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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5908295 No.5908295 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so common for people into retro games to either dislike or not care about shmups despite them being arguably the most classic genre?
If this is your situation, explain why it is this way to you.

>> No.5908306

Why should you like or be into them just because they are one of the earliest genres? You can be into film but dislike westerns anyway

>> No.5908310

Well, not jut one of the earliest, but a prolific genre with tons of games across the decades. It's quite huge actually, yet most seem to not give a fuck about them these days.

>> No.5908313

Fucking useless thread by a useless idiot. Talk about the games you like instead of caring about what others think you weak-willed cowardly retard.

Have fun laughing at yet another thread filled with "shmuptrannies" and "jarpigs" back-and-forth, since that purile shit is obviously more fun to you than actually playing or talking about shooting games, stupid cunt.

>> No.5908316

Can't talk about games you like with (almost) noone else around liking them. Those threads just die with barely any posts within a couple of days. Figuring out why these games are unappealing even to the current retro crowd is interesting, though.

>> No.5908317

You're not paying attention if you think people don't talk about shooting games here, and if you seriously believe that, then what the fuck are you doing here? Just starting repetitive arguments for shitposting faggots to come out and play in.

>> No.5908324

>"you bumped my CRT circlejerk/scalper hate thread off the board"

>> No.5908325

Link the shmup thread. Oh wait, you can't.
This topic is legit, figuring out why a once classic genre is now overlooked by most.

>> No.5908331
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I don't really find them satisfying on a basic interactive level. I don't feel like I'm flying a ship, just like I'm moving a little shape around the screen. Are there any shmups where the control of the craft has more to it, like momentum or gravity?

>> No.5908336


>> No.5908339


>> No.5908342

I never got into them because in the US, kids mainly played SNES and Genesis side-scrollers and arcade fighting games. The Turbo Grafix was pretty much unheard of and that's where I think a lot of the shmups were popular.

>> No.5908343

There's no Donkey Kong Country thread to link either. I guess /vr/ doesn't care about that series.

Make a thread that doesn't start with dumb meta shit. If anything has caused shooting game discussion to die off here, it's the fixation on what other people care out, and this moronic us vs. them about jarpigs. Actual players with more sense have probably just left this dump, and I don't know why you can't if you're so sure there's never good discussion here.

>> No.5908347

based, contributing

cringe, seething collector tranny jarpig

>> No.5908348

Genesis has a truckload of shmups, some popular.

>> No.5908350
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The few players have left precisely because this community doesn't care about these games. It gets tiresome to browse through dozens of RPG threads only to find nothing you like all the time.

>> No.5908354

>despite them being arguably the most classic genre
This is bait I've never seen before, but 4chan will argue about literally anything. Enjoy your (You)s

>> No.5908356

The only ones I like are Super SWIV and Axelay, and I grew up with those, so I'm biased.
The reason I don't like them very much is the very high difficulty and in most games you go back to a checkpoint instead of respawning instantly when you die (doesn't happen in the two games I mentioned btw). Like most arcade games, it's made to suck sheckels out of you instead of being a balanced well thought out game.

>> No.5908357

Again, why are you here? You're just making it sound like leaving is a better idea.

Be more interesting, I've seen this exact same "why don't you guys like this?" thread several times this past year. Never starting with something you're playing, a recent score or clear, a strategy question, or anything worth talking about. Why should anyone want to engage with you if you're so boring?

>> No.5908358

Autistic community, too high estrogen levels.

>> No.5908359

Because "people into retro games" are little bitches. Real men who play with old toys like them.

>> No.5908362

Gotcha covered senpai

>> No.5908363

Shmups were the first popular genre if we don't count Pong clones. Space Invaders, anyone?

Many of them are quite easy. Try Thunder Force III, only has checkpoints when you run out of lives too.

>> No.5908365

How's he wrong? It's one of the earliest genres of games with stuff like Space Invaders, Robotron, Defender and Xevious and it's a genre that has stayed true to its roots to this day. The only thing more /vr/ than shmups is pinball.

>> No.5908368

Yeah, I don't give a fuck about how old a game's genre is. RPGs are older because they were literally ported from paper. Sports games are older because Pong is tennis. It doesn't matter though, you're just bitching about a non-issue for (You)s.

>> No.5908371

Shmuckers act like they are persecuted victims when in fact YOU started by dragging jrpgs into your little autistic quarrel. Don't complain when people hate you if all you do is attack them.
Since you love trolling so much don't bitch if people troll you back.

>> No.5908374

I think we can all agree on one thing.
Videogames are super gay

>> No.5908375


>> No.5908378

This is an interesting topic to discuss with people that don't like shmups.
A better question is why are you here complaining instead of ignoring the thread, reporting it or whatever.
Straight threads cannot be made because there's not enough people into shmups here to sustain them. They just die.

Way to prove my point, almost no activity. Like, no real thread in weeks.

It's not just about the age, but their legacy.

>> No.5908380

Nobody is saying he's wrong, just that it's a post made exclusively for bait, he doesn't have a real topic, just a nonsense assertion literally designed to generate argument over "which genre is more classic". But sure, shmups are more classic than other genres, I don't care, it's not a genre I play much of because I liked platformers and puzzle games most when I was a kid in the late 80s and early 90s.

>> No.5908384

There are constant actual shmup threads made by real chad players, what happened is that your little /shmupg/ community of trannies and feminist bitches moved to discord because they couldn't take the bantz.

>> No.5908392

We don't need threads everyday, there are no new games being released. The scope of this board is limited, maybe create a twitter if you like vlogging so goddamn much.

>> No.5908394

>Cee spends every waking minute being a completely insufferable cunt
>brushes it off as "bantz" like all his limey faggot ilk do
>enough people get sick of it and collectively start telling him to fuck off
>he leaves for a discord safe space
>he can't handle the bantz

o i am laffin

>> No.5908397

How's it a nonsense assertion when it's literally true? If you're going to bitch don't single out the thing in his post that makes perfect sense. Anyway the attitude you see on /vr/ is indicative of its trajectory, and it's not just a lack of interest either it's active hostility and an arrogant attitude aimed towards anything arcade from, frankly, clueless dipshits. As I said in a previous thread, once gen 6 gets allowed this board is as good as dead because there's nothing here to cultivate a healthy retro mentality, this board's a relic and most of you are passionless wastes who are more interested in nostalgia wank than playing games or talking about them.

>> No.5908398

>if I don't like the topic it's bait!
Anyway, thank you for answering after all the needless complaining. Why you act like this, no clue. So you just play the retro genres you're nostalgic over?

Link one

Huh that's weird I see dozens of RPG threads at the same time all the time here.

>> No.5908405
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>there aren't any threads
>there are threads but not enough

>> No.5908409

See, you constantly attack JRPG chads, a genre with a completely different demographic that has fuck all to do with your genre and then act scandalized like you're the victim being persecuted. Do you go to football matches and bitch at them for not playing chess too?

>> No.5908413

I meant no threads right now, which is true
You had to link threads from weeks ago with barely any replies at that, which further proved my point.
Face it, what I'm saying is completely true. Why would you try to deny something so obvious?

>> No.5908414

Reminder that JRPG "chads" come to shit up arcade threads because of their deep insecurity, but not the other way around.

>> No.5908415

What are some of your favorite shmups OP? I have a very soft spot for Captain Skyhawk for NES.

>> No.5908416

>a genre with a completely different demographic
Excellent that you admitted that. So, how come that demographic is the one that completely dominates here?

>> No.5908419

My favorite are Toaplan and Psikyo shooters but let's not get off-topic here.

Which is precisely what they're doing here lmao

>> No.5908420

Madden and Sports are a more important genre since the first videogame was Tennis For Two.
Age means fuck all about the quality of a genre and even then Colossal Cave Adventure (1975) and Pedit5 are pretty goddamn close to Space Invaders. So by your own definition RPGs are just as classic.

>> No.5908425

>quality of a genre
So shmups are too shitty, is that why the current retro crowd doesn't like them? Is that your point?

>> No.5908426
File: 24 KB, 310x321, Pedit5_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colossal adventure - 1975
>dnd - 1975
>pedit5 - 1975
>space invaders - 1978
Get absolutely FUCKED

>> No.5908428

>asks about shmups in OPs gayass metabait thread about not enough discussion on shmups
>doesn't wanna discuss them

>> No.5908429

Sure sports and RPG's are old genres I never said otherwise, difference is that both have changed considerably over the years with sports becoming far more simulationist and RPG's becoming hybrids while once you get to Xevious, the shmups style is pretty much all well established and is still more or less the same to this day

>> No.5908430
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Get raped you bitch.

>> No.5908432
File: 490 KB, 582x541, DEFEND JARPIG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked how? RPGs are more than well represented here. How come shmups aren't? That's the point of the thread. What's your take on that?

>> No.5908434

historical revisionism

>> No.5908437

not the point of this thread. Gotta follow the rules, right? no derailment and such.

>> No.5908438
File: 24 KB, 640x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space invaders came out 5 years AFTER pedit5
Not much to see here, you got absolutely dominated.

>> No.5908441

Space Invaders and the initial shmup wave of the early 80's was huge, RPGs didn't get a fraction of that until later. Dig into primitive shooter games, you'll find earlier examples, but this was the first big hit.

>> No.5908446
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By your own logic RPGs are more worthwhile, more classical genre and more worthy of discussion.

>> No.5908448

not really. But still, they have their place. However, how come shmups don't?

>> No.5908449

>asking for people's game tastes is meta now

>> No.5908450
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Because shmups are shit thankless chore for masochists.
Heck poohou was the most relevance you've ever had and not even poohou fans play that garbge.

>> No.5908453

Honestly, it would be neat to see more old school dungeon crawler and roguelike threads on /vr/, instead of the usual gen 4/5 cinematic experiences

>> No.5908456

Wow was that so hard to say from the get go? Had to defend jarpig and cry so much first I guess.
Still, yours is an uneducated point because there are loads of super easy shmups, and some later ports have infinite continues.

>> No.5908458

Shmups are a thankless exercise in direct reflex response at best, and memorization and quick pattern execution at worst (and the worst is pretty fucking common). JRPGs may be an exercise in memorization, but they also allow for exploration, character customization and they tell a story in a unique way. Sports games are fun with friends, they bring back memories of sports or allow you to get into the game and simulate dream matches, and there's a huge variety of them.

>> No.5908459

Most roguelike is discussion is autists yelling at each other about semantics and what games are or aren't true roguelikes.

>> No.5908463

Why are you even bringing up sports? Those games don't get discussed here

>> No.5908468
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, nobody wants to play that gay arcade trash, most you can do is humiliate yourself and worship us masculine ludo-narrative JRPG chads.

>> No.5908470

Shmups are very repetitive, once youve played one youve played all, it gets stale really quick.

>> No.5908471

It's not, even /v/ has discussion in the occasional roguelike threads, /vr/ is just infested by passionless fags who don't play games.

