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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 91 KB, 568x426, 6089-1-exile-3-ruined-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5964413 No.5964413 [Reply] [Original]

Did anybody else play the Exile games? I was obsessed as a kid because the demos were free and I was extremely poor

>> No.5964414

Yeah I did too, most of the freeware games for mac I played. They changed the name to avernum for some reason

>> No.5964415

Copyright maybe? They never really evolved past that turn-based tile RPG style but I downloaded their new one recently and blew 3 full days of my life playing it

>> No.5964419

You ever play the taskmaker series? or any of the other Macintosh games?

>> No.5964421

What are some similar games that will run on a modern machine?

>> No.5964424

I moved to windows 95 pretty early on. The last macintosh game I played was the one where you press open apple or closed apple to drop apples off the conveyor belt

>> No.5964449

A little but I preferred Realmz

>> No.5964587

It's some kind of rebranding because he remade these games like 3 times.

Anyway Exile is pretty cool but each remake actually seems to make it worse instead of better

>> No.5964678

>each remake actually seems to make it worse instead of better

>> No.5964705

you can get exile games for free


>> No.5965148

My wife and I are actually playing through the original exile (a replay for me, first time for her). We've managed to kill Sss-Thss, and actually we've explored like 80% of the area by volume, but we still have some high level stuff left to do

Specifically, we've joined the Scimitar, but we haven't gotten to Erika's Tower, released Grah-hoth from the bottle, let alone kill him in his fortress, gotten the Orb of Thralni, found all 6 of those crystals for the cavern near Cotra, or progressed very far at all with the escape bit. But we're a very strong party and can handle pretty much anything the game throws at us

>> No.5965160

Once you have the mass haste and group slow spells you might as well quit the game as nothing can challenge you anyway.

>> No.5965192

jesuss christ this looks a bit TOO comfy if you know what I mean

>> No.5965227

>had $2500 machine

>> No.5965242

One of the only shareware games I ever fully bought. Love them to death, can't seem to get into the Avernum versions the same way.

Sadly on a windows 10 machine now, so they won't even bloody install, but I have an old 95 thinkpad I might dust off just for this...

>> No.5965259

>Sadly on a windows 10 machine now, so they won't even bloody install, but I have an old 95 thinkpad I might dust off just for this...
I know this feel. I ended up finding an old Dell with Windows 98 at an estate sale for $10 and bought it specifically to play Exile.

>> No.5965354

Mass bless and curse are almost as important. Maybe even more so in light of how many more physical enemies there are than spellcasting ones.

You can install a windows 3.1 in Dosbox to be able to play them. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.5965369

Most kids had hand-down machines. I had a 486 until 2001 when I got a Pentium 1.

>> No.5966309

I never played Exile or Realmz... But Castle of the Winds was another good Windows 3.1 RPG

>> No.5966487

Yes! The shareware version of Exile was the first RPG I ever played.

The Exile games have been remade twice with the name Avernum, the second remake trilogy is alright but doesn't have as much soul as the originals.

>> No.5967587


>> No.5967638

I would point out that if you go for BoE, the following scenarios by a figure named Alcritas

>On a Ship to Algiers
>Of Good and Evil
>Heirs to Theseus
>An Apology
>Falling Stars
>Signs and Portents

are an absolutely amazing series. (There's actually one other scenario, in between Algiers and OG&E, called The Staff of Kayolith, but it's crap and you can skip it). As a whole series, I rate it far above Vogel's stuff, and I want to be clear that I think Vogel's original trilogy is great, this is just better. You should really check them out.

>> No.5967656

I also had no money as a kid.
Damn child labor laws!

>> No.5968962

>that sound of heroes being torn apart by monsters when you lose the game

unsettled me a lot as a kid

>> No.5969181

Does anyone remember where the 4 sealed exits are?

I found the ones near Motrax's cave, the one in the Honeycomb, and the one near Khoth's lair, but I can't find the fourth one and it's driving me a little nuts.

>> No.5969241
File: 194 KB, 1125x1112, 1568822410391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to go download the file for my macbook but apple hated me again so I cant have that mac experience with it. My windows laptop is to fucking slow to do anything on it. Looks keno though and really want to try.
Others have said the remakes are pretty bad but would it be worth a pick up anyway?

>> No.5970221

I've found the I stalling win 3.1 on dos box worked for me. Another anon here used it after me and it worked for them and now I'm on a new pc and I can't make it work lol.

I wish I had a "justwerx" for the original trilogy.

>> No.5971198


Never played the games but I really enjoyed his GDC talk.

>Still uses free (ugly) art because he's a jew


>> No.5971452

wat? you can't figure out how to run unsigned programs or something? Open the security icon in settings. Or use Wine to emulate windows, it runs well on osx

>> No.5971723
File: 29 KB, 573x465, exile-ii-crystal-souls_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Exile was the first shareware game I ever bought. I loved the original version, pre-1.2 I think, where the graphics were even shittier and hand drawn by Jeff's ex-wife Shirley. Now that I think about it Exile II started with those same crappy graphics as well. Playing those games on an old Mac II was peak comfy...I didn't care that the graphics were awful because I was only playing with 4-bit color.