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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 360x450, Annchildren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5914883 No.5914883 [Reply] [Original]

Post little known facts about your favorite games. I'm talking little known facts not basic shit

>Harvest moon (SNES)
>There actually is no difference between grass and the animal feed, even though game tells you grass feed is better
>baby chicks and baby cows don't need to be fed. Yes you've been feeding adolescent cows for no reason
>Keeping animals outside does NOT make them happier. This is a ridiculously widespread myth. There's zero difference between indoor and outdoor animal raising except outdoors has a bunch of penalities (time, wolves, etc)
>If you have cows outdoors and they encounter a mole it will hurt their happiness. Meanwhile, if you encounter fox or the birds, you gain happy

>> No.5914885

One more
>You can get two kids to reach adolescence but this means getting married absurdly early like by end of first summer or some shit

>> No.5914887

Another one
>Enclosing your field does not prevent wolves. Rather the game calculates how many broken fence you have and will trigger wolves based on probability times that number. Aka, you are best off having no fencing at all. They only hurt your farm!

>> No.5914914
File: 67 KB, 377x235, 1566427800579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Planescape: Torment (PC)
>The game was originally planned to have three endings, where as the final product only has one. But considering that one or two of the endings would have been an "all's well that ends well" affair where the protagonist keeps his immortality, maybe its for the best it all got cut.
>There is no limit as to how many items you can requisition from Fhjull when you meet him, but im pretty sure this was intended.

>Stronghold Crusader 1 (PC)
>The Messanger character who will speak to you when you are allied to the Rat, Snake, Pig and Wolf has a full set of sounds for taunting and being defeated, even for being added and removed from the roster whilst in the skirmish setup screen. There is also another unused, if incompletr character soundset whose files have the prefix "badarab", and the only time that voice actor is used is during the first Fourth Crusade mission when De Puce gets sent mercenary aid. I think both of these were supposed to be used for multiplayer human lords but they just ran out of time and couldn't be bothered to add it in later.
>The Sheriff has a slightly more advanced siege AI than most other lords, but because his default castles are terrible with shitty economy this will rarely come into play. If given a modded castle set he benefits far more than any other AI.
>There is an exploit you can do when allied to some AI characters. The Rat and the Abbot never stop recruiting, and if you ask them to defend your keep they will keep sending more and more spearmen/monks over. After like 10 minutes of this the Rat can build up a horde of several hundread spearmen, which actually makes him quite useful as an ally.

>> No.5914919
File: 11 KB, 300x225, 300px-Tokomon_eat_you!.JPG-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digimon World 1
>Tokomon was based on fyzzgygg, the dog with tons if teeth, from the Dark Crystal
>Jijimon was based on their boss

>> No.5914956

Enemies with more than 255 hitpoints in Shining Force 2 (and maybe CD) are handled slightly differently. They have reserve stacks of 255 which function like additional healthbars that are converted into normal HP when their health falls below a certain number. This is how Zeon has 500 hitpoints in a game where HP is handled by one byte.

This is more elegant than how Dark Falz was handled in Phantasy Star 1, where he was actually two monsters in a single stack but the part of the interface that normally shows this was disabled.

>> No.5914963
File: 110 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All parts of Omni Zophar's body in Lunar 2 (Sega CD) have the same hitpoints, meaning there is no point in attacking his hands.

>> No.5914986
File: 32 KB, 819x459, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damage in Resident Evil is actually a table, not a formula. Pic related. This means that the knife really is as useless as it seems to be, needing 30+ strikes to kill a single zombie, which would be more than enough to kill Tyrant in RE1.

In addition to this; the word "zombie" is never used in Resident Evil 1.

>> No.5915000

Can you dumb that down for me a bit bro? What do you mean by table and formula? What would be the difference? Also how do I read that chart? And how does it change the knife? Thanks.

>> No.5915005

Just go farm irl geez

>> No.5915006

Wasn't this in the manual?