>> No.5908473

>Can't refute my point
>Makes a stupid post about sports when there's literally a sports thread on the first page right now
Kys yourself

>> No.5908474

As it should be because games are totally gay.

>> No.5908476

no clue what you're smoking when there are so many shmups you can beat blind. If you don't like memorization you have those.
Will you clueless jarpigs ever stop storming these threads?

Gradius and Guwange, same game clearly.

>> No.5908481

Did you look into the thread? Most of it is either discussing the usual shit about whether or not games age, or just meta discussion. Try starting a dedicated racing game thread, see where that gets you. Or just look for the recent one with the anon struggling in GT in the archive.

>> No.5908482

>there are so many shmups you can beat blind
That's my main issue though, shmuckers refuse to talk about console exclusive and easy shmups like the first loop in samurai aces because they want elitism. I'm fine with challenges but there's no way in hell I'm going through the second loop of an arcade shmup.

>> No.5908486

These jarpigs see threads and assume the board actually has fans of those genres lmao

>> No.5908490

All those FF7 Remake preorders, literally all me playing a prank.

>> No.5908505

Well I'm OP and I'm a fan of Samurai Aces, I cleared both loops but that's not a hard thing really.
You have to understand that it's normal for very experienced players to not get into the easiest games as much. It'd be like expecting an RPG community to focus mainly on stuff like FF Mystic Quest, or get upset at that game not being taken as seriously, even if it's silly since it's all games.
If you talk about what you like and not take things too personally it's fine.
It's not that they want elitism, it's just what naturally happens when you play the same genre for long, you get good and enjoy harder stuff.
However, here I sense an opposite bias: a pro-easy bias. Still, I can value both.

>> No.5908507

>That's my main issue though, shmuckers refuse to talk about console exclusive and easy shmups like the first loop in samurai aces because they want elitism
That doesn't happen, I've even given advice and lists of easy games to newbies in threads here. Console shmups do get shit sometimes but that's because they're very overrated on this board (and everywhere else) simply due to being available on consoles

>> No.5908512
File: 6 KB, 300x168, dirty sanchez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying shmup trannies, they have sensitive feelings and estrogen! They can't take 4chan bantz!

>> No.5908516

Yep advice to noobs is (was) very common. Some like this anon are just a bit too sensitive.

>> No.5908524

I'm not a newb, these days my eye sight is shit, my reflexes are slow and I'd rather shuffle through a lot of arcade games while credit feeding and multi tasking/listening to podcasts than seriously stick to one until the end.
I'm over my "hardcore" masochist phase because I realize what a pointless waste it is.

>> No.5908527

Reminder that /vr/ fags had to report & ban shmupchads to stop the banter

>> No.5908530

That's the issue though, I'm merely flinging back the shittiness that you threw at me. I don't understand why you're playing the victim when your community is seeking constant conflict.

>> No.5908532

So you're the exact type of turd I was describing, a non-player who's actively hostile to anyone with any hint of passion because he feels threatened due to a lack of skill. Wouldn't be surprised if you're a self described "boomer" too. Gen 6 legalization can't come soon enough tbqh

>> No.5908534

And you pathetic idiots couldn't even reset the router and ban evade. How weak.

>> No.5908535

Because it takes around 300 hours to master one plus its always not so straight forward as to know how the scoring system works,hidden rankings and so on.
I usually dont have that much time and if I pick a shooting game I will probably only play that for the foreseeable future like 2 years because my game time is limited.
So I would rather just play something that I can finish in few sessions,then move on the the next game.
My favorite shmup is the arcade Aero Fighters.

>> No.5908536
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>playing video games while listening to anything other than the game audio

>> No.5908538

How come I didn't get any shittiness despite posting in shmups threads for years? Oh yeah cause I'm not a lil bitch like you, it's fitting that you'd stick to RPG's

>> No.5908541
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Is that you?
Anyway, who cares as long as you actually play and enjoy the genre. This has nothing to do with this topic anyway. Feel free to talk about your shmup experience elsewhere (in a shmup thread perhaps), you sound so insecure for some reason. Why get defensive over what some younger people think of games you like?

Alright at some point you'll have to stop this silly revenge of yours.

>> No.5908542

Hol' up there, doc, I WAS a pretty decent player way back in 2011. I'm more of a retired veteran right now. Because at the end of the day it's just a virtual toy and associating your own self worth with videogame achievements is totally gay.

>> No.5908546

Tons of easy shmups out there anon. But I think the crux of the issue is that easy shmups aren't very entertaining since they're entirely gameplay oriented and with gameplay centered stuff less challenge = less engagement

>> No.5908548

What revenge though? That's what I'm saying, you start trolling, can't take it when I draw a little blood fighting back and runs away crying to your discord.

>> No.5908550

no need to master one. Do you master the genres you play? you can enjoy shmups more casually too.
use the Internet and within a couple of minutes you now know how the game works
Aero Fighters is the bomb

>> No.5908552

>easy shmups aren't very entertaining
That's on you, man. I think space megaforce is a way better game than your Yagawa garbage and that thing is easy as piss.

>> No.5908554

>it's a /pol/tard wanders off his containment board thread

>> No.5908556

>associating your own self worth with videogame achievements is totally gay.
Then why'd you do it anon? That sounds pretty pathetic

And yeah this classic "I played back in the day....." followed by a complete inability to discuss any games beyond the most meta level, this is the exact problem with /vr/ and why retro threads on /v/ somehow manage to be better, because despite all the shitposting there ARE some people there that play vidya currently

>> No.5908557

I feel sorry for the kind of shmup schmuck who gets mad at 2hu for being better
I mean you really can't compare trash like garegga, Thunder Force 4 or Dodonpachi to EoSD

stay seething incels

>> No.5908558

this thread asks people why shmups aren't popular. yet you feel the need to keep your revenge crap at shmup fans going for some reason. face it you're the troll here.

>> No.5908559

Where the the fuck did that even come from?
Anyway tranny if you want more people joining your community maybe stop kicking newfriends out. What a difficult concept.

>> No.5908560

t. played it for an hour and never touched again

>> No.5908561
File: 54 KB, 209x117, resident sleeper truxton ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Megaforce
at least pick a better easy shmup

>> No.5908563

I just explained to you, shmups aren't popular because ain't nobody got the time to endlessly grind score runs so you can brag about virtual feats less than 0.0000001% of the world even cares about.

>> No.5908565
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>> No.5908569

Nobody has the duty to accept whatever dregs make their way into "their" threads especially when they have touchy annoying personalities and cancerous tastes, sorry.

>> No.5908570
File: 57 KB, 450x600, pinkswtssc_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested. Name some easy shmups that are also entertaining and they better be good because I have extremely high standards.

>> No.5908571

>very good player 8 years ago

>> No.5908572

Then don't bitchy-bitch your threads aren't any more popular. LMAO nigger this ain't no rocket science, why are you so mad?

>> No.5908574

But you don't have to do that grind shit... So what's stopping people from enjoying them casually?

>> No.5908575

I just don't get shmups, they don't appeal to me. I don't feel satisfied after playing them. I never had them as a kid so maybe that's part of it, maybe if I spent a few hours playing them maybe I would start to like them. At some point though you become too old to care about taking up entirely new things.

>> No.5908576

>Do you master the genres you play?
Not so much for the genre as it is the game at hand.
By the time im done with a game of any genre really I know the ins and outs of the gameplay like the back of my hand,all the exploits,glitches and will freeroam the game or individually select levels trying to break them.
Im pretty thorough when I play the games that interest me and because of that shmups are a huge time sink so I tend to steer away from them.

>> No.5908578

That's another thing you do, you love to identify and dox people. Kraut received a shitton of harassment god fucking knows why. You harassed streamers on twitch.

Why are you so shit dude, when I saw how the modus operandi in your general worked I turned Xbox 360º and walked away.

>> No.5908580

Were doing fine before buttblasted JRPG trannies raided & reported though. The problem is that you're a bunch of over sensitive and petty vengeful soi shits

>> No.5908581

Subterrania on Genesis. Not really a pure shmup, but a little lunar lander mixed in. Kind of like the non retro pixel junk shooter. Sub terrania is a really good game.

>> No.5908582

>enjoying them casually
Precisely what I'm doing.

>> No.5908585

>extremely high standards
>space megaforce
Alright, what about: Gradius II, Metal Black, Batsugun, Twin Cobra, Aero Fighters 3

>> No.5908586

Sound like the JRPG chads fucked you good.

>> No.5908587

>Kraut received a shitton of harassment god fucking knows why.
If you don't know why, then why make judgements? The kraut saga stretches back to 2015, he has shit up shmup threads with his autism for years and iirc "doxed" himself

>> No.5908590
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>> No.5908591

So autism prevents you from enjoying shmups. State of jarpigs.

>> No.5908592

JRPG "chads" operate by running to their pro tranny authorities and crying about big mean shmup bros bullying them, and then gloat and say the latter "couldn't handle the bantz" when the latter group let you freely express yourself while you did not return the favor. It's sad shit

>> No.5908594

Seem a bit stagnant to me
Why gradius 2 when Nemesis/Gradius 1 is way easier?

>> No.5908601

Kraut tried to destroy the shmup threads with mass reports, that's why.

>> No.5908603

I dont play japanese rpgs sorry.
But yes the video game autism is strong.

>> No.5908604

No really Kraut got doxed for ABSOLUTELY no reason at all. Why the heck should anyone join your community and risk ending up like him?

>> No.5908606

Because 1's primitive as shit in comparison, 2 has more interesting level design across the board and obviously looks/sounds better too. Though I'd say Gaiden's the best easy Gradius tho

>> No.5908607

Right so why bring the grind crap up? How come so few enjoy them casually or at all?

>> No.5908609

Mmm-hmm, sound like you got trashed and butthurt alright.

>> No.5908615

Gradius 1 is easier but 2 is still easy yet quite better
Stagnant how?

>> No.5908616

Literally you can't tell it was him.

>> No.5908618

You don't know dick man lmao

>> No.5908619

You asked why shmups are inferior cuck garbage, I proved to you they are objectively trash because of constantly grinding and restarting runs. Only a massive fag would enjoy that.

>> No.5908620

Are you serious lmao, do you not remember the countless threads that were nothing but kraut/cee shitposting? Besides it's not "doxing" it's just ppl knowing his online handle, many others had known identities and didn't get much shit at all because they weren't massive spergs.

>> No.5908621

How so outside of the weirder laser? Why not recommend NES Gradius 1 and 2?

>> No.5908623

Aside from him announcing to do that endlessly and proudly? Seriously shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.
Also, move on really. How can you still be butthurt so many months later?

>> No.5908625

So you harassed him, because he contributed too much. Also I was there, he wasn't even spamming or anything. He kept the general alive during low hours. Do you even understand 4chan?

