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File: 53 KB, 704x354, PDvsGEBagogames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5898124 No.5898124 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5898131

perfect dark by far. altho the framerate is worse sometimes

>> No.5898137

I actually replayed both of them last year and definitely prefer Goldeneye, even though when I was younger I preferred Perfect Dark. Campaign is way better in Goldeneye, but Perfect Dark's modes outside the Campaign are better. Still, Goldeneye wins out in the end.

>> No.5898531

I'll say Goldeneye, Perfect Dark has many improvements over it, but I think GE's much simpler maps and objectives are more enjoyable to me, not to mention the bond-atmosphere is captured pretty well.
Also I like the music more in GE.

>> No.5898537

PD is obviously better but the maps in GE flow much better. PD makes you rely too much on waiting for the random ass AI to do dumb stuff, like saving Elvis and Dr Doak is always an RNG nightmare.

>> No.5898542

they are both badass games but i prefer goldeneye over all. one of the most nostalgic games for me easily.

>> No.5899201

I think PD improved vastly on the game mechanics, and is much more replayable than GE. There are only a few details where GE win out, like OST, also liked the fact that GE usually made you face a lot more, often infinite, enemies.

>> No.5899267

Single player, GE. Multiplayer, PD.

>> No.5899396

Perfect Dark got a remaster that made it playable, Golden Eye got a shitty remake that no one should ever play, so that's your answer.

>> No.5899437

Multiplayer at eight (8) silky smooth frames per second? No thanks, bro

>> No.5899449

Perfect Dark emulated @ 60fps and m+kb support

>> No.5900250

perfect dark (but not by much)

>> No.5900307
File: 1011 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont games have silly cheats anymore?

>> No.5900316

Fear Effect

>> No.5900565

PD lets you sneak into area 51 and save an alien. it wins by default. how can people who played both prefer GE's campaign?

>> No.5900808

They havent actually played either

>> No.5900814

perfect dark is just golden eye with more guns, more levels, a better campaign, and way too many other multiple game modes and features to even list out

>> No.5900818

games are not made for fun anymore

>> No.5902209

I always thought the levels in Goldeneye were more fun and i enjoyed how it unintentionally felt silly at times with all the liberties Rare took regarding the source material. It also ran smother overall. But Perfect Dark had better weapons, more interesting/complex missions, much smarter AI that kept you on your toes, and easily 10x the amount of side content with the combat simulator, co-op, counter-op, and all the Institute mini games.

Dunno, they're kind of even for me.

>> No.5902256

That is the question of our time.

>> No.5902334

Because today are meant to be played once for $60 and then sold back to gamestop for $3.88

>> No.5902360

It would distract you from the "real" issues in modern games: how the entire identity of characters is built around their sexual identity and noting else. If that doesn't scream creatively bankrupt...

>> No.5902464

The unfortunate truth. Games rely on visual shock value and tickling wee wee tingle box power fantasies. What's worse a whole generation of gamers has been brought up on that, so thats what they look for, what satisfies them, and what they use to define what a good game is. The kinds of things like depth of content, unlockable secrets, processes you need to think through, satisfaction after a struggle, and a nice big bow that ties it together in a way that makes it fun are all things of the past. Some of the games i see younger gamers point to when they talk about their favorite games are typically games i thought were ass or extremely lacking. It makes me weep, but thats just how the industry is now.

>> No.5902531

>and i enjoyed how it unintentionally felt silly at times with all the liberties Rare took regarding the source material.
Such as what?

>> No.5902627


>Half the levels in the game never happened in the movie
>In said levels meeting characters so early in the plot line that it kind of breaks the continuity
>Talk to a double agent right in front of other people
>Sean Bean shoots a wall as the guards flood the tank room
>The entire bunker 2 scenario
>Natalya is just sleeping next to an apache rigged to explode
>Natalya runs away scared if a gun is fired within one mile of her in the archives
>a few missions later she's nailing guys from a mile away wild west style through thick jungle foliage.
>Follow Boris all the way to the third floor of the control center and watch him phase out of existence
>Final battle includes Sean Bean showing he's actually an international track and field world record holder and can spontaneously shit grenades in full stride

I dunno, there was a ton of things in Goldeneye that just made me chuckle as i was playing it. I had a hard time taking the game seriously, but in a good way. It was the James Bond brand of silly and that charm felt abscent from PD despite it being a larger and deeper game. PD had its moments, i mean hell, Elvis. But they were more attached to the game, designated comic relief while Goldeneye was just batshit all over the place with things.

>> No.5902694

>>Half the levels in the game never happened in the movie
That's a big stretch. The level locations and ideas were nearly all from the movie, some nearly identical and at the time it was praised for its faithfullness to the movie. Now of course Bond was not doing all that shit like finding safe keys, disabling all the alarms etc. in the movie, I'm not sure there's any game that could follow a movie exactly like that.
>>In said levels meeting characters so early in the plot line that it kind of breaks the continuity
I have no idea what you mean by this, what characters does he meet early in the game compared to the movie? Certainly not Xenia...
They couldn't do pull off "chair" with the same effect as in the movie so they used knockers instead, if anything I think it was more in keeping with the movie than using chair.
>Talk to a double agent right in front of other people
Really? Really...?
>>Sean Bean shoots a wall as the guards flood the tank room
Lacking realism, not taking licence.
>Natalya runs away scared if a gun is fired within one mile of her in the archives
>a few missions later she's nailing guys from a mile away wild west style through thick jungle foliage.
Funny how people seem to get a bit braver when they have a gun going into a gunfight..
>>Final battle includes Sean Bean showing he's actually an international track and field world record holder and can spontaneously shit grenades in full stride
He can barely run faster than Bond, slower if you're using the strafing speed boost. Lobbing grenades over your head is hardly that hard work.

