcs having funny lines) and later AoE1 at my cousins computer. But I guess it was Red Alert 2 that really got me into the genre. First thing I remembered was the music being fucking kickass, with Grinder blaring from the menu screen from the start.

>> No.5988415

I played TA over and over again for months. Not because I liked it so much but rather because this was my first and only PC game at the time. Fun times.

>> No.5988449

Yeah it doesn't quite fit into the stereotypical mold of rts, but you build a colony, units, collect resources and fight. Never got into the game myself, but a lot of people seem to remember it fondly.
I guess it's kind of both? The simulation of running an ant colony kind of is an rts.

>> No.5988457

Entente. So fucking cool. Used to play it on an XP machine of my dads. I lost the disc and can't find a working torrent.

>> No.5988487

Same for me. We had a few games running on my school's computers: Wolfenstein 3D, Corridor 7, Pipe Mania, Fury of the Furries and Dune 2. The latter was my favorite and what made me crave a PC. Good thing the 286 my parents bought at a cheap price could run it.

Later I played lots of Warcraft 2, AoE and AoK with friends.

>That alone made me pick AoE2 just to end up reading the documents about civilizations and technologies instead of playing it
The encyclopedia and historical campaigns is part of the appeal for Age of Empires games. AoE III's campagin was such a let down with its crappy fantasy story.

>> No.5988491

Arm or Core?

>> No.5988495
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I found it first link. Google 'Entente Gold Iso' and grab it off gamepciso.com. I haven't tested it to see if it works on Win 7/10 or virus checked it yet so you should probably do that. I fucking love WWI so thanks for the suggestion, friendo.

>> No.5989590


>> No.5989595

DUNE, DUNE II, and Command & Conquer

>> No.5989609

What are some RTS games that get really intense with huge never ending waves of enemies you have to fend off?

>> No.5989624

You mean like Tower defense?

>> No.5989641

I never had a problem with old games on win 7 compatibility mode (32bits) just in case.

>> No.5989665

Kingdom Rush is great

>> No.5989687

Julian Gollops: Chaos is the first strategy game I remember buying

>> No.5989875
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, 1024full-kohan_-immortal-sovereigns-screenshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barely retro, but Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns and the expansion, Ahriman's Gift, can get pretty hectic on custom maps and multiplayer.
The game ditches most of the micro management and has you leading your forces by fixed units you can customize when you commission them, using different elements with roles, benefits, penalties, etc. Fighting depends on terrain modifications, unit formation, morale and, especially, heroes that are revived from amulets and gain experience if they survive enough battles.
Also, cities and economy are simplified into productive units rather than explicit numbers: they are gained and spent on building city components, commissioning units and such, and they all contribute to your economy on an overall gold income, or deficit if you don't grow it carefully.
The game is on Steam and there is a semi-active community, with compatibility patches, tweaks, custom AIs to download and more.
The main campaigns introduce you to the mechanics, but most of the time they are not that impressive. It gets hardcore when you roll a random map and fight with up to other seven players/AI, rallying across the map to build mines, capture technology, gold or amulets from ruins and defending your growing settlements from critters and the other players, especially when three of them start attacking you and you fight them,capturing cities and advancing inch by inch through the map.

>> No.5989890

I played Age of Empires II when I was really young and I fell in love ever since.

>> No.5989918

Probably a common answer, but AoE and especially AoE 2

>> No.5990278

CORE. They had more fun campaign. Not that there was much difference in game balance in the long run as far as I remember.

>> No.5990282

Kohan was comfy. The mechanics were really unique for it's time abd the story was nice - it wasn't Warcraft 3, but it was nice to go through.
And fuck Steam for not having the game available in my region.

>> No.5990297
File: 163 KB, 800x640, 22598-cossacks-european-wars-windows-screenshot-austrian-roundshiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cossacks and Stronghold.