>> No.5915007

Forgot that the top headers doesn't show the weapon names, my bad. Basically, each weapon's damage is hardcoded according to the enemy it hits, so if you hit a zombie and a licker at the same time with the knife, the zombie will always take 3 damage, and the licker will always take 8 damage. This is different from most games where enemies will take the damage of the weapon, and have modifiers applied to it like the enemy's defense stat, or damage type resistances.

Here's the data itself: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/544133455085174785/627814491177877504/Resiyoyo.zip

>> No.5915014 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 474x266, downloadfile-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people think it was programmed by sjw's, but it was actually programmed by retarded monkeys.

>> No.5915017

>retarded monkeys

Even worse... Canadians.

>> No.5915020

Ah okay, I get it now, thanks bro. But one more question, in the end, doesn't that equal the same thing? I'm guessing the difference is people thought the weapons have strength stats, but it's actually all according to the enemy's stats receiving the attack, like people thought the knife always does 3 damage and the enemies just had more HP or something like that?

>> No.5915024

RE deliberately hides all numbers from the player, and random enemy HP along with the deathblow only happening when you take damage at 0HP makes it impossible to accurately determine damage values without memory analysis. And not really, you can see that the damage ratios are very different across all weapon/enemy combinations, the method they used allows them to fine-tune the game's difficulty and to add to the unpredictability of the unknown.

>> No.5915063

I mean that’s interesting, the math behind such feats, but the knife is only really annoying to use against Lickers and Birkin 3(A). And that is all due to mobility not damage tables. But need to by have to count, what is it saying for how many I need to kill the Croc? I’ve never done it with the knife but I’ve counted 28 knife hits before.

>> No.5915073

That's the damage it does, not the number of hits it takes, you can get the enemy health from the link in >>5915007

>> No.5915080

Based as fuck, how did they get everything so right.

>> No.5915204
File: 8 KB, 169x217, Interplay LOTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has actual Quenya and Sindarin in the game; often times you'll have a branching trigger if say you read an inscription, the game will check if you have a character with the appropriate lore. If you do, it will display the text you read in normal English, if you don't, it will display it in the appropriate Tolkien conlang.

>> No.5915205

I remember reading this shit on Gamefaqs back in the day.

>> No.5916170

>retarded monkeys
But I repeat myself.

>> No.5916193

>becoming a farmer to spread your seed
>not spreading your "seed"
You should get married as soon as possible and be fruitful, like our Lord intended.

>> No.5916559

I like tricks like this. In FF2 US, Zeromus has something similar where he gets a health refill midway through the fight to give hime extra HP. You can actually prevent this by using berserk characters or reflecting spells from your own characters, which stops the AI from triggering it.

>> No.5917289

I have so many good memories of this game even though I never completed it.
Anyway here's something I've heard in a let's play: the Ranger you meet in the Shire - it's possible to glitch the game into not losing him but the programmers realized that and I think he will leave you at Bree.

>> No.5918524

In Ocarina of Time, you only need Spirit and Shadow medallions to trigger the Light arrow cutscene.
You actually need Goron's bracelet as adult to pick up rocks and bombflowers, despite the game telling you adult is strong enough on its own

>> No.5918539
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>> No.5918578
File: 71 KB, 550x413, Cathedral_Pinnacle-Cathedral-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the silenced cathedral in soul reaver (where you fight zephon) originally would be much bigger.
>it would be one of the final lvls in the original storyline
>the player would turn on the pipes and kill all the vampires in Nosgoth through
>That and ALOT of other stuff got scrapped due to time constraints
Might be considered basic shit for alot of people but for anyone who isn't a fan it might be a "little known" fact.

>> No.5918629


>> No.5919631
File: 136 KB, 640x480, Zergalpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original StarCraft almost didn't made it and suffered from shoddy programming. Its first form looked and behaved a lot like Warcraft II and was mocked as being "orcs in space".
The legacy of that can only be seen clearly the map editor - underneath the hood StarCraft uses a similar "tile" engine as Warcraft II. The consequence of that is that movability is judged on a per tile basis making very tight bridges almost impossible in the engine.
This has a consequence in poor pathing algorithms and the haphazard way big units (like Dragoons) find their path.
The programming team was always in firefighting mode and when the game was finished they didn't even have anything like an implementation of a list. AI for all units is custom.
The protoss observer will quote Aria and Griswald when clicked on.

