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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5942093 No.5942093 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best retro horror sidescroller series, /vr/?



>> No.5942117

GnG > CV >>> Splatterhouse

Castlevania's a pretty consistent series with a lot of good games at least until it went to shit with SoTN and the 3D games, but GnG has the best gameplay easily.

>> No.5942125

For me, it's splatterhouse

>> No.5942130

Symphony of the Night is the greatest game ever made

>> No.5942131


>> No.5942138

splatterhouse has the best horror while GnG is the better game

>> No.5942145

is there a horror game where you play as a stalking serial killer like Michael Myers? Not Manhunt because it's basically a convict hunting other convicts.

>> No.5942147

Castlevania. Every game has you invading someone's home with the intent of killing them.

>> No.5942152

Tired of killing monsters. I want to slay regular people in their homes.

>> No.5942351
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If we are counting the Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest spin-offs, I would put the GnG series above Castlevania. I would put Splatterhouse third, even though I love it.

>> No.5942414
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Post your favourite entry in each series.

GnG: Ghouls/Dai
Splatterhouse: arcade original, although Wanpakku Graffiti is a close second.

>> No.5942492

this, tied with CV3

>> No.5942498

Are there any classicvania fans on this board who don't have a massive inferiority complex over SOTN's popularity?

>> No.5942535

No, we're comfortable with the fact that Classicvania is superior while SotN is normalfag-tier.

>> No.5942560

I played Super Ghost and Goblins. Made me go through the whole game again to get the real ending. Super Castlevania did not and also Simon is way cooler than Arthur.
Castlevania is the best.

>> No.5942567 [DELETED] 


>> No.5942573

Babby's first encounter with loops
Protip : Castlevania has them too with pretty substantial difficulty increases including new enemy spawns

>> No.5942576

Same as yours, pretty easy picks except for CV where there's a few similarly high quality games

>> No.5942718

Believe it or not, Ghouls 'n Ghosts is actually the least popular GnG. I think it has something to do with it never getting released on a Nintendo system.

>> No.5942727

Nintendo babbys can be safely disregarded, they don't even realize that it's a sequel half the time, they just think it's all remakes of the same game that originally came out on the NES

>> No.5942925

Splatterhouse is overrated. The control is clunky and the TG16 version is heavily edit. The sequel on Genesis is ok but still have clunky controls. Part 3 had that stupid time limit system that fucking sucked. The atmosphere in these games is great tho.

>> No.5942926

[power gap the size of the distance from the Earth to the Sun]
Ghosts n' Goblins
[large power gap]

>> No.5942950

Castlevania is the most "classic Halloween" feeling with all the basics, skeletons, bats, ghosts, vampires, etc.
Splatterhouse would be second with it's slasher movie feeling
GnG would be third because despite having plenty of spooky shit, it always feels more like a straightforwards dark medieval fantasy game than "Halloween".

Although gameplay wise it would be Castlevania > GnG > Splatterhouse, though they're all good.

>> No.5943571

As a series, CV is objectively the worst one. It has too many shit entries like the N64 games, the GB games, Simon's Quest, SotN, IV, etc. Meanwhile, all the GnG and Splat games are at worst, decent, and at best, a classic.

>> No.5943575


>> No.5943610

It's pretty neat how the japs managed to capture Halloween's horror sensation so well with these games. The games all feel like proper stylish homages rather than exploitative cultural ripoffs. Better than anything the West managed.

>> No.5943849

All three are for different things entirely. Castlevania has that classic monster feel and is consistent in terms of gameplay. It also has the most games by a wide margin so that gives it an advantage over the others.

Ghosts N' Goblins feels the least 'spooky' and feels a lot more like a fantasy adventure game that just happens to have spooky elements. It's a good series, but I would put it way behind the others in terms of 'horror'.

Splatterhouse easily does horror best, and is still a lot of fun to play while being a bit on the repetitive side compared to the others. In terms of gameplay it's the weakest overall, but in terms of 'horror' and spook-factor it's easily leading.

>> No.5943851

Castlevania = GnG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Splatterhouse

>> No.5943852
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O you cheeky lass.

