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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5970242 No.5970242 [Reply] [Original]

Cont'd from >>5939528 since it's on autosage

Wot ya playin?

For me, its the slowdown-heavy PS1 port of G.Darius

>> No.5970261

Gradius V using PCSX2 in HD resolution.
Looks amazing and is one of the best horizontal shmups ever made.

Have you tried the PC version?


>> No.5970270

Ikaruga. Haven't played it in a decade or more and felt like going back to try it again. Enjoying myself so far.

>> No.5970417

>Gradius V using PCSX2 in HD resolution.
Cool, what weapons loadout do you go with, and how far can you get on one credit?

>> No.5970461

>For me, its the slowdown-heavy PS1 port of G.Darius

Why is Taito Legends 2 not considered the definitive version of G-Darius by now? It's incredible playing that game at a blazing 60FPS!

>> No.5970493

Gradius V was only fun when I cheated a first playthrough just so I could unlock the hidden flamethrower shot type, like why is that shit even locked to begin with

>> No.5970560

Because it came out in an era where game length was the only thing that mattered to reviewers, so even arcade-style games were filled with tedious unlockables.

>> No.5970579
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The flamethower was cool, but for me, it's gotta be Ripple.

>> No.5971006
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Playing some really fun retro shmup while listening to our friend Mark talk about game journos and youtubers making low quality gaming content.


>> No.5971015

I can't ever get past 3 stage of dodonpachi daioujou

I can almost beat daifukkatsu (not retro) but I get filtered at last section with drones circling and shooting beams and bullets

>> No.5971016

Is there a shmup that isnt meant for mentally ill trannies?

>> No.5971037

make mental notes about the difficult sections where you die often.
then save state practice those trouble parts.
then do stage 3 or whatever from start to finish, eventually it'll click.
if it's still too tough then maybe your routes are not optimal so look at a survival/1cc run of it (ignore the scoring runs since they'll do chaining and riskier maneuvers)

>> No.5971135
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>> No.5971183

desu non-retro STGs are really good these days

Blue Revolver, Zero Ranger, Graze Counter etc.

>> No.5971220
File: 81 KB, 640x626, 8181_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good? I've enjoyed the other PS1 shmups like G-Darius, Einhander, R-Type Delta (and R-Types) and Gradius Gaiden.

>> No.5971226


>> No.5971295
File: 99 KB, 624x492, try again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14.4 million
>new PB
>die at last boss with 2 bombs in stock
If it's not a clear it doesn't count imo.

>> No.5971314

14.8mill actually*

>> No.5971329

Average imo graphics are quite bad.
Thunder Force VI on PS2 is better.
TF 3 and 4 are still king.

>> No.5971354

Yeah, it's better than all those games you listed besides Gradius Gaiden, although you should play it on Saturn where it's a tad harder and still retains all the graphical effects that had to be cut in order to run on the PSX.

>> No.5971596

Should I still use Shmupmameui_v42 which is based on an ancient version of MAME but has a few edits to run a few games a bit more accurately, or is regular MAME finally settled on?

>> No.5971613


>> No.5971687

install groovymame

>> No.5971704

square should stick to overcomplicated RPGs

>> No.5972178
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>> No.5972204

Awesome game, I need to come back to it sometime.

>> No.5972208
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>If it's not a clear it doesn't count imo.
I understand the disappointment, but it still counts. Congrats anon, that's a nice score.

>> No.5972604
File: 8 KB, 250x202, Apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like run and guns this game is great. Very arcade-shump like.

>> No.5972684

Does tate change the resolution of a game?

>> No.5972739

tate rotates the screen usually to eliminate black bars on the sides of shmups and provide optimal screen space for vertical shmups. Only useful if you can physically flip your monitor / tv onto its side.

>> No.5972934

Tate means 縦.

>> No.5972939

Run and guns aren't shmups, they are a sub genre of platformers

>> No.5972956
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Contra 3 had nice controls scheme

>> No.5972976
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Yeah, Contra 3 was a nice game all around.

>> No.5973005

aside from being too easy, those top-down stages, and being the start of "boss rush-y" contra in lieu of strong level designs

>> No.5973028

Valid complaints. I don't mind boss rush and I'm ok with easier games sometimes. I could do without the top-down stages though. I don't hate them, but after you've done them a couple times they aren't that interesting.

>> No.5973043

No they arent, they are a sub genre of shmups that sometimes have platformer elements. Since the beginning there were top down run n guns with 0 platforming

>> No.5974079
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Anyone like Compile here?
Got a 1cc in this tonight.