>> No.5908627

google cute-em-up and do the work for yourself you whiny BITCH

>> No.5908628

But you don't have to grind so your point is moot.

Arcade Gradius 2 plays, looks and sounds better.
Dude Gradius 1 repeats the same core boss all the time.
You being a veteran is all a larp, right? This is pathetic.

>> No.5908629

Bullshit, why would shmup threads get deleted? You weren't breaking any rules and if you were deleted, then there MUST have been a rule infraction on YOUR end. Basically you deserved it.

>> No.5908630

He contributed and shitposted, was a mixed bag and I personally don't have much against the guy but when you go around constantly talking shit about others you can expect some retaliation. Don't forget that he's the guy that pushed the "cavedrone" shit for months after some idiot insulted Ikaruga

>> No.5908632

I already know that, I'm not a newb. I'm your superior.

>> No.5908634

Biased mods with a thing for some regulars, including those that made the threads. It's complicated and weird.
Mods aren't robots they can ban just because, in fact it's part of the rules.

>> No.5908636

>when you go around constantly talking shit about others you can expect some retaliation
Exactly this. Quoted so you can follow your ow advice.

>> No.5908637

Again with the pathetic persecution bitch complex.

>> No.5908639

This thread isn't talking shit about others, unless you qualify saying you don't like shmups as offensive for some reason. You're the one that started insulting just because of your past experiences.

>> No.5908643

I do follow it, unless JRPG retards come into an arcade/shmups thread and start shitposting which is what happened here, try again numbskull

>> No.5908645

jarpigs seething for months and months

>> No.5908647

I'm merely bantering, bro.
I'll spell it out to your estrogenated brain, The problem is that OP wants shmups threads to be both popular AND elitist. And that's highly contradictory.

>> No.5908649

its what happens when you let kiwis shit up the place

>> No.5908653

You kicked all the nice posters out now only us meanies remain. Quid pro quo.

>> No.5908654

This is all your assumption, nothing about OP even suggests elitism, and it's more just asking how come the genre fell off popularity-wise which is a perfectly legit question.

>> No.5908659

Ah right NOW you admit that you're aggressively shitposting threads and this whole "but I'm so nice..." shit is just an act, not surprising

>> No.5908662
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>> No.5908678

Yep, pretty much. It's only natural for a high test alpha chad male.

>> No.5908689

It's more akin to slimy, passive aggressive soi behavior, basically subversion through lies, pretension and deflection with the final resort cornered being asking the authorities to shut down others.

>> No.5908751

t. kraut

>> No.5908753
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If only

>> No.5908761

Came here to post this. What a great game, highly recommended

>> No.5908796

Present me with one that isn't hard s balls and maybe I'd get into the genre, but all the ones I've played go like this:

>be small ship
>shoot things
>okay, cool
>repeat 2-3 times
>out of lives
>2 minutes or less have passed

And that's why I don't really care. There's always too much bullshit on the screen to deal with and generally you die in one hit.

>> No.5908806

If you want clarity maybe NES shoot em ups would be a good choice because of the hardware restrictions. Over Horizon for example, pretty slow paced and every time you die you'll know exactly what killed you. But clarity is something you develop after you play the genre for a bit and get used to its conventions, it ceases to be a problem with a bit of practice. Also Flying Shark arcade and other old school vertical games.

>> No.5908807

and many more

>> No.5908816

This is accurate. If you actually push yourself to play it, you get a little further and better over time, but it's literally just memorization and reflexes, the screens look like shit 99% of the time too.

>> No.5908828

>push yourself to play it
what if you enjoy the game. sounds like you tried getting into these but couldn't and also got rekt. back to jarpigs fag

>> No.5908913

I like shmups but struggle to remember some because they lack personality. I get that a ship flying through space is an intuitive concept but does every game need to be so generic?

At least games like Gradius have some personality in the enemies but I keep forgetting some arcade exclusives just because they look and play like any other.

If more games were like Boogie Wings, Prehistoric Isle, Dragon Spirit, etc then I'm sure the genre would be more fondly remembered.

>> No.5908918

Loads have different themes. If anything flying ships became rarer later.

>> No.5908930

There are a lot of very distinct shmups, hell you even named some yourself. There's plenty of variety in visuals, and you shouldn't discount mechanics because that's where the games truly distinguish themselves and it takes a bit to really see how different they are. Anyway, see Batrider, Guwange, Parodius, Gun.Smoke, Muchi Pork, In The Hunt, Kingdom Grand Prix, Mars Matrix, Xevious 3D/G+, Vasara, Twinkle Star Sprites and so on. All very different from one another.

>> No.5908954

>I don't really find them satisfying on a basic interactive level
That's because you're playing twinbee

>> No.5908970

Those are all good but things like Raiden, R-Type and Aleste always fail to stick in my memory.

I have some fondness for the DonPachi series and Cresta games purely for the mechanics but I do admit that they're visually uninspired.

>> No.5908976

Then don't play them, I find Raiden and Musha boring too and there's more than enough non standard games in the genre. R-Type though? Some of the R-Type stuff in those games is cool and the later ones had shit like
Can't tell me this isn't memorable and cool

>> No.5908993

I am not personally interested in getting high-scores, so the game just devolves into avoiding shit. I don't find that particularly engaging. The only "reward" I get from avoiding stuff is the opportunity to avoid even more stuff.
Games also feel artificial on a level I do not feel with any other genre. All games feel like reskins of each other.
Honestly it's the genre I understand the appeal of the least.

>> No.5909023

Despite being 5% of the posters on /vr/, arcadetards commit 95% of the shitposting.

>> No.5909030
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Imagine being so pathetic that you make JRPG fans look masculine in comparison.

>> No.5909063

Surprise surprise, looks like you were right. Another shmup vs jrpg thread. Everyday /vr/ drifts further away from God's light and turns more into /v/.

>> No.5909070

Not exactly a prophecy when the person saying that is an upset JRPGfag who proceeded to shit up the thread himself

>> No.5909075

>All games feel like reskins of each other.
Wrong as exposed ITT

>> No.5909076

>hardware difficult and expensive to obtain, which scares off collectorcucks and physical purists
>games on average are harder than the console/PC equivalent, which scares off no-skill shitplayers

It's no wonder shmups and arcade in general aren't popular on /vr/.

>> No.5909090

There's too many mediocre shmups out there. It seems like a genre developers gravitate towards because they're easy to make (though it's not easy to make a great one).

Euroshmups, arcade shmups, R-type clones, Gradius clones, Galaga clones, cute-em-ups on ever platform. Fucking hell, click on a random part of this video and more likely than not it's gonna show a shmup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt4h9adw6kg

When a game randomly changes genre for a level, more often than not it's a shmup. Because it's easy. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnexpectedShmupLevel

>> No.5909125

Best reply so far probably

>> No.5909135

Is this place being taken over by /pol/lacks? wtf is going on.

Shmups are fucking awesome; I just wish more of them were being made. It's a shame that very few support TATE mode, though.

>> No.5909136

Dangerously based

>> No.5909160

It used to be shumps not really because it's easy but because they were popular and a lot of devs like Konami/Nazca/Treasure came from a shmup background. But yes there's a lot of shit particularly on home systems

>> No.5909379

>Is this place being taken over by /pol/lacks?

all the best shmup players are national socialist

>> No.5909389

It's not. You're just a paranoid faggot.

>> No.5909395

"Classic" doesn't instantly equal fun.

>> No.5909403

So are they unfun? Why? How come so many found them fun in the past but not so much these days?

>> No.5909936

they're notoriously bullshit and designed to require months of practice to be able to play them without credit feeding
this isn't a bad thing necessarily, but will naturally put off a lot of people because they'll see big bullet wave and go "no this isn't for me"

>> No.5909942

Because developers figured out how to make better games.

>> No.5909952

Probably because they suck. Lol

In all seriousness, other genres have become more popular. It's evolution.

>> No.5909965

Because they're too formulaic. After you've played a few you've pretty much seen all the genre has to offer, and people eventually got tired of it. Especially once 3D shooters became feasible, there was no reason to bother with stale 2D shmups anymore.

>> No.5909967

I liked them and then I stopped caring.

>> No.5910146
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>shmup thread
>hurrrr stop talking about your interests and preferences

>> No.5910150
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1. Difficulty curve is brutal when you first start playing them.
2. Different styles of shmups exist and people don't experiment enough to find something they like [mostly because of problem #1].
3. People don't play for score enough so large chunks of mechanics are ignored. Reducing shmups to dodging fests reduces their depth.

>> No.5910157

why gooks are so ugly compared to aryans

>> No.5910159

the answer is the harsh difficulty curve for newcomers

>> No.5910170

Because they're all too hard. All of them. I don't care to "git gud" when they're all explicitly unfair and start you off with 3 lives at best with limited continues while putting you through bullet hell on the very first stage. Show me a shmup that isn't hard for the sake of being hard and I'll gladly consider playing it.

>> No.5910174

>Shinji, Asuka, and Rei mini figs playing at an arcade
Unfathomably weebish and cool

>> No.5910178

Batsugun Special, it's blind 1cc tier

>> No.5910181

Most people are too shit to handle shmups, they get stuck at the 3rd stage and give up, or play on an emulator and save scum every 5 seconds to get through.

>> No.5910185

>Because they're too formulaic. After you've played a few you've pretty much seen all the genre has to offer, and people eventually got tired of it.
Shmups are simple on the surface and might seem "formulaic" if your just flailing around trying to survive. But there is a ton of depth, strategy and problem solving required to actually learn them.

>Especially once 3D shooters became feasible, there was no reason to bother with stale 2D shmups anymore.
3D shooters are a very different genre, they can't compare to 2D shmups. But 3D shooters are more user friendly, have a lot of difficulty settings and co-op play makes them more social.

>other genres have become more popular
increase in popularity doesn't mean increase in quality, I think most ppl on /vr/ understand this.
>it's evolution
developers figured out what sells to the masses, we're living in the fast-food era of gaming, the McDonalds and Britney Spears effects don't imply we're on the right track. Just like the theory of biological evolution, much of the claims are just misunderstandings and wishful thinking.

For some reason modern gamers can't stand difficulty against the AI. But they crave difficulty against other players. It's very bizarre how they see shmups as "unfair" and "too hard" because they take 200+ hours of practice or whatever, but they'll put 500-1000hours in some moba, or fps, or mmorpg pvp setting, or hearthstone, or w/e is popular these days.

I think it has to do with bragging rights, online pvp games give you a little community to flex in, they give you an objective rank and status to display. But offline games like shmups don't give you that social credit, it's just you against the AI, at home, and basically no one cares about your dedication and rewards, only you.

>> No.5910198
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>why gooks are so ugly compared to aryans
in fact there's nothing uglier than modern aryan women (except african women).

