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File: 13 KB, 512x512, giygas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5981094 No.5981094 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so what is giygas, really? And what is the theme I'm supposed to take away from earthbound?

>> No.5981112

>what is giygas
a rape scene from an old japanese movie

>> No.5981118

It's open to interpretation.
But also this >>5981112

>> No.5981127

Play Mother/Earthbound Zero

>> No.5981154

The exact same villain from the NES game who completely fried his brain trying to purge his emotions and now is a mindless engine of hate and death.

>> No.5981156

can you give me a rundown how it relates

>> No.5981261

hatred is nothing but futility and emptiness, in the end all you do is cry for someone to notice you and let you be a part of them anyway

>> No.5981440

I know people like to make fun of the fetus theory, but I don't know how anyone could think it's a coincidence. I mean just look at it.
He's an alien conqueror from another planet who was raised by humans but grew to hate mankind. Basically what >>5981154 said.

>> No.5981502

the baby is too obvious, yeah

>> No.5981534

mother 1 ends with you inducing ptsd on an alien by singing

>> No.5981573

>And what is the theme I'm supposed to take away from earthbound?
People who don't have friends are never gonna make it.

>> No.5981592

if Porky had stopped his insatiable lust for power, he could have made it alright. He should have stopped when he got rich around the Monotoli arc.

>> No.5981613

earthbound players aren't gonna make it, then.

>> No.5981615

The baby is only obvious if you're looking at a static image of it. People who played it back then didn't see that shit because the image moves and distorts like crazy.

>> No.5981651

idk i just finished the game and it doesn't move around that fast. pretty obviously a baby in the negative space

>> No.5981652
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>> No.5981657
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>> No.5981660

>anon's call was absorbed by the darkness.

>> No.5981823

I find Giygas a very interesting character. His timeline is basically
Mother 1: Humiliating defeat brought about by children singing, which reminded him both of Maria's motherly love and his guilt for what happened (it's implied hekilled her, perhaps by mistake.)

In Mother 2 he returns to try to accomplish the original mission, more or less, of taking PSI back from the humans. This implies scary experimentation as well as death etc. of humans.
In the process, he has a machine, somehow, called the apple of enlightenment. It prophesizes his defeat in more or less the exact same way by a very similar boy and a similar group of friends. In fact, it's ironically history repeating itself.
Indeed, Giygas's fate is ironic.
He increases his power. So much so that he expands the machine he's shown in during Mother 1, the Devil's Machine, as it's needed to contain or enhance his power

He also makes his base of operation in the middle of nowhere, in a long forgotten continent untouched by humans for millions of years. He also goes a step further by traveling to the far far past in that area.
Why? Fear. He's terrified of Ness because Ness can make him suffer a humiliating defeat all over again, and perhaps destroy him for real.

The apple of enlightenment leads him to constantly increase his power, but this drives him into a state more and more vulnerable to what kills him. Emotions.

It also makes him ally with a literal child whose burgeoning, strange variant of psuedo-sociopathy he helped encourage. Giygas's very existence, perhaps even millennia in the past, is enough to exacerbate the evil in people.
Porky of course fucks everything up by turning off the Devil Machine. I'm not sure it'd be possible to get Giygas back in there. If Ness and the gang failed there then likely all would have been lost.

>> No.5981827

what movie?

>> No.5981932
File: 91 KB, 407x550, Azathoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giygas is basically a lesser Azathoth.

>> No.5981942
File: 375 KB, 716x1024, apu-apustaja-teddy-bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's the proto-incel game, then.

>> No.5981943

giygas is a faggot

>> No.5981997

giygas more like gayass

>> No.5982418

For you.

>> No.5982423

It looks like a face screaming in anguish to me. I don't really see the "baby"

>> No.5982497

Look at the negative space in >>5981094

>> No.5982519

Man, no
It only looks like that due to it being stopped on one frame as it goes though a wavy mode 7 manipulation.
The fucking creator of the game already stated that it was an abstract interpretation of a murder in a movie he watched as a child, before he was able to really process what he was viewing.