>> No.5919918

That's cool info, anon, and the art looks pretty interesting. My brother played StarCraft and I watched when I was a little kid, and when I got a bit older I played it and loved it. It's pretty timeless, I think, though it's hard to say if it would stand the test of time if it hadn't had the graphical overhaul.
Do you know if there's any truth to the rumours that it was initially started as a Warhammer game project? I can't remember where I heard that, and I couldn't find any info about it but I didn't look very hard.

>> No.5919936

It was more than just a graphical overhaul, the gameplay would be changed substantially.

>> No.5919954

As the first Zelda game only had two Triforces (the third wouldn't be added until Zelda 2), the "tri" part of the name refers to the fact that they are triangles, not that there are three of them.

>> No.5919979

https://kotaku.com/the-inside-story-of-the-making-of-warcraft-part-1-5929157 grep for warhammer
The inside stories from Warcraft/Warcraft 2 and StarCraft are pretty insane even for gamedev.
I don't know if StarCraft was supposed to have WH40k IP but WarCraft certainly did and Blizzard certainly was inspired by much lore from WH40 for StarCraft (Zergs = Tyrranids, Eldar = Protoss).

>> No.5919995

Sorta, Zerg played a lot on other aliens in fiction as well, Broodwar in particular took after the Starship Troopers movie a lot.
Protoss are based partially on native American tribes, and are less elves in space, rather than being a one to one copy of Eldar.

There's definitely lots of influence there, though.

>> No.5920131 [DELETED] 

This but unironically, if you're white that is.

>> No.5920190

Yeah I shouldn't have written =, Zergs take some lore from Tyrranids, and the Protoss from Eldar and let's leave it at that.
Here's a breakdown of the evolution of SC
http://home.planet.nl/~aggel005/alphabeta/ealpha.html zerg look weird at the beginning and it's not a big stretch to see Starship Trooper influences.

>> No.5920226

I guess there's some in the beginning of development, but I was thinking more at all the winks and nods to the movie you see in Broodwar's Terran campaign.

Like this is straight up from the news intermissions from the movie. Not that I complain, not everything has to be too original.

>> No.5920338

>programmed by sjw's, but it was actually programmed by retarded monkeys.
What's the difference?

>> No.5920432

One is a subset of the other.

>> No.5921001
File: 400 KB, 800x850, Zelda I Epitomized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty explicit in the first game. The repeatedly refer to it as the Wisdom HALF of the Triforce. It was just a big giant gold triangle at first.

>> No.5921639

>when the game was finished they didn't even have anything like an implementation of a list
I'm sceptical, do you have a source for that? Decent list implementations are a pretty trivial exercise.

>> No.5921970

Search for "doubly linked list".
I guess, I also should have been more precise: they did use (doubly linked) lists they just didn't factor out the common functionality in a way any sane person would especially in a project so big.

>> No.5922090

>they just didn't factor out the common functionality in a way any sane person would especially in a project so big.
That makes more sense. It sounds like the development was a real mess.

>> No.5922972


>> No.5922983

>harvest moon
Who cares?

>> No.5922984

You do since you replied.

>> No.5922986

Super Mario Bros 2 started out as Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.5922990

Wrong. Stay mad tho gaywad.

>> No.5922992

this game is such soul
animal crossing is just this minus farming

>> No.5923019

You, apparently.

