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File: 790 KB, 1018x1018, Zelda-Oracle-of-Ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5939839 No.5939839 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why these are held in such high regard. I beat Twilight Princess and am now jaded on 3D Zelda. Is it worth downloading a emulator and finding the ROM to play these?

>> No.5939863

There is a shitton of content with plenty of dungeons and good interludes between each one, the puzzles aren't braindead and the game actually expects you to remember parts of the map for later when you have items instead of railroading you through. There is even some degree of challenge because you don't have fairy bottles and can only hold one potion which are hard to get. Even the graphics are great with the season changes making great use of the gameboy color, and the characters like maple and the pirate crew and fuck even the way those hobbit things hide stuff has soul.

Why is minish cap which is such an easy mediocre game shilled so hard and oracle forgotten? Excited to play ages next as it's apparently totally different and you can use the password to get some secrets.

The only flaw I can think of is having to constantly reequip items, (and maybe locking two heart pieces behind ring)which can be forgiven slightly because of the gameboys limited buttons, still stuff like the power bracelet and sword should be permanent. Thank god they don't make you equip the flippers.

I'm seriously most amazed at how much good content is in the game, it's more than links awakening and may be as much as link to the past, plus they released both games at the same fucking time. I can't beleive I got meme'd out of buying these as a kid because I already had a GBA and my cousin said it wasn't very good (shitter probably got stuck or some shit)

>> No.5939870

agree, the Oracle games are much better than Minish Cap, even LA imo. The fact that nobody really remembers them, even Nintendo, makes me really sad.

>> No.5939882

wonderful mechanics
there's a ring system that gives you pseudo rpg style buffs

>> No.5939895


Considering the requisite 10 seconds it would take to download a rom and emulator and fire it up for 10 minutes to see if you would like it, I would say yes.

>> No.5939920

yeah if you like 2d zelda at all these are a couple of the best. if you think your jadedness from TP will carry over for some reason, give yourself a week or two off?

>> No.5939935

if all the story and railroading in twilight princess bothers you then you'll probably love seasons and hate ages

>> No.5939961
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Alright you guys convinced me. I'll try out Seasons. Thanks for all the input.

>> No.5939997

>Twilight Princess and am now jaded on 3D Zelda
Good games aren't for everyone. You probably won't like the Oracles if that's the case. Go play ALttP or LA

>> No.5940731

>Twilight Princess
>good game
Accurate. Far from a great game like several other Zeldas are, though.

>> No.5940738

Ages is a way better standalone game. You made a big mistake.

>> No.5941137

Seasons is good if you like combat. Ages is good if you like a lot of puzzles/time travel.

>> No.5942586

>Crash gets 3 games that look alright in his rerelease for 40 bucks
>Spyro gets 3 games that look alright (but lose some of the neat art designs from the original) in his rerelease for 40 bucks
>Link gets 1 game that looks like shit for 60 bucks

>> No.5943136

1 good game is better than 6 shitty games

>> No.5943147

also ages has the better plot, so if you start with ages and then play seasons the additional story from the linked game kind of makes up for the lack of a good plot in seasons

>> No.5943192

no need to be over-dramatic

>> No.5943218

Cause that brown slut-God Din is fkng hot

>> No.5943329

Nintendo Tax

>> No.5944610

>canonically and officially have to play Season first
he did not

>> No.5946242


Patrician choice bro. Ages just sucks in comparison (don't ever trust those who talk about puzzles in Ages being better, time mechanic is shit). Anyways both are great games specially if played together, you don't even have to buy a link cable to connect them and enjoy the extra content.

>> No.5946243

Because Nintendo fans are unironically onions consumers, bugmen that will eat it up anything they release regardless of price.

>> No.5946841

I wouldn't say they're regarded any more highly than other Zelda games, and they're mostly overshadowed by Link's Awakening.

But Oracle of Seasons is absolutely one of the best Zelda games and you should play it. Ages is extremely boring and tedious, I wouldn't recommend playing it first.

>> No.5946846

>overshadowed by Link's Awakening
which sux

>> No.5947381

i loved them both so much
I'm selling my cib copy soon
very sad but its just sitting there on the shelf

>> No.5947392

Though I prefer seasons, LA has something seasons lacks: a good structure. Oracle games have this loop in which you have to keep talking to a tree in order to receive missions, is not as organic as LA where you progress as you go.