>> No.5990301

empire earth

>> No.5990518

Always been an Arm man myself but I never got around to playing the campaigns. I have the Steam/GOG version installed (forget which one) so I will get around to kicking some flesh-to-machine robot scum eventually

>> No.5990559

The campaigns put a surprising amount of effort on a story, weirdly enough. And the campaign itself is looooong. Although the final levels can be cheesed by turtling up, building a bunch of Big Berthas/Intimidators combined with shitton of tier 3 radars and casually sniping the enemy base and/or Commander. The AI never manages to counteract that.
One thing that pisses me off is that no matter what faction you are playing, your color is always blue. Works for the Arm, not so much for Core, who look much cooler in red.

>> No.5990698
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Castle crusader

>> No.5990796
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>Watching my dad play Z.

Ever tried beating him in it? I think Z could lead to family violence even more than Mariokart64

>> No.5990804

Stronghold Crusader was such a fucking perfect gem, always got it installed in my pc. Complex yet comfy, it's closer to a sandbox game with castles and troops where you can experiment how to destroy your opponent's castle. Sadly the series went into the shitter since they went 3d.

>> No.5990806

It's Empire Earth

>> No.5992139

Dune 2 which I played for the first time 2 years ago made me realize how comfy RTS games are.

>> No.5992147

Watched my dad play Warcraft 1. Then played Warcraft 2 when it came out.

>> No.5992157

Sure wasn't any of the Blizzard games.

>> No.5992442

Age of Mythology and Cossacks: European Wars. I remember playing the titan expansion for Age of Mythology years ago and loved it.

>> No.5992579

Yeah. The campaigns were nice, but really straightforward.
Darius' campaign serves as exposition to the mechanics, different races and factions and conflict with the Ceyah. The Slaanri and the Haroun on the expansion seem like they take you through narrow corridors; the first is a slaughterfest that gimps you with slow and expensive, but resistant units, fighting trench wars over chokepoints and the second puts you through mountains and passes, and then a desert and some story exposition.
The Ceyah campaign is the best. The AI relentlessly jumps at you whenever it can and going through the new tundra/snow forest landscape is great.

>> No.5993935
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Dumb but legit question:
What's a good "Age of Empires" game that's set in the WWI and/or WWII?

>> No.5993949
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My young dick got me into the original Kingdom Under Fire and that god me hopelessly addicted to the amazing sequels that series put out in the 2000s. So now I trust the fuck out of my dick when it comes to games.

>> No.5994117

You could try Empire Earth with the appropriate age settings. EE is all right when you restrict it to an age or two; it only really runs into problems when you try to do what the game advertises itself as and try to go from the Stone Age to the post-current day. They don't balance things over the age gaps all that well.

>> No.5994162
File: 230 KB, 1000x750, bdUWcRX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's time you play "Commandos", anon.
It's RTS set in WWII, but focused on stealth and completing objectives rather that direct gunfighting. You get missions and six commandos, each with distinctive abilities.
It has great atmosphere and if you played The Lost Vikings and your thing is having your characters helping each other, you will have a good time. Get the expansion, also.

>> No.5994608

Warcraft 1 and 2. Brother installed it on the HD, and I remember at one point we had some rivalry about orcs and humans. Then in Dune 2000, I chose the blue guys and he was Harkonen. Later on, I abandoned the blues and went with the greens because of their unit that converts the enemy unit.

>> No.5994676

I used to love that game as a kid. I should try replaying it.

>> No.5994752
File: 48 KB, 640x480, Myth:_The_Fallen_Lords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and age of Empires was my shit.
Best games Bungie ever made were myth I and II Imo.
Siege of Madrigal is reused in Halo.
The texture and vibrance of that dark fantasy world stuck with me as an act of creative passion.

>> No.5995861


Gonna check those.
Thank you guys!

>> No.5997472
File: 24 KB, 640x400, 74606-dune-ii-the-building-of-a-dynasty-dos-screenshot-emperor-of.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vast armies have arrived
>Now, three Houses fight for control of Dune
I remember playing the hell out of Dune 2 back in the mid-90's.