>> No.5910202

You're right about the social aspect but it's not just validation so many people use the games as kind of light passive socialization. Ppl often act like if AI improves to the point of presenting a top tier human opponent style challenge with real time learning and tactics then multiplayer will become obsolete but I think thats all bullshit and people will use it for practice at best while still playing multiplayer

>> No.5910205

AI don't suffer or rage, they don't get impressed or give you props when you do something skillful. But human opponents do.
AI will never replace the player vs player interaction for people looking for social combat/challenge. Just like chess players don't really care about AI "beating pros" anymore, they want to know who is the best human player.

This doesn't apply to shmups though since they are meant to be Man vs Machine from the very start.

>> No.5910232

This does make me wonder how well shmups would fare if the developers were smarter about utilizing the internet and modern consoles in general for ports and new games. They have no direct competition but leaderboards could allow for rivals and events could create some heated indirect competition. Cram in a lot of vanity shit in there like skins/unlockable waifu portraits with profiles showing them off and maybe it'd be enough to hook the zoomers. But who knows, really.

>> No.5910258
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Your girl looks pretty ugly, bro.

>> No.5910313

Because everybody getting into the retro scene that didn't grow up in the 3rd/4th gen don't see the appeal of it. They're of the age where games started being long sprawling adventures that they can actually beat from the first pickup, so when they see a shmup or another early age game genre they don't understand how people can be invested in them. Not only do they lack the hooks they're accustomed to, these people tend to just drop a game if it's something they can't beat by slamming their head against the wall. Anything that registers as "arcade" or "high score-y" in their eyes tends to be something they only play or observe these games off-handed, ie they don't play Pac-man past level 4 but know the pop culture significance of the game and items in it.

>> No.5910367

shmups offer a very precise sort of experience that many people don't really care for. It's not that they are bad players or lazy or stupid, they just want something different that shmups can't offer.
Mountain climbing gives a different feeling than soccer. And soccer gives a different feeling pure sprinting competitions. Although all could be called sports that involve leg agility and skill. Doesn't mean one is better than the other or more pure.

OP is asking why don't more people like sprinting if they like soccer or mountain climbing? It's totally different even if they are all sports and involving leg-movement.

People like OP don't understand that video games aren't just one thing that do one thing.

>> No.5910448

I'll look into it, thanks.

>> No.5910573

Plenty of good easy shooters out there

What better games, how? RPGing everything?

Hasn't stopped FIFA and CoD and other much more actually formulaic stuff.

>For some reason modern gamers can't stand difficulty against the AI. But they crave difficulty against other players. It's very bizarre how they see shmups as "unfair" and "too hard" because they take 200+ hours of practice or whatever, but they'll put 500-1000hours in some moba, or fps, or mmorpg pvp setting, or hearthstone, or w/e is popular these days.
One key reason is that they are rewarded for playing with permanent in-game progression that addicts people. Hell that's how most of those survive, being F2P but expecting players to pay for rewards like skins, lootboxes and such.
Versus play is a bit more generally appealing as you have already guessed but we can't ignore that fact, just check how much more niche versus gaming was before extrinsic rewards like dailies were slapped to them.

Devs have tried to RPGfy shmups here and there but the format just doesn't work for that. Otherwise big companies would have done that already as they have done with pretty much every single player genre that still exists outside of indie circles.

Pretty spot on IMO, too many 5th gen babies around wanking it to FFVII.

This is perfectly valid but doesn't explain how they fell so hard popularity-wise over the years, from a mainstream genre to the total opposite.

>> No.5910771

>For some reason modern gamers can't stand difficulty against the AI.
That is horseshit and you know it. Bad AI is a common complain in many genres.
The "AI" of shmups are just so simple that the difficulty feels artificial. The difference between easy and hard is usually just the amount of bullets.

>> No.5910778

>This is perfectly valid but doesn't explain how they fell so hard popularity-wise over the years, from a mainstream genre to the total opposite.
Death of arcades.

>> No.5910781

>The difference between easy and hard is usually just the amount of bullets.
You really know nothing do you? 80's shmups had few bullets and some of the hardest shit out there is not due to that at all (see: Same Same Same 1P Ver., the hardest version of Fire Shark).
What you're describing only applies to a couple of post-/vr/ examples like the Mushi Ultras, most of the time bullet density is not really the biggest source of challenge.
Challenge in shmups comes in the form of execution challenge, stuff that even when static and memorized it's tricky to do.

So no more arcadey games for home systems?

>> No.5910784

He's pretty spot on desu, AI complaints are pretty genre specific and they have little to do with game difficulty people just want opponents to feel more real. FEAR for instance has really good AI but is piss fuckin easy compared to Blood and its retard cultists.

>> No.5910793

Shmups are not fit for the home system market. Either the game lets you pump virtual credits infinitely, making the game a cakewalk unless the player sets a self-imposed challenge.
Or the game has fixed credits and most players are burned out by the extremely limited content available before they hit a difficulty spike they can't overcome.

>> No.5910801

Same could be said of all pre gen 5 action games, many of them are still widely played to this day.

>> No.5910802

this >>5910801
And for the nth time there are plenty of easy shmups out there. Have you ever heard of Thunder Force III?

>> No.5910804

Autoscrollers are a blight. Games should let you go faster when you get better at them.

>> No.5910808
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t. speedtranny

>> No.5910813

>Having to wait trough easy shit to get to the interesting parts.
There is a difference between going full speedtranny and wanting to skip to the good stuff.

>> No.5910815

Play a good shmup where every part is fun then lmao

>> No.5910818

No such thing.

>> No.5910825

Play In The Hunt then

>> No.5910826

How many have you tried?

>> No.5910859


>> No.5911037

Far too few for you to think I have a valid opinion.
Far too many for me to ever want to play a shmup again.

>> No.5911041

So a couple of 'em? Probably some crappy easy console games that give a bad impression too.
Why don't you mention the games, that'd be interesting.

>> No.5911056

Because I don't find them fun. Just like I don't find other genres (Mario-like platformers, graphic adventures) fun.

>> No.5911058

I'm one of those people and the only way that I would want to play them is on an arcade cabinet and I have no interest in owning an arcade cabinet.

Same goes for "serious" racing games.

>> No.5911062

What about them is unfun / what do they lack? Compared to stuff you do enjoy.

Do you do this with every genre that has its roots in arcades? Otherwise, why not play made for console shmups?

>> No.5911065

They are challenging games but not the way I like my challenging games to be. They rely too much on dexterity, memorization, and overall they aren't visually appealing, i.e. there's little diversity to be found in the visuals.

>> No.5911068

I think I largely do, fighting games - racing games - shmups.

If you were to recommend me one shmup to get me into the genre what would it be? I will genuinely go purchase it if I have the console or emulate it if I don't. I don't have a distaste for them I just never had a copy of one or a friend with one growing up.

>> No.5911074

>why don't people like SHMUPS?
With the exception of the ones that have autofire, the majority of the genre is trial and error to learn the specific paths to take on screen while button mashing the hell out of the attack button.

>> No.5911083

There's no single best shmup the genre has a lot of variety and it depends on what you're looking for, like that faggot whinging about autoscrolling could play In The Hunt or OutZone, someone who wants frantic action & deep scoring could play Mars Matrix, Psyvariar and CAVE's games like DOJ and Ketsui, someone interested in terrain shooters should play Gradius IV, Psikyo for straightforward but tight & fun memorization based shmups, Ikaruga for a puzzle/Space Invaders inspired shmup. So yeah describe what you want and suggestions can be made based off that, otherwise the genre's too consistently good and varied.

>> No.5911084

I guess you're not into action games which seems to be common here. The visual thing however is wrong you just have to find the right game. Just look at Parodius, can't get more colorful and varied than that.

If you want a good retro, made for console shmup that's also on the easy side so good for beginners, go for Gradius Gaiden for the PS1.

Such a reductionist view can describe all pure action games. Isn't destroying and dodging stuff fun? You're also overestimating their general reliance on memorization for survival.
Fortunately you can play older games with autofire if you don't like mashing via numerous methods.

>> No.5911085

I liked 1942 back in the day, but yeah there is just something about them that is unappealing. I guess it comes down to the core bullet dodging gameplay not doing much for me and like the other anon said how "flying" the ship is unsatisfying. I dislike how the levels play out exactly the same and how the genre seems to be high score focused......I didn't give a shit about high scores in the arcades in the 90's and I don't care now.

There are so many damn shmups though so there must be something amazing about them when everything clicks.

>> No.5911114

>There are so many damn shmups though so there must be something amazing about them when everything clicks.
I think it has more to do with them being easy to make.

>> No.5911118


Looked into some of those, going to try Gradius and Ketsui.

I remember they had 1944 at the local pizza place and I would always ask to go there to play it even though I hated the pizza.

>> No.5911136
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I love shmups but I sperg out too easily to enjoy a lot of them. Same reason I haven't played CoD multiplayer in a decade.

>> No.5911139

>How dare you like games I don't like!
What the fuck happened?

>> No.5911140

Not new, but Sine Mora.

>> No.5912646 [DELETED] 

page 10 save rave

>> No.5912652
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>> No.5912654

Westcucks mad because they never made a good one.

>> No.5912657

but weebs loathe shmups

>> No.5912658

To be fair, DKC is complete shit.

>> No.5912660

They're being ironic.

>> No.5912664
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not all weebs are shmup players but all shmup players are weebs

>> No.5912665

>popularity = quality
Your brain missed out on evolution.

>> No.5912669

You really need to expand your shmup horizons. Just off the top of my head:
Steel Empire
Twin Bee
Wings of Wor
Insector X
Lords of Thunder

>> No.5912670

last part is defo wrong

>> No.5912673

You might like Cotton.

>> No.5912675

It's safe to say that anyone that thinks that shmups are too samey is just massively uninformed. There are so many of them and with wildly varying visuals, design and mechanics.

>> No.5912680

Agreed %100

>> No.5912686

>last part is defo wrong
post your highest score replay and video proof you aren't a weeb

>> No.5912743


>> No.5912762
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>not 100% weeb certified

>> No.5912783
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>you're a weeb just because you play a Japanese game

>> No.5912795

>picks the most japanese themed Cave shmup
>not a weeb
lmao cope

>> No.5912926

>it makes me feel like less of a loser to imagine retarded things

>> No.5912932

Did he hit a nerve?

>> No.5912941
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>> No.5912942

Not everyone can have a toddler's level of skill and reflexes, anon. You need to be more accommodating this day and age.

>> No.5912945
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>> No.5912949

i feel the same way, but i also think the shooting mechanics are almost always lacking. aiming and timing should come into play--galaxian gets this right. forcing ammo conservation beyond the mega bomb weapons is a good idea too

>> No.5912958

Go play Turbo Force

>> No.5912976

Scoring fixes this in loads of games
>b-but Im too much of a fag to score
Theres also multi directional shooters even ones with unique control schemes like Zero Gunner 2

>> No.5912990

>forcing ammo conservation beyond the mega bomb weapons is a good idea too
lmao fucking /vr/
play Viper Phase 1 Old Ver. and you'll see how that's a terrible idea, the revised version is much better

>> No.5912996

>Scoring fixes this
no, it doesn't fix this at all

>> No.5912998
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>> No.5913000

Yes it fuckin does besides the ammo management which is a dumbass idea anyway, instead of shooting blindly you now have to position yourself precisely time your shots delay killing enemies etc.