>> No.5948272

the tree just points you in the direction of the next dungeon right after you beat the previous. you don't even have to go talk to them. they're not necessary anyway. it's usually obvious where you need to go just with how whatever new item you got gives you new access in the overworld. i think the main purpose of the tree really is just to jog your memory of where to go if you haven't played the game in a while

>> No.5948291

well LA was a miniature OoT influencing its design

>> No.5949176

The trees have the exact same function as the owl in LA. In typical "LA did it better" poster fashion, you're criticizing Oracles for something LA also does or has.

>> No.5949407
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I have both. I remember I got one for my birthday and one for christmas.

I'll never ever let them go.

>> No.5949412

in fact the tree in oos is better imo since unlike the owl it isn't constantly interrupting you as you go through the overworld.

>> No.5949465
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so much soul

>> No.5949481

OoS sucks. For the first two or three levels, it's great, then it becomes readily apparent how little idea the developers had how to utilize the amount of space a Zelda game would entail.

>> No.5949527

>if all the story and railroading in twilight princess bothers you

yes it does. this is the main reason why I don't touch contemporary zelda shit anymore. it's a shit babby handholding cringefest so I usually go back to old Goemon games and to Alundra.

>> No.5949537

agree on the story part, but I don't see that much of a difference in the "railroading" of ages and seasons that would make you hate one and love the other

>> No.5949539

This is a great soundtrack. Also, probably the only good one.

>> No.5949540

And it's even more obvious once you play OoA, which had so much more care put into all of its characters, space, items, puzzles and dungeons. It's amazing that you can really tell that they put all their effort into OoA, and then ran out of ideas.

>> No.5949571

I see it more as OoS being the game where they tried to deconstruct the formula and make it their own way from the ground up, hence the similarities to Zelda 1, and OoA was just "pocket-size OoT/redux of ALttP and LA."

>> No.5949583

Crash and spyro are remaster, LA is a remake.
Still, it should be the prize of the medievil remake but medievil remaster looks and play weird so that's the reason that they didn't put 40 bucks.

>> No.5950539

Everyone always says Ages is better because of the story and character shit but that garbage is the worst part of the game. Who wants cutscenes and tons of dialogue in a Zelda game? Not why I come to this series. Seasons felt like a great classic Zelda game, Ages is closer to the dreck the series devolved into later.

>> No.5950556

this but unironically
LA still should have been a bit cheaper though

>> No.5950727

seasons doesn't railraod you at all outside of the tree making a quick remark in the direction to go next. in ages you literally will have to go somewhere and do a specific thing just so a cutscene will play once you go somewhere else that lets you progress. it happens so often and is just silly. seasons has nothing remotely like that

>> No.5950729

what? the last three dungeons require use of just about every item you have and involve some of the most engaging action-based puzzles ive seen in a zelda game. it sounds like you just got bored of it before coming close to finishing it

>> No.5950736

it's seriously amazing how much atmosphere the game wrings out of such simple hardware just with the music and the color palette. i think oos might have the best atmosphere in any gb/gbc game

>> No.5950804

aesthetic pinnacle of the series

>> No.5950874

>it sounds like you just got bored of it before coming close to finishing it
I did, but I still got to the end.

>> No.5950921

they're fun

>> No.5951524

zelda is a nice backdrop for adventures

>> No.5951604

What? They're all remakes.

>> No.5951752

What's the canon order to play those games ?

>> No.5951765

seasons first

>> No.5953290

There is no canon order. You can either play Ages first, use the code after the end credits to play a linked game in Seasons, use the code after the end credits to play a normal game in Seasons, then use the code after the end credits to play a linked game in Ages, or... you can play Seasons first, use the code after the end credits to play a linked game in Ages, use the code after the end credits to play a normal game in Ages, then use the code after the end credits to play a linked game in Seasons.

You can do it either way. It literally does not matter, and neither order is more canon than the other. Nintendo hasn't defined a "canon" order either. It simply doesn't make sense and it doesn't matter because you get 100% the same result whether you pick one or the other of the above options.

>> No.5953310

hung up on definitions is low tier

>> No.5954431

>Is it worth downloading a emulator and finding the ROM to play these?
If you can emulate on your phone it might be worth it to do that instead of using your computer.

If you have a 3ds just pirate or even pay the 5 bucks for one.

Long-ish gameboy games like this just arent nice to play on a full size monitor. I’m not even talking about ‘the original experience’ or whatever. It just doesnt feel good to look at a really blown up gb screen.

>> No.5956612
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Why do the Zoras look like Klansmen?

