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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.5942558


>> No.5942578

Yes. The price of losing your dignity on an anonymous gook toon image board is $0.

>> No.5942591

Not at all. Honestly, 90% of that is paying for the paint job.

>> No.5942927

hell no

>> No.5942929

Owning an arcade machine with an LCD in it is a complete waste of time. You will ALWAYS be disappointed in it and wish you had a CRT.

Buy an arcade cabinet kit from one of the online suppliers and put a CRT in it and you will have a vastly, absurdly better machine.

>> No.5942931


>> No.5942937

No, retard.

>> No.5942939

Not really. I prefer mine with an LCD because the screen is matte and shaders are preferable to the real thing now if you set them up right.

>> No.5942948
File: 31 KB, 320x286, Down-Child-Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm brain damaged so it's all good

>> No.5942984
File: 10 KB, 470x470, DEBAD58E94C643298F87541A23CEA287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wal mart

>> No.5943000

It just occurred to me; Where the fuck are they still getting new stock 4:3 LCD monitors?

>> No.5943119

lol no

>> No.5943570

No, it's just MAME, with an LCD.

>> No.5943664

That's a damn good price, better get one soon! Seriously this is a steal, better purchase before they raise the price.

>> No.5943967

Cheap laptops are still being produced with 1366x768 resolution since the old plants that did the 4:3 1024x768 panels never stopped. Arcade1up is just having them go back to doing 4:3 again.

>> No.5943973
File: 493 KB, 700x687, toast arle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the little foot stool the cablet needs to stand on to look like a big boy.

>> No.5944219

I looked them up. Apparently the native is 1280x1024

>> No.5944242

Stop making the same thread over and over. These zoomer shit cabs are garbage. Please by all means go buy 10. And then fuck yourself.

>> No.5944249

The shilling is absolutely through the roof. I’m not buying your faggy emulators guys.

>> No.5944276

it's absolute trash

>> No.5944305

You can still buy 5:4 rato LCD monitors.

>> No.5946149

the riser on the bottom is atrocious looking

>> No.5946324

What's a good CRT monitor to pick up? Any brand or model recommendations? My cab has this faulty LCD I've been looking to throw out for a long time.

>> No.5946631
File: 10 KB, 362x141, 1570047469106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5946649

Let me see what your cab looks like and I'll have a better idea on what to recommend.

>> No.5946965

LOL this is not that much of an exaggeration is the sad thing. Let's say more like 70%

Wells-Gardner is the standard manufacturer for arcade CRTs in the US but you'll save a lot of money by installing a stripped down PC CRT with a line doubler.

>> No.5947140
File: 94 KB, 639x734, [angry squid noises].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing exist
>but CotA has NEVER been ported to anything outside of the 5th gen
>CAPCOM STILL can't be arsed to port all those godly Marvel games before they lose the license again
>The Punisher and AvP are trapped in oversized wastes of money

>> No.5947189

There's an AvP one!?

>> No.5947207


>> No.5947763

these wouldn't be horrible if they actually bothered scaling the image correctly and not just nearest neighbor blown the fuck up non-integer

>> No.5947819
File: 28 KB, 458x458, 023984555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaders are preferable to the real thing now

>> No.5947824

You gotta just have a fucking chuckle that there are people who actually convince themselves of this shit because they can't afford anything real.