>> No.5923021

I care in negatives. Actually I care more about bullying you shiteating weebs

>> No.5923049
File: 36 KB, 560x420, drain_deimos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil 3 has a ton of that stuff, but the space here is too small for all of it. Just a few:
- If you stay on the same screen as a Drain Deimos (pic related) for a minute or two, without triggering its attack phase (it reacts to sounds, so just stay still or walk), it'll start to spazz out and spit a smaller version of itself. The enemy in the pic spits some sort of fleas, and the Brain Sucker (the green version) lays eggs. Otherwise, you'll never see those enemies in the game.
- Against Nemesis and Hunters, Jill has a special dodge animation with the pistol/magnum, where she rolls and puts one knee on the ground. If you shoot like this, she shoots much faster.
- When you exit the RPD, if you go back to the beginning of the game instead of pressing on, you'll see a few changes, like the street in front of J's Bar with no lights, the emergency ladder is up, etc. If you go all the way back to the beginning, Dario (fat guy) will have come out of the container and been murdered by zombies.
- It's impossible to kill the final boss with only normal weapons. There's a certain threshold where he just gets much slower, but he never dies. In this stage, he'll go to where the Tyrant was blown away (near the wall), and start to eat it to recover its own HP.
- With good enough timing, you can shoot Nemesis' rocket launcher right when he fires, and this causes him to miss. It's easier to do this with a rapid-fire weapon, like the Machine Gun.
- The last time you kill Nemesis normally gives you that suitcase with infinite bullets; however, in your first playthrough only, it gives you the Machine Gun.

>> No.5923075

Maybe not exactly but believe Zelda OoT/MM was done the same way which can give weird results.

I'm sure everybody on /vr/ knows this by now but the dog barking on MM during the alien invasion event is actually barking at the closest alien for you. Once aware he can be kinda useful if you are playing more casually.

>> No.5923118

>Harvest Moon
What are you doing here? Fuck back off to /v/ or whatever contrarian zoomer shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.5923141
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>> No.5923160
File: 57 KB, 917x599, 1540603425841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extra retarded because the image you posted doesn't even have to do with what you're criticizing
well, I say criticizing, but really you're just trying to repeat what he said (monkey see, monkey do), your retard babble somehow translating into text

>> No.5923469
File: 98 KB, 750x650, Vgfjg gedgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In ocarina of time it is possible to kill gerudos using hookshoot to lyse them. Then use bow, spada flech of whatever. Then he attacks and falls as if he fades but does not wake up. You can only do it with the guards, not with the white clothes or the carpenters.I think that only in n64 can

>> No.5923473


>> No.5923487

Based as fuck spada flech poster. Lyse!

>> No.5923490

Easy with Eve, you just gotta get your money. She's wooable by day one really
This shit on the other hand, this is some real shit right here.....

>> No.5923524

Gotta try that some day.

>> No.5923525
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 1506388759473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In early versions of Doom, the infighting algorithm had an oversight where if a monster was hurt by an exploding barrel detonated by a monster of the same species, the two could start infighting, something which normally won't happen with most monster types as they're immune to projectiles from their own species (an Imp will never be hurt by another Imp's fireball, etc).
The exception being hitscan attacks, such as guns and melee attacks, only melee attacks can't strictly 'miss', just whiff from being out of range, thus a monster's melee attack will never accidentally hit another target, only fail to connect to its intended target.

In rare circumstances, a monster could detonate an explosive barrel, get hurt by the explosion, and what happens then is that the infighting code has now told him that he should target *himself*. Depending on which monster does this, various things may now happen.
If it's a Zombie, he will just completely wig out, waving around and shooting randomly in whatever direction, trying, but failing to target himself, probably hurting and killing others around him.
If it's a monster with a melee attack, such as the Baron Of Hell, he will find that he is in melee range with himself, and then start melee attacking himself continuously, since he IS in range of himself, and since melee attacks are hitscan attacks, he will thus stand in place and tear himself to pieces.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o9mE1UyBc

This oversight was patched out in all versions after 1.1, thus monsters could never be made to infight themselves.

>> No.5923556

Type 1 music in Tetris NES is from a song called Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker.


>> No.5923585

The visual size of the blood drops in Doom are commensurate with how much damage was inflicted

>> No.5924278

>In FF2 US

>> No.5924281

Everybody knows that.