>> No.5913009

the shooting in this is still lacking. in Galaxian you have to anticipate and lead enemies, and firing at a longer distance is a risk because your next shot might not be ready on time. Pooyan also does shooting pretty well. holding down a button while moving a glorified cursor in line with a target while the cursor vomits a rapid fire spread twice (or more) of its width isn't interesting or fun

>> No.5913014

Thing is galaxian has fuckall depth outside of that

>> No.5913019

play IL-2 Sturmovik or Resident Evil and you'll see how it's a great idea

>> No.5913020

no shit. i was talking about a particular aspect

>> No.5913023

It has ammo conservation though, maybe you didn't notice but your power decreases the more you shoot and the only way to get it back is to collect power ups.
post Galaxian score btw

>> No.5913024

Right but that's a tad retarded innit, why not engage with games on their own terms instead of expecting them all to be the same shit?

>> No.5913026

different stuff works for different genres. might as well ask that Mario has ammo for jumping

>> No.5913031

those games don't have a shitload of enemies coming at you, which is fun and only possible to have if you have infinite ammo. Different genres as pointed out here >>5913026

>> No.5913032

Resident Evil combat sucks massive dick though, shmups are entirely combat based. At least bring up a more apt example like say Metal Slug, but it doesn't make much of a difference there it's like a timed power up

>> No.5913036

>What better games, how?
Arcade run and guns, like Contra and Metal Slug.

>> No.5913038

Those are almost as dead as shmups, they have no mainstream releases. And when they do it's Contra Rogue Corps lmao
How are they better though, they're all pretty rad and close genres. Hell Metal Slug has some straight shmup sections.

>> No.5913068

>Those are almost as dead as shmups, they have no mainstream releases.
Still, the public thinks about those games fondly which is way more than you can say about shmups.
>How are they better though
They give more control to the player and feel more personal. Also, co-op.
I guess, a good game to look at to see what a modern shmup that would gather interest is like is Furi.

>> No.5913074

Shmups are remembered fondly, especially R-Type and Gradius
>They give more control to the player and feel more personal. Also, co-op.
They don't, they mostly have horizontal movement and gravity restricting you. Also all shmups have co-op what the fuck anon

Also yeah Furi is modern, it mixes several elements together like mediocre shmup sections and bad simon says sections and has unskippable long walking sections between bosses and lacks challenge & depth. A better example would be Nex Machina, and that's very old school.

>> No.5913075
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Nevermind me, just posting the best shmup here.

>> No.5913081

>Still, the public thinks about those games fondly which is way more than you can say about shmups.
Almost as dead thread-wise on /vr/ too

>They give more control to the player and feel more personal. Also, co-op.
This is pretty vague, which may explain why they're barely more popular. Still, I'm sure you can come up with a better, clearer example of a better genre that has clearly overshadowed shmups by a lot, right?
Shmups have co-op most of the time, did you know? Some are actually quite fun that way such as Giga Wing.
What do you think of Out Zone?

no joke, check how quickly was R-Type Final 2 financed and how much R-Type Dimensions sold on Steam (even if a lot of the buyers barely played it lmao)
>They don't, they mostly have horizontal movement and gravity restricting you.
Pretty true


>> No.5913085

I like them a lot, just haven't been playing them lately. For the last few years, I've mostly been playing fighting games and RPGs, with some short games I can complete in 10 hours or less thrown in occasionally. Sometime I'll get back into them, but for now I haven't felt in the mood to go for 1CCs.

>> No.5913086

fair nuff

>> No.5913098

What, you like Fantasy Zone better?

>> No.5913105

pleb... behold:

>> No.5913110
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Ok, here's the real question: what's your opinion on holding down the fire button vs having to press it rapidly?

>> No.5913209

Wow, that got boring fast.
Gameplay looks same-y (and not in a good way, like some Tetris clone puzzle game), it looks and sounds meh and the music sucks.

>> No.5913219


>> No.5913240

nice, i forgot about this game. i played this shit back in the early 90s

>> No.5913275

1. shooters don't need to have a shitload of enemies coming at you either
2. not every enemy in a shooter needs to be shot. one of the most fun things about shooters is dodging
2. they can give you a reasonable amount of ammo for your mission

>> No.5913278

third and superior option: pressing the button only after carefully aiming at target

>> No.5913309

>1. shooters don't need to have a shitload of enemies coming at you either
But that's fun to play, why not? You have plenty of genres with few enemies to shoot.
>2. not every enemy in a shooter needs to be shot. one of the most fun things about shooters is dodging
Well duh.
>2. they can give you a reasonable amount of ammo for your mission
Go try some of the shmups with ammo for main shots, I guarantee that you'll see why it's such a bad idea. Such as Viper Phase 1 Old Ver. If the system is lax enough to not matter, then why even bother.

based Galaxian obsessed dude

>> No.5913338

You could also encourage desired behaviors including precise shooting and add resource management in the scoring systems as plenty of games have done. Whats the end result of that? Faggots on here and elsewhere ignoring the scoring and bitching that the games are too samey for them

>> No.5913404

This, but unironically.

>> No.5913551

Because in 8bit, 16bit or 32bit era, platformers were the most popular genre, so people are most nostalgic for them. To normies, "retro games' and 'retro platformers' are synonymous. I mean, first-person RPGs are also a classic genre that similarly gets overlooked.

>> No.5913554

Colossal Cave Adventure is an adventure game, not an RPG. It's much closer to a visual novel, point and click or walking simulator than to Ultima.

>> No.5913556

Shmups precede Space Invaders. First shmup was Spacewar.

>> No.5913567

I find them to be very "arcade era." Retro is what came to save video games after arcade failed to have much enduring appeal to the mass market. I never liked arcade shit, honestly. Repetitive, small, no narrative structure and very little level design. Just a simple mechanic usually designed to suck as much wasted time out of you as possible and a bunch of style to try and carnie barker .people into them.

>> No.5913578

In many Euroshmups, you had some sort of cooldown that prevented you from holding fire for too long.

>> No.5913591

not just euroshmups. i think cave's esprade had that mechanic, too.

although in esprade it only slows your movement down.

>> No.5913603

That only applies to consoles and really not the 32bit era. Shmups were the most popular late 70's and 80's arcade genre. Everyone knows about Space Invaders.

Arcades had a huge impact for many more years. See: fighting game craze, DDR. It wasn't until post-/vr/ that arcades died. They are pretty synonymous with retro as defined by this board.
>narrative structure
Ah I see, jarpig historical revisionism.

This post, my sides...

>> No.5913634

>Arcades had a huge impact for many more years. See: fighting game craze, DDR. It wasn't until post-/vr/ that arcades died
Yeah. And all that stuff is niche subcultures for weirdos and nerds.

> They are pretty synonymous with retro as I define it.

>Ah I see, jarpig historical revisionism.
Please. You bobble head don't even know what narrative structure is. Even Mario games had narrative structure. Some shmups started added some narrative structure in the later eras but they were pretty perfunctory and not at all integrated into what was going on into the game.

>> No.5913635

You sound boring. Narrative? Video GAME. Read a book for a good story. Story focused games compromise both the quality of the gameplay and the story by forcing the two to coexist. A good story isn't something you control, and a good game isn't something that has to bend to a pre-determined plot.

>> No.5913637
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>You bobble head don't even know what narrative structure is.

>> No.5913648

Yeah, imagine if that Street Fighter thing ever went anywhere.

>> No.5913658

>Yeah. And all that stuff is niche subcultures for weirdos and nerds.
You're trolling, right?

>Please. You bobble head don't even know what narrative structure is.
Yeah, you are.

The typical shmup has as much plot as Mario so...

based and redpilled

>> No.5913661

Another shit thread built on a false premise.

>> No.5913668

Which has had perfectly fine discussion aside from when you screeching faggots decided to join in.

>> No.5913673
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>> No.5913676

Isn't grown men yelling at each about which videogame genre is better a little bit pathetic

>> No.5913680

What's false about it? They're unpopular on /vr/ despite the fact that shmups are pretty synonymous with retro (Space Invaders, Galaga...)

>> No.5913685

It's not whether shmups are better than some other genre, classic there just means iconic of an era which they definitely are as explained here >>5913680

>> No.5913692

Gamers are mentally ill.

>> No.5913693
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I'd have to agree. It's a disaster, really.

>> No.5913702

The dirty little secret you're missing is, people can enjoy both.

>> No.5913703

Well there aren't a lot of Arkanoid-like games discussion either, despite them being synonymous with retro (offshoot of Pong, kinda)
Where the fuck are my Bad Omen threads? It's not even mentioned in Mega Drive vs SNES console wars threads, despite being a cool as fuck exclusive.

>> No.5913705

>synonymous with retro
In your mind only, dnd, rogue, pedit5 are actually older than Space Invaders.

>> No.5913712

Spacewar predates them

>> No.5913714

Beneath Apple Manor came out a few months earlier.

>> No.5913718

What? OP isn't comparing shmups to any other genre. Reading comprehension?

Difference being that shmups is a huge genre with loads of games, subgenres, a big development over the decades (you didn't have bullet hells in the 80's). It's like a big part of gaming that's almost entirely missing here for some reason.

synonymous as in, including them, but not excluding other popular games of the time of course. That's ridiculous.

>> No.5913741

we were having a fine discussion until the seething jarpig from yesterday came back, with the same points even
take note those that still think it's not them trying to ruin arcade-related threads to secure their safe space

>> No.5913745


>> No.5913749

>older than Space Invaders
at least get your facts right jarpig fag

>> No.5913757

>it's like a big part of gaming that's almost entirely missing here for some reason
There's threads here from time to time. Sadly they usually turn to shit, but they exist. The thing is there's just better places to post about shmups. It's hard to have an in-depth discussion about any game on a general forum like this. If you want to discuss scoring in a particular shmup, you'll find maybe one or two other guys browsing /vr/ to discuss it with (if you're lucky). It just makes more sense to find a dedicated forum or go to /vg/, so the people interested in talking about them in detail usually won't do it here.

It's not even just for shmups, it applies to stuff like fighting games or even Pokemon too. You generally won't see discussion about the metagame or online battling for older Pokemon games here. Even single player JRPGs have more detailed discussions on their dedicated fansites. But I think it's easier to have other types of threads on those games than shmups, so on a general forum people will talk about them more.

>> No.5913763

I guess for some reason people prefer platformers, turn based/real time strategy games, RPGs, puzzle games, first/third person shooters, beat'em ups, fighting games, adventure games, stealth games, rhythm games and even sports games over shmups.