>> No.5943858
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Best "Halloween" game ever is Monster Party.

>> No.5943862

I was ready to tell you to go fuck yourself after reading the first sentence. However, you are right. CV has the highest highs, but only up to Rondo. Everything else is shit.

>> No.5943881

Rondo is shit.

>> No.5943889

I'm not the biggest Rondo fan, though next to SoTN and onward it is a flawless masterpiece.

>> No.5943890

>Splatterhouse easily does horror best
are you retarded? the only scary thing about the game is how bad it is

>> No.5943902

Your contrarian is showing.

>> No.5943914

>Your contrarian is showing.

>[power gap the size of the distance from the Earth to the Sun]
>Ghosts n' Goblins
>[large power gap]
>Splatterhouse is overrated.
>GnG > CV >>> Splatterhouse
>Castlevania = GnG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Splatterhouse


>> No.5943916

You can acknowledge that it does horror the best out of 3 while still thinking the games aren't good you dumb fucking sperg

>> No.5943917

"horror" is not synonym of "scary"

"horror" encompasses many things, "scary" only being one of them

>> No.5943921

Every one of them is talking about the quality of Splatterhouse as video games, not their quality as horror. Numerous people you conveniently ignored have admitted it's best in terms of atmosphere and spookiness.

>> No.5943936

kys snesbabby.

>> No.5943951

Enough with the SOTN bad meme.
Not only is it fun as fuck but its also got an incredible atmosphere and music, easily one of the best horror themed games you can play. Fucking /vr/ I swear to god...

>> No.5943959

Never owned one.

>> No.5943970

horror encompasses a few things, and Splatterhouse reflects none of them. it's just a game that plays like shit with poorly-rendered cliche art, with bad sound and animation, drawn in a ridiculous perspective that makes the character looks like it's walking tilted 45 degrees to the floor. like i said, the only thing about it that's close to horrifying is how bad it is. but look! it's jason from that movie!

>> No.5943975

It's a mind numbing series of hallways with braindead exploration, braindead combat and braindead everything else that replaces any quality with quantity and muh incrementing numbers. Nice graphics and music don't excuse the absolute shitshow that is the gameplay

>> No.5943974

>>>/reddit/ basedbaby

>> No.5943989

not an argument.

>> No.5943993

Oh boy I sure live hyperbolic overexaggerations about what the game is actually like. Its like people forgot what the first opening hours of the game were like playing it for the first time. Its actually does have decent gameplay and the alchemy lab one of the first areas in the game has a lot of verticality to it so the game just being a bunch of "hallways" is an absolute lie. Stfu contrarian.

>> No.5943995

Opinions are like assholes.

>> No.5943996

Sotn sucks, it's not a meme and it never was. If there's an example of style over substance, that's it. Not only is it a below average game, it also single handedly killed a legendary series of games.
Lowest common denominator gameplay for onions consumers. Cope and dilate.

>> No.5943997

Oh wow one area has some very basic verticality and completely unthreatening enemies that's amazing, now how about you look at the rest of the games, there's entire areas like the cathedral which are nothing but the same area copypasted for minutes filled with the exact same enemy encounter. Iga is a hack who deliberately dumbed down all level design and removed platforming from the game because it's "frustrating" to him, what a joke

>> No.5944000

Classicfag autism

>> No.5944014

Didn't Iga barely work on the game? He was mainly responsible for the inverted Castle.

>> No.5944018

It's clearly his influence since all other metroidvanias suffer from the same exact problem even though Order of Ecclesia and various challenge rooms across the series showed that the devs are perfectly capable of making actual levels instead of their usual dull shit. It's a deliberate choice to make the games more bland and palatable to the "wider audience"

>> No.5944023

>he never played Circle of the Moon

>> No.5944026

CoTM has the same shit tier level design as the rest of the metroidvania series, only thing that makes it better is the more challenging movement

>> No.5944056

>Order of Ecclesia
>Circle of the Moon
good stuff

>> No.5944123

Never played Splatterhouse. GnG is great, but I prefer CV overall. Love both the classic games and the metroidvanias.
This sounds right. I usually play some Castlevania games on Halloween. Probably going to do GnG this year though.