>> No.5924307
File: 62 KB, 640x417, IMG_5989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents fell for the mutt meme, but I still plan to raise lil Contras

>> No.5924402

>>Planescape: Torment (PC)
I learned that part of the proposition or design document made by Avellone was that he wanted a game where you can wear the skin of your enemies.

>> No.5925118

Luigi is Mario's brother

>> No.5925223
File: 505 KB, 500x749, 1566619087463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cool

>> No.5925268 [DELETED] 

>- With good enough timing, you can shoot Nemesis' rocket launcher right when he fires, and this causes him to miss. It's easier to do this with a rapid-fire weapon, like the Machine Gun.
I may be misremembering, but doesn't this actually cause the rocket launcher to explode, meaning he loses it for the rest of the encounter? But he'll have it again the next time you see him regardless.

>> No.5925285

>poor pathing algorithms
I thought maphackers recently discovered a large part of that is determined by the map itself, and some minor changes can greatly overhaul the AI's pathing.

>all the /v/irgins in this thread angry people are talking about retro games
Ignore all the retards folks.

>> No.5925345

Was infighting completely removed from all future revs, and Doom 2? Maybe I just played enough of 1.1 to think it was never taken out or something. It always seemed like it was there to me.

>> No.5925370

Infighting still exists, just not like that, with the enemy killing itself.

It exists on Doom 3 too, although only if a low tier monster (like an Imp) hits a high tier monster (like a Baron of Hell). It's not true infighting, since the low tier monster won't fight back.

You're misremembering two different situations:
- when Nemesis fire 3 shots without killing you, the rocket launcher starts glowing red and he drops it.
- if you reach the Clock Tower by pulling the brakes, Nemesis will have the rocket launcher when Carlos fires on him, in the cutscene before Jill faints. The sustained fire from Carlos' machine gun causes the rocket launcher to glow red and explode.

>> No.5925397

Ok yeah, I was pretty sure it was still there, in some form.

>> No.5926436

In Kirby's Dream Land 3, if you beat the Boss Butch with full health, hold L+R+X as Zero's eye dies and you'll get a secret "Perfect!" screen instead of the typical staff roll.

>> No.5926442
File: 11 KB, 240x210, 67883243-6138-46DF-BF6E-14C1C48A7B85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you collect 20 seashells and get the L2 sword before Catfishes Maw, you despawn the ghost and never have to take him to his home or grave.

>> No.5926479

Capcom's Aladdin has adaptative difficulty. The more you die, the easier enemy distribution and even stage layout in some cases will become. It was directed by Shinji Mikami who would later expand on the concept with the Resident Evil series.

During the final boss of Rayman 2 you can try and crash on the highest point in the ceiling dome, but you'll find a secret tunnel that has an infinite powerup to cheese the remaining fight.

In Wonder Boy Dragon's Trap, collecting 99 charmstones will activate invisible doors all over the village that directly warp you to the dungeon room just before each boss in the game, including the final boss. Monster World IV has a debug merchant hidden in the bushes of Rapaganda City, but only if you talk to him before any save wizard or the queen. He has free end game equipment including an armor that allows changing pet forms (some softlock the game if they call invalid animations)

>> No.5926493

lol that is great.

>> No.5926497

fucking autism

>> No.5926554

So everyone knows about the lucky 7777 thing in Final Fantasy 7, but did you know that enemies can get it too? A speedrun takes advantage of this by poisoning a boss then reducing their HP to 7777, causing them to die to the next poison tic, because poison tics count as an attack on yourself and thus get the 7777 bonus applied to them

>> No.5926571

Mind blown on the speedrun thing. There's a speedrun where boss gets 7777 and wipes the speedrunner that was on record pace

>> No.5926676

The troubles with pathfinding are nicely summarized here:

>> No.5926704

What if its really been a tetraforce this whole time?

>> No.5926789
File: 100 KB, 320x200, cacofighting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infighting is in all versions of classic Doom, barring one or two of the console versions (I think the SNES port lacked it).

