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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5904968 No.5904968 [Reply] [Original]

>outdated: the emulator

>> No.5904972

>kill yourself: you faggot

>> No.5904973
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>I made this post last week: the gayboi

>> No.5904993

>I never touched a titty: The OP.

>> No.5905050

>I'm a retarded faggot: the truth

>> No.5905105 [DELETED] 

Semen gargler: the anon

>> No.5905110

>Semen gargler: the anon

>> No.5905143
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>b-but it just works, from my memories of 2003, the wojak

>> No.5905207

What's even your problem with it? I play it frequently.

>> No.5905215

>repost: the thread

>> No.5905371

It works fine. Most peoples problems with it stem from the fact that it doesn't do much to enhance the games. It's a basic emulator, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5905519

this. I will say, PS1 games can look truly amazing with all those tweeks.

The N64 on the other hand has no hope, it takes a team of people to dedicate all their time just to improve ONE game. I wish nintendo would just fucking release the remakes of StarFox and Zelda to the fucking switch.

>> No.5905525

It really does work fine. Some games take a little fiddling but it isn’t a big deal. There’s just better stuff around these days and that isn’t a bad thing. If someone still wants to play on epsxe or zsnes it isn’t a big deal as long as they enjoy themselves

>> No.5905549

for a while, ePSXe was the only emulator that produced the correct sounds for FF7, you know the way the lightning sounds for instance, it has a distinctly "digital" sound that a lot of other emulators fucked up. I supposed RetroArch doesn't do that but it's such a pain to set up.

>> No.5905598

How is retroarch difficult to setup? You don’t even have to configure your controller. Just install it, download your core and load the game. It’s ridiculously easy

>> No.5905621


your shilling has no power here

>> No.5905686
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>zoomer: the zoomulator

>> No.5905721

well, i had better luck with it recently, and you do have to configure your controller and 1 or 2 other things i remember, for ease of use other wise get ready to play on your keyboard and never see the bios load, and hear the game playing in the background as you tab out, or play in a window size you dont like. I think you also have to download the bios or emulator from within retro arch too if i recall. Anyway, all that was way eaier this time, where as 2 or 3 years ago when i first tried retro arch because i heard it could overclock star fox, I remember downloading what was essentially a folder, with folders in it, and no kind of .exe whatsoever. Not sure what i did there but i noodled around with it before i just gave up and went to do something else.

>> No.5905925
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>OP: the faggot

>> No.5907619

is it