>> No.5974335

Try destroying the weapon carrier in the prologue without hitting anything and using only your sub weapon. Its a guaranteed Lander. I think you can do it for 7 times. Of course the real problem is dodging those enemies without shooting them.
Just for fun, the FC ship shoots with near zero delay if you max out its Red Lander bonus.

>> No.5975201

Is mega man a shmup-former?

>> No.5975341

Anyone else experience loads of frame drops with Shienryu in mednafen? No other game I've tried with that emulator has this issue and it's not even that intense of a game graphically.

>> No.5975429

Wait, did sunsoft make the original fantasyzone?

>> No.5975470

Nah, just the console versions.

>> No.5976130

His eyes look manic

>> No.5976165


>> No.5976168

you forgot "shoot"

>> No.5976198
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how tf do you deal damage to this boss?

>> No.5976210
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Shmup thread more like schmuck thread. CCCCCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.5976258
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What's the best 16-bit home shmup?

>> No.5977143
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>experience system

is this when shumps died

>> No.5977160

You have to dodge enemies sometimes too, dumbass.

>> No.5977929

only have 3 shmups

einhander, strikers 1945, darius gaiden

im thinking about getting one of the r-types for the snes, is super r-type any good, or is shelling out the money for r-type 3 worth it?

>> No.5977998

Super R-Type sucks, avoid it. R-Type III is good, although the first stage drags on too long.
If you want a top tier SNES shmup though, you should get Biometal.

>> No.5978008

Fuck progress. I want my games to be as stale as my love life.

>> No.5978048

compile games are way too fucking long

>> No.5978058
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>> No.5978078

G.Darius PC has a few weird quirks; it's one of those games that requires the disk in order to play music, and for whatever reason is capped at 50(!) FPS. Since it was ported from the PS1, the bosses 'run' at a lower framerate than the rest of the game and it seems to have kept the signature texture wobbling. It's also locked to 640x480, but can be up-resed with DGVoodoo.

>> No.5978141

Falseflagging jarpig detected.

>> No.5978143

Power Up/Down is a standard system in shooters.

>> No.5978146

Gaining XP from killing enemies is not.

>> No.5978154

Nothing wrong with it.
It's another way to represent power ups.

>> No.5978705


Gradius III is the best shmup despite the slowdown but there is a patch now.

>> No.5979246

Still stinks of RPG. Just use a traditional power-up system.

>> No.5979550

Interesting. How is Darius Gaiden PC version'?

>> No.5979778
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I actually don't know. Apparently it's a 2D game so it won't benefit much from upscaling, and I imagine it's also one of those "CD is used for music" games. Also I believe it's possible to make G Darius, and other "CD for music" games, work without the CD by using the _inmm.dll method. This is taken by Puzzle Bobble but I imagine it would work the same for other games; what makes it hard for G Darius is that you need the physical version to use this, and it appears to be a fairly rare game.

>> No.5980513
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>> No.5980556

kek based

>> No.5980771

Im playing zero ranger as my first shmup. Level 2-2 is kicking my ass. I know I could just muscle through it with the ten lives I have at this point but it seems to be cheating if I dont do it in one or two tries? Idk. This is a very weird genre for me to be getting into. Any reccomendations for beginner shmups similar to ZR?

>> No.5980945

Crimzon clover world ignition on novice mode.

>> No.5982595

Redpill me on cave

>> No.5982645

some mobile dev, dunno why they keep getting brought up here

>> No.5982696


>> No.5982707

What weapons do you like the most in ZR

>> No.5982710

What are some good shmups for beginners (SNES/Genesis/PC Engine/PSX)?

>> No.5982727

Thunderforce 3/4 and Gradius Gaiden. Get a Saturn, it's got Hyper Duel. It's a great starting point, should be quite tough but reasonable and satisfying for a beginner. Plays well, looks and sounds great, has simple scoring that's easy to get into and where you can get big puntos without dedicating your life to one game.

>> No.5982737

I enjoyed Super R-Type. I mean, its not great or anything but saying it sucks seems a little strong.

>> No.5982742

Yeah nah.

>> No.5982890

The "beginner shmup" is a meme. Start with a difficult one, learn it and you'll be better off than playing boring old babby shit.

>> No.5982903

Get a job

>> No.5982937
File: 89 KB, 898x1123, 14243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I know this is /vr/ and all, but any must have Japanese import shmups like Shikhondo for a physicalfag like me?

>> No.5982951

I have one, but thanks for your concern.

Do you have an actual argument though?

>> No.5983129

Boring babby shit won't be boring nor easy for a beginner, and its better to 1. build a fundamental skillset and set of habits 2. understand what you are getting into because shmups offer a very specific gameplay style thats not for everybody 3. get some reward for commitment instead of hunderds of hrs of frustration then burnout. Its retarded go jump into DOJ WL or Futari before you even know what streaming is, unless you love the games, and its beyond retarded to copy high level scoring routes when you can't even survive.

