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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 933 KB, 2098x1538, turok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5962848 No.5962848 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked up Turok 1 and 2 from a used game store, what am I in for?

>> No.5962857

The PC remakes are superior in every aspect, why would you play an inferior version?

>> No.5962859

Two bad games. They weren’t good on release and aren’t now.

>> No.5962898

Killing all the enemies in a matter of minutes, then running around and getting lost until you get frustrated and turn off the game desu

>> No.5962908


>> No.5962917

This is pretty accurate

>> No.5962932

retarded console trash. the pc version is fantastic however
underage retro enthusiasts

>> No.5962939

>>underage retro enthusiasts
that's like most of /vr/ man

>> No.5962947

Yup other than killing getting lost is what I remember about this game.

>> No.5962961

why are you questioning a collector?

>> No.5962968 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, king of con real story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first game has legitimate scares and is an experience you will never forget as it one so the best video games of all-time. Never played the others.

>> No.5962974
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, king of con real story dwayne richard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first game has legitimate scares and is an experience you will never forget as it one of the best video games of all-time. Never played the others.

>> No.5962997

Pathetic. Yes, I've gotten lost, but wow. Exploration is dead in 2019 for zoomy.

>> No.5963017

Ignore this bullshit manchild with a small penis.

Turok 2 is the better game, it has great atmosphere and is well handled by the N64, I never managed to beat Turok 1. The Turok 2 remake might be better, but on the other hand Turok is generally in tropical wilderness - it naturally has fog and that's built into the game. Either way you can't go wrong.

>> No.5963034

>Turok 2 is the better game
>I never managed to beat Turok 1
Everyone laugh at them^

>> No.5963035

I was able to beat Turok Dinosaur Hunter without dying and it felt mighty. Not the best ending, but not bad.

>> No.5963119
File: 18 KB, 640x480, The_Campaigner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is mine!

>> No.5963176

Turok is a bit hard with the Metroid Prime style platforming, the fog... but the game was really fun back then, the cheats are ridiculous and so are some of the later weapons, so enable all the weapons from the start.

>> No.5963626

First one is amazing ahead of its time 3d metroidvania
2nd one is quake but better with child rescuing.


>> No.5963649
File: 773 KB, 260x221, THANK YOU, TUROK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963894

Turok 1 is Quake meets Super Mario 64.
Turok 2 is Goldeneye meets Ocarina of Time.
Turok 3 is a Half Life knock-off
Rage Wars is a poor man's Quake 3.
Evolution is one of the most broken games ever made, just skip it for your sanity's sake.
Turok 2008 is a generic cawadooty dudebro shooter that has nothing to do with Turok other than the title and the fact there's dinosaurs in it.

>> No.5963919

>Rage Wars is a poor man's Quake 3
But still a ton of fun.

>> No.5963937

Evolution is fun, do not believe this man's lies

>> No.5963945

This poster is trying to kill you, don't fall for his trap.

>> No.5963954

The most fun I had in this game was jumping off of a cliff and listening to that scream.

>> No.5963985

2 of the best FPSes ever. And arguably the best console exclusive (at the time of their release) FPSes of all time period. And almost unquestionably THE best weapon arsenals of any video games.

>> No.5963990

Evolution isn't particularly good, but it's not as bad as the first guy said.

>> No.5963997

1 > 2 > Evolution > 3

Rage Wars > 3 > Evolution > 2

>> No.5964010

The Gamecube version MIGHT be acceptable at best, but the PS2 and especially the PC port are absolute trainwrecks.

>> No.5964017

The PC version was apparently released only in Europe, and few have bothered with fixing the game. It supports widescreen but it's vert-, and there's no way to adjust the FoV.

>> No.5964043

It was on Xbox you know.