>> No.5956621

they don't

>> No.5956623

I doubt whoever made their character even knew what a klansman was

>> No.5957223


IIRC Seasons was actually going to be a direct remake of Zelda 1 initally, which is why it has even less plot than usual and some of the dungeons and bosses are copied. I'm glad it wasn't though since subrosa owns

>> No.5957224


If you go Seasons -> Ages there's some more closure and callbacks to the first game, but you don't lose much from playing them in the opposite order.

>> No.5957438

On the other hand, if you go Ages -> Seasons, the Pirate Captain's story gets closure.

>> No.5957447

Going back to play Spyro wasn't a great experience for me. I found it boring as shit. Crash is still fun though.

>> No.5957458

I think nowadays people use them like this:

Remaster -- same game, new coat of paint

Remake - new game based on old game, significant gameplay changes or additions

In reality, the word "remaster" doesn't even make sense outside the context of music, but whatever.

>> No.5957518

>In reality, the word "remaster" doesn't even make sense outside the context of music
Remaster kinda makes sense when they're just taking the original assets and touching them up now that the hardware has evolved to allow them to use whatever they had to compress or downsize.

>> No.5957695

I would call the map design of Seasons itself very "railroaded" since a lot if it is comprised of zig-zagging passageways that open up one way and funnel toward another. There's a lot of those weird arm-rail looking barriers on every part of the map. It makes backtracking a pain in the ass, not just that it's there, but that it calls for knowing which parts of the map connect from which angles and where you can warp close enough to them without it being a dead end bordering your destination.

>> No.5957715

i think there's a balance you can strike between open environments and focused gameplay and oos hits it pretty well. the fact that you can feel a bit railroaded at first just makes it all the more satisfying and liberating to go back through when you get faster/stronger with new items etc. lttp does this well too

>> No.5957717

oos dungeons weren't copied from zelda 1 at all. it only feels zelda 1-esque in that they wring a lot of gamplay out of simple mechanics

>> No.5957746

See, I felt progressively more railroaded as the game went, though. It's not a big deal to have one path to go down when you're still foraging new ground. Later on though, the game has to function as a hub rather than these individualized level segments they'd served as up to that point, and it doesn't work so great. It's like navigating the twisty hallways of a Resident Evil game, in a game whose overall structure doesn't really behoove that.

>> No.5957752

i like that aspect where you have to familiarize yourself with all the individual areas to efficiently maneuver. not to mention most places do have multiple ways in and out, at least with good use of the seasons rod and swift seeds/roc's cape/ricky, i just don't really see it as a con, especially with the replay value with the seeds. there's more reason to go back to old areas than in most other zelda games. ages is much more problematic in this regard so i still don't see how it's pertinent to what i was discussing earlier

>> No.5957761

Haven't played Ages enough to make a direct comparison, just know Seasons feels plenty "railroaded" to me.

>> No.5958768

Gotta catch all the rings, because I have autismo.

>> No.5958832

I love Ages but there are a lot of parts where you basically have to stop and talk to a bunch of people to do stuff. The biggest example in my mind is Crescent Island

>> No.5958958

Which could have easily been put in the credits montage.

>> No.5959323
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can you point out to me what's so railroading here? thinking about it and looking at the map, most places have two or more exits to me. and even some of the places that don't have subrosia portals so they don't technically count either. the only area i see is auros ruins but that's because it's mostly meant to be a one-time puzzle area to go through to get to the sixth dungeon, and the sunken city, which is supposed to be hidden and has deep water passages in and out.

>> No.5959332

in a ZELDA?!
what a dumb complaint

>> No.5959664

I think Ages and Seasons just make it feel bad because of all the times you have to talk to a specific NPC to advance the plot even if you know where to go already. I'll never forget that time in Ages when I figured out on my own that I needed to go to the graveyard to dig up an item from the grave of the inventor of that item, then wandered around for like an hour trying to figure out how the fuck to get to the grave. Turned out I needed to go talk to some specific NPC who would TELL ME specifically about the inventor guy, which activated a cutscene with Prince Richard where he explicitly told me to go to the graveyard, which then triggered a cutscene near the graveyard where I would rescue Moosh so he could fly me over the pits to get to the grave. Really fucking took the wind out of my sails; I thought I'd figured out a puzzle but then it turned out I was just supposed to mindlessly activate cutscenes that would guide me on exactly what to do. It just really fucking sucks when a game (especially an action-ADVENTURE game) relies SO heavily on specific triggers to let you do things. Not even the 3D Zelda games are quite as bad about that shit as the Oracles games are.