>> No.5997475

warcraft 1, starcraft 1 and age of empires
>the based age of rts

>> No.5997647

Heroes and Crusaders were pretty great, but I'm skeptical about anything else in the series.

>> No.5997801

Starcraft for N64. I later learned it was also on PC and Mac and I picked up the battlechest at gamestop for 20 dollars. Best deal of all time

>> No.5997923

First game is a very by the numbers rts with lots of beautiful korean-drawn titties.

I was referring specifically to heroes and crusaders with sequels. Circle of doom dropped the armies and as a result is kinda garbo but it is very pretty. There is a sequel in development but it's been in beta for years now and looks like a return to form.

>> No.5997936

Warcraft 2 was first. Remember getting a demo of it on a PC Gamer demo disc and loving it.

>> No.5997986

No argument from me

>> No.5998000

this game here

>> No.5998015
File: 48 KB, 460x215, 7th Legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 7th Legion is the very first PC RTS I played. A friend of mine at school just gave it to me. I fell in love with the concept of over head RTS's. It was a gateway drug to StarCraft Haha!

>> No.5998325

Love me some RTS though. List of RTS' as I played them:

Warcraft 2
Warcraft 1
Tiberian Sun
Age of Empires 2
Medieval Total War (semi-RTS)
Red Alert 2
WH40K Dawn of War
Warcraft 3
Company of Heroes
Star Wars: Empire at War

There were newer ones like C&C 3 that were still good but games on that list were most memorable to me

>> No.5998480
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So remakes count retro?
Because aoe2 de is coming out next week
now you only have to hit the boar once to lure it

>> No.5998549

I used to watch a friend play Dune 2.

>> No.5998608

Shogun Total War

>> No.5998690
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, Empire Earth12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire Earth was my favorite. Never found one quite as good since.

>> No.5998767

I liked the American Civil War mod for Myth 2 (base game and the original one were aces too)

>> No.5998774

Dune is not an RTS. Are you sure you've played it?

>> No.5998779

Shadam was such a tool, he should never have put the spice into Harkonnens' hands.

>> No.5998785

C&C for the PS1 is the earliest I played, but Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds was the first RTS game I got really into. Eventually I moved onto Age of Empires 2.

>> No.5999102
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>Shadam was such a tool
He was transparent.

>> No.5999241

I'm pretty stoked about it. Got the Age of Empires DE 1/2 bundle and been playing through first. Never played it before. Has some issues that were resolved in 2nd, so excited to play it now.

>> No.5999385

Probably the first Warcraft. I wasn't very good at it, I was only 10 when it came out. Does Lemmings count? I assume that's considered a puzzle game but I've never really thought about it.

>> No.5999403

Sure, why not - in a very loose definition thereof.
It's one of those games that almost made me insane - quite literally so. After playing this game almost non-stop during my childhood I started to see everything around me as a Lemmings level. It was weird.

>> No.5999747
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>> No.5999753

What game is that?

>> No.5999864


>> No.6000558
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>> No.6000592

You know, I'm not sure if it was AoE II or Starcraft that I started with.

>> No.6000729

Just downloaded Empire Earth. What am I in for when I get around to playing it lads? Is it closer to AoE or Ceasar/Civ?

>> No.6000767

first played aoe2 in 1999, havent stopped loving it since, its just so comfy

>> No.6000956

Just so you know its kinda buggy on modern operating systems.

>> No.6000981
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>> No.6001079
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>> No.6001084

Including the GOG version? That's the one I got.

