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File: 227 KB, 800x1134, 41424-dragon-warrior-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5893280 No.5893280 [Reply] [Original]

grinding: the game

>> No.5893454

Play a remake, it eliminates most of the grinding and picks the pace up considerably while also increasing enemy stats.

>> No.5893503

Menial activities like physical labor and grinding in rpgs are great for your mind as it allows your subconscious to work. That's the problem with you zoomer coomers always chasing the dopamine jew.

>> No.5893514

This, world building and time to construct that world and live in it is important.

>> No.5893528

wow look at this FF fag thinking you have to grind in DQ

>> No.5893538

>Get to new town
>Go to shop for new weapons & armor
>Can't afford them; need gold
>Like, a LOT more gold
Time to grind.

>> No.5893567

lol just get good

>> No.5893641

>The no rng manipulation any% run is literally 5 hours of grinding and nothing else.

>> No.5894258

Sucks to be bad at math, doesn't it?

>> No.5894393

Fewer than 10 hours long if you pick your fights wisely. Compare that to any FF.

>> No.5894394


>> No.5894402

The grind is relaxing, though. You do a bit of grinding followed by a bit of progress, that's the gameplay loop. It's pretty chill to get to a new town and start working towards the next upgrades for your character.

>> No.5894461

I don't usually like speedruns, but this one is great. It's the actualisation of all of those old rituals where you hold down an b and input a command in time with the music to get a critical hit.

>> No.5894523

grinding isn't inherently bad

>> No.5894543

It is when the whole game is about it.

>> No.5894552

But that isn't the case for Dragon Quest.

>> No.5894564


>> No.5894565

Having a hard time thinking of an example where it's good.

>> No.5895317

Says the Overlevel fag

>> No.5895319

/v/: the thread

>> No.5895441

Dragon Warrior 1&2 are pretty bleh. 3 was when the series started to get good.

yikes. cope. seethe. cringe. rent free. have sex. dilate.

>> No.5895456

I liked 1 and 2, but I've been having a hard time getting into 3. I don't really like having to manage so many party members.

>> No.5896256

>jr high me during summer in mid nineties
>setup Dragon Warrior on shit 13"crt I had for years
>setup broadcast TV on slightly larger shit crt I just got from grandparents
>grinded through that game while watching syndicated daytime TV for half the summer
Those old rpg's left a lot to the imagination, and the grinding that was part of the adventure definitely does not hold up today. And it wasn't just leveling up, it was searching for what the fuck to do next.
Still though, won't deny I have good memories from it.

>> No.5896261

/v/-tier thread.

>> No.5896348

You do have to admit the story and lore is the greatest.

>> No.5896359

/v/-tier board*

>> No.5896360

4 might be the best balance. You go the multiple party members but they're in set roles.

>> No.5896460

>x: the y

>> No.5896776


>> No.5896945

>world building
>unironic boomers

>> No.5897762

Choose name wisely. "Dragon" is good name, "Erdrick" is bad.

>> No.5897772

I really hate shit like this that can add hours to your grinding if you're playing without a guide. The only later Dragon Quest game I've played was 8, and that suffered a similar issue with the skill tree mechanic. You had no way of knowing which skills would unlock when you put points into them or which skills help late-game grinding, and there was no way to reset the skill points, so you could just end up adding hours of grinding if you built wrong.

>> No.5899948

'Jennifer' penalizes max MP and Agility, is that good or bad?

>> No.5900898

back to the box factory you work in boomer. those packages I order from amazon need to come in something.

>> No.5901048

Why would you name you big buff manly dragon slaying warrior Jennifer, you fruit basket.

>> No.5901063

Are you kidding me? I like retro games because they're mostly pick up and play, I'm not trying to waste my life doing autistic 200 hour grind quests to prestige or unlock every talent like most triple A games today require

>> No.5901102

This anon gets it. Beside for Zelda 2 this was the only game I had on the NES that had a saving feature. So of course I spent a lot of time on it, enough so it noticed different names give different starting stats without the internet's help. I love the game and the music alone bring a smile to my face. With that said though the first NES game was a grindy mess of a RPG assuming you know where to go, the game force you to search around and even have a useless cave here and there just to fuck with you. Assuming you are playing blind you really only need to "grind" enough to leave the castle area then rest of your grinding will be naturally done while exploring. Trying to search for the non-existing Erdrick's shield was the only thing preventing me from completing the game as a kid.

>> No.5901153

>Trying to search for the non-existing Erdrick's shield
I'm still mad about that shit. Can't tell you how many hours I wasted searching for that fucker, including actually using the "search" command on half the continent.

>> No.5901170

There are only four builds and two of them penalize strength. Either of the others are fine, but I think the one that penalizes HP is slightly better in the longrun.

>> No.5901281

This isn't even the grindiest game on the NES named Dragon Warrior.

>> No.5901414
File: 85 KB, 388x218, 6cde73bb6aff7f92f83afef4a81170a40fc34a72f2017902fcfc304ff812a0cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.5901532

If you aren't naming your DW char "Rufus" every time, you're doing it wrong

>> No.5901537

The original DW is very dear to me, but yeah, I gotta admit it hasn't held up well. I would play a version that removes some of the excess grinding like a hack or the SNES version.

>> No.5901556

Yup. Get this garbage off here.

>> No.5901570

He is refering to the sequel, I guess.