>> No.5959691

Oh, and I forgot to mention that guy I had to talk to was an NPC I had already talked to before and he didn't even give me new information, it's just the game requires you to talk to him at a specific point in order to advance the plot, so fuck you if you already explored and talked to the guy earlier.

>> No.5959770

agreed. seasons doesn't do that though

>> No.5959806

If you talked to the raft kid he tells you to talk to the old man on the east part of town. After talking to him the Ralph scene activates.
I'm not defending story flags here although being linear doesn't make it a bad game but I'm playing Ages now and didn't have any trouble with this part.

>> No.5959830

I agree linearity isn't inherently bad, and I agree that Zelda games since LttP generally have plenty of railroading and directing of the player, but it's the over-abundance of those story flags that just makes the game feel less like you're on an exploratory adventure and a lot more like you're just ticking off check boxes in the right order to make events advance.

The problem was that I'd already talked to that guy to get the information about that inventor, so I just headed right on over to the graveyard because I'd explored that area and seen that one grave off by itself and knew that was where I should go. I was basically punished by the game for exploring and putting the pieces together myself.

The whole game progresses in that fashion and it makes the entire experience feel very mechanical and unrewarding. The devs were very bad at hiding this mechanical/checklist nature of the game, which ends up making the whole experience really tedious. You stop thinking "What's the next thing I need to do?" and start thinking "Where's the next trigger I need to activate for the story?" Once that happens, the immersion vanishes and playing the game feels like a chore.

>> No.5959840

I think Ages is unusually bad about this. It's the "puzzle" oracle game, and they seem to consider being lead around by NPCs to be a puzzle.
And the time gimmick makes it worse. Either you'll completely skip someone because you're exploring in the wrong time, or you forget where a person is because the past and present are very similar. This is really bad in Rolling Ridge because some of the caves are exact copies of each other.

>> No.5960340
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>> No.5960525

At least not as badly, though there's still a few dragging moments like that whole hassle of getting the pirate captain's bell before he'll help you reach dungeon 7.

>> No.5960535

Just look at the red railings and trees bordering every path across the whole map.

>> No.5960562

NPC plot advancement is truly the cancer killing gaming.
And always was.
Ages at the least gets somewhat okay once you get far enough, since you get larger events instead of hunting for single NPCs to go to the next single NPC in a chain to get to the actual plot trigger. But its still pretty bad.

In Oracle its just different when it pops up. Its mostly the animal companions, and the pirate stuff. Otherwise a lot is dungeon items used to advance the overworld stage. And the season wand.

>> No.5960885

so? every map in every game has borders, including every other zelda game. railroading doesn't mean when your game has rails in it

>> No.5960892

not to mention the railings themselves are just examples of how much height differences there are on the map. depth variety isn't a bad thing and it's probably something link's awakening could've done with some more of

>> No.5960903

and finding that involves going to the desert area for the first time. so you're motivated to explore it just for the sake of exploration and finding the bell is more of a happenstance rather than something you feel forced to do. the real annoying thing there was the skull getting sunk down into the quicksand but that's not particularly bad either

>> No.5961223

You literally can't even enter the desert before you're scripted to because a pirate blocks the last switch, and he doesn't move until you've met the captain and agreed to find the bell. I recall that you also can't get the bell polished until you show it to the captain first.

To say Seasons has no railroading is flat-out wrong. It's just not as bad with it as Ages is.

>> No.5961493

ok? you also have to get the power bracelet first to lift up the big rocks. does that mean every zelda has railroading? the fact that the game blocks off certain areas until you get a certain thing is what makes acquiring things and exploring in zelda so exciting. it's how every game works. not to mention meeting the captain are all things you very easily do on the way to do other things so it doesn't feel forced either. you literally need to pass up the skeleton pirate captain in order to get to the subrosia portal. who wouldn't think to talk to him?

>> No.5962165

No amount of willfully missing the point of what I've said about three times is going to make me change my mind about my experience playing this game like a month ago.

>> No.5962169

I don't see what's wrong with railroading. Why is a developer's vision of how they want you to experience a game wrong?

>> No.5962265

if you played it recently then why are you saying there's railroading in oos where there's not? i don't care about your experience if you're going to misrepresent the game

>> No.5962268

in a game series like zelda, it CAN stifle or interrupt exploration but oos doesn't do it much though so it isn't a problem for it

>> No.5962272

If you can't look at the map and see how rigorously funneled the player's path is at all times then I'm sorry for your visual impairment. But wait, I'm sorry, sometimes areas have two whole screens you can enter or leave an entire section of the map from. WOW! Look. If I'm giving you my perspective as someone who's played the game recently and you can't challenge that with anything but a jpeg or gymnastics around what "railroading" really means, maybe that should be an eye opener?