>> No.5983143

I disagree. For example, shoot em ups that use a weapon progression system and restart you without any pity powerups (like the original arcade version of Gradius or Darius) tend not to be good beginner games, because of how easily beginners can be caught in borderline unwinnable scenarios. Neither of those games are THAT difficult, but they're demoralizing as shit.

>> No.5983198
File: 39 KB, 224x288, dspirit-intro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is hard as balls. Doesn't matter that you can take more than one hit because you're at such a disadvantage with one head that you might as well just start over anyway.
Sometimes the powerups immediately disappear off the sides of the screens when you shoot those bubble things. What kind of bullshit is that?
I'll never take rapid fire for granted again after how much my wrists hurt from mashing the button.
Also is there diagonal movement? Because the arcade machine didn't register it.

>> No.5983212
File: 211 KB, 256x379, X-COM_-_Enforcer_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first half of X-com:enforcer plays like an unrealized third person shmup. With some fairly minor changes it could be a great game. Funny thing is i don't know if anyone on the dev team realizes it.(certainly doesn't seem like it, looking at the game design choices)

>> No.5983268

Is shmupmame 4.2 worth using? It's been 6 years since it was released. I'd probably have to use an older romset for it and I don't even play on high enough level to feel the 1 frame input lag.

>> No.5983591



>> No.5983616

i know right, should have more interesting gameplay like moving an arrow up and down on a menu and selecting attack over and over

>> No.5983703

I've started Dangun Feveron, it's fun but letting one cyborg slip never fails to be annoying when it happens.

>> No.5983719
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>> No.5984939 [DELETED] 


>> No.5984996

What's the best subweapon to take in Zanac? I'm leaning towards 3, the balls that orbit your ship.

>> No.5985142

its what touhou pedos gravitate to after they got bored of 2hu shite (jaimers, banamatic, etc)

>> No.5985545

how do i get into shmups anons?
what are some must-play games for someone wanting to try it out?

>> No.5985696
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Start with the Grads.

>> No.5985746
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Playing pic related. The pce port is very very good !

>> No.5985857 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.20 MB, 250x336, 1572684448651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is sick

>> No.5985867
File: 158 KB, 640x855, bats 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batsugun or Batsugun special ver (excellent for all skill levels, from newb to elite [start with Type B ship])
Mushihimesama [original-mode]
sengoku ace
Castle shikigami 2
Darius Gaiden
Gradius Gaiden

*** shmup-likes ***
Legend of Hero Tonma
Metal Slug 1
Mystic Warriors (JP version)
Ninja Commando
Sunset Riders

>> No.5985874
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>> No.5986508

pick stuff at random in mame and stick with something you enjoy playing

>> No.5986972
File: 9 KB, 288x224, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Cumpile

>> No.5988143


>> No.5988505

Nice bait, grabber

>> No.5988560

If using savestates is QoL does it mean that getting 1cc with savestates is fine?

>> No.5988637

Its cheating for practice, like how youd use the konami code or warps in Gradius to skip levels but wouldn't do it in a legit run.

>> No.5988657

as long as you say you attained it with savestates or cheats then it's fine, be transparent.
If you say 1cc people assume it's 1cc from start to finish, no assists or savestates.

>> No.5988660
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Gradius warps aren't legit?

>> No.5988679

They were put there as a debug feature and kept around to sell magazines, same as Konami code

>> No.5988926


taito shmups are made for depressives

>> No.5988968

imagine being this retarded

>> No.5988976

Sounds like good tastes to me desu

>> No.5988989

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5989214

>be transparent
Of course like everyone else on the internet

>> No.5989305

I just finally beat the final stage this weekend and I'm looking to clear it now. It's a cool game but really hard to play for extended periods of time without feeling like you're going nuts. I'm a hair away from the S rank on stage 1 too and just getting the last part right for the 3 mil is also driving me a bit mad. Fun game though.

>> No.5989390

If you google the best shmups for the PSX, this game is always among the best rated. Why tho? Everything is extremely underwhelming IMHO, and I really dislike the graphics.

>> No.5989392

It has the most soul

>> No.5989562

there are only 3 good ps1 shmups: gradius gaiden, einhander, and neo zanac

>> No.5990581
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you guys ever copy a replay?

>> No.5990676

I even savestate the shit out of the games. I'm too old to replay games from the beginning to go through the parts I'm already good at.

>> No.5992321
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Is he saying "fuck you"?

