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589807 No.589807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Games you hated that everyone else liked.

>Classic Mega Man Games

If it ain't X, it ain't shit.

>> No.589823

Yoshi's Island

>> No.589859

Well I totally agree with you, but I thought when I opened this that you meant all mega man, but I'm on board for not caring for the classic MM games.

For me... the SNES Donkey Kong Country games... just can't get into them.

>> No.589873

Earthbound. I hated it ever since I first downloaded the rom over a decade ago

>> No.589876

Didn't like donkey kong either. Never understood the appeal.

>> No.589887

This whole thread is doomed to shitposting. You're not even asking WHY people don't like it. You're only going to get a bunch of popular games listed and a bunch of people telling them to fuck off.

>> No.589890

I don't hate it but I can't seem to enjoy Jet Force Gemini.

>> No.589902

agree. And I even already contributed "never understood donkey kong".

Not that I think it was a shit game... it was just something that back in the day I saw a lot but never thought was very fun for some reason

>> No.589907

The original NES Metroid.

I respect it for being the originator of an amazing series. But I feel like it's aged terribly. It gets praised for the value of the exploration, but to me, the value of exploration is less about finding items and secrets and more about taking in the scenery. And when the scenery is literally cut & pasted half the time, exploration doesn't feel very rewarding to me. No matter how many powerups I get for it.

>> No.589912

>it ain't shit.
I'll agree with you there.

I hate DKC2 and 3. The original is fucking awesome though.

>> No.589954

Majora's Mask...
I was just way into Deus Ex at the time and I wanted mah freedom of exploration.

>> No.589961

People are free to explain why if they want to, absolutely. I can't help what they say.

Also to stay on topic;
Link to the Past

Just never saw the appeal.

>> No.589991


I was never a huge zelda fan but I remember playing link to the past. The problem with zelda games is they were too confusing. Too open world, maybe cause I was younger or maybe cause it was ahead of its time, but that's what the problem with zelda games was (is). Pokemon was open world but for some reason it made sense. Zelda you had to really be a nerd to understand the game enough to enjoy otherwise you were just wondering around without any real objective...

>> No.590002

Pokemon felt, to me, like it had a progression. You went from one area to the next, unlocking paths, gaining levels, and getting new Pokemon. Zelda just sort of throws you into a wide world and gives you some general directions and you are expected to know where the hell to go. Metroid was really guilty about this too, I think.

>> No.590008

are you saying you hated or liked megaman x? Your topic doesnt make any fucking sense.
If it's not megaman x, it's not shit. This implies that megaman x is shit and everything else isnt. Go fucking kill yourself faget.

>> No.590018

I'm saying if it ain't Mega Man X, it isn't worth shit.
Relax, buddy.

>> No.590031

Well it's slang and maybe you're not a native English speaker, but it does make sense :)

>> No.590043


Yep, DKC 1-3. And almost anything else that Rare made ever.

>> No.590048

Actually I need to correct myself here. I loved Legends as well.

>> No.590057

i've changed my opinion on the original metroid

> nostalgia opinion
epic. classic. haunting experience

> playability opinion
there are better releases

>> No.590064

Zero Mission is a much better game IMO and it retells the classic story in a better way.

>> No.590090

Final Fantasy VI. I gave it so many chances because of the adoration it gets.

Sonic the Hedgehog. Street Fighter.

>> No.590087

Literally everything made by Rare
They are the most overrated developer ever in my eyes.

>> No.590096

Dude, I feel you. FFVI wasn't bad, per se, but I was such a bigger fan of Chrono Trigger at the time.

MAH NIGGA! I HAAAAATED that game. Collection quest cluster fuck.

>> No.590094

Donkey Kong 64

>> No.590102

Zero Mission is just too easy, and where to go next is just too obvious. It's a fun game, but I wanted an upgrade of the original game that was still in the spirit of the original game.

So I still like the original more.

