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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5900503 No.5900503 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5900506
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>> No.5900531

>did you guys know that I got into the Ys series back in the 80s? It's true! I owned every single rare cult retro video game right when they came out!

>> No.5900556

yeah, too bad apart from 1&2 the retro entries are shit namely the snes ones

>> No.5900563

Tried Oath in Felghana and couldn't get into it. Just wasn't what I was looking for.

>> No.5900571

It helps when you're a 40 year old cucknadian weeb

>> No.5900573

I like the music that Yuzo Koshiro and Mieko Ishikawa composed, but the games themselves are really bad.

>> No.5900684

Well, someone had to buy these games originally.
Ys IV is on par with I&II, much better in a lot of ways. I've only played the PCE version though

>> No.5900695

I've only played Origins and Oath, neither are retro i think
but i enjoyed them both and the graphics being HD retro is a big factor why

>> No.5900702

>Well, someone had to buy these games originally.
Yesh, and now we know who it was! Guy really was there first for everything, it's impressive.
Obscure SNES RPG that barely got any advertisement? He was there day 1.
Obscure Genesis game only sold through mail order? The first call was his'.
Turbografx-16? He was the number 1 fan, always was his favorite console, and he bought Rondo of Blood and CD add on day 1 of course.

>> No.5900729

the first three Ys games just have an absolute metric fuckton of ports/remakes, truly mindblowing

Hot take: Ys IV is heads and shoulders above Ys I&II (gameplay wise), and is one of the best 16-bit games in general, let alone one of the best pc engine games

>> No.5900732

soundtracks are the only worthwhile things

>> No.5900739

Why are you seething so bad? Autists with no other hobbies were a thing back in the day too.

>> No.5900740

>implying anyone would fake being a fan of the original y's.
that game is shit

>dude just walk into enemies

>> No.5900745

Might be because it reminds me of this kid from high school who would claim to be into every single obscure band or artists "since their debut" but you could tell he was lying.

>> No.5900770

I played like five of them one after another during a particularly lean period of gaming. You know when you eat an entire sleeve of saltines or something and you don't exactly regret it, but at the same time it's basically like you ate nothing?

>> No.5900776

>but at the same time it's basically like you ate nothing?

probably because you can beat the first three games in 2 hours or less?

>> No.5900875

>Ys was rare back in the 80's
kek. zoom.

>> No.5900920

Dragon Slayer is the better series

>> No.5900925

who the fuck cares if they do, you fag

>> No.5900936

oath in felghana on inferno is one of the hardest action games ive played

>> No.5900946

In the west, yep, it was. Nobody owned Turbografx CD and you know it.

>> No.5900969

Y's is a good series. Always liked it, playes it on SMS and then 3 on the Duo.

>> No.5901000

When I was a kid in the early 90's my sister was a huge RPG fan and rented YsIII. Neither of us particularly liked it. It's been a long time and tastes change. Maybe I should give the series another shot, is 3 a fair representation of the series?

>> No.5901007

>nobody who gets their "knowledge" from youtube and makes up their own personal definitions of words had one
FTFYK. I knew plenty of people who had one and I had a PCE+IFU+CD myself

>> No.5901395

>making fun of based Johnny

kek. Enjoy jerking off every night while he gets to cum in his 10/10 wife's tight pussy

>> No.5901471

Why are you so jealous of this mans collection

>> No.5901502

No, Ys III has completely different gameplay from every other installment in the series and it was widely reviled. Try Ys I & II.

>> No.5901509

>Why, I can remember me and Bob Cornhole used to stay up all night playing to that there Ys

>> No.5901524

Fuck, you're so mad about something so mundane. Yes, he appreciated a lot of obscure games back in the 90s. Again, this isn't something unbelievable, it's just what he was interested in. Why does this fact make you so mad?

>> No.5901528

This but unironically, also get over it you seething faggot

>> No.5901548

don't talk shit about johnny millenium

>> No.5901549

My brother was playing one. Is it any good? Reminded me of dot hack slash or whatever the fuck.

>> No.5901559

They're fun action RPGs, pretty fast paced with a focus on bosses. They go on sale for PC often, check out oath in felghana if you're curious.

>> No.5901567
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>when your gf thinks she's cool with the facial but doesn't realize the spooge deluge she's about to receive

>> No.5901569

Seriously nigger?

>> No.5901576

>III bad gameplay, reviled
Reviled by who? /vr/? Rented it in 92 or so, it was pretty good - way better than those, bump into enemies to fight games. My opinion will be disregarded but I'm used to it. TL;DR Zelda II = best Zelda.

>> No.5901592

>Hot take:
This isn't reddit, fuck off
>Ys IV is heads and shoulders above Ys I&II
This is like saying you're favorite castlevania game is Rondo. You think you're cool for liking some super sekrit Turbo CD game that every retro gamer knows off, but you're not.

>> No.5901601

>Reviled by who?
Enough people that both Falcom and Hudson backed away from its gameplay for both versions of Ys IV. It's funny how zoomers think it was impossible for there to be a collective consensus on something without the internet.

