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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 1024x907, 1024px-PS2-Versions[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5972531 No.5972531 [Reply] [Original]

The Sega Dreamcast was 14 years old when this board was created and it is considered retro and now the PS2 is 19 years old. Is there any /vr/oom in our hearts to let in our old friend, the PS2?

>> No.5972532

Fuck off

>> No.5972534

why even post this? it isnt retro till next year at the earliest when the gen 9 starts

>> No.5972537
File: 133 KB, 504x493, A2D53AE1-E88C-4C93-8E60-ACF0806CCD29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I had to sage and report it to em.

>> No.5972538


>> No.5972541

Does it still do 1080i on Gran Turismo 4? Dear me, that doesn't feel very retro at all, I'm afraid.

>> No.5972546

I'd love it if the sixth generation got it's own board called Semi-Retro Games. And then in eight years or so we'd move it up to sixth and seventh.

>> No.5972556


Just a reminder that 1080i became popular and recommended for British TV around 95 (Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-2, 10/95). At least try to make a valid point you underage autist.

>> No.5972560

Id be okay with 25y limit to begin calling it retro. We can't talk about scanline filters and the BUILD engine forever, you know

>> No.5972561

It can turn 100 years old and it won't fit. That's not the purpose of this board. It's not X age it's before X year.

>> No.5972568

ps2 is retro. its been retro for a good 4 years now

>> No.5972569

>obscure thing in tiny shit country that effectively applied to .0000000001% of the world for the first 5 years it existed
>i'm not autistic and underage and projecting though, that's you who is autistic

>> No.5972570


The only reason not to call ps2 retro is a subjective feeling that games on ps2 are somehow more "modern". No, they are not. Let's ban fucking ape escape and alien resurrection for psx because they have modern controls and feel like new games, they should not be discussed on retro board.

>> No.5972576

Did you mean to send this as a text message to your other 15 year old friend?

>> No.5972579


Yeah, except what I said was not even first 5 years it existed. You don't really remember the 90s or you were too young to understand technical shit. Otherwise you would remember people going batshit over hdtv since beginning of the 90s.

>obscure thing in tiny shit country that effectively applied to .0000000001% of the world for the first 5 years it existed

Yeah, still does not make it not retro. Stop tailoring arguments to fit your beliefs. Hdtv is around since 1989 for consumers and easily since 70s in development which basically makes it retro by this board's rules.


>> No.5972582

I don’t know if PS2 is retro but it is a great console.

>> No.5972583


>Implying I have friends

>> No.5972586
File: 190 KB, 665x948, crash_bandicoot_the_wrath_of_cortex_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If PS2 did end up being allowed here, what games would you guys be okay with talking about?

>> No.5972589

>We can't talk about scanline filters and the BUILD engine forever, you know
News flash: the world around you is built on subjectivity.
News flash: 6th gen will never be allowed here.

>> No.5972591

For me? None, PS2 is for absolute faggots. I don't consider myself a faggot.
Maybe you could try joining a club for huge dumbass dick suckers?

>> No.5972594
File: 5 KB, 132x161, 3dmonstermaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, dude.

>> No.5972605

Ridge Racer V and the first Max Payne game pretty much sums up "new" things I'd like to talk in /vr/. It's funny to think that every single Doom thread would die because of Doom 3, Goldeneye threads would die because of Halo shitposting and Resident Evil discussion would implode due to Resident Evil 4 and yet 6thgen kiddos are adamant about wishing to bring this cancer here. Not even hating on some of those games, RE4 is one of my favourite games but I know you faggots can't behave properly here and it's better to keep you out before you shit the whole place

>> No.5972615

you people need to grow up
>>5972591 especially this poster

>> No.5972629
File: 263 KB, 1000x1411, E1D9715D-525D-49A0-ADDA-3BC34348EA29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t wait for PlayStation 2 to be included on /vr/! Get ready for some much needed improvements around here. It’s gonna be great!

>> No.5972631

Despite the literal definition of retro being old, retro in terms of the board more describes a specific era of video games. PS2 will never belong here

>> No.5972638

REEEEE NOOOOO MY SAFE SPACE BASED ON THE AGE OF VIDYA CAN'T CHANGE IT ALWAYS NEEDS TO BE PRE 1999 HARDWARE .... except when the hardware is running pre 1999 software.... and when the pre 1999 hardware is running post 1999 software.... because reasons.

/vr/ doesn't mean retro video games. It means safe space for autism and repetitive discussion that has not changed since DC was added. The rest of the internet knows 6th gen is retro, too bad nu-moot hasn't change anything on 4chan for the better in ages.

>> No.5972640

Do NOT poison this board with more playstation crap. Thank you.

>> No.5972642

Yes, all of that happened when we added Dreamcast. Oh, wait.

>> No.5972643

You sure sound like a fucking faggot.

>> No.5972652
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1571594514270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5972653

Honestly, the rest of the board would be eclipsed. You can still get replies on /v/ for 6th gen games fairly easy and having them here would be pointless. Even if I agree with you that 6th gen is retro.

Dreamcast was fine because a lot of people never had one and doesn't bring that baggage of eclipsing everything else with it. Plus, it was more like the 5th gen than the 6th. If anything from the 6th would ever be allowed, we should allow GBA since that might as well have been a handheld SNES. But that'd just make the slope even more slippery than it already is with Dreamcast so fuck it.

>> No.5972654

It is but this board is fucking terrible and thinks arcade games aren't retro

>> No.5972656

wait, did they actually make cod 5 for the ps2?

>> No.5972657

The Dreamcast is retro because it was dead by 2002. None of the other 6th gen consoles were kill before 2008

>> No.5972660

This board is true faggotfest, jesus...

>> No.5972663

it's its own game

>> No.5972667
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, oblivion retardation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oblivion and 7th gen is also retro

>> No.5972671

They just need a 3rd board...

One for first through 5th gen
Another for 6th through current minus 1
Another for current gen

>> No.5972672
File: 84 KB, 641x427, 717DC7DC-D408-4C78-BA7C-E7C8376FA32C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? Can’t wait for XBox to be added too! All those classic games! We’re gonna improve this board!

>> No.5972674

If you keep using the word and time keeps passing than yes it will be

>> No.5972675

>Implying arcades weren't the most jew shit ever made

>> No.5972680

Being pretty honest I'd rather not seeing DC here if that would stop shitty threads like this one

>> No.5972681

not enough bing bing wahoos
i guess there's blinx. there's a CLASSIC(gem) game for you.

>> No.5972686

What the fuck are you even talking about schizo?

>> No.5972689

>dude is it retro yet
>dude is it retro yet
>dude is it retro yet
>dude is it retro yet

No, never will be, stop asking

>> No.5972690

Katamari damacy and disgaea.

>> No.5972696


>> No.5972697
File: 408 KB, 640x904, 300426_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though hardware gets older, ps2 does not have retro games.
its the whole reason for the cutoff.
2000+ is the standard for modern gaming. shit like halo will never be retro.

>> No.5972702

>implying single player games won't all be retro in a decade

>> No.5972704

This thread was moved to >>>/v/482936120