>> No.590108

I don't like Chrono Trigger, either, but I haven't given it much of a shot.

>> No.590112

And to expand, I don't think a game has to be frustrating to be fun, but a good game should give you SOME feeling of resistance.

>> No.590110

Fair enough. If I was ever going to try to get someone into Metroid, though, I would use Zero Mission, then Super Metroid, then Fusion. All three are my favorites, btw. Never did get into the Prime series...

>> No.590120
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Ah, I loved DK64 ;__; Granted haven't played it since I owned it as a kid, so who knows how I'd like it now.

I'm not into FF at all, in any sense, but Sonic and SF? Who doesn't like Street Fighter?

>> No.590115

It's one of those games that really takes off after the first hour or so, IMO. I used to hate it, but I had to give it another shot years later.

>> No.590134

Mortal Kombat fans? Remember that argument? To think, I used to bash SF as a kid because it didn't have blood and gore... -_- fml

>> No.590135
File: 1 KB, 320x288, ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say everyone liked it, but I'd heard so much gushing over the story in Final Fantasy Legend that when I finally played it...

There barely even was a story until near the end, and it left me underwhelmed. Which probably wouldn't have bothered me much if I'd enjoyed the game overall, but it was incredibly unpolished compared to its later sequels. Just a disappointing experience.

>> No.590147

I don't like fighting games. I find them to be the opposite of fun.

>> No.590170

Pokemon is not open world. It's extremely linear.

>> No.590218

> :)

>> No.590232

no it doesnt, it doesn't at all. I am a native english speaker. Read it again.
> If it aint X, it aint shit.
Now if you repurpose it in actual english.
>If it isnt X, it isn't shit
>If it is not X, it is not shit.

That means if it is not megaman X, it is not shit. Meaning that ONLY megaman X is shit.

Go fucking kill yourself if you don't understand this.

>> No.590242


>> No.590260

More overrated than Electronic Arts?

>> No.590264

Star Fox Anything

>> No.590289

Dude get a life.

>> No.590323

My point was that if you are a native english speaker and understand and have heard slang, then you could make sense of it. If you can't then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.590336


Because FPS in a console controller is a pain

>> No.590332

You've never heard somebody say "That ain't worth a shit"? Like as in, that isn't good?

>> No.590358

Dude, I tried playing that again after years and years and it does NOT hold up in any way.

>> No.590360

Metroid games

>> No.590379
File: 460 KB, 1024x768, RPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muh niggas.

I preferred Perfect Dark, honestly.

IMO, best game for the SNES, and probably my most favorite game ever. No one else agreed, saying mario shouldn't go RPG. I loved everything about this game.

>> No.590394

> No one else agreed, saying mario shouldn't go RPG
Except that game was insanely hyped up and is still loved by a ton of people today.

>> No.590426

At the time of release, at least around where I grew up, everyone thought it was garbage. Until years later. Especially after Paper Mario, which I guess was SUPPOSED to be RPG 2?

>> No.590457

What I'll never get is how did this game warrant the use of the SA-1, a coprocessor that boosted the SNES clock speed that allowed to have, so to speak, "blast processing". RPGs by nature are not CPU intensive in the slightest, so why did this need it? Does it become Thunder Force IV on steroids all of a sudden?

>> No.590469

I dunno, but SMRPG was the first RPG I ever played and it still holds up to this day. I guess that blast processing was really the shit (or for our retarded friend here, good).

>> No.590467

Ocarina of Time.

>> No.590512

>Double Dragon
>Street Fighter

NEVER could get into them originals..

>> No.590523

> -_-
How do you people find your way here?

>> No.590530

The only good JRPGS are the Pokemon series and Dragon Warriors Monsters.

>> No.590529

/v/'s ironic shitposting.

>> No.590543

Today I learned emoticons are only used by /v/ posters.

>> No.590580

Shining Force II. I hate everything about it. And I love SRPGs.

>> No.591184
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I think I'm probably the only person who has no nostalgia for the game, yet played it recently and enjoyed it.