>> No.5901646
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It's Sega's fault

>> No.5902298

I won't lie his wife is pretty hot, but my current gf is hotter (and younger) and I've had way better girls in the past as well.
I am jealous of his vidya collection, though.

>> No.5902312


>> No.5902583
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The knees are way too sharp

>> No.5902592

i can smell the rancidness from here

>> No.5902607

any retard can get an above average girl in vancouver where he is from. Like listen to the dudes stories too hes an awkward retard yet had all these hot chicks clinging on him back in the day. Most girls there are gonna be stoned retarded hippy bitches but they will be hot enough to put your dick into

>> No.5902615
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>> No.5902631
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>White girl dreads

>> No.5902638

its a wig shes not blonde, she probably has as many wigs as johnny has games

>> No.5902658

Yeah it's pretty good from what I've played. Hope Ys 9 makes it on the Switch cause I fucking love playing these games in bed while chilling.
So much more soulful than neo-falcom and the eternal sameface.

>> No.5902721

that was sarcastic right? the second statement

>> No.5902748

I don't really watch his videos any more but the cd add-on was a Christmas add-on. By the sound of things he had really rich parents that spent a lot of money on him. He also lived in Vancouver which has a very large Japanese Canadian population. All of the import stuff makes sense when you think about it

>> No.5902762

FTFY. Shit's always nasty.

>> No.5902768

I think adol best design was his ys7 one

>> No.5902785

those are all literally sameface

>> No.5902790

Im a diffrent anon but that 90s style is more appealing

>> No.5902809
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fuck off remake nigger

Maybe you shouldn't play the remake versions you idiot

no they aren't

>dude you just like go in their direction lmao

Don't listen to this >>5901559 remake nigger. Play the orignal versions of 1, 2 (pc88 or any port before Chronicles) and 4 (PCE) . Playing the remakes would give you a wrong taste of the series.

Both bump combat and slash (original 3) are good, only remake niggers don't like it

Falcom is shit nowadays, that doesn't say anything just look at how bad is becoming sequel after sequel, they can't even make a good Ys game anymore that's why they are entertaining brainless plebs by remakeing the same games.

Even "generic" 90's Falcom had loads more character than interchangable fuckboi Adol of today

>> No.5902815

>>dude you just like go in their direction lmao


>> No.5902818

Calling others niggers doesn't make you right.

>> No.5902832

But being a nigger makes you objectively wrong.

>> No.5903000

take the edge back to /v/ kid

>> No.5903004

go back to /v/

>> No.5903006

100% based.

yikes and trannypilled.

>> No.5903010

When dreads are braided, they're fine with me. They look labored on and kinda pretty.
White girl dreads are always matted and look disgusting. Like an unwashed heroin addicted hippy.

>> No.5903019

No, the very concept is disgusting and it looks very ugly. I don't think anyone with a triple digit IQ ever did that sort of haircut unironically in the history of the world.

Things like dreads, cornrows, tattoos, piercings and the like are a perfect way for no one but degenerates to have a shred of respect for you.

>> No.5903024

>Like listen to the dudes stories too hes an awkward retard yet had all these hot chicks clinging on him back in the day
Yeah anon, I'm sure his stories are as true as all the stories about him getting every single obscure video game day 1.

>> No.5903047

y u so mad??? Seriously, how did he get under your skin this badly? None of his stories are even exceptional, tons of normal people have hobbies and girlfriends. I know that must seem completely alien to you though.

>> No.5903069

Go be a nigger at >>>/reddit/

>> No.5903104

Has any of the PS2 remakes been translated to English? Only one that came out here was Ys % Ark of Napishtim

>> No.5903141

I was mostly kidding, I do think he bullshits a bit, but maybe some of his stories are true.
I'm surprised a lot of people here defend an e-celeb though. Wasn't aware happy console gamer had /vr/ fanboys.

>> No.5903148

I dont think he lies about his stories.
He even tells stories where he comes off as a huge asshole which he could edit easily to make him seem like a saint.

I think his mom and dad were just loaded with expendable cash.
Him importing shit doesn't seem outrageous at all.
I used to see those inserts in my gaming magazines for Japanese imports that had a long list of awesome shit I wanted so bad but couldnt afford and would have bought instantly if I had the money

also hes like 40+ years old, he wasnt negative 2 years old back in the retro video days like some of these youtubers

>> No.5903159

>He even tells stories where he comes off as a huge asshole which he could edit easily to make him seem like a saint.
I actually get the impression he does that on purpose, too. To seem like he was some kind of "badass" who also happened to be a video game nerd.
I think he was a huge video game enthusiast since really young, probably read a lot of magazines like the one you mentioned, but I'm not sure if all of his stories are true. It doesn't matter anyway, my post was a joke, i'm not really hating on the guy. Again, surprised from the reaction I got from many people here. Also surprised the thread is still up considering eceleb threads get deleted.