>> No.5982529

>It only looks like that due to it being stopped on one frame as it goes though a wavy mode 7 manipulation.
Or because the graphic designer made it that way. It's not like the shape of black space ever changes, it only warps as Giygas' face/body warps.
The fucking creator of the game already stated that it was an abstract interpretation of a murder in a movie he watched as a child, before he was able to really process what he was viewing.
The "fucking creator" of the game didn't draw the battle graphics, Anon. And you're wrong anyway--he said his writing of the battle took some inspiration from that, not that that had anything to do what was actually on the screen.

>> No.5982537

Also, if Giygas' screaming face was supposed to be an abstract interpretation of a murder scene from a movie, his resemblance to his form in MOTHER >>5981657 is one heck of a coincidence.

>> No.5982547

Again, Shigesato Itoi himself has shot down the theory himself.
But guess its just "death of the author" here.

>> No.5982552

Following up on my post in >>5982547

>> No.5982561

But he hasn't. That EarthBound Central article is so old that I doubt there's anyone who's aware of the baby theory who hasn't read it. But the question is, how closely have you read it?
>For example, Itoi mentions that Giygas is the breast of a woman in a traumatizing movie he saw as a child. If you continue reading though, what he’s actually saying is that when he was coming up with Giygas, he wanted to create for the player the same messed-up feelings he had at that point in his childhood. NOT that Giygas is literally a breast or that he’s literally a rape victim or anything like that.
This is basically what I just said a few minutes ago! With the Giygas battle he wanted to recreate what he saw (or thinks he remembers seeing) in the film. Itoi's statement says NOTHING about the art direction of the scene.

The article's only mention of the fetus theory is this:

>As for the fetus thing people like to talk about, it’s only a fan-created theory. Itoi has never said (or even hinted) anything of the sort.

As far as anyone knows, neither he nor any of the game's artists have ever been asked about it. And it's not like we're saying that Giygas is literally a baby or anything ridiculous like that, just that the appearance of a fetus in the black space seems to distinct to be a coincidence (plus it fits right in with the feeling of wrongness Itoi wanted to create).

>> No.5982562

I've looked into the baby thing a bit. It doesn't hold up, the idea of Giygas getting aborted, i.e. being killed by traveling to the past when Giygas were an infant so they are defeatable.

But the baby-theory isn't plausible due to the nature of the games. We see adult Giygas already, in Mother 1 as a far more lucid alien. Both the Japanese and English versions of the game specifically have Dr. Andonuts say Giygas is attacking from this location ("Cave to the Past"), but in the past. He doesn't say "we need to kill Giygas in the past because he's invincible in the present, it's the only way!", he's saying that Giygas has traveled into the past and made that his base during the attacks.

GIygas is hiding in the past cause he's afraid of Ness and friends defeating him as the prophecy foretells.

The nature of humans trying to recognize patterns is well documented. I too heard the creator said "no the baby thing is a result of how the background is rendered", but the only source I was able to find after a quick search was an uncited mention on the Mother wiki.

However, I still believe the Baby thing is unintentional, as was the "upside down it looks like Mother 1 Giygas!"

If the baby/fetus thing was intentional, then it'd simply be symbolism towards Gigyas being in a very vulnerable state--like an infant--and/or symbolizing his infantile mental state.

This one I truly think is coincidental even more, since any sort of thin wavy line will look like GIygas's spindly limbs, and it requires turning one's head upside down to view.
I feel as though were it intentional it's nothing more than a throwback.

>> No.5982564

>If the baby/fetus thing was intentional, then it'd simply be symbolism towards Gigyas being in a very vulnerable state--like an infant--and/or symbolizing his infantile mental state.
This is EXACTLY what I think. Why read that whole abortion into it when it's just as simple as some people seeing a baby.

>> No.5982570
File: 284 KB, 1440x900, 1373326323432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if you think about it, looking like a baby kind of makes sense when giygas's biggest weakness is the remaining feelings for his adopted mother

>> No.5982574

Yeah it wouldn't be a big deal if it was, but I still don't think that's the case.
Again, though I can't find a source for it, I do think the creator or someone mentioned it just being a coincidence.