>> No.5913772

>bette places
post 'em. not system11
shmupg has been dead for months

Fighting games are definitely a victim, but Pokémon has its own board ffs

>for some reason
Right, this thread is about discussing what is that reason. That's a big list of genres though, what makes shmups so unappealing?

>> No.5913779

By here I assumed you meant /vr/. So I was talking about Pokemon discussion on /vr/ specifically. I haven't been on system11 in a long time, but I assume having a place to discuss is still better than having nobody to talk about them with.

>> No.5913790

Why would you talk about Pokémon here if you have an entire board for that. There's a very easy explanation there. You still see a few threads but their relative unpopularity has an easy explanation.
no such thing for shmups on 4chan

>> No.5913802

>Why would you talk about Pokémon here if you have an entire board for that.
That's sort of my point. Obviously shmups aren't popular enough to get their own 4chan board, but few things in gaming besides Pokemon are that big anyway. People would naturally seek out a dedicated board for shmups. I guess from what you're saying there aren't any good ones left though.

>> No.5913806

>Obviously shmups aren't popular enough
Alright so that's the point of this thread, why is that the case? It's a common trend not just here but seemingly everywhere when it comes to general retro gaming.
Yeah you're right shit's dying, and also partially gone the way of private discord servers.

>> No.5913808

>what makes shmups so unappealing
They lose to other types of action games in providing immediate excitement and they lose to the rhythm games in being mechanically simple reaction based games that are played for the score.

>> No.5913815

I have some theories on it, but it's hard to say exactly. I think one thing is most people don't care about self-imposed challenges like 1CCs or getting high scores. A lot of people will just credit feed through a couple and lose interest quickly. It seems like it's inevitably a more niche interest than other genres.

>> No.5913819

>shmupg has been dead for months
Perhaps you needed a slower board.
Consider migrating to /jp/, that would cover the most of the shmup library anyway and there a lot of shmupfags already.

>> No.5913825
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Tyrian is a really easy Euroshmup, but why didn't more games have something like it's story mode. Buy weapons and ships, multiple paths, secret levels.
>keep making the same 6 level arcade length game and wonder why only hardcore shmupjaps play them

>> No.5913826

>private discord servers
I kinda hate this. It's not so bad if the discord links are easily available to anybody though.

>> No.5913828

Then you'd just have 2hufags killing the thread with their garbage memes, waifufagging and "funposting".

>> No.5913829

>They lose to other types of action games in providing immediate excitement
How so?
Also, shmups aren't really about reaction. Bad wording, perhaps?

Why can't people enjoy them casually just like they do with many other genres?

Its death had nothing to do with that but rather with the lack of people into the games. The very few remaining just went so some discord server.
Really, nigga

There are quite a number of games like this. They aren't popular either.

But they aren't, so...

>> No.5913835

>But they aren't, so...
Yeah, it sucks in that case.

>> No.5913839

in almost every case scoring systems aren't as intuitive, aren't as exciting, and aren't as fun as survival or progress for anyone who's not some competitive singleplayer gamer retard. you wonder why nobody gives a shit about scoring systems? now you know

>> No.5913846

You're missing the shitload of shmups with very simple scoring systems

>> No.5913856

In other words you're a lazy faggot who doesn't want to learn a scoring system and cope by calling them bad

>> No.5913857

>Why can't people enjoy them casually just like they do with many other genres?
They do to an extent. Most older gamers have at least couple shmups they've played and enjoyed. But casual shmup playing is probably less interesting than other genres (at least in game with infinite continues and respawning in the same place). Unlike other genres, you need to force yourself to an extent. That said, there must be more to it than that. Even if shmups designed in a way that discourages or disallows credit feeding and give incentives to play for score, I don't think they'd be much more popular.

>> No.5913865

Or maybe not. It's not like there aren't a ton of generals that have nothing to do with 2hu.
Just make it clear that 2hu games discussion goes either in the 2hu gameplay general or to /vg/ general.
Only minus is that non-japanese shmups would be offtopic, but if you want to get in touch with people who like this genre it's a better place than /vr/.
>Really, nigga
I'm dead fucking serious.

>> No.5913871

This is true to an extent but doesn't quite explain why console shmups with limited continues where you have to try are also pushed aside, as you seem to have already guessed.

Then you know dick about /jp/, they're secondaries. If shmupg died due to not enough people, it isn't going to live there.
Western shmups are very rarely discussed to begin with though. They really didn't contribute much to the genre.

>> No.5913881

either just you or a handful of you are dumb as dirt and defend every aspect of this genre like your life depends on it. any time someone makes a multifaceted argument you hone in one point and make some irrelevant failure of a rebuttal even to that, while ignoring everything else. the genre is stale, one dimensional, and could easily be more varied if not massively improved by introducing mechanics that aren't ridiculously by the numbers. but then boring geeks like you would complain because it's not generic shooter #13425. moving a cursor with an arbitrary hitbox that has zero physics applied to it in between dots with arbitrary hitboxes while holding down the fire button and watching the same epic (boring) boss ships that have surprising (predictable/cliche) transformations for decades isn't that fun. I don't think there's been a single formulaic shooter since Rayforce that's as good. it might be time for some experimentation... if there were actually anyone talented still working on shooters (there isn't).

>> No.5913889


>> No.5913895

Not him, but I feel that you miss the point.
In single player games with a proper progression you just play it to the end goal. You don't think about a score.
Maybe if you liked the game a lot you learn it better and only then you start setting yourself goals, like getting a better score, setting yourself conditions like getting no damage, not using certain mechanics or even trying to finish the game in less time.
tl;dr scorefagging in games that can be finished is seen the same as speedrunning by a good chunk of the people, so it's ignored

>> No.5913897

That's because the "multifaceted arguments" come from low IQ clueless dipshits who love huff their own farts instead of actually discussing anything. Rayforce is the most basic bitch "safe" choice you could have brought up and I doubt you even played it to any serious extent just launched it and looked at the purdy aesthetics and assumed it's good. Meanwhile you'll completely overlook games with unique mechanics and gameplay like Psyvariar, Guwange, Dragon Blaze, Ikaruga and others because your tiny brain can't immediately comprehend the intricacies of the games so you don't bother digging deeper

>> No.5913898

there are plenty of weird euroshmuppy and RPG hybrid shmups out there they just never catch on.

>> No.5913910

>Then you know dick about /jp/, they're secondaries.
There is a gameplay thread for 2hu shmups and there are people asking in doujin game threads about new shmup games. I assume there are at least 10 people there that care about them.
>If shmupg died due to not enough people, it isn't going to live there.
/jp/ is slow as fuck. If your community is so slow that it can't bump a thread once in a few days perhaps you should really try to find a way into some discord instead.

>> No.5913912

Scoring's not incentivized seriously enough by shmups for a modern home audience, that I can agree with. At it's core it's very different from speedrunning though, while you can build self imposed challenges with goals and competition, the scoring systems themselves are meant to be explored and by ignoring them players miss most of the depth. Basic mechanics can't replicate many elements that scoring brings to the table either so it's not a matter of swapping them out with something more easily understandable.

>> No.5913917

It wasn't really about the lack of bumps, there was some guy that dedicated his life to bumping that shit, it's the sheer lack of people that made it more attractive to go the private route with the very few left.

>> No.5913921

The idea of "finishing" a game being the primary goal sounds so miserable to me. Do you want to get it over with or something?

>> No.5913928

>You're missing the shitload of shmups with very simple scoring systems
which are usually considered shit by genre's enthusiasts

>> No.5913936

This doesn't matter neither to your argument nor to your personal enjoyment. Why aren't you scoring a simple and intuitive shmup?

>> No.5913939

Some are, some aren't, but cares what some lonely SHMUP PRO with an anime girl avatar says about your favorite shmup. If you enjoy a simple scoring system that's all that matters. What do you have in mind, anyway?

>> No.5913951

probably Chrono Trigger

>> No.5914001

>Scoring's not incentivized seriously enough by shmups for a modern home audience, that I can agree with
>the scoring systems themselves are meant to be explored and by ignoring them players miss most of the depth
So do self imposed challenges, you learn the game better by trying them.
Thing is, score like this is just a number that doesn't tell the player anything by itself. If you want communicate to the player that he doesn't do enough, you need to go the way of games like Devil May Cry and write a big "F- YOU SUCK" message that is more clear and intuitive with some metrics that tell why is that.
Have the game teaching player how scoring system works and give a hint how to improve.
The idea of "studying" a game being a primary goal sounds even more miserable to me.
Primary goal is spending some time enjoying the game. If there is some sort of an end goal the game itself sets, it's easy to assume that getting there is the point of it.

>> No.5914013

Ranks are a good idea but I think they should have been widely adopted in the early to mid 2000's, by now it's too little too late and games that have them aren't really treated any different. It's the same in DMC/Bayonetta/other games really, a very tiny percentage of the playerbase cares about ranks, they combo because it's a fun little distraction, in the same ways a shmup player will pick up medals or build chains it's fun, but they don't pay attention to the underlying system. If there's anything that did help get people to play for score it's cheevos and online leaderboards.

>> No.5914021
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iconoclast got into shmups, to become one of the best western players thanks to cheevos for Raiden Fighters Aces

>> No.5914025

Who says you have to "study" the game to have fun with the scoring system? They're not that obtuse, most of them share simple things like kill enemies in succession and do risky maneuvers for a better score. With some exceptions, high scoring play of a game is usually the most fun, tense, and exciting way to play.

I get what you're saying about DMC, but is there really that big a difference between a number and a letter grade? They're both the same kind of performance evaluation, and a high number communicates "doing well" just the same as an A/S rank does.

>> No.5914056

>it's cheevos and online leaderboards.
Well, that too.
A pretty good idea would be to have a downloadable replays, so you can see how it's achieved.
>and a high number communicates "doing well" just the same as an A/S rank does.
Not unless you know that this number is high and how high exactly is it.
Thought experiment: is 0001.6456 a high number for the end of the first level? It's hard to say without seeing a lot of metrics about the game and other players, isn't it? The message isn't clear enough.

>> No.5914071
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>A pretty good idea would be to have a downloadable replays, so you can see how it's achieved.
I think that's been done

>> No.5914079
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>> No.5914113

Shmups are hard. I am old now. As one of the creators of D&D once said to me, "My twitcher doesn't twitch fast enough anymore."

>> No.5914134

As said countless times there are a shit ton of very easy shmups out there. Try Fire Shark for the MD/Gen

>> No.5914153
File: 30 KB, 300x420, 300px-Terry_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shmups and jrpgs have more in common than you might think

there's one hundred million of them

half of them have names like don don pachi denitsu saeiku daenatsu yoshimitsu

and i just don't give a fuck

>> No.5914362

pretty amazed at all the misinfo around shmups displayed here. people must really not care about the concept at all to outright dismiss them without even trying to look a bit into them

>> No.5914367

>average Progear player

>> No.5914376

now playin that game gives me rash.

just kiddin, i just fuckin hate it tho.