Monsters can still start infighting with one of their species by hurting each other with barrels though, so you can still see stuff like pic related happening. Eventually one of them wins, not everyone knows this but Cacos have a melee attack, a pretty strong one, there just isn't a sound effect assigned to it for some reason.

Yeah, Doom 3 still has it, but it has a hierarchy system which makes it a lot less likely to be happening. One of those examples where trying to add depth and detail actually took some away from the game, but on the other hand, they might have decided frequent infighting would take away from the tone they were going for.

>> No.5926791
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, infighting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're a monster with only a projectile attack, this sort of infighting can lead to this scenario, where two Arachnotrons stand in place indefinitely trading plasma back and forth.
(apologies for poor video quality)

>> No.5926807

IIRC, this was because monsters are invincible against their own projectiles, right? And that extends to projectiles thrown by others from the same species?

>> No.5926827 [DELETED] 

is the ability for enemies to get the lucky 7777 bonus intentional or a bug?

>> No.5926852

Yes. The exception would be attacks with splash damage, but the Arch-Vile is coded so that no enemy will ever retaliate against his attack or target him whatsoever. He can however injure himself with splash damage from his attack if it's point blank when it goes off, so he can actually accidentally kill himself, assuming he's hurt enough.
The Cyberdemon fires rockets, but the he is immune to all splash damage, only taking damage from direct hits, and of course since a rocket is a projectile, he won't take damage from a direct hit from another Cyberdemon either, only direct hits with a player's rockets.

>> No.5928976

Arch vile is like that fucker that never gets detention for anything

>> No.5929143

I knew about the special dodge animation and rapid fire.
I knew about the Brain Sucker and Drain Deimos birthed their offspring but didn't know what triggered it.

>> No.5929160

In Deus Ex, you can throw a non-lethal grenade near Anna Navarre in UNATCO and force her to open a supposed-to-be-closed door. Many know that, but what's interesting is that if you use the exploit, the game's complex flag system takes into consideration that you didn't kill her, and Gunther won't mention her as he taunts you through infolink later in the game. It's the same flag system where if you manage to shoot Bob Page through a razor-thin gap in a window, he'll be dead for the rest of the game and you'll be forced to summon him in via cheats to not make one part impassible.

>> No.5929612

Merely a rumour

>> No.5931250

In Duke Nukem 3D, you were originally supposed to be able to kick down locked doors.

>> No.5931548

In Pokemon Red, you were originally supposed to able to lick Misty's pussy as a reward for beating her gym.

>> No.5931551

mighty foot disengaged

>> No.5931616

Doki Doki Panic started out as SMB2.

yep, DDP was originally going to be SMB2 but it was thought it diverged too far from the original and became it's own game. Why do you think the mechanics are so familiar?

>> No.5933249

Super Mario RPG:

> Some of the wishes on Star Hill change as you move through the game.

>> No.5933365

>Zergs = Tyrranids
Other way around. Nids weren't really around when StarCraft came out

>> No.5933471

It's used a lot in FF4FE. Lots of runners will specifically go out of their way to find Bacchus wine or star veils to either berserk their heaviest physical fighter or bounce nukes and holys off of reflected characters. Cuts the length of the fight in half and takes away a lot of room for error, since you want to be hitting Zeromus so fast he never gets a black hole off while also triggering his counter-nuke in the first phase to weaken big bang.

Also interesting, if you manage to hit Zeromus with a spell between him preforming his "shaking" animation and before he casts big bang, you'll greatly weaken the attack. This is because the "shake" actually buffs the next magic attack he does, the counter-nuke that he casts as a counter to spells will take the damage buff instead, and big bang will hit for far less because of it. Nuke still hits pretty hard though.