What I think the distortion there is supposed to represent is Giygas getting more and more wounded and erratic in form, such as his face appearing in different places, sometimes seeming to show up in more than one at a time. A swirling mess getting more messy and swirlier.

I don't think it's too out there that the shape is a coincidence. I feel as though Itoi would have made it more subtle or more in your face, rather than what he did there, were he going for fetus symbolism.

Yes. It's a mixture of being sensitive to that love, and the guilt he feels due to a combination of what happened to her, and his mission having goals and consequences antithetical to what she'd like.

The reason I think Giygas is responsible for his adoptive mother's fate is because she's the only Psi user shown to be able to manifest her psychic-illusory world, albeit via a few shell-links in the material world. Whether the world actually exists in the desert is up for debate, but Magicant is reachable via structures that do exist in Mother 1's actual world.

>> No.5982590


>> No.5982608
File: 13 KB, 251x201, investigating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giygas is basically a lesser Azathoth
Pretty accurate.
>Giygas cannot think rationally any more, and he isn't even aware of what he is doing now. His own mind was destroyed by his incredible power... What an all-mighty idiot!

>> No.5982639

to be honest, the aliums were right to want to remove PSI from Earth. Look what the planet became in the timespan between Mother 1 and Mother 3. The series goes from taking place in normal rural US of A to a series of islands formed on the backs of two slumbering dragons that will destroy the world when woke.

>> No.5982663
File: 101 KB, 800x700, 1449505264331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to George was straight out of a Lovecraft story.

>Normal guy with family
>abducted by aliens along with his wife
>manages to escape alone
>returns home just as quickly as he left
>boards himself up in his house and starts studying something mysterious
>goes off into the mountains and builds a massive lab in secret

>> No.5983462

A non-human psychic being who grew to hate so hard and so intensely, and grew so much in power, that he eventually became an unfathomable and incomprehensible space ghost.
He's so laser focused in his loathing that he ceased to be able to think rationally, and so powerful that his hatred can reach and influence people from beyond the veil of time.

Epic meme.

>> No.5983470

True, but it's also possible to make friends.

>> No.5983512

>And what is the theme I'm supposed to take away from earthbound?
No crying until the end.

>> No.5983556

That's mother 1 not earthbound.

>> No.5983642
File: 178 KB, 600x618, 55306954_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically speaking this anon is incorrect.

The movie in question is "The Military Policeman and the Dismembered Beauty", a crime drama released in 1957. As a child Itoi, at a theater with his parents, wandered into a showing of the film and witnessed a scene that traumatized him. In the scene a man and woman meet up to have sex but the man strangles the woman instead, afterward he is seen carrying her body to have it dismembered. Itoi was very young when viewing this, probably not even 10 at least, and this was his first exposure to something so brutal, as well as anything of a sexual nature. While the scene in question is nothing disturbing by today's standards it was a pretty heavy scene for 1950's Japan. Itoi said after viewing the scene he remained quiet for a few days, eventually causing his parents to grow concern over him. While working on Mother 2 he decided to use that experience when writing Giygas. He wanted to create the same feeling of shock he witnessed as a child, using lines he recalled from the scene like "It hurts..." and other lines. It's important to know though that while the memory of his experience was vivid he didn't actually the scene correctly. In interviews he refers to it as a rape scene, which is incorrect, for example. The major point is that this experience served as a "loss of innocence" for a young Itoi growing up in the late 1950's, and he wanted to have Giygas draw on that feeling, of innocence being lost.

Here is the scene in question. As I said, it's nothing by modern standards but still.

For anyone more interested on the subject this article covers the topic in greater in detail, here is also Itoi's interview recalling the scene.


>> No.5983695

I really like the idea of what itoi was going for.
Something that is both scary and incredibly unsettling to a kid. It would stir up all kinds of strange, incomprehensible feelings.
That kind of trauma, even it effectively harmless, can really stick with people well into adulthood. I think that's kind of the same reason people still rave about the N64 Zelda games scaring them as kids.

>> No.5984087

Adult-world is a scary and confusing place

>> No.5985336

You're a lot less likely to get kidnapped by a pedophile as an adult, though

>> No.5985816

Less likely, but it can still happen.