>> No.5903249

>its another Happyconsolegamer hints that one of his rare games were likely stolen from a friend episode

>> No.5903264

I played Felghana which was fantastic. But no other game in the series lived up to it.
So Ys is a one trick pony.

>> No.5903497

Honest question, where the fuck can I find the english patched and fandubbed version of Ys IV? Or how do I patch it myself?

>> No.5903690

>wanting a fandub

Fuck you shittaste faggot

>> No.5903754
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>Fuck you shittaste faggot
He's right tho

>> No.5903937


>> No.5904003

Sure thing zoomy

>> No.5904152

Have sex.

>> No.5904175

Remakes like Chronicles and Felghana are good, the originals and PCE remakes suck, Origin and Napishtim are good, Seven and onwards also suck.

>> No.5904186
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>Remakes like Chronicles and Felghana are good, the originals and PCE remakes suck,

>> No.5904197

PCE isn't a remake, you mongloid, it's a port

>> No.5904258

Patch it yourself, it's not complicated

>> No.5904475

Doesn't matter, gameplays different enough that it is its own thing and it still sucks dick either way

>> No.5904486

>Doesn't matter, gameplays not casualized enough for a Chroniclesfag like me while I suck dick

>> No.5904494

He has old camcorder footage collaborating all his claims, unlike some other youtubers.

>> No.5904498

Nice try but chronicles is more difficult than the originals, and Oath/Origin on nightmare and above absolutely btfo the classic games in every regard. The older Ys have always been casual games

>> No.5904614

It's "corroborate" you dunce.

>> No.5904760

>>owned a duo
>>friend owned a tg16+cdrom
>no one owned
>no one
apparently it sucks to be you

>> No.5904771

It was also released on the Master System in the west

>> No.5904778

I imported a PC Engine Duo in 1992 for the humble price of $450. Import gaming was always costly.

>> No.5904809

there's a fairly faithful but obscure port for dos

they fucked the music though

>> No.5905310

damn i love and miss physical copies, i wish games were still sold physical only like they should be

>> No.5905345
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I actually liked his old videos, but they're pretty bad nowadays. Maybe those ugly ass hipster glasses he wears now has cursed him.

>> No.5905364

>roy focker
he's a dumb eceleb and but I approve of that.

>> No.5905368

Y'''s is great. Cringy youtubers aren't.

>> No.5905370
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Wow that’s a lot. Did you regret it? What was the delay between the PC Engine Duo and the Turbo Duo? Was it over a year?

I remember a brief time where the Duo was roughly the same price as a NEO•GEO CD! The PCE wasn’t even in the same league as the NEO! I always looked at those import list prices and assumed the target audience was Japanese nationals living in Socal. Not American gamers who actually thought it was worth the money.

>> No.5905376

That is an impressive collection. I am jealous. Any idea how much that costs in USD? I might get it. So far I've played the first 3 games and loved them.

>> No.5905514
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>Boxed SNES games stacked on top of each other
>Boxes visibly bowing at the sides due to the weight of having shit stacked on top of them

>> No.5905530

you really overestimate how heavy snes boxes with full inserts are.

They may be bowing, but thats because he likely had something actually heavy on them at some point in the last 30 years

>> No.5905785
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Ive only played 8 but i liked it alot. Not sure where to go next as there's so many entries
Yeah, being able to see properly is fuckin cringe bruh

>> No.5906449

How do people like Johnny and MJR get away with playing a game for like 5 minutes then doing an entire "review" about it?

>> No.5906460
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>> No.5906576

NPC-tier reply

>> No.5906754
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I ain't really got shit to say to dumb motherfuckers who don't think it's odd to go around wearing the same shit these nasty social justice dykes wear.

>> No.5907227

>basing a person on the type of glasses frame the choose

>> No.5907364

CGR set the standard for reviewing the first levels of games. The thing with Johnny and others like him is that you get a solid idea of his taste, so you know which reviews of his are worth checking out and which he'll be passionate enough about to put in effort.

>> No.5907497

>no PC-88 box
LMAO what a fake nerd

>> No.5907540

He was comfy to watch a couple years ago, but I guess he got tired of reciting all the same shit and is unwilling to delve into other games from the retro days. He's still the only YouTuber I go out of my way to watch, but I haven't seen Robman in a while and I'm so tired of hearing about the Nintendo Switch and mini consoles.

>> No.5907543

Johnny has to pay robmanworld to be on the show nowadays, thats why he isnt on that much

>> No.5907698

Says the kiddo who dresses up like a meme so his "friends" will accept him

>> No.5907737

Zoomer detected. Mfw games were "rare" when they were released. He was just a rich boy and his parents bought him shit. Think of the kid at your school who magically has 20 new games on steam every week.

>> No.5907739

I dont wear glasses though

>> No.5907952

Oh. Well that makes being an underage shitposting cuck ok then.

>> No.5907985

>can only respond with buzzwords
I think / v/ is more your style

>> No.5908278

Cool story / B/ro