>> No.5914576

Spaceship shooting games aren't gay though.
Unless it's Touhou, then it's crap.

>> No.5914607
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Dodonpachi is sick though (except stage 5, hall of hell is bullshit)

>> No.5914609

Too difficult, obscure and inaccessible. I'm actually fine with this, though.

>> No.5914612


>> No.5914628

Shmups are ok. WRPG is the real shit genre.

>> No.5914676

Because there's a few gems in a mountain of shit.

>> No.5914679

>Did he hit a nerve?
Obviously. it made you shitpost about something you're very insecure about.

>> No.5914804

>weird euroshmuppy and RPG hybrid shmups out there they just never catch on.
i know this sounds cynical, but they probably all look and sound like shit

>> No.5914845

They don't, there's loads of good looking and sounding euroshmups, they just play like shit. Look at Amiga's library of shmups or I dunno, Soldner X

>> No.5914848

I played Raptor: Call of the Shadows when I was a kid. Is there any schmup better than this or did I start with the best one?

>> No.5914853

You're in luck, Raptor's fucking awful even low tier arcade games are better than that crap

>> No.5914871

I've tried to enjoy them. They're not bad, but most shmups just feel like the same game to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5915053

Because they were so fucking hard.

>> No.5915138

One in a million jrpgs have mildly interesting gameplay tho while all shmups are the same thing.

>> No.5915141

There are very few things that do not benefit from having an end.

>> No.5915215

This seems to be the most common misconception since there are so many easy shmups as well. They just range from super easy to super hard.

That doesn't explain why the supposed gems are overlooked as well.

Time to play different styles of shmups. What have you played?

>> No.5915220

I fucking hate shmupfags, and I say this as someone who plays a shitton of shmups.
You faggots act high and mighty and refuse to understand that people might just not like the genre, and that's perfectly fine. You fucking worship CAVE despite the company being managed by actual idiots who cheaped out on hardware and couldn't even stand by their products (they just make shitty iOS cash grabs now).
Maybe there's a reason it's a niche genre, maybe there's a reason it didn't hit the same sort of grab as Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
The only thing I do know for certain is you retards need to stop being such colossal faggots about other people liking other things.

>> No.5915227

It's a reoccurring group, the "progress systems" autist, and the last of the /shmupg/ faggot brigade. Best you can do is learn their (extremely predictable) posting style and not reply.

>> No.5915229

OP here. I dissassociate myself with those folks you mention.
Them disliking the genre is absolutely fine, discussing why that's the case is interesting though. We're seeing that a lot say it's because they're too hard for them, but turns out that's a myth so maybe if they tried easy shmups they'd enjoy them.
Cave didn't make bad games but it's certainly overrated.
What's interesting is that these myths are spread by those fags you mention: to make themselves seem more important they boast about how hard shmups are, and how the only way to supposedly enjoy them is to dedicate your life to them. They're desperate for attention but unintentionally help kill any potential growth for their community. Because people typically start with easy shmups, then a their general skills begin to improve they naturally go for harder stuff gradually.

>> No.5915230

I don't hate shmupfags but I hate that one (I hope) autist trying to shit up the board with genre wars.

>> No.5915231

disassociate myself from*

Genre wars aren't in my OP

>> No.5915238

>Genre wars aren't in my OP
I'm talking about the "jarpig" guy.

>> No.5915240

I'm the same but that's as a result of fags that brought up RPGs out of nowhere to this thread early on.

>> No.5915256

Why the fuck is any shmup on any system always bound to be like 5x more expensive than other genre of games? Why did these fags drive the prices up so high on these? Calm your shit and stop shelling out money like that.

>> No.5915260

Shmups have a huge collector-that-doesn't-play scene, a big part of its community, so that's why.

>> No.5915264

Yeah, I know, but I don't get why that is. It's just fucking annoying when good games for a system might typically be in the 5-15 dollar range, but then if it's a shmup it's instead like 50 bucks. Why did this happen? Why are there so many collectorfags specifically for shmups who go full retard one-upping each other and driving the prices higher and higher?

Is it just an arcade thing, like how people drove up all the arcade-style dreamcast games from capcom through the roof? I don't get it.

>> No.5915265

>s-s-stop shitting on JRPGs even though every other thread on /vr/ is about fucking jarpigs and the genre is worthless garbage
seethe harder jrpg incel

>> No.5915289

The genre has this strong hardcore reputation so maybe they're seen as more desirable items to obtain, that way you can hang out with a niche crow and feel special. I guess.
Other arcade games suffer from the same thing, maybe to a slightly lesser degree.

>> No.5915295

The other main arcade genre is fighting games though, and those are typically plenty cheap across many systems, with few exceptions.
Also, isn't "The genre has this strong hardcore reputation so maybe they're seen as more desirable items to obtain" a self-fulfilling prophecy? They're desired by hardcore collectorfags because they're expensive, but they're expensive because people feel the need to buy them up in the first place because they're expensive.

>> No.5915303

Many old fighting games have dead communities. Let me guess, those exceptions are the games with alive communities.
Shmups on the other hand, you can go for a top score even if you're the only one left playing it.
I don't think you got me, they got expensive due to being games that are seen as niche and special for retarded reasons.

>> No.5915306

I'm not really sure which fighting games count as dead. All the standard big names are typically cheap across most systems. Street fighter, mortal kombat, etc.

>they got expensive due to being games that are seen as niche and special for retarded reasons
I guess that's what I'm trying to get at. Why are they seen as special?

>> No.5915314

I said it. They're seen as super hardcore games, so if you own them you can show off being into those games even if you don't play them, and hang out with the small shmup community.

>> No.5915319

>I said it. They're seen as super hardcore games
That's circular logic though. They're seen as niche because they're hardcore? Okay, but why? Why are they seen as niche, hardcore, special, whatever other words used to describe the same thing? That's the part I don't understand.

>so if you own them you can show off being into those games even if you don't play them, and hang out with the small shmup community.
But the reason they get a dopamine rush from showing off these games is because they're expensive, and they're expensive because they buy them and jack up the price in order to show them off. Seems like a chicken and egg thing.

>> No.5915324

The games have this reputation (spread by players to make themselves seem important for playing them) of being super challenging, and they are indeed niche in terms of popularity, that's a fact. Therefore, if you get into collecting them, you can pretend you are a part of this super special small circle and hang out with the players.

>> No.5915334

fair enough, I guess that makes sense. Still seems odd that all this bullshit sprang up specifically around shmups and not other stuff though.

>> No.5915336

no other genre has this insane reputation. Just check the dozens of people ITT saying that shmups are too hard for them despite the fact that there are many easy ones around.

>> No.5915346

Fighting games also sold way more so there are more copies out there. More niche stuff like Darkstalkers goes for $100+ on ebay.

>> No.5915446


>> No.5915449

Nah, brah. No matter how many you have played all those have been shit or at least not showed you the full potential of the genre ;)

>> No.5915471

seething jarpig

>> No.5915472

>Time to play different styles of shmups. What have you played?
Bunch of weeb Danmaku, Gradius, R-type, Sine Mora, Blue Revolver, Crimzon Clover, Revolver360, Zangeki Warp, Ikaruga and a bunch that I no longer have anything to remind me that I have ever played them and have completely forgotten about
I should not have to play every single game in order to figure out the genre is not for me.

>> No.5915473

rent free

>> No.5915482

And all those played the same to you?
What do you even play (other genres) that's more varied than that?
You can dislike them but at least cite a reasonable reason for that and not something that's false like them being the same.

>> No.5915487

Well, you called the thread three posts in.

>> No.5915492

I play everything except shmups and racing games.
The difference between the shmups are not substantial to me. I feel exactly the same for all of them.

>> No.5915505

I'm guessing you don't enjoy the core concepts shared by all like shooting and dodging 8-way, so when you play a shmup this sticks out badly for you no matter how differently it is designed.
It's interesting how these games are so unappealing to most gamers these days, even to those that enjoy most genres like you.
What could be the reason that makes flying and shooting like that boring to so many?

>> No.5915508
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Not even going to bother reading through this thread. Based on the amount of replies alone, I'm guessing it's a complete waste and a shitshow.
>lol can't handle the bantz jarpig literally seething madmaxine jarpig horror elements chav zero ranger jarpig whining about reports/bans jarpig krautina elitism copy monkey jarpig
How close was I?

>> No.5915512
File: 29 KB, 375x500, obsessed for women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have that shmupg pic saved?
Also, how's it going Mad Max, are you still playing shmups here and there?

>> No.5915541

They aren't the same, but it's common for people to feel like they're samey. The difference between something like R-type and Crimzon Clover is pretty obvious, but maybe there's a reason those differences aren't as meaningful to the average person compared to other genres.
>What could be the reason that makes flying and shooting like that boring to so many?
That's what I've been thinking about. On the surface, people see that shmups all have dodging and shooting with basically the same feeling of movement just with varying speed and hitboxes. Compared to something more popular like platformers where the different physics, what method you use to attack and how you advance through stages varies from game to game. The differences feel more significant to a casual player that just wants to play through a game once or twice.

>> No.5915549

>I'm guessing you don't enjoy the core concepts shared by all like shooting and dodging 8-way, so when you play a shmup this sticks out badly for you no matter how differently it is designed.
Trust me, I have tried for the longest to like these games but they are fun cryptonite to me. I have to stop myself sometimes when seemingly interesting games come out like Zero Ranger because I know I won't like it no matter what twists it puts on the genre.

I think the low popularity is due to players a combination of things.
Players not feeling they can express themselves in gameplay.
Losing wastes much time that usually cannot be sped up by improving.
Scoring mechanics being wasted since very few care about scores anymore.
Genre bloat and games having a hard time differentiating themselves are also an issue.
Like, I know the games I have played are objectively different, but they don't FEEL that way to me at all.

>> No.5915571

Still doesn't explain why the act of shooting and moving isn't attractive. People are fine with playing literally the same shit over and over when it comes to some other genres. It's something inherent to the concept.

This misses the fact that many easy shmups exist where you can fuck around, have fun with less pressure. Like the aforementioned Fire Shark for the Genesis but loads more.

>> No.5915583

>This misses the fact that many easy shmups exist where you can fuck around, have fun with less pressure. Like the aforementioned Fire Shark for the Genesis but loads more.
Genre bloat. Fire shark looks extremely generic and a consumer has no reason to pick it over literally any other shmup.

>> No.5915596

Let me explain this to you:
A game seeming generic within its own genre is only really a problem for people that already play it and may be tired of it. Why does that matter for someone that hasn't touched shmups?
How come generic games for other genres are fine but not these ones?

>> No.5915603

Not him, but I think most gamers have touched (and enjoyed) shmups though. But I'd say on the surface at least the generic games for other genres have more obvious variation between them.

