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File: 64 KB, 256x179, Jet_Force_Gemini_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5941019 No.5941019 [Reply] [Original]

This turn 20 today /vr/, say something nice about it.

>> No.5941026

It's in the Rare Replay pack so, I'll play it someday

>> No.5941060

had a lot of fun playing this at my best friend house in grade 3, really rad game

>> No.5941065

Played it the other day to avoid killing any of the tribals this time.
I was playing Toy Story 2 and then switched to JFG and fuck.. the game felt so open, loose and gigantic compared to that. Incredible work from rare. The audio was top notch too.

>> No.5941087

never played it
I may give it a go today

>> No.5941176

I never understood why everyone hates the Tribal rescuing part. Sure, it's annoying if one dies and you have to redo the area, but that's really no excuse.

>> No.5941191

It never pissed me if (never played it)

>> No.5941193
File: 12 KB, 359x357, 1561900120610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was actually planning to continue playing it but none of my current displays have an RCA connector, only HDMI
time to track down a cheap CRT or something

>> No.5941203

OST is spectacular, the feeling of solitude it provides is half the reason this game is so good

>> No.5941361
File: 478 KB, 2896x2896, 20191011_081718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To commemorate the 20th anniversary I made both Juno & Vela in Soulcailbur VI.

>> No.5941365

Probably one of my favorite N64 titles, and I'm generally not that into shooters but JFG is great.

>> No.5941419

Jet Force Gemini was my first majorly bloody shooter since I missed the Doom train as a kid. I'd played Mortal Kombat, but JFG was much more satisfying when you used rockets and bug parts splattered and went flying everywhere. I didn't even mind replaying levels and I remember getting quite good at controlling the aiming. Boss fights were super fun too. All in all a good experience that I'm glad was apart of my childhood. Please like and subscribe.

>> No.5941442

It's got some cool weapons like the Trirocket Launcher, backtracking isn't as annoying as in other games, the NPC speech never fails to amuse me but most of all, the music is some of the best on the system and is the biggest reason to check out JFG.

Is that enough nice things OP? Good, then I'll continue by saying that Rare can screw themselves for the obligatory tribal and spaceship parts fetch quest. Furthermore the aim mode sucks if you want to use your machine gun because it keeps shaking up, which especially sucks if you gotta take down those flying drones. If it weren't for those two I'd consider it a top 5 N64 game.

>> No.5941453

great game, until the bullshit artificially extend the game collectathon when the game should actually be over

>> No.5941456

These are great anon. Good job!

>> No.5941567

It's a really good game. It would be better if the final boss required only 80% Tribal collection or so and if 100% just got you a better ending.

>> No.5941613

The multiplayer in this game is so fucking good, it boggles the mind.

>> No.5941647

A good general idea of what a Metroid 64 could have been like, though obviously without the usual RARE collectathons.