>> No.5944135

go back

>> No.5944157
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>> No.5944161

metroidvania is objectively bad fuck off to /v/.

>> No.5944165


>> No.5944171
File: 30 KB, 438x392, DemonsCrest-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being a better jarpigvania than SotN.

>> No.5944173

I prefer SotN, but it's pretty good.

>> No.5944183

you have to go back.

>> No.5944204


>> No.5944205

Castlevania 2 is the best in the series and all y'all can lick my pp

>> No.5944207


>> No.5944225

Splatterhouse has perfect atmosphere, it brings joy to my heart

>> No.5944245
File: 227 KB, 800x1202, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that 2010 Splatterhouse game worth a play?

>> No.5944252

its better than magazines gave it credit for, but it's very middle of the road and kind of repetitive

>> No.5944369

What the fuck did they do to him

>> No.5944389

It's better than its reputation, yet still not good enough to be worth playing

They ruined him just like they ruined everything else

>> No.5944602

>GnG: Ghouls/Dai
>Splatterhouse: arcade original, although Wanpakku Graffiti is a close second.
This is actually 100% correct

>> No.5944780

Classicniggers need to be lynched. You're worse than Igafags at this point.

>> No.5944786

How so

>> No.5944796

He's just mad his SotN shitpost thread got deleted.

>> No.5944807

That's how.

>> No.5944832


Sorry kid your games a joke, deal with it

>> No.5944834
File: 61 KB, 540x680, german pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love SotN
10/10 game

>> No.5944916

>frogposter has bad taste in videogames
checks out desu

>> No.5944932

It's a false flag

>> No.5944954


>> No.5944964


>> No.5945002

Classicvania is superior but SotN is still ok, other Igavania games seem super-gay though. Castlevania? More like TRANSilvania if you ask me. Because of the trannies.

>> No.5945004

Worth precisely one play. Game itself is not that special but the aesthetic, music, and Jim Cummings mask performance are worth it. Aside from that, and maybe it's a little better on 360, it performs like fucking trash on PS3. PC version never. Maybe RPCS3 runs it okay if you've got a Zen 2 or I9.

>> No.5945154

I recently played it because of the Switch online thing and not gonna lie, that game suck major dicks.
Can't even fucking duck, but they put tonnes of shit at knee height.

>> No.5945174

CV: Akumajo Densetsu/IV/SOTN/AOS
G'nG: Demon's Crest
Splatterhouse: II

CV > G'nG > Splatterhouse

>> No.5945454

It's overrated by the "hidden gem" crowd who liked that it was more overlooked and very easy to beat, in reality it's like the SoTN of the series, all style no substance. The level design's even lacking compared to other Gargoyle's Quest games, nevermind GnG, it has a lot of dumbshit like a nonsensical difficulty curve that utterly breaks if you explore and loads of slowdown to top it off.

>> No.5945740


>> No.5945837

Castlevania for the music, Makaimura for the gameplay, Splatterhouse for the aesthetics is the patrician opinion.

>> No.5946025

double jumps or directional attacks?

>> No.5946090
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>> No.5946096

>Double jump
Makes levels sparse
>Up/down throws
Makes red arremers a joke

Double jump has more potential though

>> No.5946104

I find red arremer the most annoying in GnG2. In 1 you just wait for him to charge you on the ground then spam attack when he's close, and in 3 he's much less aggressive/random in general.

>> No.5946118

I find them the easiest to deal with in GnG2. In 1 he's very random, sometimes he refuses to do the charge and shoots the fireball instead, or starts with the fireball, and the charge timing is random so it can be easy to mess up especially if you're a bit tense. In GnG2 I can take on 2 or even 3 of those guys at a time because all you have to do is stand in place and shoot upwards, occasionally getting out of the way of his low swoop

>> No.5947059

Check out my splatterhouse 1cc replay, /vr/


>> No.5947064
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>> No.5947065
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>check thread to see my video posted by someone else
I don't understand