>> No.5962278

i just don't understand the problem here. yes, the game has lots of places and directions to go. are you saying that you should be able to anywhere from any location? sounds flat and unmemorable. maybe just stick to breath of the wild if that's your cup of tea

>> No.5962807

They're huge games.

>> No.5962881
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Why do you keep making this thread with the same OP? Obviously if the first 10 times didn't convince you then give up on them and play something else

>> No.5962912

>gymnastics around what "railroading" really means
I'm 99% certain that you don't quite grasp what it means. I balked at the notion earlier>>5959332because it's Zelda and there's only one way through the game and you have to figure it out as if that were another puzzle. If anything, without an Owl or a fairy there's less hand holding and railroading you toward the destination.

>> No.5962918

>is it worth spending 0 dollars and at most 5 minutes to do something

it took longer for someone to reply to this thread than it would take for you to download the emulator and roms

>> No.5964356
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>oos dungeons weren't copied from zelda 1 at all.
Copied, no. But definitely inspired. Gnarled Root's map even looks almost like Eagle.

Oracle of Seasons has literally every Zelda 1 boss.

>> No.5964360

I fuckin love Ramrock. The bomb hands were always the hardest.

>> No.5964362

The worst part is in Seasons you can actually do dungeons 4 and 5 out of order. If they'd just taken it a little farther, it could have been a much more open-ended game.

>> No.5964410

oh yeah, gnarled root has some pretty blatant callbacks, along with the bosses. though most have new mechanics and there's a couple original ones so i don't think it's much of a problem as far as the game having its own identity goes.

>> No.5964420

Am I the only one who prefers Ages over Seasons?

>> No.5964425

no. kingk does too

>> No.5964427

Ages first is the best experience (mostly since Seasons will feel like chill NewGame+ content), but Seasons first is probably canon. Retards (like me for a long time) forget to do both.

>> No.5964431

Yes he did. Get the hard game out of the way (with all its unironically kino moments like the Tokays and DDR), first, then play the easy one later to have an extremely great time.

>> No.5964442

scroll up, chad

>> No.5964469

Seasons's late-game items are really cool upgrades and work better with Seasons as the second game. Although Black Tower is a much better final dungeon than Onox's castle.

>> No.5965173
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tfw finished Ages without ever meeting Moosh.

>> No.5965197


>> No.5965360

>sister smashed my OoS copy against a wall and it wont play anymore
>she also tore off the OoA label and then tried to rewrite it with a sharpie
It's like looking at the mangled bodies of your children.

>> No.5965562
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I found all the heart pieces but one, I met the other two animals, and I got the flute for Dimitri. Also I explored every case of the map except one case in the present.

>> No.5965570

should I do OoS before trying the 100% completion?

>> No.5965959
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i hate to be a memelord here but one thing that always struck me about seasons specifically is that it just feels rich and full of soul despite hardly having a story and being a bit shallow in certain aspects like that. it lets the atmosphere and gameplay speak for itself and really does feel like the last, dying breath of retro gaming before the new millennium really took over

>> No.5966109

Don’t know if it’s been mentioned in this thread, but OoS started out as a LoZ remake.

>> No.5966408

If you mean rings and all that, you can't get 100% completion without playing both games.

If you're playing Ages, I recommend reaching the end credits, then going straight to a linked Seasons game with the password. Then 100% them, and use the next password to start a regular Seasons game + linked Ages game and play around with all your rings.

>> No.5966435

Just play them yourself if you want to know and form your own fucking opinion

>> No.5966510

Also, unless you're playing the original games on a GBA, you'll need to do some editing of your ring password to get the two GBA rings.

>> No.5967534


>> No.5967586

Wait, are you saying the GBA version is better?

>> No.5967724

There is no GBA version, just a couple of rings that are a bonus for playing them on a GBA. The rings have no powers at all and are just for show.

>> No.5968129

no. they made the overall palette brighter to compensate for the og gba's impossible-to-see screen and it fucks up the aesthetic

>> No.5969682

>its more frustrating so its good
how about he try it AFTER he's done getting a enjoyable taste of what the gameplay is, retard?

>> No.5969683

Capcom's color palette autism is gift that keeps on giving
i miss it

>> No.5969698

did you hate fuck your sister afterwards?
did it feel good?