>> No.5902708
File: 1.68 MB, 332x332, 1563438293770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you cross examining me for? I'm talking about the ways i thought Goldeneye was funny even if it wasn't trying to be and the way i personally experienced it. Relax.

>> No.5902750
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, 429131-perfect-dark-xbox-360-screenshot-future-chicago-s-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the future, chicago is taken over by japanese men

>> No.5902753

Best music in both games.

>> No.5902769

yea, also the music is really underrated in pd. GE is good, but virtually every song is the same motifs and intruments

>> No.5903416

cringe. relax. yes some of those are limitation of the game but doesnt make them not funny still

>> No.5903429
File: 1.11 MB, 750x739, 220pu0uc3ki31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude what the fuck. I get having debates with people but this isn't even a set of debating points, just some funny shit.

>> No.5903459

Im not voting cos theyre quite equal.
It's like Pokemon Red or Pokemon Gold.
Red started the franchise and was so enthralling. But Gold is, obviously, a better game.
Goldeneye is Red and PD is Gold - dunno what to say.

Now, going back to play them, I'd probably play PD. There's just so much more to do in it - the 20 levels, then the Challenges, then theres fun to be had in Multiplayer generally - it's endlessly customizable - then there's the Firing Range, then there's unlocking the cheats.

Goldeneye's multiplayer was good at the time but I wouldn't go back to it now. For a start - no AI - and on top of that many mechanics were upgraded in PD, eg, level design, weapon spawn, highlight pickups, stuff you take for granted going back to GE after playing PD for a bit.
On the subject of multiplayer - PD's multi only REALLY slowed down if you had 4 players and 8 Bots on. Sure, that's what everybody did - but really you dont need 12 people in a game for it to be fun or challenging - try 2 players and 6 Bots, you'll only get slowdown if you let off 100 grenades. (And apart from for fun, who does this?)

But, overall, as with Pokemon, you have to hand it to the one that started it, "gun to my head" scenario. Still PD is technically a better game but no GE no PD so that's how it works.

>> No.5903487

For anyone who's exhausted PD and looking for new ways to play on Multiplayer, try these:


Arena: Temple
Sims : Fistsims
Sim Difficulty : Perfect or Dark
Weapons : Alternate the 6 slots between Phoenix and Remote Mine
Scenario : One Hit Kill, Combat (works with King Of The Hill too)
Notes: Unlimited Ammo, No Reloads (in fact multiplayer in general is better with this cheat on)

Basically, the fistsims can only punch, but since One Hit Kills are on, if you get close to them - you're dead. They're on Perfect so they're no slouches.
Since there's 3 slots of Remote Mines on, too, the sims will basically always be carrying one, so when you shoot at them with the Explosive shell they drop the mine and it explodes, too.
Since OHKs are on, you need to keep your distance!

Obviously you will rake up quite a kill count but set yourself a challenge : 10 minute game, and if you die 5 times, you lose and they win.

Arena : Grid
Sims : Normalsims / Hardsims
Weapons : Combat Knives and Combat Boosts
One Hit Kills
King of the Hill
DK Mode
Unlimited Ammo

Basically, aim for the head with the knives. Putting on the slow-mo combat boost while knifing your favourite head in slow mo is a unique catharsis in gaming, rarely found elsewhere...

Give this scenario a twist by making it King Of The Hill, with 45 second Hills, but only one Knife slot on, and the rest of the fields all 'Disabled'.
Now Put on the Cheat : Cloaking Device. This means YOU will start with one cloaking device, the only one on the map. You'll die at some point because this scenario is brutal and the sims are better than humans in close combat (Put on Hurricane Fists to stand a chance). Once your cloaking device starts making the rounds, this becomes really intense. Especially if the Hill is the central lobby from the Matrix film! You dont know who has the cloak!
It's boring when everybody can cloak.

>> No.5904035
File: 13 KB, 395x395, 1499297937914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao look at this funny weird shit
this is a new level of autism

>> No.5904074

Perfect Dark's campaign was a lot more fleshed out, IMO.
Goldeneye has its good levels, but also a few that were very bland and basic with their objectives.

>> No.5904298

Agree. In GE many of the levels have the exact same objectives and when you get to 00 Agent, all they did was split one objective into 4 others. If your objective in Agent was to get some documents in a safe, in 00 Agent ir becomes:
a) Get acess to the room where the key to the safe is
b) Get the key
c) Open the safe
d) Get the documents
Its still the same objective, they just split it into 3 extra meaningless ones. PD has a lot more variety with its missions.

>> No.5904321

PD in particular had more motivation behind the difficulty increases, which i liked. Sometimes you wouldn't get the full story on certain things or miss key actions unless you braved a mission on perfect agent. And then there's the Villa, where perfect agent changes how the level plays entirely. PD was better at the additional objectives, but all together i think both deserve praise for that. This kind of immersive objective missions that both add challenge and more content to a level you've already played once are completely absent from most FPS games today.

>> No.5904667

You seem a bit obsessed, I've never noticed this shit in modern games.

>> No.5905497

Owned both games at release. PD was disappointing overall; starts off good then decends into total cringe gayliens shit.

>> No.5905510

>You seem a bit obsessed
>a bit

>> No.5905562

On paper, Perfect Dark is better in every way.

In practice, I found Goldeneye's multiplayer to be more fun and Perfect Dark's single player to be more fun.

>> No.5906090

Pd is just golden eye 2.0. Tho we would only play the golden eye maps in multiplayer. The bots added some great fun.

>> No.5906126

goldeneye soviet collapse aesthetic is arguably better, though that's not really PD's fault as it would be somewhat weird to use such a setting in a non bond context