>> No.6001085
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>> No.6001114
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>> No.6001125
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zed origins was fun as heck to play

>> No.6001573

same story but my dad was the one obliterating and abusing my shitty shabby towns every game

>> No.6002347

Anybody ever play the Jurassic Park RTS? Think it was called Chaos Island

>> No.6002672
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every RTS series went into the shitter when they tried the 3D bs too early

>> No.6002727 [DELETED] 


>> No.6003012
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>Zed origins

>> No.6003068

I feel like age of myth is the only one that managed to stay true to its roots when it went 3d. Every single series had to make massive concessions when going 3d. Less units, smaller maps, worse pathfinding. worse animations. The games themselves went from playable on any computer to needing expensive graphics hardware to run well. Visual clarity tanked and the style of gameplay had to change to be more accommodating to the fact players can't see shit anymore.

I love Warcraft 3 but when it came out most of the old Warcraft 2 fans I knew hated it. Units lived forever and you were punished for having too many. It was difficult seeing what was going on screen at times. People frequently don't even look at the gameplay window and instead focus on the unit selection part of the hud and click on their units that way.

>> No.6003070
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Command and Conquer
Dark Reign

>> No.6003143
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>> No.6003176

>I love Warcraft 3 but when it came out most of the old Warcraft 2 fans I knew hated it.
I remember even the reviews for WC3 were pretty "meh" at the time of the release. They were overall good, but for a Blizzard game back then "good" was not good enough. The consensus was "it's a rehash of Starcraft and Starcraft does it better". The game gained following over time because of the story, custom content and fun, casual play.

>> No.6003203

Great but each faction wasnt anywhere unique enough

>> No.6003292

Sword Of Aragon.

Old as shit, but still a great RTS game when the genre was still being created.

>> No.6003308
File: 444 KB, 544x501, You're in the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AoE. Don't play them anymore though. Played BW for a year or too but not as much anymore. I think Terran is OP as fuck. There's so many things they can do, so many strats and they can counter so many things so easily. Even when Protoss or Zerg wins it's basically with sheer numbers and a long eco game to wear the Terran down. What I would want is basically the same game but add a couple of units and rebalance a few things

>> No.6003340


biG sipped pposter

>> No.6003350

I always heard Terrans have a crippling weakness in that their average unit speed is slow so defending expansions becomes completely impossible lategame. I need to watch more pro matches to see how things actually go though.

>> No.6003354

Terrans have it best as far as I'm concerned. Someone attacks your expansion? Your workers have more HP and you can lift off your base and fly it away so it doesn't get destroyed. Protoss and Zerg have way more to worry about.

>> No.6003821
File: 62 KB, 640x360, f34a85934bbe867489af606dcce56983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polanie, which is Polish-early-medieval themed Warcraft rip-off. The one where milk is your main and only resource

>> No.6004058

That looks pretty cool

>> No.6004431

>Someone attacks your expansion? Your workers have more HP and you can lift off your base and fly it away so it doesn't get destroyed

uhhh all your workers are still gunna die and that building moves so damn slow the only way it won't die is if you don't have a single unit that can attack air units.


>> No.6004510
File: 130 KB, 720x405, totalannihilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has mentioned Total Annihilation?! Best music of all of them, though C&C music is rad...

>> No.6004542
File: 6 KB, 125x134, DUmQmbfVMAEK3hX_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woahwoahwoah, how the fuck have I never seen this game before? This looks fucking awesome, thanks for sharing. I'm gonna sink my teeth into this. Reminds me a bit of General Chaos.

>> No.6004556

Warcraft 2 when I was a kid and I played it again recently when it got released on GOG.

>> No.6004729
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Thanks for the nostalgia, anon.

>> No.6004742

It was mentioned. Indeed, good music though.

>> No.6004827

It's like you haven't seen any pro games whatsoever. A turret or two would deter any drops
>that building moves so damn slow the only way it won't die is if you don't have a single unit that can attack air units
So Zerg? Plus even Protoss have a huge problem killing their bases

>> No.6005597

I'd agree with you if it weren't for how retarded the TA units are when it comes to pathing.

>> No.6005629

I'm not into them that much. I mostly just like Rise of Nations, Axis and Allies and Dawn of War Soulstorm.