I don't like most FPS games, but I had fun playing Goldeneye.

>> No.591212


>otherwise you were just wondering around without any real objective...

I can understand that. Especially the earilier 2D Zeldas. But the laters games are much better at direction.

Wind Waker might change your mind about Zelda, IMO.

>> No.591216

I don't hate the game itself - it's pretty fun overall - but whenever people praise the story/characters of Final Fantasy V I just... don't fucking get it. I don't get it at all. It's so mediocre in that regard.

>> No.591224

final fantasy
all of them

fuck random encounters

>> No.591251


I would never praise the story or characters, I do appreciate it doesn't take itself too seriously though.

I think the biggest draw to V is the job system. Easily some of the best gameplay of the series.

>> No.591291
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Dragon Quest/Warrior. I tried I and III, but they are terribly boring and tedious. There isn't anything to look forward to except grinding.

>> No.591336

This. Forced myself to beat it, but I didn't enjoy it.

As far as Mega Man goes. I've never liked any of the games that aren't MM1-6 or MMX1-3, and I didn't care for X3 as much as X1 and X2.

>> No.591351

The NES Metroid is still very playable today, it just requires very thoughtful movement, something the later Metroids lack.

>And when the scenery is literally cut & pasted half the time

That's the point though. The game is supposed to be disorienting and confusing. You're supposed to get lost.

But if you don't like it, that's cool. People can like and dislike whatever they want.

>> No.591376

Capcom's Marvel fighting games. Gameplay is too crazy. Everything's flying everywhere, everything combos into everything.

>> No.591387

Sonic. The entire series. Though I liked a few entries my biggest gripe is with the entire concept of gameplay and it's poor execution. Sonic is meant to be a fast paced game. But it constantly falls short due to bad platforming and poor use of speed. I just can't feel fast in a game where I'm constantly running into walls and landing on spikes and falling into pits.

>> No.591389

did you play 9 or 10?

>> No.591383


I'm guessing you liked Phalanx though?

>> No.591394
File: 7 KB, 225x225, excuseme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a life, it obviously encompasses learning to communicate in proper English.

You sound like a 40 year old, who's jealous of a 10 year old's superior intellect.

>> No.591473

X1 is the only good X game though.

>> No.591491

I liked Marvel Super Heroes because it was still 1v1.

>> No.591484

Saaaaaaaaaamefag detected

>> No.591509

I don't think that's a samefag.

>> No.591523
File: 662 KB, 3031x3031, snk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everything from SNK. I find the majority of their games to be absolutely boring, especially Metal Slug (though it does look really nice)

However, I did really like Crystalis.

(Oh, and has anyone else had trouble posting today?)

>> No.591553

Hated as in a past tense would be Mario 64 and Zelda OoT. I didn't like the transition from 2D to 3D and vehemently opposed it. I was glad when Oracle of Seasons/Ages came out and Zelda returned to its traditional roots.
I have since tried both games out again years later (never liked the N64 controller) and found them to be exceptional games.

>> No.591592

Yes, and they were shameless nostalgia cash grabs. Got bored with them very quickly.

>> No.591603

Finally someone else who enjoys this game for the same reason as I do. Fuck tag teams and the crossovers really suck

>> No.591627

Yeah dude, seriously. I got tired of all the cotton candy explosions and shit going on all the time and you don't know wtf is happening. I'd love a Marvel vs DC game and have it be a simple 1v1 or 3v3(SNK style).

>> No.591636

Crash Bandicoot

>> No.591640

Ouch. All of them?

>> No.591639

Well only the newer ones are supposed to be crazy-fast. The first and third in particular aren't really that fast, and aren't really meant to be either.

>> No.591739

Check your detecting device faggot, it's not working.

>> No.592410

I have the same thoughts, even though I dont hate the games, pretty much after the first 2 levels it just turns into another, albeit pretty well designed, standard platformer

>> No.592419