>> No.5915609
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entire gameplay consists of hold shoot button, dodge enemies and bullets while being autoscrolled.
>Wow why dont more people like this?

>> No.5915614

Do you find something like Pocky & Rocky more interesting? It has no autoscrolling, scrolling in multiple directions, and some movement options like sliding to dodge.

>> No.5915623

I don't know, that sounds fun to me. Destroying and dodging tons of shit nonstop for a while. Why do people not care for this?

>> No.5915624

Shhht, adults are talking.

>> No.5915628

I don't think most even consider it to be a shmup.

>> No.5915632

Modern military FPS have been mocked to death for being samey as fuck but that hasn't stopped them from selling like crazy. CoD's yearly releases still are some of the best selling games every time, and that's been the case for over a decade.
EA's yearly releases... nuff said.

It is. What genre is it then? lmao

>> No.5915637

They're all very similar to each other and have very little story or interesting characters.

Touhou games, which make sure to include mechanical changes every installment, and have a cast of unique and colorful characters and relatively story-driven games, are pretty popular with general audiences despite being shmups.

>> No.5915642

>It is. What genre is it then? lmao
Didn't say it wasn't. The shmup genre just has this veneer of monotony that if something sticks out from the mould it doesn't even register as being the of the same genre.

>> No.5915656

>What could be the reason that makes flying and shooting like that boring to so many?
for one thing it doesn't feel like flying at all. it doesn't feel like anything

>> No.5915658

So does this imply that most gamers are storyfags?
Funny because Touhou games are notoriously samey on surface level stuff which is what matters to people.
IMO the characters are popular, not the actual games.

I see, that's hilarious.

>> No.5915662

since games games needed to feel like something real to be popular

>> No.5915670

/vg/kids mad.

>> No.5915682

shmupg is dead bro

>> No.5915683

Part of that is military FPS games like that are popular for competitive multiplayer. And on the surface they have more variety - new maps to explore, new weapon types with different effects, etc. Limiting it to modern military FPS or a single series like CoD it will be more similar, but if you look at FPS as a whole it's different.
His point wasn't that it doesn't "feel like something real," but that it doesn't feel like anything in his opinion. Dodging and aiming shots is fun, but moving around itself in a shmup generally doesn't feel interesting on its own. Not that it bothers me personally, but I understand what he means.

>> No.5915694

Kinda like puzzle games I guess. Some people just think of them all as Tetris clones because of the falling and moving pieces, despite the games themselves being very different. Besides Tetris, I don't think they're all the popular either. Doesn't seem to be many players online for Puyo Puyo anyway.

>> No.5915705

A lot of these more elaborate theories fall apart once you consider that other arcade genres shared the same fate, including non autoscrolling subgenres like run n guns that share a fuckload of similarities with platformers, an incredibly popular genre in comparison.

>> No.5915706

I think autoscroll is a big factor why most people hate shmups because just watching the first level of this game and I find it more interesting than the standard shmup.

>> No.5915717

That's a good point. Though people into retro games are more likely to talk about stuff like Contra, Gunstar Heroes, or Metal Slug in my experience.

>> No.5915719

>new maps, new weapons
Same for shmups...

Yep, pretty spot on.

Read the post above yours.

>> No.5915740

>Same for shmups
Kinda. New weapons in shmups aren't as different in terms of physics and effects as grenades vs rocket launchers vs machine guns and so on. And new maps in shmups will have different enemy patterns and sometimes environmental hazards (especially horis), but you don't explore them the same way as an FPS. I'm trying to think about it from the perspective of someone playing the games at a casual surface level.

>> No.5915758

It's still a bit of a stretch but maybe it's that simple, even a small thing like that could be enough for them to dismiss shmups when they could play their preferred genre instead.

>> No.5915762


>> No.5915765

It is a tad more likely but not significantly so compared to platformers, and if you are into run n guns outside of those 3 then you will have even less company than if you're into shmups. Arcade run n guns are extremely obscure and the only people who play them are some shmup fans

>> No.5915780
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>> No.5915787
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Shock Troopers is god-tier


>> No.5915792


>> No.5915795

the slide makes it a lot more interesting to me, and the parry is cool too

>> No.5915804

Check out Dogyuun's speed module

>> No.5915807
File: 402 KB, 1200x902, touhou 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou in 2019
Wow looks great!! Glad to see Zun's kept the crappy sprites that haven't improved since 2002's Touhou 6. He's even added some pointy sticks to the generic 3D background.

>> No.5915815
File: 1 KB, 115x57, 81 posters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board can't sustain shmup discussion unless it's about how they dislike the games
makes you think

>> No.5915821

>muh victim complex
fuck off

>> No.5915823

How can you sustain positive discussion about a bad genre?

>> No.5915826

To be fair, at least half of those posters don't dislike the games themselves and are just speculating on why other people aren't into them.

>> No.5915827

They're storyfags AND jizzbrains, the ultimate combo. River City Girls is the most popular beat em up in recent memory, and Ninja Warriors Once Again got attention because of Yaksha's rack lmao

>> No.5915828

Quake 3 is better than any shmup.

>> No.5915829

damn why so defensive?


>> No.5915834
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isn't River City Girls some heavy RPG hybrid though, that's huge in terms of getting people's attention.

>> No.5915837

Ultima> shmups.

>> No.5915839

>moving around itself in a shmup generally doesn't feel interesting on its own.
exactly, thank you

there's this horizontal shooter section of, i think it was the indie platformer knytt, that i loved because the ship had interesting physics. my memory of it is vague but i remember it as a fast-moving autoscroller with environmental obstacles like most horizontal shooters, but maybe more pronounced, and it controlled a bit like a less rigid joust. it was a short segment but i loved the concept and wished that some full beautiful 90s jap shooters felt like that

mechanically galak-z interests me too, but i haven't played it yet. i don't like its art

>> No.5915840

Yea, it's a Kunio-kun spinoff so it has all the shitty rpg elements, stats, level ups, consumable items, side quests, you name it

>> No.5915846

Yeah, it's like River City Ransom where you have stats and buy items, with some exploration and backtracking.

>> No.5915852

alright, thanks

>> No.5915858


>> No.5915859

So you can play that for an hour too? I honestly doubt interesting physics would make you guys play these games. It's the same as the "I hate autoscrollres!" crowd, they will say this but when given non autoscrolling shmups they'll ignore them.

>> No.5915874

i play shooters regardless. i'm just saying that i wish there were some with physics that made it feel more like you were controlling some kind of ship. good animation and a reasonable speed helps create the illusion, but thrust and weight (if it's in atmosphere) would be great

>> No.5915879

this looks really cool. had never heard of it before

>> No.5915881

how's the saturn port?

>> No.5915885

Truth is there are a bunch of those already, mainly multi directional shooters inspired by Asteroids, newest one that comes to mind is Luftrausers but there's some like that on the arcades

>> No.5915887

That's what /vr/ is missing. They go complain that discussion is stale but that's because they focus on the same stuff all the time.

Can't say, sorry

>> No.5915889

Easy Shmups tend to be dull, like the Toplan games, you just swipe back and froth across the screen stopping everything with massive waves of shots. Ikaruga is cool, as are a buncha more quirky shooters, but as a genre I feel there's a heck of a lot of sameiness out there.

>> No.5915892

Yeah that's a simple port but that's a deliberate choice to ease people that are afraid of challenge

>> No.5915895


They all looks the same for me and boring. But that's ok.

>> No.5915901

so Parodius looks the same as Twin Cobra? Good to know

>> No.5915902


It wasn't ironic.

>> No.5915903

only 25 posts more of shmupfags whining.

>> No.5915904


>> No.5915909


>Spaceship Touhou
do want

>> No.5915912


>No autoscrolling
>Multi directional
>Varied levels
>Not bullet hell
>Simple scoring
>Good graphics (for the time)

According to this thread this is sure to be /vr/'s favorite shmup

>> No.5915913

>/vr/ is one person
go back discord fags.

>> No.5915915

You aren't a person at all, M*x

>> No.5915917

absolutely never mentioned. it's almost as if the true reason is that these games lack story focus and progression systems. I mean games like that is what you see on /vr/ the most by far...

>> No.5915921

mad maxine seething
months later still seeking shmups threads to go cry

>> No.5915924

this is just dumb and biased

>> No.5915931

It's ok indie games like this can get lost from time to time but now that /vr/'s aware of it just give em some time to really sink their teeth into it, get gud and appreciate it like the classic it is

>> No.5915939

or just ignore it to go play Chrono Trigger for the 10th time

>> No.5915993

>thread hitting bmup limit in less than 4 days on /vr/
jarpigs absolutely seething

>> No.5916000

Shmupfags are the laughing stock of the arcade community.

>> No.5916005

Nice digits but what arcade community lad

>> No.5916016
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he's a guilty gear fag

>> No.5916018

shmups are for lowcows.

>> No.5916024
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>> No.5916032
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>> No.5916037

more like jarpigs whining about shmups and their fans.

>> No.5916159

People feeling that video games where they die too often and reminding them that they're scrubs is an affront to their dignity.

>> No.5916161
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>> No.5916174

Ah the classic popular = good argument, sure hope you apply that one consistently and don't bitch when a franchise or genre you love gets absolutely raped for the sake of mass appeal

>> No.5916183

but they could play easy shmups...

I enjoy them personally though so it doesn't matter to me if a horde of RPG fags don't

>> No.5916208

Just popped into the thread, but what's with the reddit as fuck non sequitur? Even in this den of retards that is this thread, you still manage to look retarded.

>> No.5916236

I just dont find them fun

>> No.5916242

why tho

>> No.5916280

They lack a sufficient fun-factor for the brain to interpret them as fun.

>> No.5916291

Doesn't look very fun.

>> No.5916320

>Real men who play with old toys
Off topic but I wish they'd redo GI Joe. If I ever have boys, I'd like to get them for them to play with. The 4 inch tall ones, not the 12 inch.

>> No.5916415


>> No.5916438

What's it lacking in your opinion?

>> No.5916497

Embarrassing thread.

>> No.5916674

too samey, just generally boring ADHD nonsense. I dont play for score and I dont play the same goddamned thing over and over for e-peen swelling

shmups are a disease.

>> No.5916768

Music for one. Sound effects are boring too. The gameplay, at least in the video, doesn't look very exciting either. Not much action. I'd much rather play a normal shmup, or something like Pocky & Rocky or Shock Troopers.

>> No.5917051

genre for brainlet copy monkeys

>> No.5917354

It really only goes one way when shmupg shows up, and you're looking at it. Embarrassing indeed.

>> No.5917701

Sounds like you might be gay and into short dick men. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.5918037

>It really only goes one way when shmupg shows up

yeah 500+ posts lmao, enjoy your graveyard jarpig.

>> No.5918072

What is this animosity between the genres? Have I just not lurked enough or is it Shmupfag autism?

>> No.5918143

Shmup is the only bad arcade genre.

>> No.5918214

Cold, hard facts.