Other things about FF4 include that Odin takes double damage when he raises his sword, the summon items that drop from Imps and two other random encounter monsters, and that the spoon is actually a weapon that's simply not equippable by anyone but can still be thrown. There's also the 64 door bug, which exists as a way to get the warp spell to work. Essentially, every time you go down a staircase, your floor number gets incremented, and casting warp moves you back to the previous floor you were in. In Dwarf castle, there's a way to increment your floor number without decrementing it, allowing you to wrap around to being on floor 0. When you cast warp during that, it places you on floor -1, which causes game data from outside of the floor data to be loaded, which generally makes a un-navigatable map. By doing this just right though, you can create a warp that had a door that takes you straight to Zeromus's room, thereby skipping a large portion of the game.

Also, DK Cecil is the worst character in the game, having awful growths and missing any decent equipment, even generic bows.

>> No.5933514

Samus is a girl

>> No.5933529

As expected this thread turned into autism speedrunner nonsense more than genuinely interesting things.

>> No.5933547

How about you contribute then you whiny bitch

>> No.5933610

>Cadash (arcade game)

Once you get to level 10, the minimum damage you take becomes 10. This goes all the way up to the max level of 20, where you take 20 minimum damage no matter what. So if you were to get max level and go back to the first dungeon and get hit by the weakest enemy in the game, you'll still take 20 damage. This literally makes armor pretty useless after a certain point and takes away a supposed "advantage" of the Fighter.

>Tekken 2
With Baek, if you do his Hunting Hawk uf+3,4,3 but mash the second 3 then you recover faster and can do a couple attacks that can't be blocked, such as 2,2 or a f,f+2 throw.

>> No.5933690

Based Chris

that's better than autismo sawyerino's shit these days.

>> No.5933702

Fuck off, next you'll try to lie by saying something like Zelda is a girl.

>> No.5933720

You can continue without having to put in bullshit codes in the Japanese version of Double Dragon II NES

>> No.5933732

Okay I'm gonna need an example for that Aladdin fact

>> No.5933735
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>> No.5933784

who's samus? are they affiliated with metroid the robot (halo's girlfriend even though robots can't be girls)

>> No.5933953

In the Bubble Bobble arcade game enter your initials SEX for the following rewards - Pitch fork / Flying cakes / Enemies become diamonds

>> No.5934000

I love this. Based. The Luigi quote killed me as a kid.

>> No.5934798
File: 56 KB, 640x480, evol4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution: The World of Sacred Device is a Dreamcast title, but was originally meant for the Sega Saturn and was even shown off in Sega Saturn Magazine. There's actually a minor remnant in the final game's CG cutscenes: Mag Launcher's eyes in those cutscenes are more stylized compared to the simple ones he has in the final game, but the eyes match both his artwork and his model from the Saturn iteration of the game.

>> No.5934829

Tell me more.

>> No.5934847

very nice.

>> No.5934863
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Small thing but Martian Gothic has a bunch of changes between the PC original and PS1 port. The PS1 version seems to be way more difficult because the zombies seem to be almost guaranteed to do damage to you when they grab, even if you shake them off immediately. Because most of the game has tiny corridors and the zombies don't have whiff animations like in RE1, you have to choose between taking the grab and shaking them off until you can get past or spending ammo on them. And because the zombies never die (they only stay down for a few minutes at best) you have to be careful.

The PC version lets you easily shake enemies off without taking any damage at all and if you're lucky they'll fall over as if they've just been shot.

Both versions are also incredibly buggy and you can easily do stuff out of order to soft lock the game.

>> No.5934868
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Not much is known about the build outside of mockups that were posted and those seem to be similar to the final game, unfortunately.
However, the game does have a devdiary on its official site. Naturally, said site is in Japanese, but a kind anon offered to translate it and has currently finished some of it.
The magazines also had some concept artwork that must have been before development of the game started in earnest because some of the environment designs and the designs for Mag's Cyframe are pretty different (Pannam, the main town, is much bigger, the seaplane had a different design, etc).
Pic related is probably the most drastic, considering the airship and the cyframe apparently replacing Mag's actual hand.