>> No.5994032

I like to solve it myself, but like it or not eventually I ended up spoiled

>> No.5994258
File: 90 KB, 316x1085, RayStorm_ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people just like depressing stories in shmups

>> No.5994992

Crimzon Clover, mostly

>> No.5996140

play devil engine
i did the music and i'm proud

>> No.5996150

who cares, it's functionally the same

>> No.5996153

don't worry about not using continues, just play through it first then if you're still worried about "cheating" you can do it then. standard practice for learning most shmups is to credit feed through it first to know what you're up against, and zeroranger is really good as just a casual run through type game even if you're not into shmups

>> No.5996156

TF4 is not good for beginners, but it's very good

>> No.5996297
File: 6 KB, 199x181, 1565358842456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

routing is what makes shmups gay and unplayable;
not creating the route initially, but sticking to the same route over and over and grinding it each playthrough, which is what these games demand and require, yikes!

>> No.5996314

>creating the route
Lol, you mean copying another player's route? Because if you actually "create it", it's a process of constant refinement and experimentation, you figure things out as you play and practice, constantly discovering something new and finding more small ways to squeeze out points. And it's never really the same anyway unless you are a robot. That's assuming you are playing a game with deep scoring not move and shoot from the 80's.

>> No.5996323

>it's a process of constant refinement and experimentation
it's not constant in a meaningful way because it plateaus extremely fast--you'll stick to the same route 98% of the time once you get the meat and potatoes figured out, and any 2% "refinements" you make are clogged by diminishing returns.

>> No.5996328

>constantly discovering something new
when did you quit shmups? you got some beer goggles on mate, so dumb

>> No.5996339

Which games have you tried figuring out your own routes in? Players often plateau because they seek out outside assistance and copy the optimized routes of others that were gotten from years of community sharing, or because they settle on a route that they think has just enough risk for them to meet their goal. Figuring out just good routes yourself will take a very long time

>> No.5996353


once you figure out a good route you're supposed to stick to it and play it as you practiced, and each session is a grind session trying to execute the same thing over and over, specially in hard sections of a game, any deviation will result in highly probable death or restarting.

>but minor refinements
those are rare and trivial from a gameplay perspective, even if they impact your score or survival greatly, you're still repeating 99.9% of the same route, despite adding a "dodge to the left and swerve downwards" modification in one battle.
not significant enough to be fun or refreshing, when you are forced to abide to 99% of the route each play through.

>> No.5996371

What games are you talking about? Also, why are you separating route finding from playing? You can and will do both unless you already have a route beforehand from other people's replays. Even then it takes time and playing to figure out what you can borrow and what's too hard at your current level. If you're talking about Dodonpachi that's understandable because the routing there is very strict, but there's loads of games that let you get away with mistakes and recover, even most other Cave games. Some even let you die with only a small score loss that you can make up for later in the game

>> No.5996374

So it's like speedrunning where you have to play the games the same way every time?

>> No.5996382
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>he uses autofire

>> No.5996837

>he likes getting RSI

>> No.5996928

>/vr/ babby wants some nerd creed
>tries dodonpachi game
>gets filtered
>/vr/ babby claims cave games are garbage and digs up obscure shmups with less than 10 bullets on screen at any time to defend his said nerd creed

>> No.5996969

It's the prime target for butthurt Treasurefags after being laughed at for claiming Ikaruga is the best shmup of all time.

>> No.5997198

>mashing buttons is part of the fun
>best games in the genre don't have build-in autofire

yeah, i'm thinking your clueless about shmups

>> No.5997208

you have no score and no clear of any title from those non-cave companies, so stop pretending you fag

>> No.5997262

nice projection cuck

>> No.5997519


if youre really the composer, you did a great job dude. hyakutaro would be proud.

>> No.5997885

Anyone play this game called XADLAK PLUS? It's a Sharp game that got an updated Windows release. Never played anything by this circle, but all the games are 300 yen.

>> No.5997889

I am playing Space Invaders Extreme does it count and do you like that game

>> No.5997964
File: 803 KB, 1024x1449, ESP-Ra-De_2019_05-08-19_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESP Ra.De is underrated as fuck, the M2 release is going to fix some scoring stuff and hopefully it'll get the attention it deserves.

>> No.5998046

>the M2 release is going to fix some scoring stuff
Source? If they removed the shitty milking the game would be way better that's for sure

>> No.5998050

Milking in esprade is fine. Scoring would be too easy without it.

>> No.5998371

Just google it. The director is back and they said they're changing the boss milking. Also adding a fourth playable character.

>> No.5998742

Anyone know where I can find a working copy of Slordax for DOS? The only downloads I've been able to find dont seem to work in dosbox.

>> No.5999587

Is it that slow? I never played arcade version because it's too sluggish on mame

>> No.5999595

in some games mashing button is fun