>> No.5901654

Not a fair comparison since DW 2 is a much longer game. In DW you spend more than 90% of the time grinding.

>> No.5903482

You're going to have to explain that reference, I'm afraid it went a wee bit over my head.

>> No.5903508

......Because it's my name?

>> No.5903525

>dude you just gotta explore! You'll get exp!
explore what? There's nothing in the game.

>> No.5903527

Literally too deep for you

>> No.5903529

No it’s fucking not. Why is it so difficult for you to post something worthwhile on this board, instead of just dragging threads down with your self-absorbed idiocy. You’re not cute, and you’re not a girl. Quit acting like one.

>> No.5904013

Literally the whole rhythm of DQ is to find a new town and grind to buy the equipment so you can reach another town and do the same thing.

If you're not following a guide, you should be a decent level by simply exploring and trying to figure out what to do, but you'll still need to grind a little regardless.

>> No.5904023

Come on man, we both know you’d pound his tight asshole if given the chance.

>> No.5904072

>If you're not following a guide, you should be a decent level by simply exploring and trying to figure out what to do,
It amazes me that people don't understand that most JRPGs leveling is balanced around expecting the player to explore a bit and get in to fights during the time of finding landmarks, chests, npcs, etc. I've played very few JRPGs where you flat out have to grind at segments.

>> No.5904093

>It amazes me that people don't understand that most JRPGs leveling is balanced around expecting the player to explore a bit and get in to fights during the time of finding landmarks, chests, npcs, etc. I've played very few JRPGs where you flat out have to grind at segments.

Confirmed for never having played DW.

>> No.5904094

I had to grind more for gold then XP in your average DW game, I leveled fine by just exploring around.

>> No.5904102

>playing on real hardware
>not beating it in 5 hours

>> No.5904103

Yeah, I am gonna call bullshit on that.

>> No.5904110

2 is underrated as fuck. Takashi Tokita said it was the major influence on FFIV. Without that game we ain't got shit, anons.

>> No.5904117

More like Johnny Fur(fag).

>> No.5904125


Source for that claim? Even if that is true, it doesn't change the fact that DQ2 is bad.

>> No.5904126

What else is there that youd rather do in this game? There aint but 20 or soitems in the fucker.

>> No.5904128

>empty cave just to fuck with you
>he's never played any elder scrolls game

>> No.5904131

its not

>> No.5904146

>Playing Dragon Quest II, I sensed that it was a game that you could actually come up with a scenario and staging and the creatives. You have a theatre style of acting within the game itself.


>> No.5904160
File: 211 KB, 1280x960, dw_np.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got Dragon Warrior for free with a "Nintendo Power" subscription.

showed the promo to my parents, they couldnt believe it, kept trying to find something in the fine print until they were just like "fuck it".

>> No.5904171

At the time with $50-80 games, a $20 magazine subscription and a free game to shut up the kids was an amazing deal and genuinely had no strings attached. Still have the cart.

>> No.5904176

My cousin got that deal but was too stupid to understand a game that wasn't straight action, so gave it to me. So I guess I got that deal.

>> No.5905541

Make that two.
I've played Dragon Warrior and while it is true that at first you need to grind for gold instead of exp, eventually you end up grinding for exp wherever you are in-game, and no amount of "exploring" (as if there was much to explore AT ALL) is going to stop the player from having to grind like a motherfucker.

>> No.5905568

This is where I'd post that old photo of like 200 Dragon Warrior carts all stacked together if I could find it.

>> No.5905601

If you mean the old ones, maybe the remakes of 3+ but definately not 1(the whole game) and 2(the bullshit ending).

>> No.5905679
File: 298 KB, 642x514, you're really angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5905778

Carts were massively overproduced because of the game's popularity in Japan, which is why they had to give them away.

>> No.5905797

You had to die once in a while in games back in the day. Wasn't it great to be a kid and not some perfectionist cuck?

>> No.5905840

Sounds plausible, but I'd stll like a sitation on that.

>> No.5905863

>the nigga that keeps asking for citations
Suck a fat cock, you're on 4chan, not in school, nigger.

>> No.5906272
File: 63 KB, 475x356, arthurinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just take what anyone says at face value? That's just silly.

>> No.5906420
File: 72 KB, 640x480, stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5906423

You're a legend, anon.

>> No.5906438

Weebs will bitch because they didn't keep the Toriyama, but I'll always love the US cover art.

>> No.5906487

that's closer to 300

>> No.5906535

The problem is that deaths in Dragon Quest can be somewhat predicted. So an experienced player will never die once, because he will know better than to cross a bridge if underleveled for what's coming. The truth is Dragon Quest 1 is not a good game, it only had sparks of creativity that would be fleshed out later. But taken as it is, in isolation, it's pretty bad.

>> No.5906676

hoarder alert. prolly sleeps on a pile of hamburgrer wrappers that he just cant let go of

>> No.5906695

It's a mega collection. Probably not as common now that retro prices are silly high.

>> No.5906705

You don't deserve one.

>> No.5906783

A mega collection? Just looks like a stack of shit to me. What is the point of this.

>> No.5906795

Nah you're full of shit mate. I'm an office worker and I like to do some physical labor from time to time because it helps clear my mind, but grinding in videogames is always absolutely mind numbing to me. You probably prefer to think otherwise because you're too lazy to get outside and would like to think that settling for less is like the real thing.