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5951957 No.5951957 [Reply] [Original]

One thing I never see with discussions about Tony Hawk Pro Skaters is the preferred controller to use.

These games came out on a bunch of systems and every review at the time or recently as revisits always negate the controller factor.

I found a local shop that had both 1&2 for the Dreamcast complete for $15 and I’m curious if the DC controller is viable.

I could be wrong but I assumed the PSX controller was preferred.


>> No.5951967


>> No.5951973

ps or similar best. dc kinda not so much sharp triggers

>> No.5952007

I tried playing Tony Hawk 2x on the OG Xbox and it was awful with that controller. I fear it’ll be the same with the DC

>> No.5952094

I had PS and Saturn adapters and I used those on the DC, played THPS2 with the PSOne pad, only way to play, you need the separate d-pad contacts to make all those combos.

>> No.5952154

You'll be fine. If you're used to the Dreamcast d-pad, you won't have any real issues. Your skills will translate across platforms.

While most people would say that the Playstation controller is best for TH games because it has a d-pad that is accurate and isn't floaty (and I would agree), it isn't broken by any means on other platforms. I mean, most fighting games will tax a d-pad far greater than any TH game will.

I've played TH on all 4 platforms, and I would say the differences in control are pretty minimal, although the PS has a better d-pad for sure. Most recently, I played TH2 on the DC and the Xbox, and I got tied up a tiny bit with the DC pad, and not at all with the Xbox pad.

Unless the DC pad really bothers you, which is mostly subjective and down to how you adapt to different pads, it's probably worth checking out the DC or Xbox versions. The DC version is the best of the original releases due to the better graphics and performance. The Xbox version is great for a revisit to TH2 because it has some extra content and runs at 60 FPS while being pretty faitiful to the original aside from some graphical updates that might not "fit" as well as the original graphics do.

>> No.5952192

it's also surprisingly easy and smooth playing those games on pc with a keyboard

>> No.5952249

N64 analog is the best.

>> No.5952389
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>> No.5952438

Dual Shock is the only controller you can reliably lock onto to pull off those split-second combos to get max aerial scores.
Also has the most intuitive layout.

>> No.5953393

I still have it on dc, honestly can't say that it ever bothered me though it might for you sense you're so focused on it

>> No.5953640

I played tony hawk on pc with keyboard and attempting to play it on a controller is a disaster.

>> No.5955684

The DualShock feels right for Tony Hawk games the same way Xbox controllers do for FPS

The Dreamcast port of THPS2 is really good, though. The controller isn't quite as fit for it, but once you get used to it, you'll be fine