>> No.6005672

based and spicepilled. this game was my introduction to RTS as well

>> No.6005710 [DELETED] 

It is fun, but it's just a campaign mode and the missions are all very linear. Witch is top cute, thou. But if you first played Warcraft and then Polanie, you can see how much was ripped off. Thou priestess unit is top cute, regardless of anything else. Overally, not bad for a game made by bunch of bored students and employing half of their dorm to do voice acting. Or should I say "voice acting", as even cow sounds were made by a guy.

>> No.6005724 [DELETED] 

Also, if you want to try it, here is a link
It's officially freeware since '00 or so, when the guys behind it just shrugged and said "Why would you want to still buy this? Here, grab one for free!"
>b-but I don't know Polish
It's so god-damn straight-forward, you can play it while being illiterate.

>> No.6005731

It is fun, but it's just a campaign mode and the missions are all very linear. Witch is top cute, thou. But if you first played Warcraft and then Polanie, you can see how much was ripped off. Thou priestess unit is top cute, regardless of anything else. Overally, not bad for a game made by bunch of bored students and employing half of their dorm to do voice acting. Or should I say "voice acting", as even cow sounds were made by a guy.
Also, if you want to try it, here is a link
It's officially freeware since '00 or so, when the guys behind it just shrugged and said "Why would you want to still buy this? Here, grab one for free!"
>b-but I don't know Polish
It's so god-damn straight-forward, you can play it while being illiterate.

Polanie 3 eventually got turned into Two Worlds, which you (probably not) might heard off.

>> No.6005863

this game was the first time i discovered i had a different taste than my friends, i played this game in an emulator for the first time, all my friends were playing zelda ocarina of time and i got really excited because i could play as an ant colony, nobody cared but the game is great.

>> No.6005874

are there any rts that don't require a big brain. i have a low iq and struggle with complex gaming,

>> No.6005908

>RTS thread
>no Battle Realms

>> No.6006087

Stronghold. Stronghold Crusader followed up. Fuck me, I spent my entire senior year Spring Break playing through the Crusader Trail. Totally worth it.

>> No.6006397
File: 57 KB, 639x361, ssgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers man. Few games had multiplayer as good as SS.

>> No.6006401
File: 185 KB, 640x480, max.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any love for this flawed gem? It's still got so many systems I wish I found in other strategy games.

>> No.6006413
File: 313 KB, 768x480, 687474703a2f2f7777772e777367662e6f72672f662f752f696d61676563616368652f6e6f64652d67616c6c6572792d646973706c61792f636f6e747269622f64722f3231362f696e67616d655f31367831302e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RA2 isn't big brain time, but it's always big fun time.

>> No.6006440

Thanks for the info Anon. Will def give it a go when I have time. But I can see where they ripped off Warcraft just in that pic. The peasants and stables are exactly the same.

Interestingly enough, I do know of Two Worlds. See it on Steam all the time and am always *that* close to getting it but never do. Is it any good?

>> No.6006450
File: 31 KB, 640x480, metal-marines_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have the honor of playing this gem?

>> No.6007006

If you like RPG games that are perfectly aware how cheesy they are, but in the same time aren't aiming for comedy, then it's fun. Think about it as of a Gothic 1 & 2 clone and you should get the right picture.
Sequel is much, much better mechanically and more polished all around. It also has one of THE most unique magic systems ever put in any game, where you essentially craft your spells using "power words", leading to hilarious effects like the infamous Anvil Storm spell, where you are raining anvils at your enemies. It was done in times when all games were pushing for crafting mechanics, so they decided "Hey, what if we craft spells instead of just items?". Top-tier decision if you ask me, nobody ever tried to do anything remotely similar.

>> No.6008531

Would that work on 3.1 dosbox?

>> No.6008564

Nah, it needs Windows to run. But I think it runs fine natively with compatibility options on

>> No.6011034
File: 93 KB, 265x258, 1451442823630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are remasters still /vr/ content?

>> No.6011094

Depends on how it's achieved and done.