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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5933390 No.5933390 [Reply] [Original]

is emulation /vr/ approved?

>> No.5933395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5933396

It's in the sticky.

>> No.5933476


>> No.5933485

Only real shit like GroovyMAME, not garbage like Retroarch.

>> No.5933545

more than the actual consoles.

>> No.5933550 [DELETED] 

Wait is this fucking serious? I had no idea that they actually talked like this... I mean, I've always been pretty liberal or whatever but holy shit. Where should I go to learn more? I cannot fucking believe they actually think like this. My blood is boiling

>> No.5933557 [DELETED] 

This is just the Jew equivalent of "WE WUZ KANGZ".

>> No.5933563 [DELETED] 

Uh... it doesn't sound like it. It sounds like unironic, intense bigotry backed with a plan and a certain view of history. Is what you said the best rebuttal to what I'm obviously seeing? Because if so I'm going to /pol/ for the first time ever.

>> No.5933721
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>> No.5933724

No. Collecting is wrong too.

>> No.5933726

Try harder. Your bait is like a child with their first fishing rod.

>> No.5933750

The only way to play retro video games is to travel back in time to the appropriate year and experience them at the height of their relevancy, as the developers intended.

>> No.5933753

Of course. Real hardware is cool, I've just spent half the night playing PS1 games on a PS2 it's close enough and actually supports component easily without modification but emulation absolutely has its place. I'm not hauling a PS1 or SNES with me on the train, but a Vita fits the bill nicely. Ultimately what's really important is the games themselves. I don't begrudge people for wanting boosted performance and res in N64 games or Z-axis stability in PS1 games.
Also this. Mainly this.

>> No.5933841 [DELETED] 
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>Unironically watching that pajeet

>> No.5933982

hardware fags are the ones not welcome here

>> No.5934143

when will posting e-celeb-shit be a bannable offense?
it killed /v/, and /vr/ is soon to follow if this keeps up happening.

>> No.5934164

playing on emulators is cringe and bluepilled

playing on real hardware is based and redpilled

>> No.5934169 [DELETED] 
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Obvios B8 thread remains over 12 hours. Good job tranny jannies.

>> No.5934206

Yes, emulation is /vr/-approved.

And so is playing on authentic hardware while wearing your trans pride striped thigh-highs.

>> No.5934278

>e-celeb shit
Post your opinion or gtfo.

>> No.5934472

Retroarch actually sucks though.

>> No.5934482

Playing video games at all is not /vr/ approved, that's valuable console/genre/company shitflinging time being wasted.

>> No.5934513
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and your discourse is that of a fucking 15 yo mark

>> No.5934683

yeah. Real Hardware is like vinyl, good and fun to use, but not needed to enjoy the medium. High quality emulation is akin to downloading flac rips of stuff, while poor quality stuff (think zsnes) is like those poor bitcrushed Sara Bareilles mp3 rips your mom listens to in the car.

>> No.5934786
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Unironically the best description for real hardware and emulation.
I never seen the reason why people have the need to bash on either when both are fine to use for their own reasons.

>> No.5934817

That's really the important point. Emulation is fine, but poor quality emulation, like a shitty clone system or whatever, is distinctly not fine because it's compromising the game itself.

>> No.5935034

"Emulating" an 18+ is not approved or allowed

>> No.5935159


I havent played Snes emulators in like a decade. is Zsnes shit now?

>> No.5935179

It's okay but there's honestly no reason to use it over bsnes or snes9x.

>> No.5935482

>I never seen the reason why people have the need to bash on either when both are fine to use for their own reasons.
It's because some are elitist purists, and the others are a reaction to the purists, with a smidge of class warfare to flavor.l

>> No.5935653

Why are you looking for approval from an anonymous forum full of dopey mean-spirited assholes and children?

>> No.5935783

He isn't, he's just shitposting.

>> No.5935785

It's obviously inferior to using original hardware but good emulation isn't bad in itself.

>> No.5935786

It plays the vast majority of games fine. But unless you’re using a Penguin 2/3 or something there’s no reason not to just use Snes9x or bsnes

>> No.5935809

>But unless you’re using a Penguin 2/3
>not using Icebear

>> No.5935816

I was big into real hardware for a bit and I got myself a pretty decent set up but time and time again I find myself just emulating everything on my wii

>> No.5937227

>i impulse bought and then realized i'm a casual

>> No.5937264

For some of us, it's the only access we have to retro games.

>> No.5937281

only if you have no good hardware options available to you

>> No.5937292

seething, the thread. collecting is fun, and I have loads of cash.

>> No.5937491

I play retro games because im a broke ass nigga

>> No.5937856

Nah I just don't wanna deal with dying save batteries, and I've had 2 NES fail on me, one being a modded toploader. I still use real hardware for things like PS1, Dreamcast and Saturn but otherwise it's just more trouble than it's worth

>> No.5937870

Yes, that tends to happen when an emu isn't updated in 13 years and gives autists like Byuu enough time to find all its faults.
>It plays the vast majority of games fine.
It doesn't. Try playing Star Ocean in it.

>> No.5937948

oH wHaT iF tHiS dArK wEb sHiT wAs R E A L?!?!?!

>> No.5938071

It still has its uses, great starter emulator for the less computer literate.

>> No.5938271

Muta is the only e celeb worth saving when our judgment day comes

>> No.5938408

Literally the first one who should be executed, damn /vr/ you disappoint me...