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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5981109 No.5981109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you chumps hate /v/ so much?

>> No.5981115

It's /v/.

>> No.5981119

It's just the same cyclical shit.
Shit posting and dumping on anything new any popular.
Off topic threads always make the front page and run their full course while most game threads die off
This place is already getting slower as it is. Used to be way faster.
/v/ is just /b/ lite at this point

>> No.5981120

The culture is atrocious and we've had more than enough of it. It's populated by people who are too unhappy to even have fun with video games and instead try to crush any joy that anyone ELSE takes from video games.

>> No.5981125

I don't think about /v/ at all.

>> No.5981149

Because they come here and shitpost every thread and create trash threads to spite us for not allowing the other 6th gen consoles on here.

>> No.5981162

same. i clicked on this thread because the image amused me

>> No.5981169


Because its full of kids, and kids are dumb because they're still kids. so every conversation reads like a retard competition. and sometimes they come in here because they're dumb kids who can't understand that its in fact due to their dumbness that we can't stand them, so they come here and try to troll because to them that's super funny but to us oldies its just very obvious that its yet another kid with a grudge.
you'll feel silly when you grow up and realize what a dumbass you were, but you'll shrug it off and pretend it was nothing, but guess what?! a new generation of zoomers is now ready to bother you.

>> No.5981192

I want to _________________________ Shaved Sonic.

>> No.5981198

You just described /vr/ lol.

>> No.5981228

guy with post number 69 calling others kids lmao grow up man

>> No.5981238
File: 4 KB, 153x250, 1572197286810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who create 6th gen threads are kids from /v/
great argument which proves 6th gen is not retro

>> No.5981267

>that pic
Looks like someone shaved Sega's stupid ass mascot/Felix the Cat rip off.

>> No.5981271

/vr/ doesn't like admitting that the only difference between them and /v/ is elitism and attempted gatekeeping over anything made after the year 2000 unless it's Sega. The attempts to shift the blame for this board being inherently shit and full of contrarian hipsters instead of admitting fault are extremely transparent.

>> No.5981285
File: 5 KB, 388x413, 1553123566469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us oldies