>> No.5934901
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That reminds me: Have any of you ever played the Gems Collection port of Sonic CD? Ever notice how the special stages seem much harder than the original versions? That's because that version upped the framerate/speed of the special stages, but didn't adjust the timer nor Sonic's speed to compensate.

>> No.5934906

Gameboy Tetris samples some volatile register (sound noise generator?) for entropy, and will roll up to 3 (or so) times to try to get a different piece than the last one before giving up

t. hackster

>> No.5934920

Is it also me or is the Christian Whitehead remaster/port of the game also harder in the special stages?
I can get all time stones EZ on the original version of the game, but on the newest ports I find myself getting extremely frustrated on them.

>> No.5934939

Having played the GC release I just realized what Sega did there I found them easier barring stage 6, I think it was.
The remake special stages run at 60 fps while the GC runs at 30. The Sega CD version runs at 15fps. So it might be the framerate throwing you off (though the remake still doesn't feel as messed up as GC, at least to me).

>> No.5935734

I thought the point with Martian Gothic was that if any one of the three player characters were in the same room together they would turn into a 'Trimorph' and then it was Game Over?

Can you give some examples of softlocking?

>> No.5935738

>Having played the GC release I just realized what Sega did there

>> No.5936161

I bet

>> No.5936243

I'd like to believe that was on purpose but it was on the PS2 as well, so probably not.

>> No.5936257

the music was done by iwadare who also did the grandia games and warsong/landgrisser for the sega genesis.

also the lead character designer did the characters for the anime giant robo (looks very much like lunar in style) and for whatever reason harukana receive (looks nothing like lunar).

>> No.5936319

In Baldur's Gate 2, your party members have a "hearing" range of about 20 feet. In BG2 EE, their earshot is infinite. For example, if your MC is attacked by the mad priest of Cyric in the docks, in BG2EE, if Minsc is in your party, even if he's right on the other side of the map, his dialogue response to the mad priest will still be triggered.

You can "pause" romances in the game indefinitely by locking the NPC you're romancing in a room, then kicking them out of your party. Since they can't get out of the room to complain to your MC about being kicked out, the game never registers that they left the party, and when you do let them out and back into your party, romances will pick up where they left off.

You can kill Desharik the pirate lord twice and get his sword twice. After you meet him to try and get into the asylum by feigning madness or by any other method, if you're unsuccessful he'll walk off, you have a tiny window of opportunity to kill him before he gets out the door. Traps, hold spells etc help. Even if you kill him this way, he still shows up for the confrontation on the boat.

It is possible to save the life of every single control collared slave in the planar prison by using invisibility and haste boots to lure the slaves into one room and the demons into another.

>> No.5936357

when you say monkey in the internet people think brazilians

>> No.5937345
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Maybe soft-lock is the wrong word to use, but there are bugs that kill your run if you don't have back-up saves. The biggest is this one, the vents are supposed to be up while the trimorph chases you, then they automatically close as long as you keep your hacker character in the control room. But the bug is that the vents never open, they always stay closed. A variant is that they stay closed but you can go through (so can the trimorph), or go up, close when you pass them, but the trimorph just walks through anyway.

Another one is if you walk into a shuttle bay without doing something first; a trimorph basically just does a cheap death to you, but it's possible to run past him and enter the shuttle. If you do then the game breaks because you're doing things out of order and you're stuck in the shuttle bay with a memory address error if you try to leave. That's not such a big deal as long as you don't save though.

The game is super broken but it's fun enough that I just got an ISO of the PC version and replayed it. It's pathetically easy though, I'm near the end and have something like 30+ first aid sprays and thousands of rounds of ammo for my various guns.

>> No.5937361

brain is full of fuck

>> No.5937383
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Items in Bubble Bobble arcade are not random
and can be triggers depending on whats available in a level.

Most importantly you can trigger the 3 basic upgrade items very quickly to recover from a death.

>> No.5937386

what the fuck...

>> No.5937585

Ah, sounds kinda sloppy, yeah.

>but the trimorph just walks through anyway
DESU that would be scary as fuck, if frustrating.